河合 洋尚
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.17, no.2, pp.180-206, 2018-03-31 (Released:2018-05-12)

This paper aims to reconsider the ethnic category of the Han in Vietnam, focusing especially on the Ngai people, a Han ethnic group from South China. In 1979, the government of Vietnam officially recognized them as the Dan Toc Ngai, one of the country’s 54 ethnic groups. Therefore, the Ngai people were considered to be the aboriginal ethnic group of the Dan Toc Ngai in previous studies. Based on fieldwork, however, I found that the Ngai people are not completely equivalent to the Dan Toc Ngai, because some Ngai people in Vietnam belong to other ethnic groups, such as the Nung, Hoa, or San Diu. In this paper, I explicate the ethnic category of the Ngai people, clarifying their migration patterns, identity politics, and the formation of a global network since the end of the 1970s. In doing so, I emphasize that the Ngai people are identified as a definite trans-border ethnic group, and that the group’s ethnic categories and identities may vary according to the socio-political situation. I will then highlight the necessity of understanding the Ngai people in the context of studying the Dan Toc Ngai and other Han people in Vietnam.
河合 洋尚 呉 雲霞
国立大学法人 大阪大学グローバルイニシアティブ機構
アジア太平洋論叢 (ISSN:13466224)
vol.24, no.1, pp.171-184, 2022 (Released:2022-03-26)

Most Chinese in northern Vietnam emigrated overseas, primarily because of the Chinese Exclusion Movement in the late 1970s. This paper is based on fieldwork in northern Vietnam and Overseas Chinese State Farms, investigating six households with a northern Vietnamese background: Four Cantonese Chinese in Haiphong and two Hakka Ngai in overseas Chinese farms. It reports on the migration of Chinese from northern Vietnam and the global networks they formed in the places they migrated to, analyzing why some Chinese chose to remain in northern Vietnam and the motivations of those Chinese who left northern Vietnam to maintain communication with the land they left.
河合 洋尚
アジア・アフリカ地域研究 (ISSN:13462466)
vol.17, no.2, pp.180-206, 2018

<p>This paper aims to reconsider the ethnic category of the Han in Vietnam, focusing especially on the Ngai people, a Han ethnic group from South China. In 1979, the government of Vietnam officially recognized them as the Dan Toc Ngai, one of the country's 54 ethnic groups. Therefore, the Ngai people were considered to be the aboriginal ethnic group of the Dan Toc Ngai in previous studies. Based on fieldwork, however, I found that the Ngai people are not completely equivalent to the Dan Toc Ngai, because some Ngai people in Vietnam belong to other ethnic groups, such as the Nung, Hoa, or San Diu. In this paper, I explicate the ethnic category of the Ngai people, clarifying their migration patterns, identity politics, and the formation of a global network since the end of the 1970s. In doing so, I emphasize that the Ngai people are identified as a definite trans-border ethnic group, and that the group's ethnic categories and identities may vary according to the socio-political situation. I will then highlight the necessity of understanding the Ngai people in the context of studying the Dan Toc Ngai and other Han people in Vietnam. </p>
河合 洋尚 Hironao Kawai
国立民族学博物館研究報告 (ISSN:0385180X)
vol.37, no.2, pp.199-244, 2013

中国広東省・福建省・江西省の境界部に位置する山岳地帯は,世界中に散住する客家の故郷であり,そこの漢族住民のほとんどが客家で占められていると,一般的に考えられている。ところが,この「客家の故郷」における1980 年代以前のデーターを整理しなおしてみると,この地の漢族住民は必ずしも客家として記述されておらず,また,客家としての自己意識をもたない住民も少なくはなかった。この事実を踏まえ,本稿では,特に1980 年代以降の一連の空間政策により「客家の故郷」をめぐるイメージが形成され,ここの漢族住民が客家とみなされていったプロセスを明らかにする。The border district of Guangdong, Fujian, and Jiangxi province is generallyconsidered to be the "homeland of the Hakka" and the Han inhabitantsof this district are normally considered to be the Hakka. In fact, however,the inhabitants are not always described as Hakka in the documents of 1980sand after and they have recieved their particular identity as the Hakka onlyrecently. This paper aims to make clear the process by which the space policysince the 1980s has fabricated the image of the "homeland of the Hakka" andthe Hakka ethnicity.
佐々木 伸一 渡邊 欣雄 池上 良正 黄 強 志賀 市子 河合 洋尚 曹 建南
