橋本 貴美子 犀川 陽子 中田 雅也
The Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.64, no.12, pp.1251-1260, 2006-12-01 (Released:2010-10-20)
1 3

Hippopotamus produces colorless sweat over its entire body. The color of the sweat turns red within a few minutes and then becomes brown during a few hours by producing polymers. We isolated the unstable red and orange pigments, called hipposudoric acid and norhipposudoric acid, respectively, responsible to the red coloration of the sweat. Syntheses of these pigments were performed using the Pschorr reaction for the formation of the fluorenone core and the oxidation in the last step producing the unstable diquinone as the key steps. The tautomeric structures of the common chromophore of these pigments in a protic solvent and in an aprotic solvent were also discussed.
橋本 貴美子 森本 繁雄

フランスとポーランドで起こったTricholoma equestreによる中毒事故は、致死的な横紋筋融解症を引き起こした。この原因物質を研究するために、材料となるキノコの入手が可能かどうかを調べた。日本ではT. equestreはキシメジ(T. flavovirens)と同一とされるが、キシメジと食菌シモコシ(T. auratum)の区別が曖昧であり、他にも類似した菌が分布しているため、同定は混乱を極めている。調査の結果、キシメジ、シモコシ、カラキシメジ(T. aestuans)の3種をきちんと同定することが重要であり、宿主植物、発生時期、味等で分別可能であることがわかった。
犀川 陽子 岡本 博樹 乾 泰地 橋本 貴美子 中田 雅也 真壁 みどり 奥野 智旦 須田 隆
vol.43, pp.443-448, 2001

A poisonous mushroom Podostoma cormu-damae caused two lethal poisoning in Japan in 1999 and 2000. Some of the following symptoms are observed in these poisonings: gastrointestinal disorder, erroneous perception, decrease in the number of leukocytes and thrombocytes, deciduous skin of face, loss of hair, and atrophy of the cerebellum which brings about a speech impediment and voluntary movement problems. We studied the toxic constituents of its culture broth and the fruit bodies using lethal effect on mice as an index. The extracts from the culture filtrate and the fruit bodies were injected into the abdominal cavity of a mouse. The lethal effect was observed in both extracts from the culture filtrate and the fruit bodies. The organic extracts of the culture filtrate were chromatographed on silica gel to give the major compounds 1, 2, and 3. The ^1H and ^<13>C NMR spectroscopic analyses revealed that these compounds 1〜3 are members of the macrocyclic trichothecene group. Comparison of the spectral data of 1〜3 with those in the literature revealed that 1 is roridin E, 2 is verrucarin J (muconomycin B), and 3 is satratoxin H. On the other hand, the fruit bodies were extracted with water and methanol. The water extracts were chromatographed on ODS to give satratoxin H (3), and the methanol extracts were chromatographed on silica gel to give 4〜6. The NMR and MS analyses showed that 4, 5, and 6 is the 12',13'-diacetate, 12'-acetate, and 13'-acetate of satratoxin H (3), respectively. The 4〜6 are new compounds that occur in nature. All these macrocyclic trichothecenes except for 2 had a lethal effect on mice by at least 0.5 mg per capita.
橋本 貴美子 石川 諄子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.13, no.6, pp.451-457, 1962

1. 調査に対する反省<BR>今回の調査は始めに述べたように生活改良普及員の方を通して行った調査であるので、調査対象となった家庭は目頃普及員の方々にかなり協力的な家庭が選ばれた。そのため平均より経済的にも知識的にもやや上位の農家が対象となった様である。このことは耕地面積、農機具や家庭器具の持ち方からも察せられる。農業経営の方法も家畜の飼育状態等から分かるように、多角的経営はあまり行われて居らず、従って余暇には相当恵まれた家庭であろうと考えられる。それ故この調査の結果が全部の農家にあてはまるとは考えられない。<BR>次に調査内容として今回は余暇の量よりも質ということで、余暇時間がどれだけあるかは調査しなかったのであるが、やはり余暇の内容が時間的にどれ位の割合で利用されているかを調査すべきであったと思っている。<BR>2. 調査結果のまとめ<BR>余暇の内容は多種・多様であるが、やはり何れの統計にも見られる結果と同様、新聞を読む、ラジオをきく、テレビをみる、休息、雑談等が高率を占めて居り、一般的には農家としての特徴は見られない。しかし農家の中でも農業従事者と農業外の仕事の従事者とでは年齢との関係もあるが、相当余暇利用の仕方に相違が見受けられ、農業従事者は家庭内での余暇利用が多く、農業外の仕事に従事する者は家庭外での余暇利用が多くなっている。<BR>全般的に余暇の内容は健康で、パチンコ、マージャン、競輪、競馬等は極く少数者に楽しまれているのみで、特に余暇のために弊害を起こしているとは考えられない。<BR>これら余暇の中でも社会事業、婦人会活動、P.T.A活動、各種の講習会に参加すること等は或る程度強制的に参加させられる向きもあり、本当に余暇の利用といい得るか否かは疑問である。しかしこのような会合に参加することによって各種の知識を得、生活を改善して余暇を作り出そうとする意欲も生れて来るようになるかもしれない。強制的な面から出発して、自主的な方向へ向けられれば幸であると思う。<BR>余暇の種類は農業外の、しかも若い世代の人に多く、之等の人達が誤った方向へ余暇利用をしないように指導されなければならない。<BR>30代、40代、50代の中年層は家庭生活と直接つながりのある家族の団らんや子供の勉強をみる事、家庭内で新聞を読んだり、ラジオをきいたり、テレビを見たりということが多く、本当に自分の趣味を生かした余暇利用は少ない。<BR>老年者は農家に限らず、一般的にもそのような傾向であろうが、余暇の種類は少ない。何か自分の特技、趣味といったようなものを身につけて、本当に意義ある余暇の過し方ができるように心掛けることが必要であると思う。
田中 正泰 針ヶ谷 弘子 鎌田 樹志 氏原 一哉 橋本 勝 橋本 貴美子 松田 冬彦 柳屋 光俊 白濱 晴久 奥野 智旦
天然有機化合物討論会講演要旨集 34 (ISSN:24331856)
pp.110-117, 1992-09-10 (Released:2017-08-18)

Ohwaraitake is Japanese name of a poisonous mushroom Gymnopilus spectabilis and means "a loud laugh mushroom". Accidental ingestion of it causes hallucinosis and abnormal behavior. A hallucinogenic mushroom contains usually psilocybin or its analogues but it is reported that any psilocybin or its congenor does not found in Japanese Ohwaraitake. The toxic symptoms suggest that any neuroexcitatory substance must be contained. The isolation was carried out monitoring depolarizing activity on the new born rat spinal cord. 1. Chromatographical fractionation and bisassay showed that the neuroexcitatory active compounds were gimnopilins (G) which were known as bitter principles of this fungus. Further fractionation revealed that G (1) was inactive and activities of G (2) increased from n=7 to n=5 and besides, G (2), which was newly isolated this time, was more active than G (2). 2. The structure of the new G was determined by the chemical degradation as formula 3. 3. The Chirality of hydroxymethylglutamic acid (HMGA) part was determined as S configuration by the acquisition of (R)-mevalonaloctone through LiBH4 reduction or G (1 and 2). 4. G (2) does not work as an ion carrier probably, since it does not particularly take metal ion from aqueous solution into an organic solvent. 5. Determination of the chirality of tert-alcohols in gymnoprenol (G'), that is, G without HMGA part, was attempted. Eight isomers of the model compounds corresponding to G' (m=2, n=4) were synthesized and were not discriminated by HPLC and NMR. Since two diastereoisomers of MTP-ethoxy-methoxy derivatives of G' (m=1, n=2) were distinguished by ^1H and ^<19>FNMR, these derivatives may be applicable to identification of the synthetic and the natural G'.
田中 正泰 針ヶ谷 弘子 鎌田 樹志 氏原 一哉 橋本 勝 橋本 貴美子 松田 冬彦 柳屋 光俊 白濱 晴久 奥野 智旦
no.34, pp.110-117, 1992-09-10

Ohwaraitake is Japanese name of a poisonous mushroom Gymnopilus spectabilis and means "a loud laugh mushroom". Accidental ingestion of it causes hallucinosis and abnormal behavior. A hallucinogenic mushroom contains usually psilocybin or its analogues but it is reported that any psilocybin or its congenor does not found in Japanese Ohwaraitake. The toxic symptoms suggest that any neuroexcitatory substance must be contained. The isolation was carried out monitoring depolarizing activity on the new born rat spinal cord. 1. Chromatographical fractionation and bisassay showed that the neuroexcitatory active compounds were gimnopilins (G) which were known as bitter principles of this fungus. Further fractionation revealed that G (1) was inactive and activities of G (2) increased from n=7 to n=5 and besides, G (2), which was newly isolated this time, was more active than G (2). 2. The structure of the new G was determined by the chemical degradation as formula 3. 3. The Chirality of hydroxymethylglutamic acid (HMGA) part was determined as S configuration by the acquisition of (R)-mevalonaloctone through LiBH4 reduction or G (1 and 2). 4. G (2) does not work as an ion carrier probably, since it does not particularly take metal ion from aqueous solution into an organic solvent. 5. Determination of the chirality of tert-alcohols in gymnoprenol (G'), that is, G without HMGA part, was attempted. Eight isomers of the model compounds corresponding to G' (m=2, n=4) were synthesized and were not discriminated by HPLC and NMR. Since two diastereoisomers of MTP-ethoxy-methoxy derivatives of G' (m=1, n=2) were distinguished by ^1H and ^<19>FNMR, these derivatives may be applicable to identification of the synthetic and the natural G'.
松浦 正憲 加藤 優 犀川 陽子 乾 公正 橋本 貴美子 中田 雅也
no.50, pp.415-420, 2008-09-01

Accidental ingestion of a toadstool, Russula subnigricans causes lethal poisoning to human. In the 1950's, the first poisoning caused by this mushroom was reported. Since then there have been no reports about lethal poisoning for 50 years, which was enough to raise doubts about its existence. However, in these three years, 2005 to 2007, the poisoning accidents were continuously happened and four people died. Although chemical studies on this fungus were reported using mushrooms distributed in Miyagi prefecture, the isolated compounds, russuphelins, russupherol, and hydroxybaikiain, have no toxicity on mouse. Accordingly, we studied the isolation of the toxic constituent of R. subnigricans. One of the reasons that such a strong toxin has not been revealed until now is the incomplete classification of this mushroom, that is, there are many resemble species distributed in Japan. We collected three species in Kyoto, Miyagi, and Saitama prefectures. The aforementioned compounds were found only in the Miyagi species. All three species show toxicity on mouse by intraperitoneal injection of the water extract; however, only the Kyoto species exhibits toxicity by oral injection. Accordingly, we estimated that the Kyoto species is the genuine R. subnigricans. During the separation steps, we found that the toxicity was remarkably decreased after concentration to dryness; therefore, all manipulations were carefully performed. The water extract was successively separated through ODS column chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration to give an aqueous solution of the toxic compound. The toxic compound was revealed to be unstable under concentration to dryness (polymerization occurs) and volatile, which was turned out to be the cause of decrease in toxicity after evaporation. The unstable toxin was converted to a stable derivative using diphenyldiazomethane. Taking ^1H, ^<13>C NMR and MS spectral analyses of the toxic compound and its derivative into consideration, the structure of the toxic compound was determined to be cycloprop-2-ene carboxylic acid. This compound was found only in the Kyoto species.