園田 順一 高山 巌 前田 直樹 田中 陽子 栗山 和広
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
no.5, pp.77-84, 2004-03

Recently, school refusal and social withdrawal have become huge social issue in Japan. This phenomenon is specific for Japanese society, which is considered to be deeply associated with education and child discipline. The present study examined the process of the development of school refusal and social withdrawal. Also we suggested the treatments and prevention, focusing particularly on child discipline at home.
田中 陽子
言語文化論究 (ISSN:13410032)
vol.16, pp.95-116, 2002

Ces dernieres annees, au Japon, on insiste sur l'importance de l'enseignement de l'anglais devenu l'outil le plus utile dans la communication internationale. Il en resulte que l'enseignement des autres langues etrangeres est en baisse tres nette par rapport aux annees precedentes dans les universites qui s'en chargeaient depuis la fin de la derniere guerre mondiale. En effet, bien que le nombre des langues proposees dans les universites ait augrniente, le nombre d'unites de valeurs obligatoires consacre a l'enseigfflement de ces langues a dimimue fortement. Vient s'ajouter a ce phenomene, le fait qu'un certain nombre d'universites ont supprime le caractere obligatoire de la seconde langue etrangere. Parallelement, on assiste ces derniere annees a une aupentation tres marquee du nombre de lycees qui lancent des progammes d'enseignement de ces langues. Cependant au niveau national, le pourcentage reste faible. De plus, comme il n'y a ni obligation ni perception d'aides institutionnelles, on peut difficilement envisager la generalisation de telles pratiques. Nous devons en conclure qu 'au Japon l'enseignement des autres langues est en regression. Ce phenomene peut etre attribue a plusieurs causes, mais la plus importante, nous semble-t-il, est la manque de consideration profonde du sens et du but de l'enseignement des langues etrangeres. Dans cet article, apres avoir brosse un aperqu de l'etat actuel de l'enseigfflement des langeaes etrangeres excepte l'anglais au Japon, nous aborderons le plurilinguisme dans l'enseignement des langues recommande par l'UE, les idees qui le soutiennent et les actions en vue de sa concretisation et pour finir, l'etat actuel de l'enseignement des langues étrangères en milieu scolaire dans les pays membres de l'UE. Cela ne signifie pas que nous considerons comme ideal ce qui se fait dans I'UE et ses pays membres. Ils connaissent des limites et des problemes, mais leurs prises de consciences respectives en matière d'enseipement de langues étrangères devraient être une source d'inspiration en ce qui concerne nos futures actions au Japon. Cette prise de conscience est vitale dans une perspective future, les frontières devenant floues et le nombre d'étrangers coexistant a l'intérieur du Japon ne cessant d'augmenter.
前田 直樹 長友 真実 田中 陽子 三浦 宏子
九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 (ISSN:13455451)
vol.8, pp.79-87, 2007-03-25

Co-dependency is a functional deficit whereby individuals control both other's behaviour and their own behaviour in order to keep being depended on by others. It has been pointed out in the clinical field that co-dependency is associated with a variety of mental health problems. There are two parts in this study. The purpose of the first part of the study was to develop a questionnaire of particular co-dependent behaviours and to examine the relationship between co-dependency, depression and dependent personality. The factor analysis of the questionnaire generated two factors, "Self-sacrifice" and "Immaturity" . Based on these factors the subscales were developed. Besides, Self-Depression Scale (SDS) was used to assess their mental health With regard to measuring dependent personality, eight items were extracted from dependent personality disorder from Cluster "C" Personality Disorder of DSM-IV-TR. The sample was 290 social welfare students (179 males, 111 females). The analysis of correlation showed a significant relation between co-dependency, depression and dependent personality. The second part of the study hypothesised that co-dependency of social welfare students would be higher than students majoring in a different subject The co-dependent data, gained from the first par of the study, was compared with data from students majoring in another subject (n=142). However, it was not found a significant difference between them. Further studies in this area should gather more data from clinical field.
田中 陽子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.69, no.4, pp.225-237, 2018 (Released:2018-05-12)

This paper analyzed discourse on women's clothing through articles published between 1930 and 1943 in “Clothing,” magazine published by the Japan Clothing Association, and their historical significance. The main findings are as follows.  1. It was significant that awareness of Japanese and Western dress was raised through discourse on clothing, with Japanese dress regarded as a cultural and traditional asset, while Western dress was portrayed as a universally functional form of clothing.  2. It was significant that there was no aim to reform clothing in a temporary or mandatory way; rather, there was a long-term view of moving toward the creation of a new Japanese style of clothing. The reality of living through the war severed people from their culture and customs, with day-to-day experiences encouraging demands for the development of new things rather than for replication and emulation, leading to debates over suitable attire for Japanese people.  3. It was significant that discussions on women's clothing were conducted in various fields from diverse perspectives. In contrast to a state policy that demanded unification and simplification, arguments and proposals both for and against were developed in the magazine in a multi-layered and versatile way. It could be argued that debates allowing for many viewpoints under the national unity policy became a driving force after the war.
伊藤 知子 田中 陽子 成田 美代 磯部 由香
Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology
日本食品科学工学会誌 : Nippon shokuhin kagaku kogaku kaishi = Journal of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (ISSN:1341027X)
vol.54, no.11, pp.463-467, 2007-11-15

菱沼 光恵 田中 陽子 矢口 学 桒原 紀子 野本 たかと
一般社団法人 日本障害者歯科学会
日本障害者歯科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09131663)
vol.36, no.4, pp.605-615, 2015 (Released:2016-02-29)

口腔常在菌が口腔疾患だけでなく全身疾患の誘発に深く関与することが明らかにされてきている.障害児者や高齢者にとって,Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis)を含む口腔常在菌を起因として,口腔機能や免疫機能の低下が相まった際に誘発される誤嚥性肺炎は,きわめて重篤な疾患となる.糖非分解性細菌であるP. gingivalisによってエネルギー獲得のために産生されたプロテアーゼは,タンパク質の代謝のみならず病原性にも関与しているとされている.P. gingivalisのゲノム解析が行われ,菌株の間で頻繁なゲノム再構成が起こっていることが明らかにされ,最近の研究でP. gingivalisのもつ線毛の遺伝子型(fimA)によってIからV型に分類した場合,fimA II型が進行性の歯周病患者に多いことが報告されている.また,P. gingivalisの産生するAminoacyl-histidine dipeptidase (PepD)はfimA II型に多く発現するプロテアーゼであることが明らかにされている.しかしながら,PepDに焦点をあてた報告はほとんどない.そこでわれわれはfimA II型P. gingivalisのPepDに着目し,気管上皮細胞に対する為害性について検索した.さらに将来的な新規分子標的治療薬開発の足掛かりとして,PepDを標的とした阻害剤についても,fimA I型P. gingivalisの増殖抑制効果が報告されているベスタチンを中心に検討を加えた.その結果,PepDは菌自身の生存に関与するだけでなく生体為害作用をもつことが明らかにされた.さらに,PepDがベスタチンの標的酵素であることが示唆され,P. gingivalisによって誘発される慢性炎症への新規治療薬としての可能性があることが考えられた.
田中 陽子
正倉院紀要 (ISSN:13431137)
no.32, pp.103-114, 2010-03
小瀬 洋喜 池田 坦 田中 陽子 丹羽 早起
岐阜藥科大學紀要 (ISSN:04340094)
vol.20, pp.9-16, 1971-06-30

Air pollution in Gifu City was obserbed by the filter paper method from 1963 to 1965. The measurement on the variation of sulfur oxid and nitrogen oxid value was performed at eight places. It was found that the mean value of sulfur oxid was 0.31mg SO_3/day/100cm^2 and the value range was 0.01-0.71mg SO_3/day/100cm^2. The mean value of nitrogen oxid was 0.063mg NO_2/day/100cm^2,and the value range was 0.017-0.192mg NO_2/day/100cm^2. In Gifu City, we measured the smog states on the 10 th and the 15 th Jun. 1963. On the 10th, SO_2 was measured more than 0.2 ppm. But on the 15 th, SO_2-concentration was very low, and CO_2-concentration was very high. It was caused by burnning the wheat straw, so we call "Rural Type Smog". These smog states were caused by calm weather.
岩崎 雅美 田中 陽子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.10, pp.945-957, 1994-10-15

In 1987 a man's shirt with a standing collar was introduced into the teaching syllabus for elementary schools as the first teaching material for Western sewing. An apron, a bib, a cap and drawers were subsequently added to the syllabus. The five garments were all Western clothing, however their designs were slightly modified or simplified in several editions of the textbooks. For example, fabric was cut down without paper patterns, and courved lines were never used for cutting fabric, which is distinctive characteristic of the Japanese kimono. The ways Japanese people wore the Western clothes in everyday life were different from the ways Western people did. A shirt and drawers were worn under the kimono, although an apron and a bib could be worn over the kimono. Also a cap could be worn with a kimono. These ways of wearing the Western clothes show that they were well suited to kimono. In addtion to the fact that Western clothing was suited to the kimono, there were other reasons why these items were selected as teaching materials for Western sewing. In this paper the reasons attributable to social and educational factors of those days are discussed as follows : (1) During the Sino-Japanese and the Russo-Japanese wars a large quantity of Western clothing including shirts and drawers had to be supplied for military purpose. (2) Some Westerners pointed out that the neckline, the wide-open edge of the sleeves, and the front opening of the Japanese kimono were not suitable for wearing in the cold season. (3) Educators tried to modify the child kimono into western-style clothing for children's use. (4) Some family magazines contained information on how to use a sewing machine and how to sew shirts and drawers for beginners in order that housewives could make those clothes more economically than purchasing them. The original properties of the Western clothes designs are to fit and be becoming to each individual wearer, to express his/her personality, and to help a wearer develop his/her self-concept. These factors seem to have hardly been taught in those days of Japanese elementary schools, since the major aim of the early teaching materials for Western sewing was on how to make them.