小山 浩司 古島 弘三 菅野 好規 新津 あずさ 小太刀 友夏 新納 宗輔 上野 真由美 高橋 英司 足立 和隆
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.71, no.5, pp.443-453, 2022-10-01 (Released:2022-09-13)

Previous studies have reported that poor posture can induce various musculoskeletal disorders. Recently, poor posture in children has become a problem. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of sagittal spinal alignment in standing and sitting positions in elementary school students and how spinal alignment changes from standing to sitting position. Moreover, it clarifies how poor posture (hyperkyphosis) in the standing position affects sitting posture. This study was conducted among 83 elementary school students. The Spinal-Mouse® System was used to measure the thoracic kyphosis angle (TKA), upper thoracic angle (UTA), lower thoracic angle (LTA), lumbar lordosis angle (LLA), and sacral anteversion angle (SAA) in the standing and sitting positions. Hyperkyphosis was defined as a thoracic kyphosis angle of >40°. Participants were assigned to two groups: hyperkyphosis and non-hyperkyphosis. Significant differences were noted in all spinal alignment characteristics in both the positions. When spinal alignment was changed from standing to sitting, ΔUTA and ΔLTA correlated with ΔLLA and ΔSAA, respectively. A strong negative correlation was noted between ΔLLA and ΔSAA. In the sitting position, TKA, UTA, and LLA were significantly higher in the hyperkyphosis group than in the non-hyperkyphosis group. ΔUTA was significantly higher in the hyperkyphosis group than in the non-hyperkyphosis group when spinal alignment was changed from standing to sitting. The characteristics of sagittal spinal alignment in the sitting position were significantly different from those in the standing position. The study findings suggest that poor posture (hyperkyphosis) in the standing position affects the sitting posture.
小山 浩司 一場 友実 古島 弘三 菅野 好規 新津 あずさ 小太刀 友夏 新納 宗輔 上野 真由美 足立 和隆
The Society of Physical Therapy Science
理学療法科学 (ISSN:13411667)
vol.38, no.1, pp.78-83, 2023 (Released:2023-02-15)

〔目的〕スパインマットが胸郭拡張差および呼吸機能・呼吸筋力に与える影響を明らかにすること.〔対象と方法〕健常成人男性30名(年齢20.2 ± 1.6歳)とした.介入方法は,対象を背臥位とし,スパインマットを胸椎部に挿入した.測定項目は,脊柱アライメント,胸郭拡張差および呼吸機能・呼吸筋力であった.〔結果〕介入後に胸椎後弯角度が有意に減少した.また胸郭拡張差は有意な増加を認めた.呼吸機能は最大吸気量が,呼吸筋力では最大吸気圧に有意な増加を認めた.〔結語〕スパインマットの使用により,胸郭拡張差,最大吸気量および最大吸気圧は増加する可能性が示唆された.
竹内 敦子 古滝 敏郎 小山 浩司 砂川 和彦 矢口 洋一 松井 良憲 村杉 政一 関 修平 田川 精一 原 和香奈 吉本 護
公益社団法人 日本セラミックス協会
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan (日本セラミックス協会学術論文誌) (ISSN:09145400)
vol.113, no.1319, pp.478-483, 2005 (Released:2005-07-01)
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Nano-dots array whose diameter and interval were approximately 200 nm and 750 nm, respectively, were made parallel to the atomic step edges on sapphire wafers by focused ion beam (FIB) system. Upon annealing a bunched multi-steps structure formed at regularintervals and straight because the steps were pinned at the nano-dots. The step heights andterrace widths were approximately 2.0 nm, 700 nm in off-angle 0.15° and 10.0 nm, 350 nm in off-angle 1.0°, respectively.