河村 剛史 柴田 仁太郎 和田 寿郎
公益財団法人 日本心臓財団
心臓 (ISSN:05864488)
vol.16, no.10, pp.1001-1008, 1984-10-15 (Released:2013-05-24)

河村 剛史 柴田 仁太郎 和田 寿郎
Japanese Heart Rhythm Society
心電図 (ISSN:02851660)
vol.4, no.6, pp.675-682, 1984-11-01 (Released:2010-09-09)

Rosenbaumらの左脚後枝ブロックの心電図診断基準が, 左脚後枝ブロック単独のものか, あるいは右脚本幹ブロックを合併したものかを明確にするために, カニクイザル8頭を用いて, 実験的に左脚後枝群障害, 次いで右脚本幹障害を作成し, 心表面マッピング, ベクトル心電図を用いて検討を加えた。早期興奮部位であった左室後面が左脚後枝障害にて最終興奮部位に変わり, この部位に一致して最大QRSベクトルは左後下方に偏位した。右脚本幹障害が加わると, 最終興奮部位は右室房室間溝側に変わり, 最大QRSベクトルは著明な右軸偏位を示した。従って, Rosenbaumらの左脚後枝ブロックの診断基準は, 右脚本幹ブロックを合併した場合の基準であり, 左脚後枝ブロック単独では右軸偏位は示さず, むしろ後方偏位を示した。
山口 喬弘 荒船 龍彦 佐久間 一郎 大内 克洋 柴田 仁太郎 本荘 晴朗 神谷 香一郎 児玉 逸雄
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.43-49, 2005

In heart failure, QT interval and action potential duration (APD) is prolonged and <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub>, a slow component of delayed rectifier potassium current, decreases. We have reported that the KCNE1 gene, coding <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel, increases and QT interval is prolonged in patients with heart failure. Since it is known that increasing KCNE1 increases the maximum conductance of the <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel, the mechanism of APD prolongation is not explained by the over expression of KCNE1. In this study, we construct a cardiac membrane action potential simulation model based on the experimental data from oocytes expression to investigate the relationship between the increase of KCNE1 and APD. In the experiment of oocyte expression, 1 ng and 5 ng of KCNE1 were co-injected with 5 ng of KCNQ1. Expressed currents were recorded 1-2 days after injection by the double-microelectrode voltage clamp method at 35 degrees centigrade. Maximum <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> conductance and relationships between time constants, maximum activation parameter and membrane potential were obtained from fitting functions describing <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel properties in the Luo-Rudy model to experimental results with the Nelder-Mead simplex method. In simulations, APD was prolonged by increasing the co-injected amount of KCNE1. APD at 5 ng KCNE1 was 183 ms, which is 3.4% longer than that at 1 ng KCNE1 (APD=177 ms). This study shows that increasing the KCNE1 expression level makes maximum <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> conductance increase and <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> channel open slowly and <i>I</i><sub>Ks</sub> conductance decrease according to the APD time scale. Therefore increasing the KCNE1 expression level may prolong APD with this mechanism. This method of constructing a simulation model based on experiments helps to explain the relationship between KCNE1 expression ratio and QT interval prolongation.