馬越 孝道 清水 洋 松尾 のり道
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.39, no.5, pp.223-235, 1994-11-20 (Released:2017-03-20)

Fugendake, the main peak of Unzen Volcano of Kyushu Island in southwest Japan, started to erupt on November 17, 1990, after 198 years of dormancy, and lava extrusion has continued over three years since May 1991. Hypocenters of earthquakes which occurred before and during that eruption were precisely determined using P-wave arrival time data from five selected seismic stations near the focal region. The hypocenters in Chijiwa Bay are distributed in Chijiwa Caldera. Two linear arrangements of epicenters directed nearly from west to east emerged clearly in the western part of the Shimabara Peninsula, whose hypocentral depths became shallower toward the summit of Fugendake. The distribution of hypocenters is restricted by the fault systems which have been formed by the crustal movements of Unzen Graben. The stress which generates these earthquakes is dominated mainly by the north-south extension ; consistent with the regional tectonic stress. The directions of pressure axes are controlled by the magmatic pressure beneath the focal region. It is inferred from the hypocentral distribution and the orientations of pressure axes that the magma involved in the 1990-94 eruption is situated below an inclined boundary between seismic and aseismic regions in the western part of the Shimabara Peninsula. The magma ascent path is located at 13±2 km in depth beneath the western shore of the Shimabara Peninsula, becoming shollower eastward with an angle of elevation of 40〜50°.
清水 洋
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.35, no.2, pp.75-94, 2000-09-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

The main object of this article is to analyze the strategy of Chisso Corporation when Minamata Disease became a social issue and to explain the paradox of the strategy. I scrutinize the decision-making process of Chisso, which was one of the leading firms in Japanese chemical industry and which caused Minamata disease, one of the worst pollution incidents in Japan. This article focuses on why Chisso increased production despite the knowledge that this would intensify the suffering as well as increase the number of victims.On the basis of this analysis, it can be concluded that increasing production, which only served to spread the suffering, was the means Chisso used to avoid the further expansion of Minamata disease. The backdrop of this paradox was a complex situation in which the policies of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry's (MITI) and the local government, the strategies of rival firms, and technological change were intertwined.
中尾 茂 八木原 寛 平野 舟一郎 後藤 和彦 内田 和也 清水 洋

The earthquake (JMA Magnitude 7.1) occurred on November 14, 2015 in the area of west off Satsuma peninsula. The epicenter is located in Okinawa Trough where is in about 160 km west from Makurazaki City in Kagoshima Prefecture. This earthquake is one of the largest earthquakes in this area. Seismicity in this area is low in last twenty years. Two continuous GNSS sites are operated by Kagoshima University, one is UJIS site in Uji island which is 84 km to east from the epicenter and the other is MESM site in Meshima island which is 121 km north from the epicenter. At UJIS seismic observation is also operated by Kagoshima University and it is operated by Kyushu University at MESM. We went to those sites in order to get GNSS and seismic data because GNSS and seismic data are not telemetered at those sites. In this research, co-seismic crustal deformation and activity of aftershocks are reported.We relocated the main shock and aftershock until 10:00 on November 16. Length of aftershock area is about 60 km. Its Strike is the same of Okinawa Trough. The epicenter of the main shock is located at the south-west end of the aftershock area and maximum aftershock, which is occurred on November 15, is at north-east end. Activity of aftershock in northern part of aftershock area is high. However, in southern part it is low except aftermath of occurrence of the main shock.GNSS data analysis is by Bernese GNSS software Ver. 5.2 with CODE precise ephemeris. Daily site coordinates of UJIS and MESM are calculated with GEONET sites. Coseismic deformation is estimated by the difference between two days averages before and after the main shock. Displacement at UJIS and MESM is 0.82 cm and 0.65 cm, respectively. The theoretical coseismic deformation is estimated by a strike slip fault model (Okada, 1992). Fault length, strike, dip angle and fault position are estimated by the length of aftershock area. Fault width is assumed a half of the fault length. Amount of fault slip is estimated by the relationship between earthquake magnitude and moment (Sato, 1979). JMA moment magnitude 6.7 is used (JMA, 2015). Theoretical displacement at UJIS and MESM is 1.3 cm and 1.1 cm. Direction of observed displacement is coincident with that of theoretical displacement. However, amount of observed displacement is smaller than theoretical one.
松村 将司 宇佐 英幸 小川 大輔 市川 和奈 畠 昌史 清水 洋治 古谷 英孝 竹井 仁 篠田 瑞生
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.30, no.2, pp.239-246, 2015 (Released:2015-06-24)
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八木原 寛 角田 寿喜 後藤 和彦 清水 洋
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.47, no.1, pp.53-61, 1994-06-14 (Released:2010-03-11)

On January 30, 1992, a shallow earthquake of magnitude 4.9 followed by about 300 aftershocks occurred in a northern area of the Koshiki channel, north-western Kagoshima Prefecture. We located seismic events observed at two stations of NOEV (Nansei-toko Observatory for Earthquakes and Volcanoes) and four stations of SEVO (Shimabara Earthquake and Volcano Observatory), using Joint hypocenter determination (JHD). Hypocenters of the mainshock and its aftershocks were nearly vertically distributed at depths from 5km to 13km in a small area.Initial motions at the seismic stations of NOEV, SEVO and FMO (Fukuoka Meteorological Observatory) suggest a focal mechanism of strike slip fault type with a T-axis of NNW-SSE direction: the mechanism is very similar to those reported for the earthquakes in and around the area. The nodal plane striking in NE-SW agrees with trends of the fault system in the channel and the other WNW-ESE plane is parallel to the earthquake alignment along Amakusanada-Izumi-Kakuto areas. Hypocenters of the event and aftershocks nearly vertically distributing are, however, not consistent with any of the planes.In March of 1991, about 10 months before the M 4.9 event, an earthquake swarm (Mmax 2.9) occurred at depths around 5km almost within the same epicentral area. Namely, two different types of earthquake sequence occurred at different depths in the same area: the swarm occupied a shallower zone than the focal zone of the M 4.9 event. Although some volcanic process may be inferred from hypocenters vertically aligning, it is probably difficult to explain the fact that the earthquake swarm at shallow depths occurred about 10 months before the M 4.9 event at a deeper depth without accompanying any notable foreshocks.

2 0 0 0 OA 黄菌毛の1例

船井 龍彦 青木 敏之 西田 健樹 清水 洋子 遠藤 秀彦
Meeting of Osaka Dermatological Association
皮膚 (ISSN:00181390)
vol.27, no.5, pp.1028-1033, 1985 (Released:2010-06-04)

17才, 男子学生の腋毛に認められた毛円柱に対して, 細菌学的検索, 走査電顕, 透過電顕を行った。血液寒天培地での培養の結果, 淡黄色のクリーム状の小集落形成が認められた。それらはグラム陽性桿菌で生化学的検査によりコリネバクテリアと同定された。走査電顕では, 無数と思える菌体の集簇した団塊物が毛表面にびっしりと付着し, また毛上皮が破壊され毛皮質表面が露出しているのが認められた。透過電顕では, 団塊の表層には多数の菌体が増殖し, それと連続した深層部には毛皮質の変性した部位が見られ, この部位あるいは更に深層のほぼ正常毛皮質内へも菌体の浸襲を認めた。
海野 徳仁 長谷川 昭 小原 一成 松沢 暢 清水 洋 高木 章雄 田中 和夫 小菅 正裕
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.38, no.3, pp.399-410, 1985-09-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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Hypocenter determination for aftershocks of the 1983 Japan Sea Earthquake (M7.7) is made by using the seismic networks of Tohoku University and of Hirosaki University. The obtained aftershock area is 160km long in north-south direction with a width of 40km, distributing itself along the eastern margin of the Japan Basin. Most of the aftershocks are located within the area bordered by the 2000m and 3000m isobaths, northern and southern ends being surrounded by the Sado Ridge and the Oshima Plateau, respectively. Precise hypocenter distribution deliniates an eastward dipping fault plane with a shallow dip angle. Almost all the aftershocks are located in the crust, which is consistent with the fact that the PMP phase is clearly observed from most of the aftershocks.A remarkable later phase is observed at many stations 4-7 sec after the P arrival. This later phase is interpreted as the reflected wave both at the sea surface and at the Moho discontinuity (pwPMP). Focal depth distribution estimated from arrival time differences between PMP and pwPMP phases also shows the eastward dipping fault plane with a shallow dip angle.Foreshock activity started 12 days before the occurrence of the main shock within a concentrated area in the vicinity of the main shock hypocenter. All the foreshocks are classified into two groups: one with high peak-frequency and the other with low peak-frequency, each having very similar wave forms. Hypocenters of low peak-frequency events are located at shallower depths than those of the main shock and high peak-frequency events.
清水 洋 福田 一史 井上 明人 鴫原 盛之 松井 彩子
Institute of Innovation Research, Hitotsubashi University

中村 正幸 楊 毓英 窪田 昭真 清水 洋 三浦 裕 和崎 克己 師玉 康成 滝沢 正臣
一般社団法人 日本医学物理学会
医学物理 (ISSN:13455354)
vol.23, no.1, pp.30-39, 2003

A network of the emergency telemedicine for mountain climbers in Japan Alps area has been developed. The network consists of 2.4GHz wireless LAN with over 30 km distance to be connected the Cable TV LAN. We confirmed that this network is able to transfer the high quality video and audio signal suitable for the telemedicine between the mountain huts and hospitals. In this paper, we pointed out the shortcomings of wireless LAN system and cable TV network system in use, for the telemedicine, and wireless LAN module covered more than 30km and a extension system of upstream frequency bandwidth for Cable TV network. Experiments suggested that a low cost and long distance wireless LAN is useful for mountain climber's emergency telemedicine.
若松 直樹 清水 洋子 玉木 裕二 小尾 俊之
vol.53, pp.223-224, 1996-09-04

形式的仕様記述を用いて動作仕様を定義することにより、ソースコードの自動生成や仕様検証等の支援を可能にする研究が盛んに行われている。しかし、それら高度な支援を実現するために人間にとっての理解性を犠牲にして計算機にとって解釈が容易なものにする場合が多い。一つのシステムを複数に分割して記述した時、各仕様からソースコートを生成する際に、仕様上で同じ名前のものをソースコート上でも同じ名前にしなければならない。そのためにはネーミングに規則を設ける必要がある。また、検証を行うために、名前の意味を解析できることは重要である。ソースコードへの変換を考慮したり、記号に意味を持たせて、仕様上の名前に付加し、それにより解析を可能にするという規則は、人間にとっての理解性を低下させる。これを改善するために、我々日本人にとって最も理解しやすい日本語の文章で仕様を記述するネーミング手法を提案する。本報告では仕様上に記述された日本語の名前をソースコート上の名前に変換するためのネーミング規則、およびその解析アルゴリズム、また本提案による効果について、ATM (現金自動取引装置)向けCASEツールへの適用における、特にメッセージ名を例にとって述べる。
原 實 川崎 信定 木村 清孝 デレアヌ フロリン ユベール デュルト 落合 俊典 岡田 真美子 今西 順吉 木村 清孝 末木 文美士 岡田 真美子 ユベール デュルト 田辺 和子 落合 俊典 デレアヌ フロリン 松村 淳子 今西 順吉 津田 眞一 北田 信 清水 洋平 金子 奈央

木本 志津江 砂田 祥司 柴崎 千代 小川 喜通 實森 直美 清水 洋祐 國冨 留美 小川 弘太 市場 泰全
Palliative Care Research (ISSN:18805302)
vol.9, no.4, pp.501-504, 2014 (Released:2014-10-04)

【目的】難治性嘔吐に対しオランザピンを使用し, 経過途中でせん妄, 痙攣が生じた症例を経験したので報告する.【症例】70歳代, 男性. 肺がん. 化学療法後, 持続する嘔気・嘔吐に対し, オランザピンを使用した. せん妄が出現し, その後, 痙攣が出現した. せん妄のリスク因子の除去後もせん妄症状の改善がみられなかった. オランザピン中止後, せん妄症状が改善した. バルプロ酸を使用し, その後痙攣発作は生じなかった.【結論】オランザピン中止後, せん妄は改善し, 痙攣発作も消失したので, オランザピンがせん妄や痙攣発作の要因であった可能性が考えられた.