浦 達也 長谷部 真 吉崎 真司 北村 亘
一般社団法人 日本生態学会
保全生態学研究 (ISSN:13424327)
pp.1925, (Released:2021-04-20)

風力発電の導入が進むにつれ、日本でも風力発電施設の存在がバードストライクや生息地放棄など鳥類へ影響を与えることが注目されている。欧州では風力発電施設の建設により影響を受ける鳥類の生息地が示された脆弱性マップが自然保護団体を中心に作成され、その活用により計画段階において影響が回避されるようになってきた。日本では風力発電施設の建設が集中する地域があらかじめ分かっているため、まずはそういった場所で地域的な脆弱性マップの作成が試みられるべきである。そこで(公財)日本野鳥の会は、風力発電の建設計画が集中し、かつ希少鳥類の生息地や渡り鳥が多い北海道の宗谷振興局西部地域で脆弱性マップの作成を試みた。脆弱性マップの作成方法について、まずは国内外の情報を収集し、次いで検討会を開催して作成方法等を決定し、検討会での決定事項に現地鳥類調査の結果を当てはめる形で作成した。脆弱性マップの作成開始時点では国内情報はなかったが、海外事例ではイングランド、スコットランド、アイルランド、ギリシャ、スロベニアのものを参考にして、作成方法を検討した。検討会では、脆弱性マップのあり方、衝突確率・回避率の取り扱い、鳥獣保護区等の取り扱い、渡り経路の取り扱い、作成対象となる鳥の種の選定方法、マップ上での脆弱性の表現、バッファーゾーンの取り扱い、脆弱性マップの更新などについて議論した。脆弱性マップ作成の対象となった鳥類は種脆弱性指標が高い種や地域重要種を中心に 23種となった。脆弱性マップは 84個の 5 kmメッシュ(面積約 2100 km2)で表現することとなり、対象鳥類の分布と一つのメッシュ上での重なり具合を考慮して脆弱性を 10段階に分け、それを 4色で表現した。その結果、希少な鳥類の生息地およびガン・ハクチョウ類の渡りが多い対象地域の西部、ハクチョウ類や海ワシ類の渡りが多い対象地域の北部が、風力発電施設による鳥類への脆弱性の高い場所であることが分かった。
岩崎 有良 石黒 桂一郎 大隅 敏光 相沢 敏晴 米沢 道夫 工藤 勲彦 杉村 文昭 鵜浦 達也 阿部 政直 林 貴雄
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.21, no.6, pp.692-699, 1979-06-20 (Released:2011-05-09)

松浦 達也 安森 亮雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.731, pp.31-39, 2017 (Released:2017-01-30)
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In university campuses, there exists buildings with the common space to the public such as museum and library, which we call the open buildings to the public. There are a wide variety of open buildings to the public from those proactively disclosed to those used mainly by internal users but also by the public, and they are located at various areas in university campus. Disclosure of each open building to the public may be contributing to the formation of openness in the university campus. Since universities are required to contribute to their societies in recent years, the openness of campus is necessary to promote campus opening to their communities. Accordingly, the aim of this paper is to clarify the openness of national university campus in Japan in relationship to layout of open buildings to the public. Firstly, the characteristics of open buildings to the public are analyzed based on openness by the use of buildings and their layout in university campus. It was found that open buildings to the public were classified into three types of openness by the use of buildings : active use by the public (Rank A), possible use by specific external users (Rank B), and use mainly internal users but also by the public (Rank C). It was additionally discovered that most of those buildings belong to Rank C. It was also found that open buildings to the public tended to form the open unit by assembling each other or locating next to a square. In addition, it was clarified that open buildings to the public were placed on the campus in accordance with their openness such that buildings and open units actively used by the public (Rank A) were located near the main gate and open units mainly used by internal users (Rank C) were placed at the center of the campus site. Secondly, openness of university campus are clarified through characteristic of open buildings to the public and campus environs. As a result, we found characteristics of openness of university campus from the viewpoint of the layout of open buildings to the public. In a campus that has buildings with relatively high openness (Rank A or B), area near the gate is used by external users. In a campus that has buildings with lower openness (Rank C), the central area of the campus is disclosed mainly to internal users. In a campus with both of their types, openness is gradually higher from gates to the center of the campus. It is found that the relationship between openness of university campus and campus environs. In campus near the gates were used by external users is nearby the station. In campus the central area of the campus is disclosed mainly to internal users is provided with a square and green spaces on the site boundary so as to connect with campus environs. Moreover we found that there were 2 type of formation processes in university campus with gradual openness from its main gate to its center: in one campus, its main gate was firstly disclosed and the open part was gradually extended to the center of the campus, and in another campus, its center is disclosed before the open part was expanded to its main gate. Based on the above results, this provides a viewpoint to understand the openness in a university campus based on its buildings and significant as a basis of recognition to design campus openness in future campus maintenance based on its current openness through the construction of new open buildings to the public and utilization of existing buildings for public use.
浦 達也
公益財団法人 日本野鳥の会
Strix (ISSN:09106901)
vol.31, pp.3-30, 2015 (Released:2023-02-27)

日本では風力発電の普及にともない,風車が鳥類に影響を与える問題が懸念されている.影響の種類は,鳥類が風車にぶつかる「衝突」,風車周辺からいなくなる「生息地放棄」,渡りや移動の経路を阻害する「移動の障壁」の3 つがある.衝突は今まで国内で341 羽が発見され,トビ,オジロワシ,カモメ類,カラス類が多い.生息地放棄は京都府と三重県の例があり,いずれも風車周辺で鳥類の生息密度が減少した.移動の障壁は愛媛県のハチクマ,長崎県のナベヅル・マナヅルの例があり,いずれも風車建設後に飛翔経路が変わった.今後,日本では事後調査を積み重ね,どのような風車が鳥類に影響を与えるのか研究をさらに進めるべきである.