野原 康弘 Yasuhiro Nohara 桃山学院大学経営学部
桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 = St. Andrew's University Journal of Christian Studies (ISSN:0286973X)
no.44, pp.1-42, 2009-02-20

In UK, the death of Elizabeth II automatically should place her son Charles, Prince of Wales, on the throne. There should be no difficulty at all as to who inherits the crown; no civil strife between her children, Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. In the past, however, this peaceful state of crowning was not common, on the contrary, coronations often led to bloodshed; the first in succession to the throne did not always manage to mount the throne. When King Edward the Confessor died childless in 1066, a question, who should succeed the throne, occurred naturally. Edgar, who was the grandson of King Edmund, was one, Norwegian-Danish King Harald was also one, and Guillaume, the Duke of Normandy was another. Nevertheless Harold, the son of Earl Godwin, took a drastic measure: he had two services on the same day; King Edward's burial and his own coronation, which was extremely unusual even at that time, and which eventually aggravated the matter. The above three people appealed Harold's coronation. Edgar, however, was regarded too small to succeed the throne. King Harald from Norway invaded the north of England and occupied York temporarily but was finally defeated by newly crowned King Harold at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. Guillaume with a stronger claim against Harold was different from the two. He was waiting for the good time for a battle with Harold. Guillaume was born in 1027 at Falaise in Normandy, France, as an illegitimate child of the sixth Duke Robert of Normandy. King Edward's mother, Emma, was from Normandy, and Guillaume and King Edward were relatives. Guillaume made an invasion at Pevensey with a great fleet of warships in 1066. As is well-known, he completely beat King Harold's army at the Battle of Hastings. Nevertheless, it was more than two months before he crowned himself as William the Conqueror, King of England. This summer, I visited cities and towns in Normandy which were related to Guillaume, and also drove along the south-eastern coast of England. This means that I tried to follow the steps of Guillaume's conquest of England.
日下 隆平 Ryuhei Kusaka 桃山学院大学文学部
英米評論 = ENGLISH REVIEW (ISSN:09170200)
no.17, pp.3-28, 2002-12-20

At the fin de siecle, the Celtic Revival was complex and multifaced movement, comprising a variety of approaches to the representation of Irish identity. In this paper, the influence of Matthew Arnold on the Celtic Revival will be mainly explored. He created a stereotyped image of the Celt as a “shy, sensitive and imaginative” race. The Irish people have greatly changed their image from what they used to be in the eighteenth century. The image of Irishman in England can be traced back to the age of Edmund Spenser and Jonathan Swift. Yahoo represents the savage people whom Jonathan Swift described in Gulliver's Travels (1726). The description of the Irishman as Yahoo was found in the cartoons and writings of the eighteenth century. Eiren, on the other hand, was a gloomy and beautiful woman, with long and dark hair. She was often drawn in the cartoons of the magazines at 1890s. The inclination for nostalgic representations of the Celt could be found in the figure of Eiren. In the first section, the discovery of the Celtic motif will be discussed in connection with the rise of Irish nationalism in the middle of the eighteenth century. The traditional Irish symbols such as the Celtic Cross, harp, and Irish wolfhound, will be referred in the poems and paintings. In the second section, I will deal with the image of the Irishman as Yahoo, in Gulliver's Travels and the cartoons of Punch. In the last section, the Celtic Revival and the transformation of the Irish image at the end of century will be discussed. The figure of Erin suggested Irish femininity itself. This figure of Erin cannot be separable from Arnold's opinion. As a critic points out, the Celt is a construct based on oppositions such as wild and tame, savage and civilized, or idealist and utilitarian. In this paper, an ambivalence in English attitude towards the Celt will be also explored.
高橋 ひとみ 衞藤 隆 Hitomi Takahashi Takashi Eto 桃山学院大学法学部 東京大学教育学研究科
桃山学院大学人間科学 = HUMAN SCIENCES REVIEW, St. Andrew's University (ISSN:09170227)
no.37, pp.35-61, 2009-10-20

In February 2009, we tested the far-vision visual acuity and near-vision visual acuity of school children at "A" elementary school, a municipal school. The purpose of the test was to examine whether the present far visual acuity test could also identify the children whose near visual acuity is bad. Based on the past study, we set the standard of near visual acuity at 0.8. We recommended that children whose near visual acuity was under0.8 see an ophthalmologist. There were many children whose far visual acuity was under 1.0, more than half of all children, especially in the upper grades. This result shows that there is concern with the control of children's eyesight after the test.On the other hand, more than ten percent of the children of each grade scored less than 0.8 in uncorrected vision. We found children who have trouble seeing near objects who are overlooked in the present far visual acuity test. We have to check children's near visual acuity in order to find children who have trouble with near visual acuity.
竹内 真澄 Masumi Takeuchi 桃山学院大学社会学部
vol.37, no.2, pp.103-120, 2004-02-01

In prewar and war period a few scholars developed their researches to criticize the policy of government. Tadao Yanaihara was one of the most excellent social scientist among them. He was at the position of Tokyo Imperial University from 1923 to 1937. In his class he teaches the plicy of colonialism. But he wanted to keep the transcendental values of Christianity which was inherited from Kanzo Uchimura. Because of his spiritual attitude, he inevitably had to accept the hard task. I analyzed some aspects of his spiritual moments which helped reconstrucuring of his theory. I also appointed that his skilful efforts to use the same word with two meanings of the state. The dominant class, based on the deception, can not stop giving the opportunity for taking advantage of ambivalent wording. As the result, he could keep his critical position as long as he succeeded to escape from political oppression.
出原 博明 Hiroaki DEHARA 桃山学院大学文学部
桃山学院大学人間科学 (ISSN:09170227)
no.22, pp.31-55, 2001-12

Detachment is particular to Kyoshi's attitude in telling stories. He hardly ever reveals himself. However, this short story has one scene in which he reveals himself. The scene is that of the red camellias. The story is a love story of 75 year old Kyoshi, the narrator, and 21 year old Eiko. At its early stage the story presents the scene of Kyoshi sitting in the garden of his house, watching the red camelliias in full bloom there. Those red flowers begin to dance in the air around him. He feels as if he were surrounded by young women and loses himself in ecstasy. Suggesting something very erotic, this scene could be evidence of 75 year old Kyoshi still keeping the fire of eros burning in him. He falls in love with Eiko when she calls on him for the first time with one of his disciples. Then he takes up a positive attitude. He produces a number of haiku suggestive of his love for her. He even gives the doll named Tsubakiko to her as a present. Let me compare this story with Yasunari Kawabata's novella The Sound of the Mountain, whose theme is also an old man's love for a young woman. Both stories are set in Kamakura, a few years after the end of World War II. Both Kyoshi and Kawabata were citizens of Kamakura. In Kawabata's story, 62 year old Shingo, the narrator, is shocked to discover a truth by means of thorough psychoanalysis of a very strange dream he had. The truth he digs out is that there are eros and sexual desire latent at the bottom of his love for 20 year old Kikuko, his daughter-in-law. He suffers a lot from this morally. He examines himself minutely in view of his conscience, which Kyoshi never does. Shingo is baffled and feels uneasy about his date with Kikuko. He has qualms of conscience, which Kyoshi would never have in the same situation. Kyoshi has a lot more nerve. He is beyond the weakness and susceptibility of the modern Japanese intelligentsia which Shingo represents. Kyoshi is bolder, stronger-minded, primitivistic, rooted in Nature itself, little influenced by modern Western thought. Kyoshi prefers the red camellia above all, which is symbolic of vitality, the fire of life, something primitive. A hundred haiku of his take the red camellia for their motif. In this story Eiko also makes a haiku: "I fear the naked tree among the cherry blossoms at night." The naked tree seems to symbolize something erotic, which attracts and at the same time scares Eiko, a virgin. She doubtless senses Kyoshi's erotic feelings for her. The things I point out above reveal Kyoshi's character. Kyoshi is quite different from Shingo who is a typical modern Japanese intellectual. He is a sort of sphinx in modern Japan. (With his strong will to live, Kyoshi took care of himself and sustained his reputation as one of the greatest haiku-poets until he died at the age of 85, while Kawabata, Nobel prize winner, committed suicide at the age of 73.)
荒木 英一 Eiichi Araki 桃山学院大学経済学部
vol.35, no.1, pp.33-46, 2009-07-20

Through the special collaborative research projects (02-R-154, 05-R-181, 08-R-199) funded by Momoyama Gakuin University Research Institute, a considerably wide-ranging business survey has been ongoing since the second quarter of 2004 with the cooperation of the Sakai City Industial Promotion Center. In this article a brief outline of our activities from April 2005 to March 2008 is given fist, and the result of an econometric analysis based on our survey data is discussed. It was discovered that the movements of some diffusion indices of our local regional economy (the south Osaka area) are significantly different from those of some similar indices in "Tankan", the single largest national business survey in Japan conducted by BOJ. The gap between the local and the national indices is widening, which implies that the local companies are becoming increasingly more pessimistic than the government's official statistics suggest. This discovery shows the significance of our unique business survey and the necessity of inquiring into the economic background to the gap.
松本 眞一 Shinichi Matsumoto 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.51-74, 2006-02

This study aims to research on child welfare in Canada in two aspects: 1)child welfare in general including the administrative system, as well as child welfare programs and services: 2)the definition of abuse, and the current situation of child abuse and protection in Canada. The study finds that child welfare in Canadian history has been slowly but ceaselessly improved to some extent. The department of social services, or its equivalent, in each province/territory is responsible for the design and delivery of child welfare services under the administrative system of decentralizing the services to communities. The departments are situated within the provincial ministry that deals with social services or health, or in some jurisdictions, children and families. The decentralization of child welfare services has led some jurisdictions to establish community based, non-profit agencies as the primary delivery mode for child welfare and adoption services. These agencies operate under boards of directors according to the administrative statutes and regulations in provincial legislation that pertain to child welfare, public administration or adoption. In each jurisdiction, a wide variety of child and family programs and services are provided. Child welfare programs and services in Canada are divided roughly into four fields: 1)Programs related to family formation, 2)Alternative child care programs, 3)Youth programs, and 4)Family support and child protection programs. Furthermore, 1)Programs related to family formation include (1) adoption services and (2) family mediation services. 2)Alternative child care programs contain (1) home child care, (2) centre-based child care, (3) care by a non-relative in the child's home, and (4) non-market care. 3)Youth programs consist of (1) national stay-in-school initiative, (2) national youth in care network, (3) big brothers/big sisters, and (4) programs for young offenders. And finally, 4)Family support and child protection programs imply (1) strengthening families program, (2) parental support program,(3) parenting skills program, (4) prevention programs, (5) assessment, (6) counseling, (7) day programs, (8) voluntary services, (9) foster care, and so on.