村上 平 榊原 宣 堤 京子 田中 三千雄 丸山 正隆 鈴木 茂 橋本 忠美 金山 和子 長谷川 利弘 吉田 操 山田 明義 鈴木 博孝 遠藤 光夫
一般社団法人 日本消化器内視鏡学会
日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 (ISSN:03871207)
vol.20, no.7, pp.623-629_1, 1978

Early-stage cancer located on the upper part of the stomach, especially near the esophagogastric junction, is still difficult to diagnose, and frequently undiscoverd until it is too late. Minute cancers so far discovered, in particular, are few in number, and much remains obscure about their morphology, , including such problems as strophic and metaplastic changes in the mucous membrane over the said area. We looked into diagnosis and morphology of minute cancers of the said region in patients encountered by us. Subjects consisted of 12 patients with early-stage gastric cancer the size of 2 cm or less in maximum diameter, a margin of which was within distance of 2 cm from the junction. Total 13 such lesions were found in them. Our findings were as follows : (1) Straight-view fibescope is more useful in observation snd biopsy of small lesions adjacent to the junction, while lateral-view fiberscope has slight advantages with small lesions off the junction, (2) of small, early-stage gastric cancers near the junction, those adjacent to the junction are frequently protuberant, and those off the junction tend to be concave, (3) the majority of small, early-stage gastric cancers near the junction are histologically highly differentiated.
鈴木 茂 鈴木 博孝 山田 和毅 後町 浩二 山下 克子 遠藤 光夫 竹本 忠良
Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society
日本内視鏡学会誌 (ISSN:18845711)
vol.14, no.1, pp.70-77, 1972-04-01 (Released:2010-06-28)

An endoscopic atrophic border at the lower portion of the stomach has been recognized and proved as a bounpary between the pyloric and fundic gland territories. And this also means histologically atrophy of the pyloric gland and non-atrophy of the fundic gland. But the study of sucha border in the cardiac portion has not yet been known well enough. In this report, the existence of sucha border in the cardiac portion was confirmed endo scopically by the use of Congo red method and investigated histologically by biopsy.Method After washing of the gastric mucosa with 5% sodium bicarbonate, 50cc of 0.3% Congo red solution was supplied into the stomach and 50mg of Histalog was injected intramuscularly. Then Fibergastroscope was inserted to observe a discoloring reaction at the gastric cardia and to perform biopsy under direct vision.Results By the discoloration of Congo red, a black colored zone was distinguished from a red zone, and a boundary became manifest endoscopically between them around the esophagogastric junction in all 39 cases. The patterns of this border were classified into 4 types (I-IV). Histological changes of the both sides across this border showed atrophic and inflammatory changes at the red zone, and normal mucosa at the black colored zone both in the fundic gland territory. The number of parietal cells were remarkably decreased at the red zone. So it seems to us that this border is also the boundary between atrophy and non-atrophy, but this is by no means the meaning of boundary between fundic and cardiac glands.
横山 泉 竹本 忠良 羽生 富士夫 遠藤 光夫 鈴木 博孝 鈴木 茂 山内 大三 井手 博子 山下 克子 宮坂 節子
東京女子医科大学雑誌 (ISSN:00409022)
vol.38, no.5, pp.407-407, 1968-05-25

東京女子医科大学学会第148回例会抄録 昭和43年2月23日(金) 東京女子医科大学本部講堂
出江 洋介 吉野 邦英 河野 辰幸 永井 鑑 長浜 雄志 三宅 智 中村 正徳 奈良 智之 遠藤 光夫
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.27, no.8, pp.1979-1983, 1994-08-01

症例は21歳の男性.平成4年8月より嚥下困難,吐血が出現し,平成5年1月8日呼吸困難のため緊急入院.内視鏡では食道入口部直下から白苔に覆われた易出血性の隆起性病変を認めたが生検では壊死組織および真菌であった.胸部CTでは縦隔内に内部の不均一な腫瘤影を認めた.Open biopsyにより,食道の筋原性腫瘍が疑われたため1月26日,右開胸開腹食道亜全摘経後縦隔胃管再建術を施行した.Ao,N(-),Mo,Ploであった.切除標本では,13.0×7.5×3.2cmの有茎性腫瘍で,組織学的に平滑筋肉腫と診断した.術後3か月で右頸部,上縦隔,右肺,右胸膜に再発し化学療法と放射線療法を行った.一部に効果も認められたが急速に増大し術後6か月目に呼吸不全により死亡した.本例は本邦における食道平滑筋肉腫報告例では最年少であり診断と治療を中心に考察を加えた.
岡部 聡 中島 和美 金子 慶虎 竹村 克二 五関 謹秀 遠藤 光夫 大橋 健一 神山 隆一 春日 孟
The Japan Society of Coloproctology
日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 (ISSN:00471801)
vol.40, no.4, pp.401-407, 1987
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