金野 亮太 井上 修平 山本 正嘉
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.22, no.4, pp.357-365, 2010 (Released:2014-04-03)

暑熱環境(気温35 ℃,湿度80%)に設定した人工気象室において,8名の自転車競技選手が長時間の自転車ペダリング運動を行い,その運動の途中で全身に冷水をかけて身体冷却を行った場合に,体温をはじめとする生理応答や,主観的な指標にどのような効果があるかを検討した. 被験者は,レースで使用するロードレーサーを用いて,走行速度を40km/h に固定し,90 分間の運動を行った.この運動強度は乳酸閾値を超えないものであり,実際のレースにおける運動強度からみると,比較的弱い部類に属するものであった.被験者は,運動開始から60 分を経過したところで,全身に5 ℃の水をかぶる条件(以下,水かぶり)と,それを行わない対照条件の 2 通りを,ランダムな順序で行った. その結果,水かぶりを行うことによって体温(直腸温度,平均皮膚温度)の上昇は抑制され,その効果は運動終了までの30 分間持続した.また水かぶり後には心拍数や酸素摂取量も低値を示し,運動効率の改善が窺えた.以上の結果から,暑熱環境下で行う水かぶりは,熱中症を予防したり,運動パフォーマンスを維持する上で,実用的で効果の高い手段であることが示唆された.
髙山 史徳 森 寿仁 安藤 真由子 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.15032, (Released:2015-09-02)

The main purpose of this study was to investigate anthropometry and body composition in 26 male ultramountain runners who participated in Trans Japan Alps Race 2014, a multi-stage ultramountain running race over 415 km to be covered within 5-8 days. The second purpose was to investigate the changes in skinfold thickness during the race. Before the race, all participants were examined in terms of body weight, BMI, skinfold thickness at 8 sites and estimated percentage body fat. In addition, the finishers (n=14) were re-examined in the post-race period. The main findings are summarized below.1. The participants had a mean (±SD) body weight of 62.3±5.1 kg, a BMI of 21.5±1.4 kg/m2, a sum of 8 skinfold thickness of 57.7±15.5 mm, and an estimated percentage body fat of 12.0±2.4%. There were no significant differences in any parameters between the finishers and the non-finishers.2. The sum of 8 skinfold thickness in the finishers was significantly reduced by 11.3% after the race (Pre : 55.0±13.6 mm, Post : 48.8±12.1 mm), representing a dramatic response in comparison with a previous study that investigated ultramarathon runners in a 100-km ultramarathon race (0.9%).
武田 誠司 石井 泰光 山本 正嘉 図子 浩二
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.59, no.1, pp.107-118, 2010 (Released:2010-04-16)

Running economy is an important factor in determining a performance of a long distance running. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the running economy and the submaximal hopping economy. Twelve long-distance runners performed a submaximal repeated hopping exercise on a force platform at a frequency of 2.2Hz and the maximum five-repeated rebound jumping (5RJ). Jumping height, contact time, maximum ground reaction force and oxygen intake were recorded during submaximal repeated hopping exercise. In addition, they performed the submaximal running for a distance of 3200m on an outdoor 400m track. Oxygen intake was recorded during the submaximal running. Then running economy (RE = V/VO2) was calculated by using oxygen intake (VO2) and running speeds (V). Hopping economy (HE = h/VO2) was calculated by using oxygen intake (VO2) and average jumping height (h). As a result of this study, we confirmed that a submaximal repeated hopping exercise performed for a ten-minute period was an aerobic exercise and a steady-state exercise. There was a significant positive correlation between RE and HE (r = 0.805, p<0.01). These results suggest that hopping economy is an important factor in running economy. On the other hand, we did not find a significant correlation between HE and 5RJ. Furthermore, between RE and RJ index of the submaximal hopping exercise, a significant positive correlation was found (r = 0.735, p<0.01). Therefore, RE seems to be connected with the Stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) function of the legs. We conclude that the SSC ability of a long distance runner can be evaluated appropriately by using the submaximal repeated hopping exercise of this study.
山本 正嘉 山本 利春
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.42, no.1, pp.82-92, 1993-02-01 (Released:2010-09-30)
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自転車エルゴメーターを用い, 5秒間の全力駆動を8セット反復するという激運動を行い, 33分間の休憩後に同じ運動を繰り返した.休憩中10分間にわたり, ストレッチング, スポーツマッサージ, 軽運動 (被検者の無酸素性作業閾値の80%相当の強度) , ホットパックの4種類の回復手段を実施し, これを実施しないで安静にして回復した場合と比較検討した.疲労回復の指標として作業能力および血中乳酸濃度 (La) の回復をみた.被検者は各回復手段について12名ずつとした.結果は以下のとおりである.1.ストレッチングとスポーツマッサージは, Laの回復には有意な効果をもたらさなかったが, 作業能力の回復には有意な効果をもたらした.2.軽運動は, Laの回復には有意な効果をもたらしたが, 作業能力の回復には有意な効果をもたらさなかった.しかし, 作業能力の回復が悪かった被検者の多くは, 軽運動の運動強度が強すぎたと訴えていたことから, これらの被検者には運動強度をさらに低く設定することによって作業能力の回復にも有意な効果がもたらされる可能性がある.3.ホットパックは, Laの回復にも, 作業能力の回復にも有意な効果をもたらさなかった.4.1~3の結果から, 激運動後に作業能力の回復を促進する手段として, ストレッチングとスポーツマッサージは有効であると考えられる.軽運動については, 運動強度が適切に処方されるならば有効と考えられるが, さもないと逆効果となる可能性もある.5.Laの回復率と作業能力の回復率との間には, 有意な相関関係は認められなかった.したがって, 作業能力の回復を規定するのはLa以外の要因であることが示唆された.また, Laを作業能力の回復を表す指標とすることには問題があることが示唆された.
石井 泰光 山本 正嘉 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.55, no.1, pp.63-79, 2010 (Released:2010-07-20)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the similarities of upper torso rotation and pelvic rotation around the vertical axis of the global coordinate system with trunk rotation during throwing and striking movements. We enrolled twenty-three right-handed male college students, who performed baseball pitching and batting movements and the golf driver shot. During the throwing and striking movements, 3D coordinates of body landmarks were obtained using the VICON 612 system with 10 cameras operating at 120 frames per second. The ball speed during pitching and the head speed during batting and the driver shot were measured using a high-speed camera at 250 frames per second and analyzed using WINanalyze (2D motion analyzer). The angles of rotation of the upper torso and pelvis were calculated as the angles between the respective segment and the global x-axis. The trunk rotation angle was calculated as the angle between the upper torso segment and the pelvic segment. The sequential data for rotational movement variables were normalized from the onset of the minimum upper torso angle until release or impact. There were significant positive correlations between the ball speed during pitching, head speed during batting, and head speed during the driver shot (pitching vs. batting, r=0.627, p<0.01; pitching vs. driver shot, r=0.670, p<0.01; batting vs. driver shot, r=0.554, p<0.01). There were significant positive correlations between the two striking movements with regard to the maximum angular velocity of upper torso rotation (r=0.567, p<0.01) and pelvic rotation (r=0.523, p<0.05). The batting and driver shot showed similarity of trunk rotation and pelvic rotation in that the contribution of pelvic angular velocity to the maximum upper torso angular velocity was larger than the contribution of trunk rotational angular velocity to the maximum upper torso angular velocity. Upon trunk rotation, there were no significant positive correlations among the pitching, the batting, and the driver shot with regard to maximum angular velocity. These results indicate that the ball and head speeds are strongly related during pitching, batting, and the driver shot. The upper torso rotation and pelvic rotation around the vertical axis of the global coordinate system are related only during batting and the driver shot.
石井 泰光 黒川 剛 荒木 就平 山本 正嘉
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.327-335, 2016-06-01 (Released:2016-05-14)

The 30-seconds all-out sprint test on the cycle ergometer was performed by 10 high school and 13 college men’s cyclists. In addition, this study investigated their best time for 200 m (200mTT) and 1000 m (1000mTT) time trials in the velodrome. This study clarifies the relationship between muscle thickness of thigh, shank, and trunk and 1) the average speed for the 200mTT and 2) the 1000mTT in the field, and 3) the mean power of the 30-seconds all-out sprint cycling test. 1) The average speed for the 200mTT significantly correlated with the muscle thickness of posterior shank and front and lateral abdomen. 2) The average speed for the 1000mTT significantly correlated with the muscle thickness of posterior thigh and shank and front and lateral abdomen. 3) The mean power of the 30-seconds all-out sprint cycling test significantly correlated with the muscle thickness of anterior and posterior thigh, posterior shank, and front and lateral abdomen. Except for the average speed for the 200mTT and 1000mTT, the mean power of the 30-seconds all-out sprint cycling test was significantly related to the muscle thickness of anterior thigh. These results suggest that increasing muscle thickness of posterior thigh and shank and front and lateral abdomen is important for enhancing performance in sprint cycling.
西谷 善子 川原 貴 山本 正嘉
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.28, no.1, pp.53-64, 2014-11-20 (Released:2019-09-02)

This study aimed to develop the assessment of muscle strength and endurance in climbers, and clarify the profiles of muscle strength and endurance in Lead climbers, in relation to performance levels. Muscular strength and endurance, using a traditional hand grip strength dynamometer and an original new climbing-specific grip strength and endurance test, were determined in 12 male non-climbers and 40 male Lead climbers who were categorized into four groups (control, beginner, intermediate and expert). All muscular strength and endurance test were significantly associated with climbing performances (ρ=0.674 -0.747, p<0.05). Differences among the four groups were more marked in climbingspecific strength and endurance than in traditional hand grip strength. Traditional hand grip strength was significantly higher for control group than for beginner and intermediate group. Therefore it is insufficient to evaluate muscle strength of Lead climbers only by traditional hand grip strength, whereas the climbing-specific strength tests used here can be used to evaluate the muscle strength and endurance profiles of Lead climbers in relation to climbing performance.
笹子 悠歩 上野 由花 山下 なつみ 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.20054, (Released:2021-01-15)

The purpose of this study was to research the influence and characteristics of weekly hill walking by comparison with habitual walking in elderly people. The hill walkers in this study were the members of a mountaineering group who do about 3.5 hours hill walking more than twice a month, and the walkers were the members of walking groups who go walking more than once a week. Both hill walkers and walkers who have continued the exercise more than two years and people over 50 were extracted and analy analyzed. Time for one walking was 1.5±0.8 hours. The frequency and exercise volume per week were 1 time (19 Mets· h/wk) in hill walkers and 4 times (26 Mets· h/wk) in walkers. The contents of the questionnaire survey were age, sex, the reason for starting each exercise , period of duration, chronic diseases and changes in the subjective sense of well well-being. As a result, the prevalence rates of chronic diseases were lower than the general average values of the same generation, and more than half of people realize positive changes in the subjective sense of well well-being after starting these exercises in both groups. On the other hand, more people in the walking group than those in the hill walking group realize ‘’My walking speed increased’’. In contrast, the prevalence r rate of diabetes i n hill walkers was lower than that in walkers, and a high percentage of hill walkers feel improvement of knee pain and amelioration of physical strength. Significant differences were detected in these points. In addition, the proportion of peo ple who realize psychological changes was higher in weekly hill walkers. More specifically some items such as ‘’I have a wider circle of friends’’, ‘’My life became fulfilled’’, and ‘’I can feel refreshed’’ were recorded high scores, and they showed signif icant differences. In conclusion, this study leads to the suggestion that 3.5 hours weekly hill walking has potentially positive effects on some items regarding health, physical fitness, and the mental state compared with about 1.5 hours walking 4 times a week in elderly people.
萩原 正大 山本 正嘉
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.3, pp.327-341, 2011 (Released:2011-07-12)
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We simulated mountain climbing using walking on a treadmill in order to systematically evaluate the physical load during mountain climbing. The conditions of three types of load-(1) inclination of the walking path (walking uphill and downhill), (2) walking speed, and (3) backpack weight-were varied within the range assumed for normal mountain climbing (40 sets of conditions in total). When the three types of load were expressed as vertical work rate, energy expenditure (VO2) during walking uphill and downhill was distributed along roughly the same curve. The following characteristics of walking uphill and downhill were observed.A. Walking uphillFor all three types of load, increase in load gave a linear increase in VO2 and heart rate (HR). A lactate threshold (LT) appeared at an intensity of 62%VO2max, when HR was 78% HRmax. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was evaluated for the “Breathlessness” and “Leg Fatigue”, and both of these increased roughly in proportion to %VO2max.B. Walking downhillWhen walking downhill, VO2 was 35-50% the intensity of VO2 when walking uphill on the same slope and at the same speed. Energy expenditure did not exceed 60%VO2max in any of the load conditions, and no LT was seen. RPE values were higher for walking downhill than walking uphill, even when %VO2max values were the same. RPE values for the “Leg Fatigue” tended to be higher than for the “Breathlessness” at the same speed in downhill walking.Using these data, we created a table giving the intensity of exercise of mountain climbing expressed as VO2 per unit body mass and metabolic equivalents (Mets) with vertical migration velocity and total weight (Body weight + Backpack weight) as variables. This table gives mountain climbers a systematic understanding of the physical load under various mountain climbing conditions. It is likely to be of use as a reference for mountain climbers of different levels of physical fitness when practicing mountain climbing appropriate to their individual level. The present results suggest that in downhill walking, it is insufficient to express the physical load in energy expenditure (VO2 and Mets) alone, and the load on the leg muscles must also be judged using the RPE in the “Leg Fatigue”.
井上 哲朗 山本 利春 蒔田 実 井島 章 岩切 公治 山本 正嘉
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.27, no.1, pp.27-34, 1994-08-31 (Released:2012-11-27)

Isokinetic muscle strengths of kendo players were observed at fifteen male kendo players. The subjects were grouped into higher competitive ability (H-Group; 7 persons) and non-higher competitive ability players (NH-Group; 8 persons). Isokinetic muscle strengths at various speed were measured at elbow, trunk and knee by Isokinetic dynamometers. The results were as follows: 1) There were not significant differences in physique and body composition between two groups.2) Elbow extension force (absolute value) of H-group was significantly larger than NH-group.3) There were not significant differences in knee extension and flexion forces between two groups.4) Trunk extension force (back strength) of H-group was larger than NH-group.5) Circumferences of right upper arm, forearm and thigh were significantly larger than that of left ones, but the value of left calf was significantly larger than that of right one.6) Elbow extension force of right arm was significantly larger than that of left one, but for elbow flexion force the value of left arm was significatly larger than that of right one.
萩原 正大 山本 正嘉
体力科學 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.3, pp.327-341, 2011-06-01

We simulated mountain climbing using walking on a treadmill in order to systematically evaluate the physical load during mountain climbing. The conditions of three types of load-(1) inclination of the walking path (walking uphill and downhill), (2) walking speed, and (3) backpack weight-were varied within the range assumed for normal mountain climbing (40 sets of conditions in total). When the three types of load were expressed as vertical work rate, energy expenditure (VO<sub>2</sub>) during walking uphill and downhill was distributed along roughly the same curve. The following characteristics of walking uphill and downhill were observed.<br>A. Walking uphill<br>For all three types of load, increase in load gave a linear increase in VO<sub>2</sub> and heart rate (HR). A lactate threshold (LT) appeared at an intensity of 62%VO<sub>2max</sub>, when HR was 78% HR<sub>max</sub>. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was evaluated for the &ldquo;Breathlessness&rdquo; and &ldquo;Leg Fatigue&rdquo;, and both of these increased roughly in proportion to %VO<sub>2max</sub>.<br>B. Walking downhill<br>When walking downhill, VO<sub>2</sub> was 35-50% the intensity of VO<sub>2</sub> when walking uphill on the same slope and at the same speed. Energy expenditure did not exceed 60%VO<sub>2max</sub> in any of the load conditions, and no LT was seen. RPE values were higher for walking downhill than walking uphill, even when %VO<sub>2max</sub> values were the same. RPE values for the &ldquo;Leg Fatigue&rdquo; tended to be higher than for the &ldquo;Breathlessness&rdquo; at the same speed in downhill walking.<br>Using these data, we created a table giving the intensity of exercise of mountain climbing expressed as VO<sub>2</sub> per unit body mass and metabolic equivalents (Mets) with vertical migration velocity and total weight (Body weight + Backpack weight) as variables. This table gives mountain climbers a systematic understanding of the physical load under various mountain climbing conditions. It is likely to be of use as a reference for mountain climbers of different levels of physical fitness when practicing mountain climbing appropriate to their individual level. The present results suggest that in downhill walking, it is insufficient to express the physical load in energy expenditure (VO<sub>2</sub> and Mets) alone, and the load on the leg muscles must also be judged using the RPE in the &ldquo;Leg Fatigue&rdquo;.
藤田 英二 赤嶺 卓哉 高井 洋平 川西 正志 Dennis R. Taaffe 柳沼 悠 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.2, pp.797-806, 2019-12-16 (Released:2019-12-20)

Here, in comparison with community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, we investigated the skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density of a Japanese alpinist (Mr. A) who, at the age of 80 years, is to date the oldest person to have climbed to the summit of Mount Everest (8,848 m). Using dual X-ray absorptiometry, we determined the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), total bone mineral density (tBMD), whole body fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) of Mr. A (84.6 yr) and 209 community-dwelling middle-aged and older men (50-79 yr, mean age: 68.1 yr). The SMI, tBMD, FFMI and FMI were 8.79 kg/m2, 1.075 g/cm2, 22.3 kg/m2 and 9.8 kg/m2, respectively, in Mr. A and 7.46 ± 0.81 kg/m2, 1.020 ± 0.100 g/cm2, 18.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 and 5.5 ± 1.7 kg/m2, respectively, in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men. The values in Mr. A were higher than those in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, with z-scores for the SMI and tBMD of 1.63 and 0.55, respectively. Mr. A maintained a high skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density even at the age of 84 years, which may have been attributable in part to his long-term training for mountain climbing.
岩竹 淳 山本 正嘉 西薗 秀嗣 川原 繁樹 北田 耕司 図子 浩二
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.0801310061, (Released:2008-02-01)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between acceleration and maximum sprinting ability, performance in various jumping tasks, and maximum leg strength in adolescent students. Sprinting ability was evaluated in terms of 50m sprinting velocity. The jumping tasks used for performance measurement included Standing five jump, Standing triple jump, Standing long jump, Counter movement jump and Rebound jump. Maximum leg strength was measured using isometric squats in which the angle of the knee was 135 deg. The results demonstrated that students with superior sprinting ability also showed high performance in the various jumping tasks and also had higher maximum leg strength. Among the various factors that affect sprinting ability, performance in one-leg alternation jumping, performance in jumping with both legs simultaneously, and leg strength were shown to have a high correlation in that order. In addition, the influence of both legs in the simultaneous jumping task and leg strength were considered to make a large contribution to acceleration sprinting ability. Similarly, the influence of one-leg alternation jumping performance was considered to make a large contribution to maximum sprinting ability. The findings of this study are considered useful for application to health and physical education classes.
藤田 英二 赤嶺 卓哉 高井 洋平 川西 正志 Dennis R. Taaffe 柳沼 悠 山本 正嘉
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18083, (Released:2019-08-07)

Here, in comparison with community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, we investigated the skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density of a Japanese alpinist (Mr. A) who, at the age of 80 years, is to date the oldest person to have climbed to the summit of Mount Everest (8,848 m). Using dual X-ray absorptiometry, we determined the appendicular skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), total bone mineral density (tBMD), whole body fat-free mass index (FFMI) and fat mass index (FMI) of Mr. A (84.6 yr) and 209 community-dwelling middle-aged and older men (50-79 yr, mean age: 68.1 yr). The SMI, tBMD, FFMI and FMI were 8.79 kg/m2, 1.075 g/cm2, 22.3 kg/m2 and 9.8 kg/m2, respectively, in Mr. A and 7.46 ± 0.81 kg/m2, 1.020 ± 0.100 g/cm2, 18.1 ± 1.9 kg/m2 and 5.5 ± 1.7 kg/m2, respectively, in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men. The values in Mr. A were higher than those in the community-dwelling middle-aged and older men, with z-scores for the SMI and tBMD of 1.63 and 0.55, respectively. Mr. A maintained a high skeletal muscle mass and bone mineral density even at the age of 84 years, which may have been attributable in part to his long-term training for mountain climbing.
金野 亮太 井上 修平 山本 正嘉
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.22, no.4, pp.357-365, 2010

暑熱環境(気温35 ℃,湿度80%)に設定した人工気象室において,8名の自転車競技選手が長時間の自転車ペダリング運動を行い,その運動の途中で全身に冷水をかけて身体冷却を行った場合に,体温をはじめとする生理応答や,主観的な指標にどのような効果があるかを検討した.<br> 被験者は,レースで使用するロードレーサーを用いて,走行速度を40km/h に固定し,90 分間の運動を行った.この運動強度は乳酸閾値を超えないものであり,実際のレースにおける運動強度からみると,比較的弱い部類に属するものであった.被験者は,運動開始から60 分を経過したところで,全身に5 ℃の水をかぶる条件(以下,水かぶり)と,それを行わない対照条件の 2 通りを,ランダムな順序で行った.<br> その結果,水かぶりを行うことによって体温(直腸温度,平均皮膚温度)の上昇は抑制され,その効果は運動終了までの30 分間持続した.また水かぶり後には心拍数や酸素摂取量も低値を示し,運動効率の改善が窺えた.以上の結果から,暑熱環境下で行う水かぶりは,熱中症を予防したり,運動パフォーマンスを維持する上で,実用的で効果の高い手段であることが示唆された.
平山 祐 山本 正嘉
トレーニング科学 (ISSN:13494414)
vol.23, no.1, pp.63-75, 2011

全日本選手権または大学生選手権で入賞経験を持つカナディアンカヌー選手を対象として,通常の水上練習や筋力トレーニングと並行して,カナディアンカヌー用のエルゴメーターを用いて高強度のインターバルトレーニングを行わせた.その際,このトレーニングを通常酸素環境下で行う群(N 群,n=9)と,常圧低酸素室を用いて低酸素環境下(高度2000 ~ 3000m 相当)で行う群(H 群,n=9)の2 群を設けた.両群とも,トレーニングは週に3 ~ 4 回の頻度で3週間行った.その結果,N 群もH 群も,カヌーエルゴメーターを用いて測定した有酸素性能力(最大酸素摂取量)と無酸素性能力(10 秒間の全力漕時のパワー)がいずれも改善し,さらに200m 漕と500m 漕のタイムも改善した.ただし,200m 漕タイムの改善については,H 群の方がN 群よりも有意に大きかった.したがって,カヌーエルゴメーターを用いた補強トレーニングは,通常酸素環境で行ってもさまざまな作業能力の改善につながるが,低酸素環境で行えばそれに加えて,無酸素性および有酸素性の両能力がいずれも関与する200m 漕の成績をさらに大きく改善できる可能性が考えられた.