関根 孝道
総合政策研究 (ISSN:1341996X)
vol.20, pp.165-197, 2005-09-20

On March 2, 2005, the United States District Court Nothern District of California gave an epochmaking decision. The decision held: in light of the many similarities between the lists generated by the Japanese Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties and the U.S. National Historic Preservation Act ("NHPA"), the Japanese Law is an "equivalent of the National Register" under the NHPA within the meaning of section 470a-2 thereof; since the Okinawa dugong is protected under Japanese Law on the basis of its cultural significance to the Okinawan people, section 470a-2 of the NHPA can apply to the Okinawa dugong, an animal protected for cultural, historical reasons under a foreign country's equivalent statutory scheme for cultural preservation; while section 470a-2 applies to "any federal undertaking outside the United States", it can as a matter of law apply to the undertakings alleged by plaintiffs in that case because plaintiffs have alleged and provided evidence to show that the contested actions and decisions were undertaken by the U.S. Department of Defense and thus constitute a federal undertaking which may directly and adversely affect a property, the Okinawa dugong; since the case at issue deals with a statute, unlike the NEPA, explicitly demonstrates Congress's intent that it apply abroad where a federal undertaking promises to have direct or adverse effects on protected foreign properties, the cort must construe section 470a-2 in accordance with the statutory text-to preclude enforcement as a blanket rule based on the act of state doctrine would empty section 470 of any meaning; since the record before the court does not currently describe an "official act of a foreign sovereign perfomed within its own territory," but rather a process intertwined with U.S. Department of Defense decision-making, the court evaluates the actions of a federal agency for the act of state doctrine not being implicated. This decison is extremely significant mainly for the Okinawa dugong protection and U.S. military facilities issues here in the future.
柳澤 敦広 乾 健彦 生井 良幸 高梨 潤一 藤井 克則 水口 雅 関根 孝司 五十嵐 隆
一般社団法人 日本小児腎臓病学会
日本小児腎臓病学会雑誌 (ISSN:09152245)
vol.22, no.2, pp.161-165, 2009-11-15 (Released:2010-05-31)
2 2

腸管出血性大腸菌 (enterohemorrhagic E. coli: EHEC) 感染症を契機に発症した溶血性尿毒症症候群 (hemolytic uremic syndrome: HUS) の重篤な合併症として,脳症がある。脳症の臨床像・病態生理は複雑である。今回われわれが経験したHUSに合併した脳症は,急性壊死性脳症 (acute necrotizing encephalopathy of childhood: ANE) に特徴的な画像所見を示していた。 こういった例はHUSに合併した脳症のなかでも,特に重篤な経過をたどりやすいようだ。また,サイトカインの関与も示唆された。HUSに対する既存の治療法では不十分であり,発症機序,管理・治療法に関するさらなる検討が必要と思われる。
石山 歩 伊藤 泰 入間田 美咲 片岡 満里奈 佐藤 悠里 篠田 祐子 関根 孝幸 小野部 純
公益社団法人 日本理学療法士協会
vol.2011, pp.Db1212, 2012

【はじめに、目的】 ヒトの肢体容積は,重力やホルモンなど様々な要因が影響して経時的に変化している.ヒトの下肢容積の変化は、歩行などの活動量に依存するといわれているが,それらの明確な関係についての報告は少ない.また、容積の算出方法は水置換法やMRIから算出するものなど様々な方法が用いられているが,臨床的に用いる場合は衛生面や簡便性から考えると周径計測を用いられていることが多い.しかし,周径から計算式を用いて容積を算出した場合,誤差が大きくなると報告されており,注意が必要である.本研究では,健常人における下肢容積の日内変動量と活動量の関係について比較・検討を行った.そこで,今回は下肢容積を表す指標として対象部位の数箇所の周径を計測しその総和を用いた.さらに,病的な浮腫の早期発見のための足がかりとするために,下肢容積の生理的変化と病的変化との境を明確にすることを目的とした.【方法】 対象者は健常人39人(男性18人,女性21人)とし,対象肢は右下肢とした.また,下肢容積の指標として下肢周径,活動量の指標として歩数を計測した.周径計測は朝8時~9時,昼12時20分~13時20分,夜17時~19時の時間帯に計3回,背臥位にて同一検者がメジャーを用いて行った.測定部位は膝関節外側裂隙を基準とし5cm間隔で中枢側へ25cmまで,末梢側は30cmまで,さらに外果下縁と第5中足骨底の計14箇所計測した.これらの結果をもとに,大腿部(膝関節外側裂隙から中枢側へ25cm),下腿上部・下部(膝関節外側裂隙から末梢側へ15cm・さらに末梢側へ15cm),足部(外果下縁と第5中足骨底)に分け,それぞれの周径総和を容積を表す指標として作為的に定義した.歩数の計測は,カロリズムTMAM-120(TANITA社製)を用いた.対象者は第1回計測後から携帯し,周径計測時に歩数を確認した.統計処理にはSPSS 13.0を用い,統計学的有意差は大腿部,下腿上部・下部,足部について反復計測による分散分析を行い,有意水準は0.05未満とした.また,下肢容積の変化率と歩数の相関を検討した.【倫理的配慮、説明と同意】 対象者には研究の趣旨と予測されるリスク,さらにヘルシンキ宣言を遵守する旨と,計測中であっても対象者の意思により中止できる旨も併せて説明し同意を得られた者のみとした.【結果】 下肢容積の日内変動について,大腿部では,朝-昼間で有意な差がみられた(p<0.05).下腿上部・下部では朝-昼間と朝-夜間で有意な差がみられた(p<0.01).足部では有意な差は見られなかったが,第5中足骨底部のみでは朝-昼間と朝-夜間で有意な差がみられた(p<0.05).この変化率は各部位とも約1~2%となり,男女間の下肢容積の日内変動に有意な差は見られなかった.また,各部位において下肢容積の変化率と歩数の間に相関はみられなかった.【考察】 本研究の結果から,朝-昼間,朝-夜間の下肢容積に有意な差がみられ,その変化率は約1~2%であった.また,本結果からは下肢容積の変化率と歩数の間には相関がみられなかった.まず下肢容積の日内変動においては,対象者全員が約1~2%の変化率であったため,この変化範囲が健常人の生理的反応を示しているといえる.次に下肢容積と活動量の関係においては,一般的には筋ポンプ作用の影響が大きく,活動量が多いと筋ポンプ作用が促進されて容積が減少すると考えられている.この容積の増減には健常人の場合,血液や組織間隙などの水分量が大きく関与しており,これらの運搬には血流とリンパ流の影響が関わっている.血流量やリンパ流量は、筋ポンプ作用によって促進されると10~20倍に増加するとされ,これが容積の減少に繋がると考えられている.しかし本結果では,活動量の指標である歩数と容積変化に相関はみられなかった.その要因として活動時間と計測時間の関係性が挙げられる.筋ポンプ作用により血流量やリンパ流量が増大することは明らかだが,下肢容積に影響を与えるまでの時間(潜時)や負荷強度などは明確ではない.そのため,計測時に筋ポンプ作用と容積変化に相関がみられなかったと考えられる.【理学療法学研究としての意義】 近年、がん治療の後遺症として注目されているリンパ浮腫は,摘出手術後に自覚がないうちに重症化を引き起こすケースが多数みられる.これは,現在リンパ浮腫を早期発見するための明確な指標がないことが一因と考えられる.そのため,より詳細な指標をつくることが重要と考え,本研究を行った.本結果より,健常人における下肢容積の日内変動が明らかとなり,今後の病的浮腫の早期発見の足がかりとなると考える.また,活動量と下肢容積においては関係性がみられなかったため,今後は筋ポンプ作用が下肢容積に及ぼす効果のタイミングを明確にすることが重要であると考える.
関根 孝道
総合政策研究 (ISSN:1341996X)
vol.16, pp.11-52, 2004-05-25

The IUCN Second World Conservation Congress in Amman, Jordan, adopted a Recommendation for the conservation of Okinawa dugongs in October 2000. This is because their critical habitat areas in Henoko offshore Okinawa are to be landfilled for the construction of U. S. seabase facilities in return for the U. S. military airport at Futenma. Since Okinawa dugongs are not only designated as one of Japan's natural monuments but also seriously endangered with the remaining number estimated at the most less than 50, the proposed seabase facilities are determinatively detrimental to the continued existence of Okinawa dugongs. Given the ineffectiveness of Japan's nature conservation laws, the last resort for their protection is to initiate a lawsuit under the U. S. environmental law in their court. This article examines the possibility of extraterritorial application of U. S. environmental laws for the protection of Okinawa dugongs with the conclusion that the National Historic Preservation Act ("NHPA") is most applicable due to the section 402's declaration of its extraterritorial application. In addition, since Okinawa dugongs are listed as an endangered species under the U. S. Endangered Species Act ("ESA"), an ESA lawsuit under its citizen suits provision is prospective and significant as a test case challenging ESA's overseas application.
関根 孝道
総合政策研究 (ISSN:1341996X)
vol.28, pp.205-242, 2008-03

The day of January 23, 2008, turned out to be a memorable day for Okinawa dugongs. On this day, the Judge Marilyn Hall Patel, U.S. District Court Judge Northern District of California, ruled in favor of Okinawa dugongs in the case that was brought by 3 Okinawa individual residents and 6 Japan/U.S. environmental organizations against the U.S. Department of Defense (hereinafter "DOD") for the purpose of preserving Okinawa dugongs as a Japanese national monument and their habitats in Henoko areas. The court opinion begins with a comprehensive summary of the factual background, a description of the procedural history of the case, and an explanation of the statutes under which plaintiffs bring the case, that is, the National Historic Preservation Act (hereinafter "NHPA") and the Administrative Procedures Act (hereinafter "APA"). The judge then turns to the legal arguments. The legal issues here are divided into three sections: DOD's jurisdictional arguments; applicability of the NHPA; and the merits of the plaintiffs' NHPA claim. First, as for the DOD's jurisdictional arguments, they consist of five distinctive assertions; (1) final agency action, (2) standing, (3) ripeness, (4) act of state, (5) necessary and indispensable party. The judge addresses each of the five arguments that DOD presents for barring the court's review and strikes down all of them with detailed persuasive reasons. Secondly, regarding the applicability of the NHPA to the case, the NHPA imposes on DOD the obligation to "take into account" under sec.402 of the statute. This DOD's obligation is triggered when and where there is a federal undertaking outside the U.S., which may directly and adversely affect a property on the applicable country's equivalent of the National Register. These are issues of first impression for the courts in the context of extraterritorial provision of sec.402. Having decided in support of plaintiffs' arguments with regard to these legal issues, the court concluded that the NHPA is applicable to this case. Finally, the judge examines whether DOD has complied with its obligation under the NHPA to "take into account" the impacts on the dugongs. According to the court, the "take into account" process, at a minimum, must include (1) identification of protected property, (2) generation, collection, consideration, and weighing of information pertaining to how the undertaking will affect the historic property, (3) a determination as to whether there will be adverse effects or not adverse effects, and (4) if necessary, development and evaluation of alternatives or modifications to the undertaking that could avoid or mitigate the adverse effects. As a conclusion, the judge holds: "In sum, the current record reflects a failure by the DOD to comply with NHPA section 402. This failure constitutes agency action that is unreasonably delayed and unlawfully withheld as provided by the APA. Defendants have failed to produce, gather, and consider information necessary for taking into account the effects of the Futenma Replacement Facilities on the Okinawa dugong and for determining whether mitigation or avoidance measures are necessary and possible." Therefore, the court's "CONCLUSION", on the last page of its judgment is as follows: 1. Defendants have failed to comply with the requirements of the NHPA section 402, 16 U.S.C. sec.470a-2, and this failure to comply is agency action that is unreasonably delayed and unlawfully withheld, 5 U.S.C. sec. 706 (1). 2. Defendants are ordered to comply with NHPA section 402 and this case is held in abeyance until the information necessary for evaluating the effects of the FRF on the dugong is generated, and until defendants take the information into account for the purpose of avoiding or mitigate adverse effects to the dugong. 3. Defendants are ordered, within ninety (90) days of the date of this order, to submit to the court documentation describing what additional information is necessary to evaluate the impacts of the FRF on the dugong; from what sources, including relevant individuals, organizations, and government agencies, the information will be derived; what is currently known or anticipated regarding the nature and scope of Japan's environmental assessment and whether that assessment will be sufficient for meeting defendants' obligations under the NHPA; and identifying the DOD officials with authorization and responsibility for reviewing and considering the information for purposes of mitigation. 4. If plaintiffs desire to respond to this submission, they shall file their response within forty-five (45) days of the defendants' filing. At the end of this summary, it is worth noting the following warning which the court dared to make clear: "Satisfaction of defendants' obligation under section 402, therefore cannot be postponed until the eve of construction when defendants have made irreversible commitments making additional review futile or consideration of alternatives impossible." This is exactly why the NHPA requires the take into account process "prior to approval of an undertaking," at the time early in the planning stages of a federal undertaking when there is still a meaningful opportunity to consider adverse impact and mitigation measures.
関根 孝
火災 (ISSN:04499042)
vol.43, no.2, pp.p43-46, 1993-04
関根 孝道
総合政策研究 (ISSN:1341996X)
vol.20, pp.117-156, 2005-09-20

The Amami lawsuit for "the rights of nature" was filed in 1995 at Kagoshima District Court. Since Amami's black rabbit population and other 3 birds' species were named as co-plaintiffs together with humanbeings, the case was so well-publicized that the notion of rights of nature has come to attract a wide range of public attention. In societies where the proposition that nature should have its own rights is often seriously advocated, co-existence between humanbeings and nature is more vigorously sought for the sake of nature. Although the part of complaint in which the animals' species are designated as co-plaintiffs was ordered to delete and the case itself was dismissed for the lack of standing, the court decision implied the defect of the modern civil law's dichotomy that only humanbeings were allowed to enjoy the status of right-holders. Also the court shared the view that such a legal system as enabled those who were acquainted with the nature and motivated for its protection to file a lawsuit for the environment need to be contemplated given the seriousness of environmental destruction in this century. This article points out the court decision's significance together with its limitations as well. First, the case's factual settings are introduced and analyzed. Secondly, the plaintiff's assertions are examined according to the decision's summary of assertions in contrast with the complaint and other legal briefs submitted. Then the court' judgement are explained and commented with the emphasis on environmental standing issues. Finally, this article raises the queries with regard to the right of nature and pinpoints the unsolved legal issues that the decision left for us as a homework.