河端 将司 加賀谷 善教 島 典広 西薗 秀嗣
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.57, no.2, pp.225-234, 2008-04-01 (Released:2008-08-13)
6 4

This study examined changes in intra-abdominal pressure and trunk activation during drop jump and the influence of those factors on performance. Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and surface electromyography (EMG) activity from the rectus abdominis (RA), transversus abdominis-internal oblique (TrA-IO) and erector spinae (ES) muscles were measured in seven males (22.3±1.0 years) during double-leg drop jumps from a 0.4 m height. Development of IAP (ΔIAP) and normalized rmsEMGs were calculated in the pre-contact, impact and push-off phases, after divided by ground reaction force data. TrA-IO activation which occurred prior to ground contact were the earliest and strongest compared to other muscles activation during each phase.ΔIAP during the impact phase coincided with the peak vertical force. There were significant positive correlations between ΔIAP, TrA-IO activation and vertical force per weight. In addition, the contact time correlated negatively with ΔIAP, TrA-IO activation and vertical force per weight. These findings indicate that ΔIAP and TrA-IO activation may contribute to trunk stability and efficient landing during double-leg drop jump.
西薗 秀嗣 中川 功哉 須田 力 斎藤 勝政
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.33, no.1, pp.17-26, 1983-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
5 6 4

アーチェリーのシューティングについて, 日米のトップアーチャー2名並びに技術水準の異なる男子大学生アーチャー15名の上肢, 上肢帯, 体幹筋の筋電図記録, 動作分析を行い, 以下の知見を得た。1) 初心者及び経験5年程度の中級者では, セットアップ, ドローの初期から上肢の放電が著しく, フルドローに入って左右側の筋緊張が不安定な状態でリリースがなされる。これに対してトップアーチャーでは初期から上肢帯, 体幹筋の活動が大きく, フルドローでは左右側で均等な強い筋活動がみられた。さらに, フォロースルーで一定時間, 筋活動が安定して持続し, 合理的な筋の作用がなされていた。2) トップアーチャー2名において, リリースに先行して両側の三角筋肩峰部で筋放電休止期Silent Period (S.P.) が認められ, さらに1名で押し手 (左) 僧帽筋横部でも認められた。3) 大学生アーチャー12名について, 経験年数と成績から上級者, 中級者, 初級者に分け, 三角筋でのS.P.の出現率, 潜時, リリース反応時間について検討した結果, 初級者ではS.P.の出現は2名に認められたが出現率は低く, リリース反応時問は190~230msecと長く, かつ分散している。上級者では全員S.P.の出現があり, 出現率は70~100%と高く, S.P.潜時及びリリース反応時間の平均値はそれぞれ, 115msec, 175msecとなり, しかもばらつきが少ない。4) 引き手 (右) 三角筋のS.P.の出現と同側僧帽筋の活動増強の時期が, 特に上級者群でほぼ一致した。この両筋は神経支配が異なり, リリース動作での拮抗筋と考えられず, リリース動作での一連の主働筋と考えられる。これらのことから, アーチェリーのシューティングという複雑な動作で出現したS.P.は, 長期にわたるトレーニングによる巧緻性獲得過程にみる一つの合理的な神経筋機構であると考えられる。
高橋 仁大 前田 明 西薗 秀嗣 倉田 博
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.1, pp.61-69, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)
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Tennis has a peculiar scoring system. The purpose of this study was clarify the importance of counting one game in tennis matches by studying data from actual games, comprising 42 men's singles matches (907 games) during the Kyushu collegiate tennis championships held in 1997 and 1998. The main criterion for the analysis was the relationship between point-winning at each score and game-winning. It was found that (1) the rate of point-winning by game-winning players was 67.0%, and that the rate of point-winning by opponents was 33.0%. The game-winning players obtained 2/3 of all points. Furthermore (2), the rate of point-winning by players with a leading score was comparatively high at the time of either leading, such as in an up count or a down count, as well as when there was a difference in points at game-point. In particular, the rate of point-winning by game-winning players was significantly high on 0-15 and 15-30. (3) At scores of 30-30 and deuce (i.e. even count), the rate of point-winning by game-winning players was significantly high. These scores led an even count to game-point. These scores also showed a high frequency, and were the key to winning the game. These results suggest that scores of 30-30 and deuce are keys to game-winning, when gaining one point can lead to victory.
須田 力 室木 洋一 中川 功哉 安藤 義宣 西薗 秀嗣 吉田 敏雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.32, no.4, pp.255-265, 1988

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the maintenance of fitness with aging. The subjects were 59 men of 49-55 years of age, who entered to Hokkaido University and once had been examined for their fitness between the years of 1950-1952. They were reexamined to determine the maintenance of fitness with age in 1983. After 31-33 years, declination of the mean values in fitness shows from 50.9 to 42.1cm in vertical jump, from 154 to 143kg in back strength, from 4.35 to 3.73L in vital capacity and from 8.4 to 3.2 times in pull-ups. Grip strength was increased from 44.0 to 47.1kg. The correlation coefficients of the values between the time they were freshmen and the present time, were relatively higher in vertical jump (r=0.61, p<0.01), moderatory higher in back strength (r=0.50, p<0.01), grip strength (r=0.48, p<0.05) and vital capacity (r=0.46, p<0.05), but lower in pull-ups (r = 0.17, not significant). Back strenght and grip strength were maintained better in a group who had been engaged in daily physical activity than those who had been inactive. But the differences in the rate of decline were not significant in vertical jump; pull-ups and vital capacity. It was noticed that 14 (23.7%) of the 59 subjects indicated that walking was felt to be the most effective factor to maintain fitness.
岩竹 淳 山本 正嘉 西薗 秀嗣 川原 繁樹 北田 耕司 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0801310061, (Released:2008-02-01)
9 2

The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between acceleration and maximum sprinting ability, performance in various jumping tasks, and maximum leg strength in adolescent students. Sprinting ability was evaluated in terms of 50m sprinting velocity. The jumping tasks used for performance measurement included Standing five jump, Standing triple jump, Standing long jump, Counter movement jump and Rebound jump. Maximum leg strength was measured using isometric squats in which the angle of the knee was 135 deg. The results demonstrated that students with superior sprinting ability also showed high performance in the various jumping tasks and also had higher maximum leg strength. Among the various factors that affect sprinting ability, performance in one-leg alternation jumping, performance in jumping with both legs simultaneously, and leg strength were shown to have a high correlation in that order. In addition, the influence of both legs in the simultaneous jumping task and leg strength were considered to make a large contribution to acceleration sprinting ability. Similarly, the influence of one-leg alternation jumping performance was considered to make a large contribution to maximum sprinting ability. The findings of this study are considered useful for application to health and physical education classes.
図子 浩二 西薗 秀嗣 平田 文夫
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.47, no.5, pp.593-600, 1998-10-01
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A study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of torque production with special reference to eccentric and concentric muscle contraction and the structural and functional properties at the lower limb joints in the human kinetic chain. Ten male college athletes were tested with a isokinetic dynamometer (biodex) for eccentric and concentric torques during extension and flexion at the hip and knee, and plantar flexion and dorsiflexion at the ankle (angular velocity ; 30, 60, 120 deg/s) . The peak eccentric and concentric torques were higher in the order hip, knee and ankle joints, as the size of each muscle acting on its joint increased. However, the rate of peak concentric to eccentric torque (CON/ECC, %) was higher at the ankle joint than at the hip and knee joints. They tended to increase in the order of angular velocity ; 30, 60, 120 deg/s. These results suggest that the ankle joint is charactered by higher eccentric torque production. This characteristic is probably due to the fact that (1) the ankle joint is located at the end of the human kinetic chain and plays a role in transmitting the power to the ground effectively, (2) the muscle tendon complex acting at the ankle joint must have increased stiffness and tolerate great stretch loads to store and reuse the amount of elastic energy, (3) the hip and knee joints located at the center are the main sources of power supply. On the other hand, no significant correlations were observed among the torques at the hip, knee and ankle. These results suggest that torque production is independent at each of the lower limb joints, and is based on the structural and functional properties of each joint. These findings seem to be useful to clarifying the methods of strength and power training that can be adapted to the characteristics of torque production and the structural and functional properties of the hip, knee and ankle joints.
高橋 仁大 前田 明 西薗 秀嗣 倉田 博
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.51, no.4, pp.483-492, 2006 (Released:2008-01-25)
1 2

The purpose of the present study was to elucidate tactical strategies for winning a tennis match. Forty-two men's singles matches in the 1997 and 1998 Kyushu collegiate tennis championships were analyzed. Analytical criteria were the relationship between point-winning at each score and the techniques used. In the present research, techniques were categorized into the following 5 groups: service, return, stroke, offense and defense. The following results were obtained: 1. Stroke was the most frequently utilized technique regardless of point-winning. 2. Return and defense techniques, which are considered “passive” techniques, produced significantly high rates of point-losing. 3. The rate of point-winning by service was low at high rate counts (HRC), but high at low rate counts (LRC). In contrast, the rate of point-losing by service was high at LRC-game-points. The rate of point-winning by service was higher for players leading in score, and was low at important scores. 4. The rate of point-winning by players using the defense technique was high at HRC-opponent's game-points. To win a point using passive techniques is the most important tactic at opponent's game-points. 5. The rate of point-losing during the offense technique was high at LRC-up counts. Offense techniques are effective for winning points; however, they involve a higher risk of losing points. These results indicate that players should analyze the relationship between point-winning and strategies at each score.
西薗 秀嗣 中川 功哉 須田 力 斎藤 勝政
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.33, no.1, pp.17-26, 1984-02-01
1 6

アーチェリーのシューティングについて,日本のトップアーチャー2名並びに技術水準の異なる男子大学生アーチャー15名の上肢,上肢帯,体幹筋の筋電図記録,動作分析を行い,以下の知見を得た。1)初心者及び経験5年程度の中級者では,セットアップ,ドローの初期から上肢の放電が著しく,フルドローに入って左右側の筋緊張が不安定な状態でリリースがなされる。これに対してトップアーチャーでは初期から上肢帯,体幹筋の活動が大きく,フルドローでは左右側で均等な強い筋活動がみられた。さらに,フォロースルーで一定時間,筋活動が安定して持続し,合理的な筋の作用がなされていた。2)トップアーチャー2名において,リリースに先行して両側の三角筋肩峰部で筋放電休止期Silent Period(S.P.)が認められ,さらに1名で押し手(左)僧帽筋横部でも認められた。3)大学生アーチャー12名、について,経験年数と成績から上級者,中級者,初級者に分け,三角筋でのS.P.の出現率,潜時,リリース反応時間について検討した紬果,初級者ではS.P.の出現は2名に認められたが出現率は低く,リリース反応1時間は190〜230msecと長く,かつ分散している。上級者では全員S.P.の出現があり,出現率は70〜100%と高く,S.P.潜時及びリリース反応1時間の平均値はそれぞれ,115msec,175msecとなり,しかもばらつきが少ない。4)引き手(右)三角筋のS.P.の出現と同側僧帽筋の活動増強の時期が,特に上級者群でほぼ一致した。この両筋は神経支配が異なり,リリース動作での拮抗筋と考えられず,リリース動作での一連の主働筋と考えられる。これらのことから,アーチェリーのシューティングという複雑な動作で出現したS.P.は,長期にわたるトレーニングによる巧緻性獲得過程にみる一つの合理的な神経筋機構であると考えられる。