溝尾 良隆 菅原 由美子
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.3, pp.300-315, 2000-06-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
6 4

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how and why the conservation of Kurazukuri buildings increased the number of tourists and re-vitalized a shopping street in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture.Kawagoe City is located about 30 Kilometers from the central part of Tokyo with a population in 1998 of 324, 879. Ichibangai Street was planned as an area for craftsmen and merchants about 300 years ago. Since then, Ichibangai Street continued to be the center of commerce in Kawagoe City. However, the center of commerce in Kawagoe moved to the south of the city in the early 1960s. This is mainly because Japanese National Railways and three private railways built terminals there, and supermarkets and department stores moved to or were newly-opened nearby. As a consequence, commercial activities in Ichibangai Street declined.Fortunately, a lot of Kurazukuri style warehouses, houses, and stores with their invaluable historical heritage remained as the original buildings. These buildings were constructed to make them fire-proof structures after the great fire of 1893. Following the advice of external architects, the local administration and the inhabitants have become deeply committed to the conservation of these buildings.The local administration took the following steps: 1) providing a subsidy for the restoration of buildings; 2) enforcing landscape regulations; 3) constructing small parks along the street; 4) laying a more attractive pavement; and 5) burying the electric power lines.Inhabitants of Ichibangai Street organized the Kura-No-Kai (Association of Kurazukuri buildings) for the re-vitalization of commerce and conservation of Kurazukuri buildings. One more important action by the inhabitants was to design the Machinami Kihan (Standards for House Conservation) which is applied in the case of house restoration.Today, many tourists visit Ichibangai Street with the number of people visiting Kawagoe amounting to 3.5 million persons per year. Visitors to the Kurazukuri Museum, for example, increased 3.6 times between 1982 and 1997. Tourists make up nearly 100per cent of the customers at shops in Kashiya Yokocho Street and tourists make up at least half of the customers at almost 40per cent of the shops in Ichibangai and Kanetsuki streets. Between 1975 and 1997, almost 60per cent of the shops changed their function, with restaurants and coffee shops for tourists especially increasing in number.A large increase in consumption by tourists has resulted and shops and bustling streets have been re-vitalized. It follows that the inhabitants gained in confidence to conserve the Kurazukuri buildings and to maintain a landscape featuring a row of well-conserved buildings.
鈴木 圭 玉井 康将 浦出 伸治 伊野 和子 菅原 由美子 片山 直之 星野 有
一般社団法人 日本救急医学会
日本救急医学会雑誌 (ISSN:0915924X)
vol.21, no.9, pp.792-798, 2010-09-15 (Released:2010-11-09)

一般にアルコール性ケトアシドーシス(alcoholic ketoacidosis: AKA)はアルコール依存のため食事摂取が不十分な患者が,何らかの理由でアルコール摂取すらしなくなることで細胞内飢餓が生じ,遊離脂肪酸からβ酸化を経てケトン体が産生された結果発症し,消化器症状を主体として医療機関を受診することが多い。我々は,高脂肪食摂取翌朝に意識障害と脱力を来し脳卒中疑いで搬入された,発症様式,症状とも非典型的なAKAの症例を経験したため報告する。症例は61歳の男性。ビジネスホテルに単身滞在中,焼き肉とビールを摂食し就寝した翌朝に四肢脱力を自覚し当院に救急搬入された。来院時意識障害があり,詳細な病歴は不明であったが,原因不明の低血糖とアニオンギャップの開大した著しい代謝性アシドーシス,脂肪肝がみられ,他に代謝性アシドーシスを来す疾患を同定できなかったことからAKAを強く疑い,チアミンと糖質を含む急速輸液を行ったところ,意識障害,代謝性アシドーシスとも速やかに軽快した。後にアルコール依存の病歴と血中βヒドロキシ酪酸の著明高値が判明し,AKAと確定診断した。本例では慢性的な糖質不足状態にあるアルコール依存患者が,短期間に高脂肪食を摂食したことにより多量の遊離脂肪酸が血中に流入し,β酸化を経て産生されたアセチルCoAが過剰となり一気にケトン体が産生され発症したと推察される。即ち,本例からは高脂肪食はAKAのリスクとなることが示唆される。本来,AKAの初期診断は病歴に依存する部分が多いが,意識障害を有する患者では詳細な病歴を聴取できないことも多く,非典型的な発症様式,症状の場合にAKAを疑うことは容易ではない。しかし,本例のごとく原因不明の低血糖にアニオンギャップの開大した代謝性アシドーシス,脂肪肝の合併がみられた際にAKAを鑑別診断に加えることは,救急医にとってきわめて重要と考えられる。
菅原 由美子 飯塚 千晶 土居 一哉 松﨑 研一郎 長岡 正範
認知神経科学 (ISSN:13444298)
vol.22, no.2, pp.88-97, 2021 (Released:2021-04-13)

【要旨】 症例は84歳男性で、心原性脳梗塞後に繰り返し他人を自分の家族・友人と誤認した。視力・聴力は正常、視野障害や半側空間無視を認めなかったが、担当のリハビリテーション職員の顔を覚えられず、他患者の面会者やリハビリテーション職員を自分の家族・友人と繰り返し誤認し、その誤りに気付かなかった。長谷川式認知症スケールは25/30点。視覚による物体失認を認めず相貌認知では、家族や有名人の熟知相貌識別に重度の障害、未知相貌の異同弁別・同時照合は中等度障害を認めたが、相貌の独自性の認識を求めない課題である表情の叙述、性別・老若の判断は比較的良好であった。家族・友人の人物意味記憶は保たれており、連合型相貌失認に似ているが、人声失認を合併している点が一般的な連合型相貌失認とは異なっていた。MRI病変は、右後頭・側頭葉でなく、視覚(顔)だけでなく聴覚(声)を含む多モダリティー人物認知障害(multimodal people recognition disorders)が生ずるとされる右前側頭葉を含む前頭・側頭葉に限局した。この相貌認知障害に加えて、右前頭葉が側頭葉に及ぼす探索(モニター)機能が障害されていることも本症例の誤認に関与している可能性がある。
溝尾 良隆 菅原 由美子
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.52, no.3, pp.300-315, 2000
3 4

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how and why the conservation of Kurazukuri buildings increased the number of tourists and re-vitalized a shopping street in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture.Kawagoe City is located about 30 Kilometers from the central part of Tokyo with a population in 1998 of 324, 879. Ichibangai Street was planned as an area for craftsmen and merchants about 300 years ago. Since then, Ichibangai Street continued to be the center of commerce in Kawagoe City. However, the center of commerce in Kawagoe moved to the south of the city in the early 1960s. This is mainly because Japanese National Railways and three private railways built terminals there, and supermarkets and department stores moved to or were newly-opened nearby. As a consequence, commercial activities in Ichibangai Street declined.Fortunately, a lot of Kurazukuri style warehouses, houses, and stores with their invaluable historical heritage remained as the original buildings. These buildings were constructed to make them fire-proof structures after the great fire of 1893. Following the advice of external architects, the local administration and the inhabitants have become deeply committed to the conservation of these buildings.The local administration took the following steps: 1) providing a subsidy for the restoration of buildings; 2) enforcing landscape regulations; 3) constructing small parks along the street; 4) laying a more attractive pavement; and 5) burying the electric power lines.Inhabitants of Ichibangai Street organized the Kura-No-Kai (Association of Kurazukuri buildings) for the re-vitalization of commerce and conservation of Kurazukuri buildings. One more important action by the inhabitants was to design the Machinami Kihan (Standards for House Conservation) which is applied in the case of house restoration.Today, many tourists visit Ichibangai Street with the number of people visiting Kawagoe amounting to 3.5 million persons per year. Visitors to the Kurazukuri Museum, for example, increased 3.6 times between 1982 and 1997. Tourists make up nearly 100per cent of the customers at shops in Kashiya Yokocho Street and tourists make up at least half of the customers at almost 40per cent of the shops in Ichibangai and Kanetsuki streets. Between 1975 and 1997, almost 60per cent of the shops changed their function, with restaurants and coffee shops for tourists especially increasing in number.A large increase in consumption by tourists has resulted and shops and bustling streets have been re-vitalized. It follows that the inhabitants gained in confidence to conserve the Kurazukuri buildings and to maintain a landscape featuring a row of well-conserved buildings.