池本 竜則 中田 昌敏 梶浦 弘明 宮川 博文 長谷川 共美 井上 雅之 下 和弘 牛田 享宏
vol.29, no.1, pp.31-40, 2014-03-10 (Released:2014-03-29)

Musculoskeletal pain and other clinical complaints are known to increase with age, however its relationship to these symptoms remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the correlation between musculoskeletal pain and other clinical complaints. Questionnaires containing self–reported complaints collected from 3891 people over 30 years old were used for our study. Serf–reported complaints comprised of 33 items including three musculo­skeletal disorders (knee, low back, neck) and another thirty complaints. Firstly, we divided subjects into the following eight different categories by their musculoskeletal condition; a group without musculoskeletal disorder (Control), a group with knee pain alone, a group with low back pain alone, a group with neck stiffness alone, three groups which had overlapping pain in above two regions and a group with overlapping pain in all regions. Secondly, we investigated the epidemiological background and analyzed the number of other complaints in each group.   In terms of epidemiological background, the ages in groups with any musculoskeletal disorders were significantly higher than those in control. Moreover, groups with musculoskeletal disorders except low back pain alone were significantly more prevalent in women. Groups with any musculo­skeletal disorders had significantly greater numbers of other complaints compared to control. Comparing the three groups with mono–regional pain, we discovered the number of other complaints was more significant in the group with neck stiffness than in the other two groups. The theoretical number of other complaints in a group with pain in all regions was significantly greater than the sum in each group with mono–regional pain.   These findings suggest that musculoskeletal disorders are not only a regional problem but also affect other organs in the human body, followed by an increase of other unidentified complaints.
西上 智彦 池本 竜則 山崎 香織 榎 勇人 中尾 聡志 渡邉 晃久 石田 健司 谷 俊一 牛田 享宏
日本理学療法士協会(現 一般社団法人日本理学療法学会連合)
理学療法学Supplement Vol.36 Suppl. No.2 (第44回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.A3P1018, 2009 (Released:2009-04-25)

【はじめに】前頭前野は記憶の形成などに大きく関与しており,慢性疼痛患者においても神経活動にModulationが引き起こされていることが明らかになっている.同部位の機能低下は注意力の低下,社会的認知能力の低下,意欲の低下を惹起している可能性があり,慢性疼痛患者においても治療をより難渋する要因となる.しかし,痛み刺激に対する前頭前野の脳血流量がどのようなタイミングで応答しているかについては未だ明らかでない部分も多い.また,前頭前野における脳血流の変化と痛みとの関係も明らかでない.本研究の目的は痛み刺激に対する前頭前野における即時的な脳血流変化を脳イメージング装置を用いて検討することである.【方法】対象は事前に研究目的と方法を十分に説明し,同意が得られた健常成人15名(男性9名,女性6名,平均年齢27.3±3.0歳)とした.痛み刺激は温・冷型痛覚計(ユニークメディカル社製,UDH-300)を用いて,49°Cの熱刺激をプローブにて右前腕に30秒間行った.痛み刺激終了後に痛みの程度をvisual analog scale(VAS)にて評価した.脳血流酸素動態は近赤外光イメージング装置(fNIRS,島津製作所製,OMM-3000)にて測定した.測定部位は前頭前野とし,国際10-20法を参考にファイバフォルダを装着した.測定開始前は安静とし,酸素動態が安定した後に測定を開始した.解析対象は測定開始からの10秒間(ベースライン),刺激開始からの10秒間(初期),刺激開始10秒後からの10秒間(中期),刺激開始20秒後からの10秒間(後期)の酸素化ヘモグロビン(oxyHb)のそれぞれの平均値とした.統計処理は多重比較検定を行い,ベースライン,初期,中期,後期のoxyHbの有意差を求めた.また,初期,中期,後期のoxyHbとVASの相関関係をそれぞれ求めた.加えて,痛みが少ない下位5名(VAS:25.8±8.3)と痛みが強い上位5名(VAS:72.2±5.6)の2群間の初期,中期,後期におけるoxyHbを比較した.なお,有意水準は5%未満とした.【結果】VASは平均51.6±20.6(14-83)であった.多重比較検定にて左側のBrodman area10(BA10)のoxyHbがベースライン,初期より後期において減少していた.初期,中期,後期のoxyHbとVASの相関関係は認めなかった.また,痛みが強い群は痛みが少ない群より初期における左右のBA10,中期における左側のBA 10のoxyHbが減少していた.【考察】痛み刺激によって前頭前野BA 10の脳血流量は即時的に減少した.また,痛みの感じ方が強い場合,BA10の脳血流量は有意に減少していた.基礎研究では関節炎モデルラットにおける電気生理学的解析にて,扁桃体が内側前頭前野の活動を抑制することが報告されている.以上のことからヒトにおいても,強い痛み刺激は,即時的に前頭前野の神経活動を抑制させる可能性が示唆された.
宮川 博文 池本 竜則 井上 雅之 中田 昌敏 下 和弘 大須賀 友晃 赤尾 真知子 本庄 宏司
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
理学療法学Supplement Vol.41 Suppl. No.2 (第49回日本理学療法学術大会 抄録集)
pp.0033, 2014 (Released:2014-05-09)

川田 倫子 牛田 享宏 池内 昌彦 川上 照彦 山中 紀夫 池本 竜則 谷 俊一 小松 誠
vol.21, no.3, pp.127-132, 2006-08-20 (Released:2013-10-24)
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Hip joint associated pain is known to distribute widely in affected thigh or lower leg and generally not restricted in hip joint area.However detail feature of hip joint associated referred pain is not sufficiently clarified. Therefore the aim of this study is to characterize the types of distribution of hip joint related pain and to give our opinion about underlying neurophysiological mechanisms of hip joint referred pain. Of 36 severe osteo-arthritis joints, 83% of the joints showed remote pain area and 18% of the joints showed pain restricted only in inguinal area. Fourteen percent of the joints had far remote pain in lower leg area. L5 root block study was conducted in 7 cases. In all cases remote referred pains were attenuated at least 2 or 3 days and long lasting pain improvement was achieved in one case. These results suggest that referred pain observed in severe hip osteoarthritis cases may initially triggered by hip joint itself but prolonged referred muscle pain may become a possible generator for triggering and maintaining of mal-pain circuit.
林 和寛 池本 竜則 牛田 享宏
臨床整形外科 (ISSN:05570433)
vol.51, no.3, pp.260-268, 2016-03-25

はじめに 痛みは不快な感覚・情動経験であり,侵害刺激に起因するだけではなく,認知・情動的側面が影響を及ぼすことが知られている.多様な要因がかかわる「痛み」を客観的にとらえるために,脳内神経活動を用いた評価の試みが行われている.本稿では,痛みにかかわる脳内神経活動の知見を紹介するとともに,痛みを遷延させる認知・情動的要因の評価と介入方策を概説し,患者の痛みにかかわる問題を解決するための一助としたい.
河合 隆志 牛田 享宏 井上 真輔 池本 竜則 新井 健一 西原 真理
vol.29, no.3, pp.181-189, 2014-08-30 (Released:2014-09-16)

Many patients have neck and back pain, and their standing posture (spinal alignment) is sometimes considered to be one of the factors that contributes to such pain. Thus, it would be useful to evaluate spinal loads in that posture. A method to evaluate individual spinal loads using link segment models made from body mass distributions using DXA (dual–energy X–ray absorptiometry) was developed.   An element was defined as 1.30 × 1.22 cm, and a detailed body mass distribution consisting of 7473 elements was constructed using DXA equipment (QDR4500). The subjects' bodies were divided into cervicofacial (vertex–C7 ⁄ T1), thoracic (C7 ⁄ T1 – T12 ⁄ L1), and lumbar (T12 ⁄ L1 – L4 ⁄ 5) segments. Each mass, M1, M2, and M3, and the center of the masses were calculated. With these parameters and DXA images, each torque, TC7/T1, TT12/L1, and TL4/5, was calculated from the following formulas: TC7/T1 = M1gr1cosθ1, TT12/L1 = M1g (l2cosθ2 + r1cosθ1) + M2gr2cosθ2, and TL4/5 = M1g (l3cosθ3 + l2cosθ2 + r1cosθ1) + M2g (l3cosθ3 + r2cosθ2) + M3gr3cosθ3 (r1, r2, and r3: lengths from the rotation center to each center of mass; l2 and l3: lengths of C7 ⁄ T1 – T12 ⁄ L1 and T12 ⁄ L1 – L4 ⁄ 5; θ1, θ2, and θ3: angles formed between a horizontal line and r1, r2, and r3). In order to reproduce the standing posture on DXA, the standing side was formed by a vacuum cushion for operative position in advance.   The parameters from DXA in the lateral view were as follows. In case 1 (38–year–old man, healthy, 164.0 cm and 55.5 kg), they were M1 = 4.50, M2 = 13.24, M3 = 6.92 kg, TC7/T1 = –0.28, TT12/L1 = –3.80, and TL4/5 = –6.42 Nm (facing right, clockwise: positive). In case 2 (76–year–old man, lumbar spondylosis, 156.9 cm and 59.6 kg), they were M1 = 4.83, M2 = 14.27, M3 = 10.34 kg, TC7/T1 = –1.69, TT12/L1 = –16.1, and TL4/5 = –44.3 Nm. In case 3 (71–year–old woman, lumbar spondylosis, scoliosis, 147.2 cm and 49.0 kg), they were M1 = 4.63, M2 = 11.42, M3 = 5.36 kg, TC7/T1 = –2.53, TT12/L1 = –16.0, and TL4/5 = –27.0 Nm. Torques at L4/5 were 6.9 and 4.2 times greater in cases 2 and 3 than in case 1. Total masses calculated from DXA were 54.5, 59.0, and 47.6 kg, and errors between these and actual weights were –1.8, –1.0, and –2.9%, respectively.   A method for evaluating spinal loads as torques was developed using DXA. In the future, it will be possible to use this method to evaluate factors such as pain and the effect of rehabilitation. The relationships between torques and various scales (such as pain, depression, ADL, and QOL) need to be examined, taking into account age, sex, muscular strength, etc.
長谷川 共美 池本 竜則 井上 雅之 山口 節子 牛田 享宏 柴田 英治 小林 章雄
vol.29, no.1, pp.1-8, 2014-03-10 (Released:2014-03-29)

The aim of this study was to investigate the features of overweight or obese individuals with a BMI >25 kg/m2 who complained of low back pain, knee pain, and neck stiffness. The subjects comprised 88 overweight or obese individuals who were divided into a symptomatic group and an asymptomatic group prior to the weight–loss intervention in order to compare several parameters of each group. Symptomatic patients were divided into groups of subjects whose symptoms did or did not improve as a result of the 6–month weight–loss intervention. Changes in the test paramete­rs from before and after the intervention were compared between the two groups. The results revealed no differences in any parameters between the two groups (symptomatic and asymptomatic) at baseline in neck stiffness or low back pain. However, for knee pain, the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was significantly lower in the symptomatic group than in the asymptomatic group (p<0.01). Furthermore, the weight–loss intervention revealed a significant increase in VO2max in the “improved” group compared to the “no change” group (p<0.05). The study results showed that both weight loss and the acquisition of aerobic capacity were important in relieving knee pain in overweight or obese individuals.
池本 竜則 牛田 享宏 谷口 慎一郎 谷 俊一 森尾 一夫 佐々木 俊一 Zinchuk Vadim 田中 茂樹
vol.19, no.3, pp.107-112, 2004-07-31 (Released:2014-02-20)

It is widely known that sensation of the pain is derived from sensory-discriminative factor and emotional factor. Especially in chronic pain, emotional factors and psychosocial backgrounds are more likely to contribute for the patients' discomfort. The aim of this study is to investigate how emotional factor of pain participates in intractable pain. We employed fMRI to compare the brain activations occurring in the orthopaedic neuropathic pain patients with allodynia and normal individuals in response to the visual virtual painful experience. During fMRI scanning, a video demonstrating an actual tactile stimulation of the palm and its imitation were shown to participants. In contrast to normal individuals,allodynia patients also displayed activation of the areas reflecting emotions: frontal lobe and anterior cingulate. These findings suggest that brain have important role in the development and maintaining of peripheral originated chronic painful condition.
池本 竜則 牛田 享宏 谷口 慎一郎 谷 俊一 森尾 一夫 佐々木 俊一 田中 茂樹
vol.21, no.3, pp.117-125, 2006-08-20 (Released:2013-10-24)
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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) technology, we investigated the difference of pain related brain cortical activation derived from noxious stimulation to the skin and muscular tissue. Ten healthy volunteers who have no history of brain vascular disease were enrolled in this study. A cutaneouos pain was provoked by isotonic (0.9%) saline injection into intradermal space on right lower leg through 24G plastic catheter, and a muscle pain was provoked by hypertonic (3%) saline injection into right tibialis anterior muscle. We used event-related FMRI to measure brain activity during each injection. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to quantify pain intensity and unpleasantness, and pain quality was assessed with several verbal descriptions. Results: Pain unpleasantness rating was higher in the muscle pain compared to the cutaneous pain,despite the same pain intensity rating. The cutaneous pain had more acute pain onset than the muscle pain. Pain duration after stimulation was short in the cutaneous pain, but long in the muscle pain. The extent of the painful region tended to be larger with the muscle pain, but there was no statistical significance. Evoked FMRI response from the cutaneous pain showed distinct brain activation in the inferior and superior parietal cortex (BA: Brodmann area 5/7/40), primary and secondary somatosensory cortex (S1 & S2), insula, supplementary motor area (SMA, BA6), posterior cingulate cortex and cerebellum. On the other hand, FMRI response from muscle pain showed distinct brain activation mainly in the contralateral insula. These results suggest that the parietal lobe including the S1 is the essential area for cognition of sharp and well-localized pain conditions such as cutaneous pain, and may not be essential for cognition of diffuse pain derived from muscular tissue.
池本 竜則 牛田 享宏 谷口 慎一郎 谷 俊一 森尾 一夫 佐々木 俊一 田中 茂樹
vol.20, no.3, pp.111-115, 2005-08-26 (Released:2014-01-16)
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We employed the functional MRI (fMRI) to investigate the changes of brain activation after reducing of capsaicin-induced heat hyperalgesia. Eight healthy volunteers who have no history of brain vascular disease were enrolled in this study. Capsaicin-induced heat hyperalgesia was developed by topical application of 2% capsaicin cream to anterior surface of left forearm. First fMRI time series were taken an hour after the application of capsaicin and second fMRI time series were taken an hour after medication (Loxoprofen Na: 120 mg). As for the pain task, 45°C wet cotton was put on the region where the heat hyperalgesia was evoked by capsaicin cream. Results of first fMRI time series showed distinct activation in the thalamus, anterior cingulate cortex, supplementary motor area, and prefrontal cortex. An hour after medication, though heat hyperalgesia still remained, all participants reported improvement of pain discomfort (VAS 4.7 to 2.5). Second series fMRI showed activation only in the thalamus. These results suggest that deactivated areas (anterior cingulate, etc.) observed after medication might be involved mainly in the pain related discomfort.