茂木 透 岡田 真一郎
Japan Society of Engineering Geology
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.31, no.3, pp.115-123, 1990-09-25 (Released:2010-02-23)

We carried out a gamma-ray spectra survey to discuss the relation between geological structures associated with discharge of hot springs and gamma-ray intensities for three radioactive elements, 40K, 214Bi and 208Tl, using a portable multi-channel gamma-ray spectrometer, in the Futsukaichi Hot spring area, Fukuoka Prefecture, Southwest Japan. A data analysis method, based on Covell's method (1959), including the error estimation of observed data was used in this study. Detection limits of gamma-ray from each element based on Currie's method (1966) was also applied.Results of the field survey showed high gamma-ray intensity areas for Bi well correspond to inferred faults which are associated with discharge of hot springs. This means that 222Ra, the parent element of Bi, comes up to the surface together with circulating hot water. High intensity areas for Tl correspond to places of hot spring wells. This fact was interpreted that Tl is accumulated at the place where the hot water comes up to the surface rapidy, because 220Rn, the parent element of Tl, has very short half-life time. We concluded that the high gamma-ray intensities of Bi and Tl are an indicators for existence of upward-moving hot water flow.
森谷 武男 茂木 透 高田 真秀 山本 勲
北海道大学大学院理学研究院自然史科学部門(地球物理学) = Department of Natural History Sciences (Geophysics), Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.72, pp.269-285, 2009-03-15

A new observation system established in Hokkaido, northern Japan to confirm a suspected relationship between anomalous radio-wave propagation and impending earthquakes has been documenting anomalous VHF-band radiowave propagation beyond the line of sight prior to earthquakes since December, 2002. During such events, radio waves transmitted from an FM radio station were scattered, such that they could be received by an observation station beyond the transmitting station's line of sight. A linear relationship was established between the logarithm of the total duration time of the anomalous transmissions (Te) and the magnitude (M) or maximum seismic intensity (I) of the impending earthquake for M4- to M5-class earthquakes that occurred at depths of about 50 km beneath the Hidaka Mountains in Hokkaido, Japan in June 2004 and March 2008 as reported in the previous paper (Moriya et al., 2005). Similar linear relationships are also valid for earthquakes that occurred at other depths. Te is longer for shallower earthquakes and shorter for deeper ones. Numerous parameters seem to affect Te, including hypocenter depths and epicentral surface conditions (i.e., sea versus land). This relationship is important because it means that pre-seismic, anomalous transmission of VHF-band waves may be useful in predicting the size of an impending earthquake. To avoid misidentification of FM stations that have identical frequencies, three 64 MHz band transmitters were established, each with a unique frequency. Earthquakes that occurred in and around eastern Hokkaido scattered waves from FM-band and 64 MHz-band stations and provided quantitative relationships between Te and M, and between Te and I. Using the interferometer at the TES observation site, the incident azimuth of the scattering waves from the Hiroo station was measured. Prior to two earthquakes that occurred beneath almost the same part of the Tokachi region at depths of 86 km and magnitudes of M 4.9 and 4.0, the interferometer yielded incident azimuths of S18W and S34W. The true azimuths from TES to the hypocenters of the two earthquakes were S35W and S38W, respectively. These two measurements, therefore, suggest that anomalous transmission of VHF waves is caused by scattering at the epicenters of impending earthquakes.
本多 亮 笠原 稔 茂木 透
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.72, pp.203-218, 2009-03-15

Although there are a plenty amount of gravity data over the northern part of Hokkaido (Dohoku region), most of them are not published yet. We have been performing gravity measurement in this region since 2007. Additionally, new data is added by new measurement during 2008. These new data clearly demonstrate the improvement of the gravity anomaly distribution over the Japan-sea side area of Dohoku region. Recurrent thrust type faultings which are dominant in this region generate positive Bouguer gravity anomalies over the hanging wall side, and horizontal gravity gradients above fault lines. Bouguer gravity anomaly map clearly indicates that the lineament of large horizontal gravity gradient coincides with the Horonobe fault. This may indicate the cumulative faulting on the same place.
鈴木 貞臣 竹中 博士 清水 洋 中田 正夫 篠原 雅尚 亀 伸樹 茂木 透

川瀬 博 井上 公 茂木 透 倉本 洋 山崎 文雄 吉嶺 充俊
