田村 慎 笠原 稔 森谷 武男
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.55, no.4, pp.337-350, 2003-03-15 (Released:2010-03-09)
4 4

We have studied micro-seismicity in the northern part of Hokkaido (north above 44°N) from June to November in 1998 combining eleven temporal seismic stations with seven and five routine ones operated by Institute of Seismology and Volcanology (ISV) in Hokkaido University and Sapporo Meteorological Observatory, Japan Meteorological Agency (SMO), respectively.Firstly we determined 91 hypocenters of local earthquakes in this period using the dense network. These hypocenters are about three times of the number of those from the routine network alone. One-dimensional P-wave velocity structure assuming four-layer model (assumed thickness of 2, 8, 10km and infinite) and station corrections were estimated using a P-wave travel time inversion method with 735 P-wave arrival time records of 81 events. The velocity of each layer was determined to be 2.83km/sec for the first layer, 5.32km/sec for the second one, 6.32km/sec for the third one and 6.69km/sec for the bottom half space. From the P-wave station corrections we obtained, this region can be classified into three zones parallel in the north-south direction; the western islands region in the Sea of Japan, the western part of mainland, and the eastern part of mainland. Each zone shows the value of less than-0.5sec, +0.1-+0.4sec, and-0.1--0.5sec, respectively.Next, the hypocenters with the inverted velocity structure and the station corrections are relocated. As the results show, some hypocenters in the anomalous delayed station correction zone, i. e. the western part of mainland, are clearly located at the depth range from 20 to 25 km. Focal mechanism solutions of these deep events show normal fault type, while shallower events less than 20 km depth show strike-slip and reverse fault types. We also relocated 381 earthquake hypocenters which were routinely determined by ISV from October 1996 to December 2000. According to the relocated hypocenter distribution, a high seismic zone is shown in the western part of mainland with about 50km wide along a north-south direction. On the other hand, the eastern part of mainland is strongly characterized as aseismic zone. The boundary between the seismic and aseismic zones corresponds to the geological boundary between Kamuikotan metamorphic belt and Hidaka belt.
一柳 昌義 笠原 稔 高橋 浩晃 岡崎 紀俊 高橋 良 大園 真子
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.77, pp.5-13, 2014-03-19

An earthquake swarm begun at the end of January, 2012 and the activity reached a peak in middle February, then gradually decreased by the end of April, in the Nigorikawa caldera, Hokkaido. The largest earthquake was the MJMA3.6 event which occurred on 15 February 2012 with maximum intensity 3.Temporal seismic observation with two stations carried out from 20 February to 9 April in the caldera. Detailed hypocenter distribution estimated by using both data temporal and secular observations shows two clusters, one of them is aligned along the northern caldera wall and another is located at eastern outside of caldera. Strike of alignment epicenter of the north cluster shows NE-SW direction, which is in good agreement with one of the nodal plane of focal mechanism of the largest event.
一柳 昌義 高橋 浩晃 山口 照寛 東 龍介 山田 卓司 大園 真子 眞城 亮成 笠原 稔 谷岡 勇市郎
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.78, pp.37-51, 2015-03-19

An earthquake swarm begun at 15 July 2012 in Nakagawa town of northern Hokkaido. The largest earthquake with MJMA4.3 occurred on 16 July 2012. We carried out temporal seismic observation with seven stations from 18 July 2012 to the last October 2012. Hypocenters were calculated using the Double-Difference hypocenter determination procedure with a local one dimensional P-wave velocity structure. Precise hypocenter data indicated that epicenters were distributed in very narrow area of 2 km×2 km with shallow depth from 4 km to 7 km. Earthquakes after middle of August occurred only in southern part of the region and depth had got shallower with time. Hypocenters indicated no clear alignment in consistent with any nodal planes of major earthquakes. An independent hypocenter cluster with shallower than 2 km was observed above the main activity area. A slow slip event (SSE) with Mw 5.4 coincidentally detected by GNSS crustal deformation data during the swarm. This swarm was situated at the southeastern end of the fault of SSE. This fact suggested that seismic swarm might triggered SSE or was induced by SSE.
高橋 浩晃 前田 宜浩 笠原 稔
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.72, pp.399-410, 2009-03-15

We investigate the characteristics of great earthquakes occurring in the central Kuril Islands on 1915, 1918, 2006 and 2007. Comparisons of seismic intensity distributions, tsunami data and waveforms of above four events were made. Though magnitudes of these earthquakes were almost the same, only the 1915 event did not generate observable tsunami. This fact may be due to deep focal depth of this earthquake. Similarities of seismic intensity distributions between the 1915, 1971 and 2008 deep-focus earthquakes also imply that the 1915 event was the deep-focus event in the northeastern Okhotsk Sea. Waveform properties of the 1915 and 2008 events supports above hypothesis. We conclude, therefore, that the 1915 earthquake was not the event in the central Kuril Island but in the Okhotsk Sea with deep depth. Large tsunami and widespread felt area of the 1918 earthquake show that this event was a typical shallow-dipping thrust event on plate boundary as indicated by previous studies.
高橋 浩晃 笠原 稔
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.57, no.2, pp.115-130, 2004-12-27 (Released:2010-03-11)

The Tokachi-oki earthquake (MJMA8.0) occurred on September 26, 2003 (JST) off southeastern Hokkaido, Japan. We investigate the seismic activity before and after the mainshock using hypocenter catalogues produced by Japan Meteorological Agency and Hokkaido University. A decline of seismic activity and a seismic gap in the asperity of the 2003 earthquake had been clearly recognized from the early 1990's to just the mainshock faulting. Similar low seismicity had been observed before the former 1952 Tokachi-oki earthquake (MJMA 8.2). These facts may reflect that the plate boundary fixed loosely has become tight coupling during one seismic cycle. A relatively low seismicity patch during the interseismic phase corresponds to the asperity. This suggests that interseismic seismic activity is strongly controlled by existence of the asperity. The aftershock region of the 2003 earthquake is approximately 160km by 160km, which is slightly smaller than that of the 1952 earthquake. This feature is in good agreement with the slip distributions of the 1952 and 2003 earthquakes estimated from tsumani waveform inversions. Large aftershocks are located out of the asperity, which may reflect the stress status in and around the asperity. Remarkable triggered seismic activity has begun just after the mainshock along the volcanic front in the eastern Hokkaido.
本多 亮 笠原 稔 茂木 透
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.72, pp.203-218, 2009-03-15

Although there are a plenty amount of gravity data over the northern part of Hokkaido (Dohoku region), most of them are not published yet. We have been performing gravity measurement in this region since 2007. Additionally, new data is added by new measurement during 2008. These new data clearly demonstrate the improvement of the gravity anomaly distribution over the Japan-sea side area of Dohoku region. Recurrent thrust type faultings which are dominant in this region generate positive Bouguer gravity anomalies over the hanging wall side, and horizontal gravity gradients above fault lines. Bouguer gravity anomaly map clearly indicates that the lineament of large horizontal gravity gradient coincides with the Horonobe fault. This may indicate the cumulative faulting on the same place.
一柳 昌義 シェスタコフ ニコライ 奥山 哲 大園 真子 笠原 稔 高橋 浩晃
北海道大学地球物理学研究報告 (ISSN:04393503)
vol.81, pp.17-26, 2018-03-19

A M5.6 shallow earthquake occurred on 8 July 2014 in middle east Iburi region, southwestern Hokkaido. Maximum seismic intensity of 5- was observed at Shiraoi town. Three temporal seismic stations had been installed in the focal region from 9 July 2014 to 30 April 2015. We determined 384 aftershock hypocenters by the double-difference tomographic hypocenter determination with proper seismic velocity structure. Relocated aftershocks were clearly distributed on a southeastern ward dipping plane with 5~10 km depth. This configuration agreed with a nodal plane of mainshock focal mechanism. Aftershocks occurred in surrounding part of a low seismicity patch. Mainshock was located deepest part of aftershock zone. These facts suggested that mainshock rupture propagated from deep to shallow, and a low seismicity patch was mainshock slip area. No clear correlation between this earthquake sequence and nearest active Tarumae volcano activity were identified.
花籠 靖 中西 一郎 森谷 武男 笠原 稔
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.43, no.2, pp.213-225, 1990-06-24 (Released:2010-03-11)

The rapid determination of seismic moment and source mechanism for near earthquakes is attempted by a moment tensor inversion of long-period seismic waves. The inversion method is based on a normal mode theory. The data for the inversion are recorded at three stations in Hokkaido, Japan. Each station is equipped with a three-components very-broad-band seismograph. Source parameters of six earthquakes (mb_??_5.5) in and around the Japan region (epicentral distances of 200 to 1500km) for the period from January to April 1989 are determind by applying the moment tensor inversion to the long-period waveform data. Changing the components (UD, NS, EW) and record length used in the inversion the stability in the moment tensor solution is examined. A good S/N ratio is required to obtain a stable solution in the inversion of three-components data from a single station. Data length of 4-8min after the earthquake origin time is enough to attain stable source mechanism determination by using the three-stations data.
笠原 稔 宮町 宏樹 日置 幸介 中川 光弘 勝俣 啓 高橋 浩晃 中尾 茂 木股 文昭 加藤 照之

浜口 博之 西村 太志 林 信太郎 KAVOTHA K.S. MIFUNDU Wafu NDONTONI Zan 森田 裕一 笠原 稔 田中 和夫 WAFULA Mifundu ZANA Ndontoni WAFULA Mifun ZANA Ndonton KAVOTA K.S.

この研究は,(1)ホットスポット火山の多いアフリカ大陸の深部構造の解明,並びに(2)ニアムラギラ火山のマグマ活動調査の2項目に大きく分けられる.1990年度の現地調査は予定通り実施され,当初の目的は達成された.1991年度は,現地調査の最中の9月23日にザイ-ルの首都キンシャサを中心に政情不安に端を発した暴動が起こり,日本大使館の退避観告に基づき調査を途中で中断し,隣国に緊急避難しそのまま帰国する結果となった.このため,この年度の調査事項の実施については,不完全なものにならざるを得なかった.以下,2年間の研究実績を項目別に分けて簡潔に示す.1.広帯域地震観測.0.05秒〜370秒に渡って一様な感度を持つCMGー3型とパソコンを用いた地震波収録装置を,1990年度はザイ-ル東部のルイロ地震観測所(LWI)に設置した.1991年度は,キンシャサ効外のビンザ気象局の地下地震計室(BNZ)に設置したが,最後の調整の直前に暴動が起こり,一部未完な状態のまま今日まで観測は続けられている.従って,地震計の再調整を含む良好なデ-タの取得は今後の課題として残された.この観測と並行して実施してきたアフリカ大陸下の深部構造については,(イ)アフリカ直下でコア・マントル境界(CMB)が盛り上がっていること,(ロ)マントル最下部のD"領域ではS波速度が3〜5%遅いこと,逆に,アフリカ大陸の外では数%速いこと,並びに,(ハ)コア表面の温度は,アフリカ大陸を含むA半球がその反対側の太平洋を含むP半球より数10mケルビン高温であること,などが明かとなった.これらの結果はアフリカ大陸に於いてホットスポット火山の密度が高い理由の解釈に重要な手がかりとなる.2.火山性地震・微動観測.1990年度は,CRSN(ザイ-ル自然科学研究所)の定常観測点(4点)の他に,8月13日〜11月29日まで火山地域内で8点の臨時地震観測を実施した.11月20日にこの地域では過去最大のM4の地震がニイラゴンゴ火山南方10kmに起きた.観測結果はこの地震により火山性地震やマグマ活動は励起されず,逆に地溝帯中軸の地震が活発化した事が明らかにされた.また,ニアムラギラの側噴火(キタツングルワ)のストロンポリ式噴火に伴う地震は火口直下0.2〜0.5kmの深さに集中し,その発震機構はマグマの噴出時に働くほぼ鉛直下方のSingle Fo