大川 勉 上西 司 平林 秀一 鈴木 亮 三井 浩康 小泉 寿男
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.129, no.9, pp.1747-1758, 2009-09-01 (Released:2009-09-01)

The business in the enterprise is closely related with the information system to such an extent that the business activities are difficult without the information system. The system design technique that considers the business process well, and that enables a quick system development is requested. In addition, the demand for the development cost is also severe than before. To cope with the current situation, the modeling technology named BPM(Business Process Management/Modeling)is drawing attention and becoming important as a key technology. BPM is a technology to model business activities as business processes and visualize them to improve the business efficiency. However, a general methodology to develop the information system using the analysis result of BPM doesn't exist, and a few development cases are reported. This paper proposes an information system development method combining business process modeling with executable modeling. In this paper we describe a guideline to support consistency of development and development efficiency and the framework enabling to develop the information system from model. We have prototyped the information system with the proposed method and our experience has shown that the methodology is valuable.
小泉 寿男 井上 雅裕 大江 信宏 秋山 康智 市村 洋 清尾 克彦
公益社団法人 日本工学教育協会
工学教育 (ISSN:13412167)
vol.66, no.1, pp.1_46-1_53, 2018 (Released:2018-02-04)

Application fields of IoT systems are expanding and becoming infrastructure of information society. Therefore, development of human resources to build the IoT system and to develop the application system, and also to take advantage of the application system is expected. For human resource development, it is important to build a prototype system to deepen the understanding of IoT. In this paper, we propose a prototype construction method that can be constructed by students of engineering, agricultural, and literary departments in addition to the department of information system. Furthermore, we propose to realize the IoT education curriculum in each department by using this construction method.
片岡 信弘 小泉 寿男 高崎 欣也 白鳥 則郎
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.39, no.2, pp.466-479, 1998-02-15

企業の情報システムは,受注から出荷までのサイクルタイム短縮を目指し,統合パッケージを利用してシステム構築を行う動きが広がってきている.このような統合パッケージを利用したシステムを構築には,統合パッケージの持つ機能の理解,これをどのように業務に適用していくかをプロトタイピングにより,利用者,開発者の間で合意を得ていくJAD (Joint Application Design)が重要な役割を果たす,JADにおいては,仕様決定のキーマンが参加することが必要であるが,これらの人は必ずしも同一場所にいるとは限らないため遠隔地とJADを行う必要が多々発生する.したがってこのような協調作業は,CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)の一形態として捉えることが可能である.CSCWには,それぞれの対象作業に応じて,その協調作業の支援プロセスも異なってくる.本論文では,統合パッケージを利用した企業情報システム開発プロセスのモデルの提案と,仕様決定を支援するCSCWの方式について提案を行う.このモデルでは,開発作業をいくつかのステージに分け,このステージごとに遠隔地に存在するメンバーとともにJADを行う方式である.また,この方式を実際の開発に適用して評価した結果その有効性を確かめることができた.Environment of many companies has been more more strictly.To corresponded this environment many companies has began to use integrated package software for their cooperate information management systems.In this case it is important to make consensus between user and developer about functions of package and applications to apply packages.It is also important to use proto-type by package software and JAD(Joint Application Design)for specification making.User and developer some times resident in separate locate,this JAD is one kind of CSCW(Computer Supported Cooperative Work)which support specification making among the peoples who resident in separate location.We propose development process of enterprise information management system that use integrated package software and remote JAD(Joint Application Design)model that support specification making.The proposed method was evaluated in development a actual system,where its effectiveness was confirmed.We share windows of application systems between remote site and there is no incompatibility for using remote JAD.
南角 茂樹 川上 博行 小泉 寿男 福田 晃
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. C
vol.133, no.11, pp.2053-2061, 2013

For embedded systems, concurrency is required to respond to various changes in real world. Real-time processing is required also, because the response typically has a time limit. The concurrency is implemented by processing Tasks or Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) concurrently. And the necessity of mutual exclusion arises in concurrent processing, to maintain integrity of shared data. Task execution is scheduled by Real-time OS (RTOS), and mutual exclusion is serviced by semaphore. However approximately 30% of embedded systems do not use RTOS. These systems have no notion of Tasks, and are purely driven by ISRs. As the sole mutual exclusion method between ISRs, a pair of interrupt disable/enable instructions provided by CPU is used in these systems. This method enables a lower priority ISR to protect its critical section from higher priority ISRs, but it also defers execution of unrelated ISRs as it disables all external interrupts. We have resolved this timing issue with an ISR-callable semaphore, but that design was not priority inversion safe. Namely a middle priority ISR may indirectly block a higher priority ISR if this higher priority ISR waits for a semaphore from a lower priority ISR, because the lower priority ISR can be preempted by the middle priority ISR. Priority inheritance is an effective protection method against this priority inversion problem, and it is expected to improve real-time performance of OS-less embedded systems. This paper proposes an ISR-callable priority inheritance semaphore which protects ISRs from priority inversion using hardware interrupt mechanism.
名井 康人 大鶴 祥介 宮本 照雄 米田 俊之 大重 豊実 西野 功 鈴木 文雄 田中 正明 友田 利正 奥田 滝夫 小泉 寿男
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.18, no.80, pp.79-84, 1994-12-16

鶴見知生 小澤 陽平 岡本 鉄兵 小泉寿男
情報処理学会研究報告ソフトウェア工学(SE) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2005, no.29, pp.97-104, 2005-03-18

主としてリアルタイムソフトウェアの機能量測定法としてCOSMIC-FFPが近年ISOにおいて規格化された。しかしながら、測定法の原理/原則は述べられているが、ソフトウェア工学手法と連携していないため、メトリックスの原単位として採用する場合に致命的な測定者によるバラツキが避けられない。また、要求仕様の変更は機能量にも影響を与えるため、機能量はプロジェクト開始時だけではなく、開発プロセスのマイルストーンで継続的に測定することが必要となる。このためには測定手法が開発手法とリンクしていないと測定のためのプロセスが発生することになり、継続的な測定が難しくなる。本論文はこれらの問題を解消し、機能量を原単位とするメトリックス管理を可能にするために、UMLのいくつかのダイアグラムを利用した機能量測定と連携したオブジェクト指向アプローチの要件分析手法を提案するものである。In recent years, a method of FSM (stands for Functional Size Measurement) methods named COSMIC-FFP has been standardized in ISO for measurement of functional size, mainly of a real-time software. The definition, principles and rules of terms are stated in the method, but those are not associated with any software engineering method. Hence, there is no way to avoid scattering of measured value by measurers, and this will result in the fact that it is unavailable to apply this method for the software metrics.In addition, the measurement of functional size should be performed not only once at the beginning of the project, but also at many times whenever a functional user requirement is changed. Therefore, if not associated with any software engineering method, the measurement of the functional size of the software to be developed imposes an additional work on developers, which makes it difficult to measure the functional size continuously in the progress of project.
片岡 信弘 小泉 寿男 高崎 欣也
情報処理学会研究報告マルチメディア通信と分散処理(DPS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1997, no.35, pp.87-92, 1997-04-24

協調作業をコンピュータにより支援するCSCW (omputer Supported Cooperative Wor)に関する研究が多数されているが、会議、討議等一般的なテーマについての研究であり、システム開発の仕様決定に関するものは見あたらない。この論文では、統合パッケージソフトウェアを利用した開発の手順と、その中での仕様決定プロセスを支援する遠隔JAD(oint Application Desig)の方式について提案を行う。また、この方式を実際のシステム開発での仕様決定に適用して評価した結果その有効性を確かめることができた。パッケージソフトを利用したシステム開発において、画面を共有しての遠隔JAD、仕様決定プロセスのモデル化により今後このような作業の効率化が期待できる。Computer Supported Cooperative Work(CSCW) use computer and networks to support cooperation between personal. There are many reports of research for CSCW but there are no reports for specification making for system development. We propose process for system development that use integrated package software and remote JAD(Joint Application Design) which support specification making. The proposed method was evaluated in specification making for material management system, where its effectiveness was confirmed. We share windows of application systems between remote side and there no incompatibility for using remote JAD.