難波 知子
人間文化論叢 (ISSN:13448013)
vol.9, pp.41-50, 2006

This article aims at reconsidering the history of women's school uniforms from the viewpoints of the educational system, students, and uniform production in modern Japan. Though the historical studies of school uniforms have focused on the control of students' bodies and clothing by schools, this article moreover notices the significance that women students realized in their uniforms, and the situation that their uniforms were made in the transition from Kimono style to Western style. The composition of this article is as follows. First, it gives an outline of the history of women's school uniforms from the Meiji era to the early Showa era. Second, it elaborates the process of wearing HAKAMA which women students longed to put on in the 30's of the Meiji era. And third, it considers the practical situation that the school uniforms were made, worn by students and controlled by schools. To conclude, in modern Japan women's school uniforms were formed as a culture by interrelationship among schools, students, and uniform production. Schools instituted uniforms for the realization of educational policy and the regu\lation of clothing. On the other hand, women students created their original meanings and dressing in their school uniforms. And the school uniforms as a culture prevailed involving the changes of styles of living in clothing, for example, from Kimono style to Western style and from sewing at home to buying products in stores.
森戸 雅子 小田桐 早苗 宮崎 仁 岩藤 百香 渡邊 朱美 三上 史哲 難波 知子 武井 祐子
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.31, no.1, pp.285-296, 2021

本研究の目的は,自閉スペクトラム症(ASD)児と家族と支援者の情報共有を容易にする感覚特性サポートアプリケーションの開発である.2014年より多職種連携チームクレマチスにおいて,アプリ開発を手掛け,ASDに多いとされる感覚特性について,各感覚特性について分類・保存・検索の機能を保持できる iPad用のアプリケーション「YOUSAY」を開発した.しかし,iPad用に開発したYOUSAYは,ASD児の家族が専門職と短時間に情報共有するには課題があった.そこで,ASD児のライフステージに応じた感覚特性の変化を視覚的に提示でき,感覚のバランスの悪さを視覚的に捉えやすくした「YOU チャート」を新たに考案し,スマートフォン用アプリとしてYOUSAYを開発した.結果,ASD児が日常生活で経験する感覚特性にともなう困難や苦痛を日常的に家族が保存,分類,整理を容易にすることと,緊急時や災害時に医師,臨床心理士,学校教員,保健師などの専門家や支援者との情報共有の際に優先項目の検索を可能にした.開発アプリを活用することで,地域で暮らすASD児と家族にとって,多くの関係専門職や支援者と継続的な連携を容易にすることが示唆される.
難波 知子
教育保健研究 (ISSN:1342002X)
no.18, pp.179-187, 2014
