大川 勉 上西 司 平林 秀一 鈴木 亮 三井 浩康 小泉 寿男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.129, no.9, pp.1747-1758, 2009-09-01 (Released:2009-09-01)

The business in the enterprise is closely related with the information system to such an extent that the business activities are difficult without the information system. The system design technique that considers the business process well, and that enables a quick system development is requested. In addition, the demand for the development cost is also severe than before. To cope with the current situation, the modeling technology named BPM(Business Process Management/Modeling)is drawing attention and becoming important as a key technology. BPM is a technology to model business activities as business processes and visualize them to improve the business efficiency. However, a general methodology to develop the information system using the analysis result of BPM doesn't exist, and a few development cases are reported. This paper proposes an information system development method combining business process modeling with executable modeling. In this paper we describe a guideline to support consistency of development and development efficiency and the framework enabling to develop the information system from model. We have prototyped the information system with the proposed method and our experience has shown that the methodology is valuable.
町田 竜也 松岡 陽 小林 秀一郎 尾関 全 石坂 和博 岡 輝明
泌尿器科紀要 (ISSN:00181994)
vol.49, no.5, pp.257-259, 2003-05

33歳男.会陰部腫瘤,歩行困難を主訴とした.4年前よりの会陰部腫瘤が徐々に増大し,歩行困難と坐位圧迫での疼痛をきたした.会陰部中央に小児頭大の腫瘍を認め,骨盤部MRIで壁の薄い嚢胞状腫瘤を認めた.内部は均一で,T1強調像にて低信号,T2強調像にて高信号を示し,液体成分と考えられた.骨盤内への浸潤や尿道,直腸との交通はなかった.会陰部の嚢胞状腫瘍の診断で腰痛麻酔下に腫瘍摘出術を施行した.嚢腫は球尿道海綿体筋を挟んで尿道とは離れていた.浸潤所見はなく完全摘除され,術後1年経過で再発も認めない.病理組織学的所見では内面は角化重層扁平上皮で覆われ,内腔に角化物質を多量に含んでいた.皮膚付属器や皮膚以外の組織は認められず,悪性所見も認められなかったためepidermal cystと診断された.会陰部のepidermal cystは稀で,自験例を含め本邦では6例の報告があるのみであった