松尾 匡敏 首藤 宏幸 東 幹夫 近藤 寛 玉置 昭夫
日本ベントス学会誌 (ISSN:1345112X)
vol.62, pp.17-33, 2007-07-25 (Released:2010-02-05)
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In April, 1997, construction of a dike in the inner part of Ariake Sound to close off the innermost area of Isahaya Bay was completed. In June of both 1991 and 2002, benthic surveys were conducted using a Smith-McIntyre grab sampler at 88 stations over the entire sublittoral area of Ariake Sound. The structure of the gammaridean amphipod assemblage was compared between 1997 and 2002 with regard to any change in grain-size composition of the substrates and dissolved oxygen concentration of the bottom waters. No noticeable changes were observed in the distribution of the median particle diameter and silt-clay content, nor in the spatial arrangement of the sediment types of the substrates. Hypoxic water masses were observed in the bottom waters in 1997 in and around Isahaya Bay and in the southern part of Ariake Sound. Other studies also recorded hypoxic water masses in the former area in 1999 and 2001. For the amphipod assemblage, a total of 12, 434 individuals of 94 species belonging to 24 families was collected in 1997; the most dominant species was Photis longicaudata (family Isaeidae). In 2002, those values had changed to 37, 649 individuals, 89 species, and 27 families, with the most dominant species being Corophium sp. A (family Corophiidae). In both years, the amphipod assemblage was dominated by six families, including Isaeidae, Ampeliscidae, Corophiidae, Priscomilitaridae, Melitidae, and Aoridae, although the dominance order changed partially. The amphipod assemblage in both years inclusive was divided into eight groups using group-averaged clustering and non-metric multidimensional scaling. The group with the highest number of stations occupied the largest bottom area, composed of poorly-sorted medium to coarse sand along the longitudinal axis of Ariake Sound; the number of stations in this group increased from 41 in 1997 to 57 in 2002. Increase in individual density and expansion of distribution range of seven species of the superfamily Corophioidea (Corophiidae, Isaeidae, Priscomilitaridae), which occurred around the two hypoxic areas, contributed most to the range extension. For the above-mentioned six most dominant families, density of individuals and proportional composition of number of individuals in each of the two hypoxic areas and other, non-hypoxic areas were compared between the two years. In particular, both values remarkably increased for several members of the Corophiidae, including Corophium sp. A and C. crassicorne, in 2002; the exception was the value for density of individuals in the southern hypoxic area. The Shannon-Wiener species diversity index values were lower in 2002 for both the two hypoxic areas and the combined non-hypoxic areas, and for the three main groups of the amphipod assemblage.
西田 睦 澤志 泰正 西島 信昇 東 幹夫 藤本 治彦
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.2, pp.199-206, 1992-02-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
23 24

The distribution and abundance of an endangered subspecies of the ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis was determined on the three major islands, Amami-oshima, Tokunoshima, and Okinawa Islands, in 1986. The fish was observed only in five streams in the southern part of Amami-oshima Island. Among these five streams, the majority of fish were found in the Yakugachi River. While the number of fish in this particular stream was approximately 3.5×104, in all other streams the densities were much lower, and we therefore conclude that this subspecies is threatened and some attempts should be made for conservation of this fish.
西田 睦 澤志 泰正 西島 信昇 東 幹夫 藤本 治彦
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.58, no.2, pp.199-206, 1992
17 24

The distribution and abundance of an endangered subspecies of the ayu <i>Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis</i> was determined on the three major islands, Amami-oshima, Tokunoshima, and Okinawa Islands, in 1986. The fish was observed only in five streams in the southern part of Amami-oshima Island. Among these five streams, the majority of fish were found in the Yakugachi River. While the number of fish in this particular stream was approximately 3.5&times;10<sup>4</sup>, in all other streams the densities were much lower, and we therefore conclude that this subspecies is threatened and some attempts should be made for conservation of this fish.
伊藤 秀三 金 文洪 呉 文儒 李 じゅん伯 方 益燐 高 有峰 盧 洪吉 孫 泰俊 松野 健 松岡 数充 東 幹夫 茅野 博 OH Moon-you LEE Joon-baek GO You-bong RHO Hon-kil SOHN Tac-jun KIM Moon-hong 李 〓佰 方 益燦 慮 洪吉

済州島と佐世保の潮位差変動調査から,夏季には潮位差変動が比較的少ないこと,夏季の方が冬季に比べて潮位差が大きくなっていることが判明した.海面下3mに抵抗板を持つ漂流葉書を九州西方域に流し,それが海上で回収された結果から,同海域の対馬暖流の流れが,夏季には20cm/s程度であることが示唆された.東シナ海を鉛直方向に密度一様とした簡単な数値モデルをによると,朝鮮海峡に向かう流れが,東シナ海の等深線の分布に深く関係していることが示唆された.済州島周辺の海洋観測の結果,冬季には黄海暖流が済州島西方から朝鮮半島沿岸に流入し,夏季には黄海低層冷水が朝鮮半島沿岸を南下してくる様相が明らかになった.済州島周辺で1991年から1992年にかけての橈脚類群集の季節変化を調査した結果,黒潮域にも生息する7種の外洋性種が主要構成要素であり,Paracalanus indicusが早春,初夏,初冬に,Calanus sinicus,Acartia steuteri,Corycaeus affinis,Oncaea pluniferaが冬季と夏季に,A.omoriiが秋季のみに最高出現頻度を示すことが判明した.対馬浅芽湾および朝鮮半島南部沿岸の表層堆積物中の渦鞭毛藻シスト群集を初めて観察するとともに,表層水温と種多様度に正の相関関係のあることを示した.済州島の東水岳旧火口のボーリングにより,鬼界カルデラ起源のアカホヤ火山灰が済州島にも降下したことが判明した.西帰浦西方の旧火口ボーリングにより約50000年前以降の連続した堆積物が採取された.約20000年前の堆積物からは淡水産渦鞭毛藻シストが発見された.男女海盆の堆積物の花粉分析から最終氷期最盛期頃の照葉樹林は南九州低地部に対応していたことが明らかになった.陸上高等植物では,照葉樹129種について対馬暖流域の日韓島嶼域における分布を明らかにした.このうち53種は日本のみに,4種だけが韓国側に,残りは日韓両方の島嶼に分布する.岩角地植物のうち,チョウセンヤマツツジは日韓両方の尾根上と河岸の岩角地に自然分布し,済州島ではチョウセンヤマツツジ-シマタニワタリ群集が新記載された.また日韓両地にはダンギク-イワヒバ群集の岩角地での発達を確認した.朝鮮半島南部,済州島,五島・福江島,対馬,隠岐,鹿児島地域で採取したアユの19酵素をデンプンゲル電気泳動法で分析した結果,多型的な12の遺伝子座のうちGpi-1では福江島産と他地域,Pgm-1では隠岐産と他地域に明らかな差があり,いずれも人口アユ種苗放流による創始者効果によると考えられた.朝鮮半島南部,長崎周辺,福江島,中通島,対馬で採取したタカハヤに含まれる8種の酵素について検討した結果,朝鮮半島南部の個体群が九州本土や島嶼の個体群と僅かな遺伝的距離でつながっていることから本種の種個体群としての統一性が示されたとともに,中通島や下対馬のような分断された個体群では強い遺伝的浮動によって特異な遺伝子構成が保持されていることが明らかになった.血漿と赤血球中のタンパク質の電気泳動法およびミトコンドリアDNAの制限酵素切断法によって対州馬と済州馬の系統関係を検討した結果,両者は極めて近縁であることが判明したとともに,それらの起源が蒙古の野生馬(Equus przewalskii)にあることが示唆された.朝鮮半島,済州島,対馬,壱岐,五島列島,九州で採取したショウリョウバッタ,ショウリョウバッタモドキ,オンブバッタの過剰染色体(B染色体)を調査した結果,いずれの地域の集団にも過剰染色体が検出された.さらにオンブバッタでは朝鮮半島と九州の集団に共通の染色体多型がみられた.以上の事実は地質時代には朝鮮半島と九州が陸続きであった事を裏付けている.朝鮮半島,中国,台湾,南西諸島,九州およびその島嶼域のショウジョウトンボの染色体型を検討した結果,2n♂=24(n=12)型と2n♂=25(n=13)型の南北方向の分布境界が奄美大島と屋久島の間にあり,東西方向の分布境界が対馬と朝鮮半島の間にあること,さらに2n♂=24(n=12)型が日本列島に固有の染色体型であることが明らかになった.
東 幹夫
陸水学雑誌 (ISSN:00215104)
vol.64, no.3, pp.209-217, 2003-12-20 (Released:2009-06-12)
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東 幹夫
日本生態学会誌 (ISSN:00215007)
vol.23, no.6, pp.255-265, 1973-12-20

The main events experienced by the fish belonging to each population are schematically summarized in Fig. 1., basing on all the results given in the previous reports. Concerning the variations in the body form and the numbers of fin rays found in each population, it was suggested that these characters in question would be influenced by the environmental factors differently according to the developmental stages of the fish concerned. Through the morphological comparisons on the degree of the ossification of the skulls as well as the ring formation of the scals of the sea-run and the landlocked Ayu-fish, it was confirmed that the latter would be the form which suppressed their growth to some extent. However, the landlocked form can be considered to have relatively higher fecundity comparing with the sea-run form, because of their earlier spawning period, the ova with smaller diameter and more numerous in number. The dwarfism, and the early maturation of the present landlocked form coincided with the general tendencies already pointed out by many previous authors who studied several other species of landlocked fishes. Some considerations were made on the relation between the intra-species differentiation of the present species and the geological history of the lake.