小林 信彦 Nobuhiko KOBAYASHI 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学総合研究所紀要 (ISSN:1346048X)
vol.27, no.1, pp.169-189, 2001-07

As it is difficult for people in trouble to make preparations for attaining buddhahood, a specialist buddha called Baisajyaguru appears. He removes obstacles such as desease or poverty in order to help people prepare for becoming buddhas. In China he is called Yao-shih and his activities are limited to medical help. He is the ultimate phisysian with supernatural power. Dreaming of eternal life, the Chinese expect him to langthen life. This idea of Yao-shih was brought to Japan in Nara Period and priests chanted the Yao-shih-ching when emperors were in critical condition. On the other hand, the Japanese who were not interested in becoming buddhas paid no attention to his primary function to help people become buddhas.
小林 信彦 Nobuhiko KOBAYASHI 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.20, pp.55-79, 2000-12

In Japan there are many mountains on which images of Yakusi 藥師 are found. Bhaisajyaguru, the Indian counterpart of Yakusi, however, has nothing to do with mountains, which are favourate places of Japanese kamis 神. Yakusi has been worshipped by the Japanese as one of kamis, as is suggested by a verse in the Bussokusekika 佛足石歌.
山川 偉也 Hideya YAMAKAWA 桃山学院大学文学部
国際文化論集 (ISSN:09170219)
no.21, pp.269-292, 2000-03

Investigating into the reality Parmenides the Eleatic philosopher drew a clear line between δοξα (belief) and αληθεια (truth) in his Πε〓ιψυσεω〓 (On the Nature). The fact immediately reminds us the distinction between samvrtisatya (conventional truth) and paramarthatya (absolute truth) which advocated and developed by Nagarjuna the founder of Madyamika (the Middle-Way School) philosophy. The similarity of their Denkmotiv suggests a significant parallelism between two great philosophers' Denkformen about the reality and time.
桂 昭政 Akimasa Katsura 桃山学院大学経済学部
vol.52, no.4, pp.79-104, 2011-03-30

SNA's bank output measurement depends on interest margin, i.e. the difference between lending interest and deposit interest. But interest margin does not correspond to the market transaction. Therefore SNA exercises bank output measurement through imputation that assume marketable bank output. By employing imputation, SNA's bank output measurement method has continually changed. For example, 53SNA estimated bank output through imputed interest, 68SNA estimated it through imputed bank service, 93SNA estimated it through FISIM. I think that confusion in SNA bank output measurement is due to the consideration that regards bank output value as interest margin based on financial intermediation function. So I think that it is important to consider bank fundamental function theoretically and bank marketable output. Recently I examined the former, i.e. bank fundamental function theoretically through my university paper (ST. ANDREW'S UNIVERSITY ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW) and concluded that bank fundamental function is not financial intermediation but credit creation that is the lending that provides borrower to guarantee the payment through the checking account and that it is mistake for SNA to regard bank output as interest margin based on financial intermediation. In this paper I examined the latter, i.e. what is bank's marketable output. This examination makes up the defect of my former paper. Bank industry or generally industry itself produces output, i.e. goods and services through the combination of labor and capital or asset, therefore bank output does not correspond to interest but to goods and services. Because bank provides borrower to guarantee the payment through checking account, it is able to understand that bank sells the service to guarantee the payment to the borrower. After above examination, I concluded that bank output is receipt for the lending service that provides the borrower to guarantee the payment through the checking account.
片平 幸 Miyuki Katahira 桃山学院大学国際教養学部
no.41, pp.105-131, 2009-12-22

This essay examines how gardens of Japan were perceived by Western authors in the 19th century, by analyzing the writings of Edward S. Morse (1838_1925), John La Farge (1835_1910), Basil H. Chamberlain (1850_1935), and Lafcadio Hearn (1850_1904), who also played an important role in introducing Japanese culture to Western readers. Japanese gardens had already been introduced by Josiah Conder, an English architect and the author of Landscape Gardening in Japan (1893). Conder methodically explained the history, composition, and ornaments of Japanese gardens as well as introducing some well known gardens in Japan. The essay will compare and analyze how the four authors described Japanese gardens, and also the impact of Conder's writing on them. Morse, a zoologist, described how stones were precisely placed in order to compose a whole garden, and interpreted such features as reflecting the "reserve and sense of propriety" of Japanese people, based on his observation. La Farge, an artist who initiated Japonisme in the United States, visited Nikko with Okakura Tenshin (1862_1913) and Ernest Fenollosa (1853_1908) and described how a garden is drawn from nature and expresses "the ideas of peace and chastity, quiet old age, connubial happiness, and the sweetness of solitude".Chamberlain, a linguist, and Hearn, known for his numerous and influential writings on Japan, each refers to Conder's book, yet there is a stark contrast in the way they described and interpreted Japanese gardens. In Things Japanese, Chamberlain summarized the principal points of Conder's writing and presented a brief digest of Japanese gardens in a rather indifferent manner. Hearn also extracted some essential points from Conder's writing, yet he beautifully described the garden of his house in Matsue, and emphasized that how to "feel" is a key to understanding Japanese gardens. Reflecting the influence of Spencer's ideas, Hearn argued that to appreciate Japanese gardens requires one to understand Japanese people's innate sensibility.
松永 俊男 Toshio Matsunaga 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.40, pp.1-29, 2004-02-20

In the Church of Scotland of the 1830s, there was the dissension between the Moderates and the Evangelicals. The Moderates accepted the right of wealthy landowners to appoint ministers to local churches. The Evangelicals were strict Calvinists and insisted on the right of congregations to elect their own ministers. Finally in 1843, the Evangelicals, led by Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847), left the established church and formed the Free Church of Scotland. Chalmers was also famous for his knowledge of science. Some prominent scientists were the Evangelicals as well. David Brewster (1781-1868) was famous for his optical research. John Fleming (1785-1857) was the representative naturalist of Scotland. Hugh Miller (1802-1856) was the most popular writer on geology. In this article, we examine their scientific writings and conclude that their scientific studies were based on their evangelical faith.
日下 隆平 Ryuhei Kusaka 桃山学院大学文学部
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-14, 2003-07-15

In recent years, there has been a growing inclination to re-examine the nineteenth-century Celtic Revival in colonial England. The goal of this study is to discuss the meaning of Celtic Revival through the work of William Butler Yeats. He was a distinguished figure of this movement and a descendant of Anglo-Irish family. He felt the necessity to reconcile the Protestant Ascendancy and the Irish Catholic tradition in his mind. Yeats wrote a famous essay in which he expressed his response to On the Studies of Celtic Literature by Matthew Arnold. Arnold’s writing was important to Yeats because he mystified the Celtic character and introduced the Celtic idea as a differentiating fact between Ireland and England. Arnold attempted to bring about ‘healing measure’ by blending the delicacy and spirituality of the Celtic peoples with ‘Philistinism’of British middle-class. The mystification of the Celt becomes, in effect, the romanticizing of the Irish Catholic in Revivalists. Yeats tried to discover an aristocratic element within the Protestant Ascendancy and to associate this with the spiritual aristocracy of the Catholic and Celtic peasantry in his mind. In the first chapter, the Irish identity under colonialism will be examined. In the second chapter, Arnold’s Celtic essay will be discussed. He admitted the femininity and the spirituality of Irish Celt into the British character. In the last chapter, I will examine Yeats’s prose based on the Celtic material. He knew from O’Grady’s writing that there was the bardic tradition in Ireland. The bard (in Irish file or ollamh) was ‘highly trained in the use of a polished literary medium.’ The monks and even the abbot in the monastery are afraid of a wandering poet’s rhyme in ‘The Crucifixion of the Outcast.’ This is derived from the legend that people in the old Gaelic society were afraid of the satire of the file poet. Finally, his attempt to ennoble the Irish peasantry, as represented in the Irish folklore and legend, can be accounted for by the same logic that Arnold admitted the Celtic sensibility into the national character. This is, at the same time, true of his Ireland he invented in Celtic Revival.
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-38, 2005-06-15

In 18th century classic enlightenment thinkers construct the civil society based on private law. Kant is one of the most representative philosopher who developed the civil society theory. In Metaphysik der Siten(1797), he analized the bourgois family that is the main subject of private property. In family, man and woman are connected under marriage law. But both sexes do not have equal status. ‘He is the party of direct, she to obey’. Man as a householder dominates not only woman but also children, apprentice and employee. Recently feminist philosophers have criticized the conservative position of Kant because he is‘custodian of woman’or‘a narrow minded Bourgeois’. But in my view they overlook the relation between ethics and property right. On the one hand Kant formulates the universal freedom,equality and independence among personalities. On the other hand he recognizes the dependent status of woman, children, apprentice and employee. These are in contradiction. Kant strived to reconcile two but failed. I examine his inconsistent explanation. I come to the conclusion that he is so great because he investigated unintentionally the ultimate ground why universal ethics can not be completed in reality. I suggested that a dilemma will be resolved not in the realm of thought but of history.
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.28, no.3, pp.223-245, 2003-03-20

In this paper I examine T. Parsons’s theory of family. Especially I analyze his idea about sex role. He wrote it in his book titled ‘Family’ in 1956. This idea has been criticised by many feminist sociologists from the perspective of gender since 1980s. But in my opinion the criticism is not enogh because feminist sociologists do not explain the reason why sex role is built. According to Shinohara Saburou’s idea I use the theory of capitalism with the connection of the theory of surplus population. From his view women are inclind to be excluded from the labour market as housewife. This is the main reason why sex role is made in capitalist society. I make it clear that Parsons and his feminist critics did not theorize the basis of sex role because they neglect the reality of surplus population out of market or family. Then I emphasize the usefuleness of Parsons’s thory of micro-macro link. On the basis of the theory of surplus population of modern capitalism we can expand the possibility of Parsons’s sociology to the direction of transformation of nuclear family in societal level of society