関 修
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.15, pp.33-47, 1997

1. Medical Philosophy, Ethics and Problems of Homosexuality. The various concepts of sexuality were invented by psychopathology in the late 19th Century. In the DSM-III-R of 1987, homosexuality suddenly became normal from abnormal. However transgender remains an illness, as it was before. It is only a political problem. Another important problem is about AIDS. In Japan, there is discrimination between AIDS caused by medicine and AIDS caused by other factors. 2. Homosexuality as Thought : Situation of modern French Thought. In France, The "May Revolution" of 1968 caused the foundation of a new university : Paris 8th (Vancennes). One of its founders, Rene Scherer began his first lecture on sexuality in the faculty of Philosophy. His partner, Guy Hocquenghem, founded FHAR. Recently, Red and Black-Homosexuals in France after 1968 by F.Martel was published. However, Prof. Scherer has told me it is a defective book. 3. Thought of G. Hocquenghem : concerning homosexual desire. The originality of Hocquenghem's thought seems to lie in his idea of forming "a group of subjects" through the anus. The creation of relations among others by anality stands against ideas of couples. Being homosexual is not a means to attain self-identification, but a means to be out of self, to become a foreigner. It is also an escape to an infinite drifting from a stiff identity. 4. The Voice of M. Foucault : Homosexuality as a form of existence. Foucault's thought about homosexuality summarizes two points. First, to be homosexual is not correct ; to become homosexual is correct. He takes "gay" to create a new form of existence. Therefore, he does not think coming-out to be inevitable. Secondly, his problem is to begin to love among individuals. It means that "I" is more essential than sexuality. Here there seems to be fascination for passivity. 5. Conclusion : In Japan, they say "gay" is already out of fashion : now "queer" replaces it. However, such nomenclature is only a matter of fashion. To my regret, regular studies on gayness or queerness are not carried out in Japan. Now, it is necessary to study homosexuality as thought. That means to meet various thoughts not only to introduce and imitate them but to get involved in them : to have a mind of "hospitality". That is a critically needed task in Japan.
高津 浩彰 小関 修
独立行政法人 国立高等専門学校機構豊田工業高等専門学校
豊田工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:02862603)
vol.39, pp.149-152, 2006-11-24 (Released:2017-04-27)

This study is to asses concentration using Heart Rate Variability during taking class in college students. Students with concentration stayed RRI. But non-concentration students elevated RRI. Condition effected to concentration during taking class. So students should control condition before classes.
高津 浩彰 宗像 光男 小関 修 横山 清子 渡辺 與作 高田 和之
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌) (ISSN:03854221)
vol.120, no.1, pp.104-110, 2000 (Released:2008-12-19)
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We evaluated the quantitative relationship between the subjective stress value and heart rate variability. The mean values of R-R interval (RRI) and respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), which were reported to be markedly affected by stress, were used as heart rate variability. The following mental workload was performed so as to give wide range loads to the subjects: presentation of research, asking questions in research presentation, research presentation practice, and supine rest. The subjective stress value was obtained as serial values from 1 to 5 by a newly-developed questionnaire. The correlation between the stress value and RRI or RSA when such wide range workload are given was evaluated. There was a high correlation between the subjective stress value and RRI (correlation coefficient, -0.637), but not between the subjective stress value and RSA (coefficient, -0.319) Signal processing of RRI was simpler than that of RSA. These results suggest the usefulness of RRI as an index of the subjective stress value.
長谷川 朗 小関 修 阪口 富弥
社団法人 日本写真学会
日本写真学会誌 (ISSN:03695662)
vol.49, no.6, pp.509-512, 1986-12-28 (Released:2011-08-11)

Microwave photoconductivity of silver halide emulsions reduces contrary in the course of rising at the leading edge of light pulse. The reduction occurred after a constant exposure of about 41μJ/cm2 regardless of the light intensity. The formation of latent image specks is considered to cause the reduction.
関 修
医学哲学 医学倫理 (ISSN:02896427)
vol.15, pp.33-47, 1997-09-20 (Released:2018-02-01)

1. Medical Philosophy, Ethics and Problems of Homosexuality. The various concepts of sexuality were invented by psychopathology in the late 19th Century. In the DSM-III-R of 1987, homosexuality suddenly became normal from abnormal. However transgender remains an illness, as it was before. It is only a political problem. Another important problem is about AIDS. In Japan, there is discrimination between AIDS caused by medicine and AIDS caused by other factors. 2. Homosexuality as Thought : Situation of modern French Thought. In France, The "May Revolution" of 1968 caused the foundation of a new university : Paris 8th (Vancennes). One of its founders, Rene Scherer began his first lecture on sexuality in the faculty of Philosophy. His partner, Guy Hocquenghem, founded FHAR. Recently, Red and Black-Homosexuals in France after 1968 by F.Martel was published. However, Prof. Scherer has told me it is a defective book. 3. Thought of G. Hocquenghem : concerning homosexual desire. The originality of Hocquenghem's thought seems to lie in his idea of forming "a group of subjects" through the anus. The creation of relations among others by anality stands against ideas of couples. Being homosexual is not a means to attain self-identification, but a means to be out of self, to become a foreigner. It is also an escape to an infinite drifting from a stiff identity. 4. The Voice of M. Foucault : Homosexuality as a form of existence. Foucault's thought about homosexuality summarizes two points. First, to be homosexual is not correct ; to become homosexual is correct. He takes "gay" to create a new form of existence. Therefore, he does not think coming-out to be inevitable. Secondly, his problem is to begin to love among individuals. It means that "I" is more essential than sexuality. Here there seems to be fascination for passivity. 5. Conclusion : In Japan, they say "gay" is already out of fashion : now "queer" replaces it. However, such nomenclature is only a matter of fashion. To my regret, regular studies on gayness or queerness are not carried out in Japan. Now, it is necessary to study homosexuality as thought. That means to meet various thoughts not only to introduce and imitate them but to get involved in them : to have a mind of "hospitality". That is a critically needed task in Japan.
竹内 敦子 古滝 敏郎 小山 浩司 砂川 和彦 矢口 洋一 松井 良憲 村杉 政一 関 修平 田川 精一 原 和香奈 吉本 護
公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌) (ISSN:09145400)
vol.113, no.1319, pp.478-483, 2005 (Released:2005-07-01)
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Nano-dots array whose diameter and interval were approximately 200 nm and 750 nm, respectively, were made parallel to the atomic step edges on sapphire wafers by focused ion beam (FIB) system. Upon annealing a bunched multi-steps structure formed at regularintervals and straight because the steps were pinned at the nano-dots. The step heights andterrace widths were approximately 2.0 nm, 700 nm in off-angle 0.15° and 10.0 nm, 350 nm in off-angle 1.0°, respectively.
杉本 雅樹 出崎 亮 関 修平 伊藤 洋 山本 春也 吉川 正人

尾関 修治 小栗 成子 淡路 佳昌

インターネットの環境を語学教育に活用するために必要なシステム開発と実運用を行った。被験者となる学生の学力データ収集を進めた。また、教育方法の開発について、これまで開発したCMS利用の技術と成果を検討し、教授者と学習者双方の視点からの効果的な学習環境構築を進めた。特に学習者相互がインターネットでコミュニケーションを行いながら英語能力を高めていくために必要なネットワーク環境・ソフトウェアからなる学習支援システムの開発研究を行った。■CMSサイトの運用:教材コンテンツとユーザー管理を行うCMS(Content Management System)であるXOOPSサーバーを運用した。安定性の向上のため、サーバーソフトウェアのバージョンアップを行った。■その他のCMSサイト:Wiki, MovableTypeを活用した教材コンテンツ開発と管理を導入・運用してその成果を測った。■オンライン教材の提供:出版社の許可を得てテキスト教材をベースにWeb自習教材を開発し、専用サイトで運用した。■Web上での添削指導:学生を対象にCGIを利用した英作文添削指導を展開し、データベースと連動した英作文指導・学習システム(WebNotebook)を開発した。■独自のブログサイトを運用し、開発したブログ利用による学習指導方法を実運用した。具体的には,学習者ブログによる英作文成果発表と教授者によるカテゴリー別指導を実施しその成果を測った。■学力データ収集:約1,500名の学生を対象に、統一学力テスト(プレースメントテスト)を行い、集計した。■成果の発表:本プロジェクトの一連のe-learning開発の成果について、FLEAT5(米国ブリガムヤング大)等において発表した。