松島 政貴 清水 久芳 高橋 太 南 拓人 中野 慎也 中島 涼輔 谷口 陽菜実 藤 浩明
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) is a standard mathematical description in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients, known as the Gauss coefficients, for the Earth’s main magnetic field and its secular variation. On December 19, 2019, the working group V-MOD of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) released the 13th generation of IGRF, which consists of three constituents; a Definitive IGRF (DGRF) for 2015, an IGRF for 2020, and a secular variation (SV) model from 2020 to 2025. We submitted a candidate model for SV from 2020 to 2025, relying on our strong points, such as geodynamo numerical simulation, data assimilation, and core surface flow modeling.We can estimate core flow near the core-mantle boundary (CMB)from distribution of geomagnetic field and its secular variation. Such a flow model can be obtained for actual physical parameters of the Earth. However, numerical simulations of geodynamo were carried out for physical parameters far from actual ones. Therefore, a core flow model to be used for data assimilation had to be obtained on a condition relevant to the numerical simulations. To obtain the candidate model for SV, we adjusted time-scale of a geodynamo model (Takahashi 2012, 2014) to that of actual SV of geomagnetic field as given by Christensen and Tilgner (2004).In this presentation, we first investigate temporal variations of geomagnetic field due to the magnetic diffusion only. Next, we investigate temporal variations of geomagnetic field due to the motional induction caused by some core flow models as well as the magnetic diffusion. Then we compare secular variations of geomagnetic field forecasted by these methods.
高橋 太 中野 慎也 南 拓人 谷口 陽菜実 中島 涼輔 松島 政貴 清水 久芳 藤 浩明
JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting 2020

Secular variation (SV) of the Earth's magnetic field is governed by the advection and diffusion processes of the magnetic field within the fluid outer core. The IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) offers the average SV for the next five years to come, which has been estimated in various methods. In general, forecasting the evolution of a non-linear system like the geodynamo in the Earth's core is an extremely difficult task, because the magnetic field generation processes are controlled by the complex interaction of the core flows and the generated magnetic field. Data assimilation has been a promising scheme forecasting the geomagnetic SV as demonstrated in literatures (Kuang 2010, Fournier et al. 2015), where time dependency is controlled by a numerical dynamo model. While Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) has been a popular method for data assimilation in geomagnetism, we apply a different data assimilation procedure, that is, four-dimensional, ensemble-based variational scheme, 4DEnVar. Applying the 4DEnVar scheme iteratively, we have derived a candidate SV model for the latest version of the IGRF. In evaluating SV, two forecasting strategies are tested, in which core flows are assumed to be steady or time-dependent. The former approach is favored in Fournier et al. (2015), where the magnetic field evolves kinematically by the flows prescribed to be time-independent in the initialization step. On the other hand, we have adopted linear combination of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models to construct a candidate as the best forecast (Minami et al. 2020). It is likely that which strategy is more suitable to forecasting SV depends on assimilation scheme and/or numerical dynamo model. However, we have little knowledge on the issue at present. In this study, we investigate results of MHD and kinematic dynamo runs with a 4DEnVar scheme in order to have a grasp of the properties of the scheme in the 5-year forecast process. Also, MHD and kinematic runs are compared to infer internal dynamics responsible for SV in the geomagnetic field.
二村 昌樹 伊藤 浩明 尾辻 健太 平山 美香 林 啓一 大矢 幸弘 益子 育代
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.58, no.12, pp.1610-1618, 2009-12-31 (Released:2017-02-10)

山藤 浩明 前川 卓也 松下 康之
研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:21888698)
vol.2016-UBI-50, no.4, pp.1-6, 2016-05-21

屋内位置推定技術は,独居高齢者の見守りやホームオートメーションといったアプリケーションに活用されることが期待される.こうしたユーザの位置を常に補足し続けるアプリケーションにおいては,ユーザの負担や抵抗感を低減するために,(1) ユーザがスマートフォン等のデバイスを身に付ける必要がなく (デバイスフリー),(2) プライバシに配慮した屋内位置推定手法が求められている.筆者らはそのような屋内位置推定手法として,環境内に複数配置した再帰性反射材からなるマーカを赤外線 LED を搭載した赤外線カメラで撮影し,マーカの遮蔽情報から人物の位置情報を推定する手法を提案してきた.この手法では赤外線カメラを用いることでプライバシを保護しつつデバイスフリーの屋内位置推定を実現する.しかしこれまでの手法では環境に 2 台のデバイスを設置する必要があり,さらに環境内には 1 人の人物のみが存在する状況を想定している.本稿では既存手法を改良することで,1 台のデバイスのみを用い,環境に複数の人物がいる状況においても適用可能な屋内位置推定手法を提案する.
富川 盛光 鈴木 直仁 宇理須 厚雄 粒来 崇博 伊藤 節子 柴田 瑠美子 伊藤 浩明 海老澤 元宏
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.55, no.12, pp.1536-1542, 2006

大志万 直人 吉村 令慧 藤 浩明 塩崎 一郎 笠谷 貴史 藤井 郁子 藤 浩明 塩崎 一郎 笠谷 貴史 山崎 明 藤井 郁子 下泉 政志 村上 英記 山口 覚 上嶋 誠 新貝 雅文
