若林 満 星野 靖雄
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.19, no.2, pp.77-108, 2006-03-31 (Released:2011-01-27)
3 1
若林 満
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1-13, 1987-04-15 (Released:2011-01-27)
1 1

A longitudinal research project was initiated in 1972 to track the process of management progress in the Japanese corporation.Results of a 7-year follow-up indicated that the career progress of male college graduates up to the lowest management positions can be predicted quite well based on information collected during the first three years of tenure. Based on these findings, an alternative view of management progress in Japanese organization was suggested. This new view was based on a process of early tournament mobility of managerial talent, rather than on a process of deferred competition. This latter process is commonly believed to be the basic features of management progress in the Japanese organization. The temporal generality of this early tournament mobility view was tested in a 13-year follow-up. Results generally supported the early differentiation view but suggested needed elaborations and refinements. Implications of this model are discussed.
若林 満 斎藤 和志
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.4, no.1, pp.9-17, 1989-04-30 (Released:2011-01-27)

For the purpose of testing the hypothesized major contribution of vertical exchange quality to management development, 1058 line managers at four different hierarchical levels were sampled from five of the leading corporations in Japan. Hierarchical regrssion and path analysis results showed that both vertical exchange quality and the present hierarchical level contributed uniquely to managers' career development activities after the contributions of company, age, tenure, education, technical specialty and intrafirm mobility were controlled. In addition, the contributions of these control variables were estimated and a summary path diagram was presented.Implications of these findings for our understanding of Japanese management development were discussed, focusing upon the two dominant management career paths in Japanese organizations: one through the traditional nenko system and the other through the interpersonal (leader-member relations) path.
若林 満 Gallagher Daniel G. Graen George B.
名古屋大學教育學部紀要 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
no.35, pp.p1-20, 1988

本論文においては, わが国産業組織における終身雇用制度を基調とした人材育成の問題点が, 客観的キャリアと主観的キャリアの2つの視点から問題とされた。客観的キャリアの視点は, 組織で働く人びとの職務・地位・部署など, 公式的な面での変化や異動を記述し説明することを目的としている。本論文ではこの客観的視点からの検討は, 大卒男子社員の管理職への昇進過程に関する13年間の縦断研究の資料に基づき行われた。そこでの問題は誰が, いつある地位に昇進していくか, またそれを規定する要因は何かという問題であったが, 分析の結果, 管理職へのキャリア発達は年功序列というよりは, かなり厳しいトーナメント型の競争過程であること。そして誰が, いつ昇進するかは, キャリア発達の初期段階(入社3年目ぐらいまで)の実績(業績評価と能力評定), およびそれまでの直属上司との対人関係(垂直的交換関係)のあり方によって規定されることが明らかとなった。この結果は, 管理職キャリア発達における早期分化の仮説を支持するものであった。次に, 主観的側面からのキャリア発達の研究として, 大卒および高卒者の仕事の満足感と組織へのコミットメントが分析された。筆者らの調査から得られた大量サンプルに基づく横断的研究の結果, 新入社員から中高年社員層の勤続年数グループ間での比較をみると, 満足度や組織との一体感は若年層と中高年層で高く, 中堅層(入社8∿10年前後)で最低となるU字型を呈していることが見出された。加えて, 他の研究をもとに, 日本の労働者と外国の労働者の仕事満足感を比較すると, 多くの研究がわが国労働者の満足感の低さを支持する結果を示していた。以上の分析から, 終身雇用制度のもとでのわが国従業員のキャリア発達は, 客観的側面では年功序列的というより競争的であり, 主観的側面では満足度が高く組織との一体感が高いという一般的予想とは, ほど遠い結果であることが明らかとなった。国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。
佐野 守 若林 満
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.2, no.1, pp.23-35, 1987-04-15 (Released:2011-01-27)

Relationship between the stated corporate philosophy and characteristics of the organiza-tional climate of the corporation was examined based on the 5 manufacturing corporations in Aichi Prefecture. Clmate data were collected by using a Semantic Differential format from three different hierarchical levels: subordinate, leader, and superior levels in each corporation. Factor analyses on the climate data produced two orthogonal factors, effectiveness in goal achievement and warmth of the organizational environment. Results of the analysis indicated that in general, especially among less progressive corporations, the effectiveness dimension tended to be rated high at lower levels, while the warmth dimension high at high hierarchical levels. This indicated a lack of communication and insufficient penetration of corporate philosophy across hierachical levels. But, it was found that in some progressive corporations, both dimensions were rated high by all constituent groups. Implications of the findings were disscussed regarding consistency involving a stated philosophy, implementing managerial practices, and an organizational climate perceived by the people in the organization.
若林 満 WAKABAYASHI Mitsuru 後藤 宗理 GOTO Motomichi 鹿内 啓子 SHIKANAI Keiko
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.30, pp.63-98, 1983-12-24

The present study is aimed at exploring complex relationships between aspects of self concept, occupational attitudes and occupational choice itself. For this purpose, a set of instruments for measuring self concept and occupational attitudes were developed, based on subjects who were consisted of 875 female junior college students majoring in three different fields of professionalization: kindergartners (n=393), hospital nurses (n=227) and nonprofessional, humanity course students (n=255). They were asked to respond the questionnaire which contained 8 instruments stated as follows. (1) Occupational readiness included 30 statements regarding student's readiness for initiating her occupational life. Subjects rated each one by using a 4-point scale. A composite occupational readiness scale was created by combining 21 items selected by a series of item analyses. (2) The job orientation instrument consisted of 30 items which subjects might want to have as important goals or conditions for their occupations. They were asked to rate each one by using a 5-point scale. This instrument produced 3 orthogonal factors that were labelled as job challenge, human relations and working conditions respectively. (3) The student self-image included 23 adjectives each with a 7-point scale. This instrument produced masculinity and feminimity (M-F) scales by combining a set of adjectives identified to have a stereotyped masculine and a feminine character respectively. (4) Self-evaluated competence consisted of 22 ability dimensions considered to be necessary to lead an occupational life. Subjects were asked to evaluate themselves and to give ratings on each dimension by using a 7-point scale. This instrument produced 3 orthogonal factors labelled as competency, harmoniousness and reliability. (5) Occupational self-image was measured based on the 20 adjective pairs that were presented with a semantic differential format. This instrument was reduced to two composite scales, potency and affinity scales, by combining relevant SD scales. (6) The social-role attitude included 15 statements regarding roles of women in the society, and subjects were asked to rate each one by using a 7-point scale. All items were integrated into a single composite scale named equality in social roles. (7) Satisfaction with college life was measured by using 6 items based on a 7-point scale. (8) Career choice used a single item that asked subject's determination to continue an occupational career life. (9) Finally, the choice of occupation asked subjects to state occupational titles they wanted to be in after graduating from the college, together with the perceived probability (in percentage) of their actually engaging in those occupations. Major results of the analyses conducted by using composite scales described above can be summarized as follows. (1) Inter-correlations among 8 subscales of self concet (masculinity, femininity, competency, harmoniousness, reliability, potency, affinity, and equality in roles) were found all positive and mostly significant statistically. The same pattern of correlations was observed across three subject groups. (2) Correlation coefficients among 4 occupational attitude scales (occupational readiness, job challenges, human relations, working conditions) were found also high and statistically significant. However, the pattern of correlations for the nonprofessional, humanity course students showed an important difference compared to the students in other professionalized fields: kindergartner and nurse students. (3) Some aspects of self concept, particularly potency, mascurinity and role equality scales, showed a strong association with the achievement-oriented occupational scales, i.e., occupational readiness and job challenge. On the other hand, harmoniousness and affinity aspects of self concept showed significant correlations with human relations in job orientation. In addition, the femininity scale was found closely associated with orientation to working conditions. By cross-tabulating the dichotomized masculinity and femininity scales, the following 4 sex-role types were created: high masculinity - high femininity (M-F or androgynous) type, high masculinity - low femininity (Mf or masculine) type, low masculinity - high femininity (mF or feminine) type, and low masculinity and low femininity (mf of undifferentiated) type. Multiple comparisons were attempted based on these four groups with respect to aspects of self concept and occupational scales. Results of the analysis can be summarized as follows. (1) The androgynous, MF type students were shown as having the highest scores on both self conectp and occupational scales, while the undifferentiated, mf type students scored the lowest on these scales. (2) The MF and Mf type students showed the high scores on masculinity,'competency and potency scales, while the MF and mF type students showed high scores on femininity, harmoniousness, reliability and affinity scales. (3) The MF and Mf groups were found to have high scores on occupational readiness and job challenge scales, compared to their mF and mf type colleagues. These results suggest that the masculinity dimension within the female student's ego identity provides the strong basis upon which positive self concept and occupational attitudes can be developed. The relationship between self concept scales and occupational attitude scales was explored more extensively by using the canonical correlation analysis. Three canonical solusions were found statistially significant. The first canonical variate represented the interrelations between competence in self concept (masculinity) and self-actualization in occupation (high job challenge and occupational readiness). The second variate reflected close relationship between harmoniousness in self concept and human relations orientation in occupation. The third variate indicated an association between feminine self concept and orientation to the working conditions in one's occupational life. Additional analyses were attempted to further examine relationships between self concept and occupational attitude scales. First, on the basis of occupational readiness scores, subjects were divided into three subgroups: high, mid and low readiness groups. It was found that the high readiness group showed also high scores on job challenge orientation, masculinity, potent self-image and self-evaluated competency, followed by the mid and low readiness groups. Second, those who reported strong willingness to continue occupational lives were found to show the same pattern of results as exhibited by the readiness analysis. Third, on the basis of probability that the student would be engaged in the liked occupation, subjects were divided into the high, mid and low probability groups. Comparisons between these groups indicated that among kindergartener students the high probability group tends to show high occupational challenge, positive self-image and high evaluation of one's abilities. However, among non-professional, humanity students results were opposite: the low probability group showed high challenge and support for equality in social roles. In conclusion, results of the present study provided strong supportive evidence to the notion that there exists close relationships between aspects of self concept and occupational attitudes and orientations. However, the pattern of correlations between the two sets of scales were found somewhat different depending upon differences in the field of professionalization from which our female junior college subjects were derived. Therefore, it is suggested that to understand occupational choice processes among female college students, examination of the difference in contents of occupational socialization within the educational institution needs to be done, based on the longitudinal monitoring of choice processes over time.
中村 雅彦 斎藤 和志 若林 満
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.61, no.1, pp.15-22, 1990-04-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
4 3

The purpose of this study was to investigate how attitude change is generated by the recipient's degree of attitude formation, evaluative-emotional elements contained in the persuasive messages, and source expertise as a peripheral cue in the persuasion context. Hypotheses based on the Attitude Formation Theory of Mizuhara (1982) and the Elaboration Likelihood Model of Petty and Cacioppo (1981, 1986) were examined. Eighty undergraduate students served as subjects in the experiment, the first stage of which involving manipulating the degree of attitude formation with respect to nuclear power development. Then, the experimenter presented persuasive messages with varying combinations of evaluative-emotional elements from a source with either high or low expertise on the subject. Results revealed a significant interaction effect on attitude change among attitude formation, persuasive message and the expertise of the message source. That is, high attitude formation subjects resisted evaluative-emotional persuasion from the high expertise source while low attitude formation subjects changed their attitude when exposed to the same persuasive message from a low expertise source. Results exceeded initial predictions based on the Attitude Formation Theory and the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
若林 満 鹿内 啓子 後藤 宗理
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.29, pp.137-155, 1982-12-28

若林 満
名古屋大學教育學部紀要. 教育心理学科 (ISSN:03874796)
vol.34, pp.173-187, 1987-12-24

わが国企業の国際化は, 1980年代にはいって急速な進展をみせており, 最近の円高傾向はこの動向にはくしゃをかけている。日系企業が海外において受け入れられ, 定着し, 着実に発展するためには, 現地従業員との融合が不可欠である。なぜなら, 日本的経営の最大の特色の一つは, 各企業が独自の方法で人材を育成し, 人的資源の充実と呼応する形で業務の展開を行なうことにあるからである。それ故, 現地従業員をどれだけ教育訓練し, 事業拡大の人的資源として活用できるかが, 今後の海外日系企業の発展の鍵をにぎる重要なファクターの1つとなろう。このような観点から, 本稿では既存の調査データをもとに, アメリカとASEAN調査において日系企業がどのような人材育成の試みを行ない, どのような問題に直面しているかがまず検討された。これらの地域において日系企業は, 各種の日本的経営の試み(終身雇用, 年功序列賃金など)を行なっていたが, 大部分は大きな修正を迫られていた。このことから, 海外日系企業は日本の制度や慣行をそのまま現地に移植するのではなく, これらが発揮していた"経営機能"(雇用安定, キャリア形成, 仕事への動機づけなど)を現地において獲得すべく, 新しい制度や慣行の確立(すなわち新しい人的組織のあり方)が必要であることが主張された。このような新しい人的組織は, 現地の制度や慣行, 日本固有のシステム, それに新たな革新的なアイデアを基礎とした, 混合(hybrid)モデルの性質をもつであろうことが示唆された。加えて新しいシステム構築のための方法について, 若干の提案がなされた。
和田 実 若林 満
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.6, no.2, pp.71-80, 1991

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of verbal and nonverbal behaviors on a job interview through three experimental studies. Independent variables were verbal content (assertive or non-assertive: AS vs. NA) and nonverbal behaviors (low or high immediacy: L vs. H). Dependent variables were interpersonal impression (intimacy, social desirability, dynamism and general evaluation bias), job abilities (decisiveness, harmoniousness), and employment decisions. Presentations of the video tape consisted of three modes: Study 1 with an audiovisual mode, Study 2 with an audioonly mode, and Study 3 with a visual-only mode. Subjects were 12 students (6 males and 6 females) in each condition and 98 students in all three studies.<BR>Major findings were as follows:(1) In an audiovisual mode of presentation, effects of verbal behaviors were greater than thoes of nonverbal behaviors. There were no effects of both behaviors on employment decisions.(2) In an audio-only mode, AS had higher scores in all measures than NA.(3) In a visual-only mode, H had higher scores than L except social desirability and job abilities.
若林 満 南 隆男 佐野 勝男
no.6, pp.3-131, 1980-03

慶應義塾大学産業研究所社会心理学研究班モノグラフ ; No. 12当該研究プロジェクトの目標は, プロジェクト題目が示すごとく, わが国の大卒新入社員の組織内キャリア発達の過程を分析しそこに潜む動的なメカニズムを理解することであった。が,資料の分析はすべて, アメリカの大学(イリノイ大学労働産業関係研究所)の施設を利用しておこなわれた。残念なことではあるが, おそらく,日本の大学の研究施設に依存したならば, 文字どおリ"山" のごとくの厖大な資料から「キャリア発達過程」のメカニズムを発掘し析出していく作業は, もっともっと時間を要したことであろう。