鈴野 弘子 鈴木 恵子 石田 裕 笹田 陽子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.63, no.8, pp.469-480, 2012-08-15 (Released:2013-10-15)

We conducted a survey on the forms of food served in nursing homes for the elderly and evaluated their physical properties by measuring the texture. The forms of food were mostly determined according to the observations of such experts as dietitians and registered dietitians. The suitability of the forms of the food was mostly assessed by care providers. We observed that the nursing homes provided 4.0 ± 2.5 forms of major staples and 4.4 ± 2.3 forms of side dishes as averages. The meat dishes served at the nursing homes had been cooked to be sufficiently soft according to the requirements specified by the universal design food table. The hardness of rice gruel and mixed rice gruel met the requirements applied to foods for people with difficulty in swallowing as specified by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, although the adhesiveness was too high to meet the requirements. The texture of chawan-mushi satisfied the Level III allowance, but the adhesiveness of steamed egg custard exceeded the Level III allowance. The hardness and adhesiveness of the rehydrating jelly drink met the Level II or III allowance, and its degree of cohesiveness was between0.2 and 0.6. These results indicate that the forms of food served in nursing homes are suitable and safe for consumption by the elderly.
廣田 栄子 井脇 貴子 樺沢 一之 鈴木 恵子 小渕 千絵

三浦 弘恵 舟島 なをみ 鈴木 恵子 Miura Hiroe Funashima Naomi Suzuki Satoko ミウラ ヒロエ フナシマ ナヲミ スズキ サトコ
千葉看護学会会誌 (ISSN:13448846)
vol.11, no.1, pp.31-37, 2005-06-30

本研究の目的は,在宅における看護実践を自己評価するための尺度を作成し,その信頼性・妥当性を検証することである。本研究は,在宅看護を家庭で療養するクライエントとその家族に対し,その居宅を中心とする通常の生活の場において看護職者が健康上の問題を解決・回避できるよう支援する活動と定義する。尺度の開発は,(1)在宅看護場面における看護職者の行動を説明する6概念を基盤とした質問項目の作成と尺度化,(2)質問項目の内容的妥当性の検討と修正,(3)調査実施による質問項目の分析・選定,(4)選定項目により再構成した尺度の信頼性・妥当性の検討の4段階の手続きを経た。調査に用いた測定用具は,6下位尺度48質問項目から成る自己評価尺度であり,対象は無作為に抽出した保健所・市町村,訪問看護ステーションに就業し,在宅看護に携わる看護職者656名であった。質問紙回収数は380部(回収率57.9%)であり,このうち全質問項目に回答のあった311部を分析対象とした。クロンバックα信頼性係数,項目間相関,I-T(項目-全体)相関の分析,因子分析の結果に基づき合計18項目を削除し,30項目を選定した。再構成した尺度全体のクロンバックα信頼性係数は0.95であり,尺度が内的整合性を確保していることを示した。また,因子分析の結果は,尺度が構成概念妥当性を確保していることを示した。The purpose of this study was to develop Self-Evaluation Sacle on Home Health Care Nursing, which had reliability and validity. The scale was constructed six subscales, which were findings of the previous research. The previous research was conducted qualitatively and inductively to conceptualize nurses' behavior in home health care nursing. As a result of continuing comparative analysis, six explanatory concepts emerged. They were positioned six subscales. Every subscale was constructed with eight items made from the bottom of the concepts. Expert panel discussion and pilot study were conducted to establish content validity. Self-Evaluation Sacle on Home Health Care Nursing was 5-point Likert Scale with forty-eight items. The instrument packets, including the scale and a demographic questionnaire, were distributed to 656 nurses of 66 health centers and communities, and 38 visiting nursing stations which were randomly sampled. 380 (57.9%) nurse responded, and 311 valid data were analyzed. The 30 items were selected based on the result of item analysis. Chronbach alpha of the item-select version was .952. Factor analysis was used test construct validity of it. The result shows that item select version based on 6 explanatory concepts of home health care nursing, and then the construct validity was confirmed.