宮下 充正 松井 秀治 三浦 望慶 星川 保 亀井 貞次
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.18, no.1, pp.1-8, 1969-03-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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The purpose of this study is to conduct the examination of heart rate and speed variations with respect to the various interval trainings of swimming. One trained, one post-trained and one untrained swimmers were employed for this study. The experiment was conducted during the summer of 1968. The temperature of atomosphere varied from 30°C to 33°C and that of water from 27°C to 29°C.The data of heart rate were obtained from the record of ECG. Two electrodes or ECG consisting of silver cups of 10mm in diameter were attached to the skin over sternum. In order to avoid mechanical and electrical disturbances, the electrodes were tightly fixed through the following procedures;1) The electrodes were pasted on cleaned skin with ECG jelly.2) The adhesive plaster was placed over the electrodes.3) The adhesive plaster was coated with wax.The wire of 20 meters was used to connect the electrodes and the recorder. On trial of interval training was consisted of two phases; 1) The active phase....To swim 50 meters according to his swimming ability. 2) The rest phase...To take a 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, 45 or 60 seconds interval between each 50 meters swimming. Each trial of training was repeated ten times.Results are as follows;1) The longer the rest period is, the higher the swimming speed is.2) All swimmers swim 50 meters at 60-80% of their maximum speed and the percent of the trained is higher than that of the untrained.3) Maximum heart rates of the trained, the post-trained and the untrained during tenth swimming are 188, 180 and 173 respectively, which are the same in every trial.4) Decreasing rates of heart rate during the rest period are 10 under in 5-10 seconds interval, 15-25 in 20-30 seconds interval and 20-50 in 45-60 seconds interval,
合屋 十四秋 天野 義裕 星川 保 松井 秀治
デサントスポーツ科学 (ISSN:02855739)
vol.14, pp.151-168, 1993-06-10

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the similarity and differential of the characteristics and selected sport performances (running, throwing and swimming) in monozygous (MZ) and dizygous (DZ) twins, furthermore a significance of the heritability and trainability in determining the individual variation of those parameters by means of longitudinal design. In this study, each one pair of female MZ and DZ twins employed as subjects measured for 7 to 9 years successively. Comparison of the differences between MZ and DZ twins were made by intrapair difference computed through the following equation '. { | A-B | } / {(A + B) /2} * 100 =Intrapair difference : ID (%) Anthropometric parameters were little differnces between MZ and DZ twins in the series of the growth and development respectively (ID= 0.1~3.5% for MZ, 1.2~6.5% for DZ). However, girth and weight parameters indicated from 2.4% to 12.9% for MZ, from 0.5% to 21.7% for DZ respectively. The percentage of ID for PWC 170 and PWC 170 /wt in D02 increased from 30.6% to 76.6%, from 42.2% to 84.1% at the age from 15 to 16 respectively. This findings may be considered that aerobic power might be relied on not only the genetic factor but also the difference of the usual physical activities. As evaluate the magnitudes of the influence of phylogenetic and ontogenetic types, kinematic variables in running were related with genetic factors based on the discussion of intrapair difference and motor patterns between MZ and DZ twins by longitudinal viewpoint. However, motor patterns and kinematic variables in throwing and swimming performances seemed to be influenced by a total amount of individual activities and experiences, especially by learning and training, Because of the values of performances in swimming could be improved the time as the extra exercise was provided. In addition, overhand throwing patterns for both twins could not be developed without extra training.本研究では,7~9年間継続的に測定を行ってきた,一卵性双生児女子(MZ)および二卵性双生児女子(DZ)の,それぞれ各一組ずつを事例として,個々の発育発達の経過や特徴を身体特性,機能および各種動作様式の変容を中心に,縦断的に検討した.その結果,走動作パターンの変化は,双方ともに2児間ではほぼ類似したパターンであり,追跡対象組の走動作様式は,急激なからだの変化がない限り,大きな変化はみられないようである.走動作は身体特性や機能との関連が強いが,全身持久性能力は,発育発達の完成以降の働きかけ如何によって変わる可能性が示唆された.また,投動作では,MZでは投運動の主動作に先立つ脚,腰の準備動作がほとんどみられす, DZでは最終段階での特徴的な主動作でもある腰や肩のひねり,投方向へのステップが,ごくわすかにみられた程度であった.投動作パターンは,双方とも測定最終年齢の段階ではさほど改善されていないように思われた.一方,泳動作では,特別な働きかけがなされた時のみにパフォーマンスが向上し,泳ぎのかたちの変容は,年齢にともなって必ずしもよくなるとは限らないことが明らかになった.すなわち,水泳運動は個々の学習経験量によって,出来ばえが左右されることが示唆された.