渡辺 俊三
名城論叢 (ISSN:13457993)
vol.8, no.4, pp.121-141, 2008-03
渡辺 俊三 田崎 博一 北條 敬 小泉 明 佐藤 時治郎 J. B. Baron F. Lhermitte
日本失語症学会 (現 一般社団法人 日本高次脳機能障害学会)
失語症研究 (ISSN:02859513)
vol.2, no.2, pp.328-333, 1982 (Released:2006-08-11)

Musicians and nonmusicians were tested in the recognitions of four kinds of dichotically presented music stimuli : recorded tones, chords, rhythms and melodies. Nonmusicians were 18 subjects (A), who worked in fireman's agency in Paris, France, whose ages ranged from 18 to 28 years (average : 20.2 years) and whose years of musical experiences ranged from 0 to 5. Musicians were 8 students in musical college (Conservatoire national supérieur de Musique de Paris): 5 right-handed (B) and 3 left-handed persons (C), whose ages ranged from 18 to 25 years (average : 21.8 years), whose years of musical experiences ranged from 10 to 18 (average: 12.8 years).    1) In the tone test, the mean score for right and left ears were nearly the same for both A and B.    2) The chord test revealed a significant left ear superiority for A, and the tendency of the higher score in left ear was seen for B.    3) In the rhythm test, the score for the right ear had a tendency to be higher than the one for the left ear, both in A and B.    4) In the melody test, the score showed a tendency of left ear superiority for A, but the tendency of right ear superiority was seen for B.    Bever and Chiarello (1974) found a right ear reference in the detection of musical stimuli when they used musicians as subjects. Johnson made the dichotic listening task involving violin for musicians and nonmusicians. The musicians demonstrated a right ear superiority, while the nonmusicians performed better with the left ear. He interpreted that musicians mainly used the left hemisphere to process musical stimuli, while nonmusicians used the right hemisphere.    The results of Bever and Chiarello, and Johnson nearly agree with the results of our musical dichotic listening test for nonmusicians and musicians in France as well as the results of our former studies for pupils of chorus club in elementary school, stdents of philharmonic club in senior high school and students in musical college in Japan.
渡辺 俊三 豊嶋 秋彦 大場 昭一 飯塚 稔 植本 雅治 森山 成彬 小泉 明 一之瀬 正興 寺田 光徳 RICHARDOT Dominique 大西 守 浜田 秀伯 藤谷 興一
弘前醫學 (ISSN:04391721)
vol.36, no.1, pp.167-175, 1984-03

フランスP市の日本人小・中学校児童の外国文化への適応について検討を加えた.対象は日本人学校児童122名(男71,女51)であった.今回のアンケート調査は32項目よりなり,外国文化への適応の評価と印象,外国語能力の自己評価,日本とフランスの関係についての評価などよりなる. このアンケートを統計数理学的方法で検討を加えた.結果は,外国文化への適応の評価は概ね比較的良好であった. さらに,適応への重要な因子として,外国語の能力があげられ,外国語学習への積極的態度が観察された.