橋本 祐子
The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law
法社会学 (ISSN:04376161)
vol.2006, no.65, pp.82-95,254, 2006-09-30 (Released:2012-06-20)

The purpose of this article is to examine the libertarian theory on punishment, which claims that punishment should be reduced to restitution.What is the problem with punishment? Libertarians claim that the most serious problem is that it is unjust to crime victims. Under the punishment system, crime victims cannot be paid restitution. Further, the cost of administrating prisons is paid from money collected through tax, which is borne by citizens, including crime victims. This means that a double burden is placed on crime victims.What is the conception of justice that law must achieve? From the libertarian viewpoint, the most important issue is corrective justice. Corrective justice requires that restitution be provided to crime victims. To that end, restitution, not punishment, should be the main negative sanction.According to those who hold the view that restitution is an alternative to punishment, criminal liability should be reduced to civil liability. Such a view attempts to overcome the traditional thought that civil law must be clearly distinguished from criminal law, which is the main reason why crime victims have been overlooked in the Japanese criminal justice system. Moreover, it can offer a foundation for crime victims to have the right to seek restitution. Therefore, this view is highly significant in contemporary Japan because it can provide a perspective to criticize the present situation, in which justice is not delivered to crime victims.
橋本 祐子
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.2004, pp.64-75,204, 2005-09-30 (Released:2008-11-17)

Libertarianism maintains that the power of the government should be minimized. A question arises regarding the kind of legal system that can be justified from the perspective of libertarianism. In this paper, I attempt to define a comprehensive vision of a libertarian legal system and show the significance of libertarian legal theory. I start by illustrating three fundamental backgrounds of libertarian legal theory. The first is an awareness that useful knowledge disperses widely across a society, as emphasized by F.A. Hayek. The second is a libertarian view of human nature. Libertarianism does not presuppose a stereotype, but rather accepts multiple types of human nature. According to the third background, which pertains to methodology, there exist two types of approaches a natural rights-based approach and a consequentialistic one. I then explain the features of libertarian legal theory. I consider private law-based legal principles, restitution as alternative to punishment, and emphasis on the rule of law to be the three main characteristics of this theory. Finally, I consider the implications of libertarian legal theory for today. The features of this theory appear to be similar to those of classical modern law. However, I believe that it should not be understood merely as a regression to classical modern law. Libertarian legal theory can offer a solution to the issue of legalization (Verrechtlichung), which is one of the serious problems faced by welfare states. In other words, it can be considered a legal theory for a “post-legalized society.” Furthermore, since the patterns of social ordering and conflict resolution become diverse, there exists a requirement for various methods of legal ordering other than those initiated by the government. I believe that libertarian legal theory has the potential to be used as a legal theory for non-government-initiated legal ordering.
橋本 祐子

本研究は、法と感情の関係性について探求する「法と感情(law and emotion)」という新たな研究領域に着目する。学際的な研究領域である「法と感情」研究の全体像を把握したうえで、「法と感情」研究の重要な思想史的源泉の一つをスコットランド啓蒙思想に求め、特に道徳感覚―正義―法の関係性について重点を置きつつその現代的意義を探求することをめざすものである。平成31年(令和元年)度においては、前年度に引き続き、英米圏における「法と感情」研究の最新の動向を把握し整理するために文献を収集、精読し検討を行った。その成果として、現代の「法と感情」研究の全体像を描き出し、その法哲学上の意義に関して考察を行う論文の執筆作業に取り組んだが、残念ながら完成までには至らなかった。一方で、現代の「法と感情」研究の思想史的源泉として大きな影響力を有しているA. スミスの共感理論を手がかりとして、刑罰制度と応報感情の関係について検討を行った成果を、"Retributive Emotion and Criminal Justice"として、7月に開催されたIVR法哲学・社会哲学国際学会連合(International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy)世界大会(ルツェルン大学・スイス)のワーキング・グループにおいて報告を行った。また、2020年度日本法哲学会学術大会統一テーマ企画の責任者として、本研究の内容とも密接な関連性を有するシンポジウム「法と感情(仮)」を企画し、他の報告者らと準備研究会を2回(10月、12月)実施し、法哲学における「感情」の位置づけに関して議論を深めた。
橋本 祐子
同志社法學 (ISSN:03877612)
vol.50, no.4, pp.93-142, 1999-02-27
