20 0 0 0 OA 磁極と地磁気極

星 博幸 山本 裕二 渋谷 秀敏
地学教育 (ISSN:00093831)
vol.68, no.4, pp.197-203, 2016-06-30 (Released:2017-05-31)

馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 千葉 達朗 吉本 充宏 西澤 文勝 渋谷 秀敏

将来起こりうる火山災害を軽減するためには,過去の噴火推移の詳細を明らかにすることが重要である.特に西暦1707年の宝永噴火については,富士火山では比較的例の少ない大規模爆発的噴火の例として,ハザードマップ作成でも重要視されている.宝永噴火は基本的にプリニー式噴火であったとみなされているが,火口近傍相の研究は多くない.また,宝永山については,脱ガスしたマグマの貫入による隆起モデルが提唱されており(Miyaji et al.,2011),さらにはマグマ貫入による山体崩壊未遂の可能性と,予知可能な山体崩壊の例として避難計画策定の必要性が指摘されている(小山,2018).本発表では,宝永噴火の火口近傍相の地質調査・全岩化学組成分析・古地磁気測定などから新たに得られた知見をもとに,宝永山の形成過程について考察する.富士火山南東麓に位置する宝永山は,宝永噴火の際に古富士火山の一部が隆起して形成されたと推定されてきた(Tsuya,1955 ; Miyaji et al.,2011).しかし,赤岩を含む宝永山には多種多様な類質岩片は認められるものの,主には緻密な暗灰色スコリア片、火山弾から構成され,斑れい岩岩片や斑れい岩を捕獲した火山弾も認められる.それらの鏡下観察・全岩化学組成分析・古地磁気測定から,赤岩を含む宝永山は,Ho-Ⅲでもステージ2(Miyaji et al.,2011)に対比され ,マグマ水蒸気爆発による火口近傍の降下堆積物ないしサージ堆積物と推定される.また,宝永第2・第3火口縁,御殿庭の侵食谷側壁は,宝永噴火の降下堆積物で構成されており,ステージ1のHo-Ⅰ~Ⅲ(Miyaji et al.,2011)に対比される.侵食谷の基底部に白色・縞状軽石層は現時点において確認できないものの,下位から上位にかけて安山岩質から玄武岩質に漸移的な組成変化(SiO2=62.8~52.2wt%)をしている.そして,宝永第1火口内の火砕丘,宝永山山頂付近,御殿庭の侵食谷から得た古地磁気方位は,古地磁気永年変化曲線(JRFM2K.1)の西暦1707頃の古地磁気方位と一致する.これらの新たな知見に加えて,宝永噴出物のアイソパック(Miyaji et al.,2011),マグマ供給系(藤井,2007 ; 安田ほか,2015)と史料と絵図(小山,2009)も考慮し,宝永噴火に伴う宝永山の形成過程を推定した.宝永山はわずか9日間で形成された宝永噴火の給源近傍相としての火砕丘である.1.玄武岩質マグマがデイサイト質マグマに接触・混合したことで白色・縞状軽石が第1火口付近から噴出し,偏西風により東方向に流された(12月16日10~17時頃,Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit A,Bに相当).2.火口拡大に伴って第1火口の山体側も削剥され,多量の類質岩片が本質物と共に東~南方向に放出し,宝永山を形成し始めた(12月17日未明,Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit C~Fに相当).3.第1火口縁の地すべりによる火口閉塞ないし火口域の拡大により,噴出中心は第2火口に移行した(12月17~19日、Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit G~Iに相当).4.火口閉塞した類質岩片が噴出されることにより,噴火中心は第1火口に遷移し,断続的なマグマ水蒸気爆発により宝永山(赤岩)が形成された(12月19~25日、Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit J~Mに相当).5.噴火口が第1火口に限定されることで類質岩片の流入が止み,玄武岩質マグマによるプリニー噴火が6日間継続したのち,噴火が終了した(12月25~30日,Miyaji et al.,(2011)のUnit N~Qに相当).
馬場 章 藤井 敏嗣 吉本 充宏 千葉 達 渋谷 秀敏
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.3, pp.351-377, 2022-09-30 (Released:2022-10-27)

Mt. Hoei (Hoei-zan) is a protuberance on the southeastern flank of the Fuji volcano, Japan. The lateral cone was formed during the Hoei eruption in AD 1707. However, the geological map of the Fuji volcano assigns the material of the protuberance to an older unit in the Hoshiyama Stage (100 to 17 ka); this is because the Akaiwa deposits around the summit have been altered in the same manner as rocks in the Hoshiyama Stage. This assignment has led to a model, unique in the context of modern volcanology, in which Mt. Hoei is an uplifted bulge caused by the intrusion of degassed magma that occurred at the time of the eruption; it thus led us to reinvestigate the geology of Mt. Hoei for the first time since Tsuya (1955). In addition to a geological survey, we obtained paleomagnetic directions from the Akaiwa and fallout deposits in the Goten-niwa erosional valley at the base of Mt. Hoei and compared the former with directions from the spatter cone that formed in the first Hoei crater during the final stage of the Hoei eruption. All the directions agreed well with each other and the archeomagnetic directions reported as corresponding to AD 1707, clearly indicating that the Akaiwa is not a part of the Hoshiyama Stage. We also performed petrographic and whole-rock chemical analyses of the deposits and found a gradual upward compositional change from dacite to basalt corresponding to the distal tephrostratigraphic units Ho-I to Ho-IV. This result shows that the Akaiwa deposits corresponded to the rocks of unit Ho-III, and both paleomagnetic and petrologic investigations strongly suggest that the former formed contemporaneously with the eruption. Therefore, the protuberance is not a bulge caused by the magmatic intrusion but a pyroclastic cone from the Hoei eruption.
穴井 千里 宮縁 育夫 宇津木 充 吉川 慎 望月 伸竜 渋谷 秀敏 大倉 敬宏
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.66, no.3, pp.171-186, 2021-09-30 (Released:2021-10-29)

Nakadake volcano, the current active center of the Aso central cones (Kyushu), is one of the most active volcanoes in Japan. It has been active since ca. 22-21 cal ka, and has formed the old edifice (22-21 cal ka), the young edifice (around 5 cal ka) and the youngest pyroclastic cone (until present). The lava flows from the young edifice spread on the flank of the volcano several times around 5 cal ka. These lavas are supposed to give stratigraphic markers for constructing the eruptive history of Nakadake volcano, but the similarity in chemical composition and lithology hampers distinguishing and correlating them. We have conducted a paleomagnetic study to distinguish and correlate the lavas since the paleomagnetic secular variation (PSV) provides a high-resolution age information. If lava units have a temporal difference of more than 50 years, they could be distinguished by their paleomagnetic directions. The samples were collected from 9 lava flows and 8 agglutinate layers (welded scoria-fall deposits) and were subjected to the paleomagnetic and rock-magnetic measurements. These samples, from visual inspection, appear to be influenced by chemical alteration in the surface of the outcrop by sulfides of volcanic gases. To check a rock-magnetic effect of the chemical alteration of the lavas and agglutinates, thermomagnetic analyses were made on chip samples from the top (surface of rock) and bottom (inside of rock) of the collected paleomagnetic cores. The thermomagnetic analyses indicate that the core top and bottom samples show the same behaviors, in spite of the difference in color, and the carriers of magnetization of each core are titanium rich (titanium content, x, is about 0.6) and poor (x is about 0.1-0.2) titanomagnetites. The natural remanent magnetization of each sample shows a simple, single vector component in alternating field demagnetization experiments, which well defines the primary component. Site mean directions can be categorized into three different direction groups. These data suggest that the eruption producing lava flows and/or agglutinates occurred at three different ages. Furthermore, the paleomagnetic directions of one group is not consistent with the directions of the eruptive ages of Nakadake young edifice assigned from the previous stratigraphic studies. Comparing these directions with the paleomagnetic secular variation curve which has been drawn from basaltic volcanoes in the northwestern part of Aso central cones, the ages of the direction groups can be assigned to around 6.0-4.3 cal ka and 3.5 cal ka, respectively. This result demonstrates that paleomagnetic studies can greatly contribute for establishing the eruptive histories of volcanos.
大野 正夫 山本 裕二 畠山 唯達 田尻 義了 渋谷 秀敏 加藤 千恵 足立 達朗 齋藤 武士 桑原 義博
