氏原 真弓 石黒 洋明 小玉 肇 西谷 皓次 池田 政身 北村 嘉男
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.112, no.9, pp.1229-1240, 2002-08-20 (Released:2014-12-27)

症例は48歳,女性.約13年間.甲状腺機能亢進症のためプロピルチオウラシル(PTU)を服用していた.300mg/日にて開始して4年後の冬に,感冒様症状に続いて喀血を伴う呼吸困難と高度の貧血を来し,次いで突発性難聴も生じた.尿潜血,便潜血,RA-test陽性,抗核抗体陽性を認めた.甲状腺機能が正常化してPTUの投与が中止されたところ,これらの症状は消失した.その後甲状腺機能亢進症状が再燃しPTUの投与が再開されたが,150mg/日以上服用すると,上強膜炎あるいは強膜炎が出現した.数年前から紫斑が下腿に出没し,嗄声も出現した.1.5年前より300mg/日に増量されたところ,貧血が次第に進行し,不明熱,多関節痛および小腸出血を来した.下肢には環状およびび漫性の紫斑,打ち傷様紫斑が生じた.病理組織像で真皮全層の細動静脈,毛細血管および真皮深層の小動脈にleukocytoclastic vasculitisを認めた.プレドニゾロン30mg/日よりの漸減療法にて,紫斑の新生はなくなり,多関節痛,筋痛も激減したが,尿潜血は続き,15mg/日で経過観察中に血痰が出現した.Myeloperoxidaseに対する抗好中球細胞質抗体(MPO-ANCA)は406EU/mlの高値を示した.PTUの投与の中止により全ての症状が消失し,MPO-ANCAが低下したことより,PTUによるANCA関連血管炎と診断した.これまでに報告された抗甲状腺薬によるANCA関連血管炎45例を検討したところ,皮疹は44%で見られ,手指や下肢の有痛性紅斑,丘疹,潰瘍および下肢の広範な紫斑が主な皮膚症状であった.半月体形成性糸球体腎炎や肺出血を伴うことが多く,microscopic polyangiitisと同様の病像を呈した.PTU等抗甲状腺薬による血管炎には,全身性のANCA関連血管炎とIII型アレルギーが推測される皮膚のleukocytoclastic vasculitisがある.PTUは選択的に好中球に集積され,好中球のMPOにより非常に反応性の高い物質に代謝されるため,それが好中球の核や細胞質の構成成分の構造に変化をもたらし,抗核抗体やANCAが産生されるようになると推察した.
富谷 光良 石黒 洋行 中島 康裕 豊田 弘道
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.15, no.3, pp.232-241, 1995-06-30 (Released:2009-05-22)

The computer graphical method for analysis of remote sensing multi-spectral image data is proposed. Three-dimensional histogram is constructed in three-dimensional feature space from the image data and represented by three-dimensional computer graphics. On the histogram fine structure of distribution of data in the feature space can be observed. Therefore the categories of remote sensing multi-spectral image data can be identified easily on the computer screen. Each distribution of water, vegetation and soil etc. has its charasteristic features in the histogram. One of the most distinguished features is that distribution of data of each category is long and narrow, and the principle component axes of the categories concentrate on a point near the origin of the feature space.
富谷 光良 石黒 洋行 中島 康裕 山口 基貴 豊田 弘道
The Remote Sensing Society of Japan
日本リモートセンシング学会誌 (ISSN:02897911)
vol.15, no.4, pp.326-337, 1995-09-30 (Released:2009-05-22)

The linear algebraic analysis of remotely sensed multispectral image is studied. The inner product is applied to the classification and the outer product to systematic treatment of mixels. The analysis uses essentially angular distribution of data with respect to the origin of feature space. The offsets which are involved in the data are estimated by the 3-dimensional histogram and subtracted from the data. Then the fact that pixels have the same angle in the feature space strongly implies that they have the same reflectances and belong to the same category. Therefore the angles of data is the most important information to classify the categories.
石黒 洋 山本 明子 中莖 みゆき 衣 蘭娟 石黒 真理子 山口 誠 近藤 志保 持丸 由香 Ishiguro Hiroshi Yamamoto Akiko Nakakuki Miyuki Yi Lanjuan Ishiguro Mariko Yamaguchi Makoto Kondo Shiho Mochimaru Yuka
総合保健体育科学 (ISSN:02895412)
vol.35, no.1, pp.9-15, 2012-03-30

Excretion of hypotonic sweat by eccrine sweat gland is achieved by re-absorption of NaCl by sweat duct which is an important function to prevent the salt loss and heat prostration. The Cl– transport by sweat duct is mediated by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) anion channel. CFTR is the causative gene for cystic fibrosis, an autosomal recessive genetic disease. CFTR functions as a cAMP-dependent anion channel localized in the apical membrane of various epithelia. Loss of function due to severe mutations in both alleles causes typical cystic fibrosis characterized by dehydrated, thick, and viscous luminal fluid/mucus in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, pancreatic duct, and vas deferens. Cystic fibrosis is the most common genetic disease in Caucasians (1 per ~3,000 births) but it is rare in the Asian population including Japanese (1 per ~1.5 million). A compound heterozygote of mutations/polymorphisms (causing a mild dysfunction of CFTR) involves a risk of developing CFTR-related diseases (or atypical cystic fibrosis) such as chronic pancreatitis and male infertility due to congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD). Recent studies suggest that CFTR mutations/polymorphisms are frequently found in Japanese patients with chronic pancreatitis, CBAVD and diffuse panbronchiolitis. Cl– concentration in the sweat is a useful measure of CFTR function in human. The sweat [Cl–] in healthy subjects is correlated with ages. High levels (>60 mM) of sweat [Cl–] suggest the dysfunction of CFTR.
柳原 一広 西村 貴文 松本 繁巳 北野 俊行 福島 雅典 石黒 洋 金井 雅史 三沢 あき子 安田 浩康 平出 敦
