村上 敬宜 金崎 俊彦 福島 良博 田中 裕之 戸室 仁一 久保山 孝治 松栄 雅樹 伊藤 義雄 安藤 晴彦
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.75, no.749, pp.93-102, 2009-01-25 (Released:2017-06-09)
4 7

The fatigue failure analysis of SUS316L flexible hose of the hydrogen station which was demonstrated during EXPO 2005 in Nagoya was carried out. The fatigue fracture surface where hydrogen leakage was detected showed clear striations which revealed a unique evidence of hydrogen effect on the ratio of striation height and spacing. The number of striations observed on the leakage fracture surface was 270. Considering that the number of hydrogen supply to the fuel cell buses was 280, it can be concluded that the fatigue fracture process during the demonstration is completely controlled by microplasticity resulting ductile fracture contrary to the conventional concept expressed with a term of decohesion or hydrogen embrittlement. The striation data were used to make the fatigue crack growth rate equation which was applied to the life prediction and structural integrity assessment for a new hydrogen station. The fatigue crack growth data showed the evidence of a strong frequency effect of fatigue crack growth rate of SUS316L used in the hydrogen environment with 8 minutes hydrogen supply time at the hydrogen station.
村上 敬宜 遠藤 正浩
公益社団法人 日本材料学会
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.35, no.395, pp.911-917, 1986-08-15 (Released:2009-06-03)
28 63

The dependence of ΔKth on crack size and material properties under stress ratio R=-1 was studied on various materials and microstructures. The values of ΔKth for all the materials investigated were standardized with one geometrical and one material parameter.The geometrical parameter, √area, is the square root of the area which is occupied by projecting defects or cracks onto the plane normal to the maximum tensile stress. The relationship between ΔKth and √area is expressed as follows:ΔKth∝(√area)1/3 (a)The most relevant material parameter to standardize the data was the Vickers hardness, and the following relationship was obtained:ΔKth∝(HV+C) (b)The constant C in Eq. (b) reflects the difference of nonpropagation behavior of small cracks in soft and hard metals.By combining Eqs. (a) and (b), the following equations were derived for predicting ΔKth and the fatigue limit σω of cracked members.ΔKth=3.3×10-3(HV+120)(√area)1/3 (c)σω=1.43(HV+120)/(√area)1/6 (d)where the units are ΔKth: MPa·m1/2, σω: MPa, √area: μm and HV: (kgf/mm2). Equations (c) and (d) are applicable to a crack having √area approximately less than 1000μm.
梶川 隆 村上 敬子 小橋 真司 寺田 洋明 長田 好規 横山 宏道 竹本 俊二 友田 純
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.44, no.1, pp.45-50, 2012 (Released:2013-09-18)

症例は50歳代, 男性. 2010年2月ごろから出現した早朝の胸部圧迫感を主訴に来院した. 断層心エコー図検査と運動負荷心電図検査は正常であった. 冠攣縮性狭心症を疑いニトログリセリンを処方し, 胸痛時の舌下投与にて軽快を認めていたが, 数日後の夕方, 自宅で胸部圧迫感を訴えた直後に倒れて, 痙攣し, 心肺停止状態となった.妻が目撃し, ただちに胸骨圧迫を行い, 近所の住人に救急隊通報を依頼した. 約4分後に救急隊が到着し, その2分後と4分後に自動体外式除細動器(automated external defibrillator; AED)による電気的除細動が施行された. 自己心拍は再開し, 約30分後に搬送された. 来院時の意識状態は, JCSIII-300で, 自発呼吸は微弱であったため, 気管挿管と人工呼吸とを開始した. 12誘導心電図ではIII, aVFでST上昇と, QT延長とを認め, V5~6でST低下を認めた. 入院後, クレアチンキナーゼ(creatine kinase; CK)は正常域を推移した. 第3病日に人工呼吸器から離脱し, 意識は清明となった. 第10病日に行った冠動脈造影では左冠動脈seg.7に軽度の狭窄を認めたが, 左室造影では局所壁運動は正常に保たれていた. カルシウム拮抗薬を処方後, 胸痛の再発はなく, 第12病日に退院した. 神経学的後障害を残さず職場復帰した.福山地区では, 2008年度からの2年間で救急搬送人員数は35,784人で, このうち心肺停止状態が, 777人であった. 一般住民による心肺蘇生処置(cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CPR)は346人(44%)に行われ, 1カ月生存は5.2%であったが, CPR未施行における生存率は3.2%であった. 今後, 地域住民に対する心肺蘇生法とAEDの啓蒙普及活動が必要と考えられた.
村上 敬
文化交渉 : Journal of the Graduate School of East Asian Cultures : 東アジア文化研究科院生論集 (ISSN:21874395)
vol.5, pp.65-82, 2015-11-01

東アジアの言語と表象Research about Japanese paintings from after the mid-Edo period has recently been criticized as valuing Western culture over and above Chinese culture. At the root of the problem lies a dichotomy between Japan as being leader of Asia and the West in the two-dimensional world view of early modern Japan. Such criticism can be aimed at research about Maruyama Ōkyo, who was one of the most representative painters of Edo period Japan. In this paper I discuss Konoe Iehiro, who was a court noble with indirect ties to Ōkyo and who was also fond of the latest Chinese imports at that time. He imported the latest Chinese paintings from the Ryukyu islands, predating the arrival in Japan of Shen Quran. I elucidate the fact that Ōkyo was supported by Iehiro's salons that recognized the importance of replications of paintings by Sun Yi and others. Just prior to Ōkyo's birth, there was a revival of the Song and Yuan periods' painting style. As a result, Shen Quan came to Japan, creating the foundation upon which the shasei-ga of Ōkyo could be accepted by the art world of that time. In other words, an interest in and understanding of paintings from a variety of regions already existing in Kyoto in the middle of the Edo period does not readily fit within today's accepted framework of Japanese art history.
八尾 隆史 村上 敬
一般財団法人 日本消化器病学会
日本消化器病学会雑誌 (ISSN:04466586)
vol.112, no.4, pp.669-675, 2015-04-05 (Released:2015-04-05)

現在,大腸鋸歯状病変は過形成ポリープ(HP),鋸歯状腺腫(TSA),sessile serrated adenoma/polyp(SSA/P)に分類されている.TSAは明らかな腫瘍性異型を示す病変であるが,HPとSSA/Pは明らかな腫瘍とは判定できない病変である.SSA/PはHPと同様の細胞から構成されるが,HPではみられない不整な構造と不規則な核腫大をともなう.それぞれの診断基準は一応確立されているが,これらの中間的病変や種々の鋸歯状成分が混在した病変の本質の解明と臨床的に意義のある分類の確立が,今後の課題である.
橋村 真治 村上 敬宜
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.68, no.671, pp.2137-2144, 2002-07-25 (Released:2008-02-26)

The clamping force of a bolted joint is usually controlled by torque or angle at tightening. However the fatigue failure of bolted joints occures if the clamping force is loosened in service. Therefore the clamping force in service after tightening must be checked to avoid failure of bolted joints. In this study, a new method to detect the clamping force of bolted joints after tightening has been proposed, in which the clamping force is detected by pulling the protruding thread of the bolt through the nut on a bolted joint. The relationship between the pulling force and the displacement at the pulling point is measured to detect the apparent spring constant of the bolt. When the pulling force reaches the clamping force of bolted joint, the apparent spring constant varies markedly. Thus the clamping force of the bolted joint can be defined on the basis of the variation of the apparent spring onstant. The basic theory and the experimental verifications are presented.
村上 敬吾 笹沼 治雄 小山 次朗 小林 紀男 平山 光衛
陸水学雑誌 (ISSN:00215104)
vol.48, no.4, pp.295-306, 1987-10-30 (Released:2009-11-13)

This study deals with mechanism of water quality formation in rivers and lake waters in the drainage basin of Lake Chuzenji. Water samples were collected at 15 stations in 9 lakes, 14 in 7 rivers and 16 in springs or wells from April 1983 to November 1984 (Figs. 1 and 2). Chemical analyses of the main inorganic constituents dissolved in the water samples collected revealed that surface and underground waters in this region are generally low in dissolved chemical constituents, except for the hot springs on the northern shore of Yunoko (U-3), two springs along Yukawa (U-12, U-13) and Jigokugawa (U-11) (Fig. 4). Most waters belong to Ca·HCO3 type. The water quality of Yunoko is controlled by the qualities of the spring and hot spring waters on the shore of the lake. Jigokugawa (Hell River) has higher concentrations not only in main constituents but also in minor PO4-P and NO3-N than other waters in this region except for the hot spring water. The high concentrations of the main constituents seem to originate from dissolution of volcanic rocks. Table 6 shows that the water quality calculated theoretically from chemical loads which are brought into Lake Chuzenji through rivers and precipitation shows a good agreement with the measured water quality of the lake water except soluble silica. Soluble silica becomes insoluble due to the biological activity of diatom.
村上 敬宜 横山 ナンシー尚子 高井 健一
材料 (ISSN:05145163)
vol.50, no.10, pp.1068-1073, 2001-10-15
10 23

The mechanism for fatigue failure in extremely high cycle fatigue in the regime of <i>N</i>>10<sup>7</sup> is studied on a bearing steel, JIS SUJ2. Special focus was given to the fracture morphology in the vicinity of fracture origin (subsurface nonmetallic inclusion) of a heat treated bearing steel (Specimen QT). The particular morphology looks dark during optical microscopic observation. Specimens with short fatigue life of the order of <i>N<sub>f</sub></i>=10<sup>5</sup> did not have such a dark area, ODA (optically dark area). To investigate the influence of the hydrogen trapped by nonmetallic inclusions on fatigue properties, specimens heat treated in a vacuum followed by quenching and tempering (Specimen VQ) were prepared. Specimens VQ contained 0.07ppm hydrogen as compared to 0.80ppm hydrogen for conventional Specimens QT. Specimens VQ had a slightly smaller ODA than Specimens QT. Hydrogen was detected by a Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer around the inclusion at fracture origin of Specimens QT and Specimens VQ. Thus, it can be concluded that the formation of ODA is closely related to hydrogen trapped by nonmetallic inclusions. Estimations of fatigue limit by the √<i>area</i> parameter model based on the original size of inclusions for fatigue limit defined for 10<sup>7</sup> cycles are -10% unconservative. Considering the size of ODA into fatigue limit estimation, the √<i>area</i> parameter model can predict the mechanical fatigue threshold for small cracks without influence of hydrogen. The mechanism of duplex <i>S-N</i> curve is also discussed.
船隠 恵子 堀田 修次 濱岡 照隆 田阪 武志 立花 広志 村上 敬子 豊川 達也 佐藤 英治 友田 純
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.125, no.1, pp.29-33, 2013-04-01 (Released:2013-05-01)

Ulcerative proctitis (UP) is a prevalent condition associated with increased morbidity, and topical mesalazine (5-aminosalicylic acid [5-ASA]) is known to inhibit the inflammatory processes in UP. We successfully devised mesalazine suppositories, in which 250mg mesalazine was equally distributed and remained stable for at least 2 weeks. We evaluated the effect of using mesalazine suppositories twice a day (BID) on two UP patients. The results demonstrated that mesalazine suppositories were efficacious, well tolerated and safe for the long-term maintenance of UP remission.
金崎 俊彦 楢崎 千尋 峯 洋二 松岡 三郎 村上 敬宜
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.72, no.723, pp.1717-1724, 2006-11-25
11 17

The effect of hydrogen on fatigue crack growth behavior of four stainless steels has been investigated from the viewpoint of martensitic transformation. The crack growth rates in hydrogen-charged SUS304 and SUS316 were accelerated. The crack growth rate in hydrogen-charged SUS316L was slightly higher than uncharged SUS316L. However, the crack growth rate in SUS405 hardly changed in comparison with uncharged specimens. The matensitic transformation on fatigue fracture surface was detected by X-ray diffraction both in hydrogen-charged and uncharged specimens of SUS304, SUS316 and even in SUS316L. However, the fracture surface of SUS316L, in which the crack growth rate was increased slightly by hydrogen, showed less martensitic transformation than that of SUS304 or SUS316. It is presumed that martensitic transformation in the vicinty of fatigue crack tip contributed to the effect of hydrogen on crack growth rate. Fatigue tests of SUS304 and SUS316L, which were pre-strained at -70℃ to enhance a martensitic transformation, were carried out to study the influence of hydrogen and martensite on crack growth. Crack growth rate was remakably increased by hydroggen in not only pre-strained SUS304 but also in pre-strained SUS316L. The hydrogen content of pre-strained hydrogen-charged specimen was much higher than unstrained hydrogen-charged specimens due to the increase in martensite through which hydrogen diffuses much easier and faster than through austenite. The slip bands around crack tip in the hydrogen-charged specimens were less and more discrete than that in the uncharged specimens.
村上 敬宜 堤 一也 藤嶋 正博
日本機械学会論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.62, no.597, pp.1124-1131, 1996-05-25
15 19

In order to investigate the effect of surface roughness on the fatigue strength, fatigue tests for maraging steel which was subjected to aging treatment and was free of residual stress, were carried out. As an artificial surface roughness, extremely shallow periodical notches with notch radii P=0 and 200μm, and notch depths a=12, 22, 40 and 65μm were introduced. In addition to the effect of surface roughness, the effect of nonmetallic inclusions was also considered. The equivalent defect size (√(area<SUB>R</SUB>)) which controls the fatigue limit of specimen containing the surface roughness is defined by the function of depth and Pitch of the roughness. The lower bound of the fatigue limit for various levels of roughness can be predicted by substituting the equivalent maximum defect size (√(area<SUB>m</SUB>axt)) to the √(area) parameter model. The value of √(area<SUB>m</SUB>axt) can be evaluated by considering the interaction effect between the maximum inclusion size and roughness. The predicted values were examined by experiments and it is shown that the method of prediction is available for practical applications.