2 0 0 0 OA 養蚕実験真説

高野成雄 著
高野 成子 端 利志明
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.35, no.5, pp.255-263, 1986-10-01 (Released:2010-09-30)

Cardiovascular responses to weight-lifting exercise were studied on eight experienced weight lifters, with an aim at examining the difference in the responses between two weight-lifting forms of “Snatch”and“Jerk”and that between the subjects. The exercise was performed successively at five exercise intensities interposing 3.5-min rest in sitting position : 10 repetitive lifts for 30 sec with 20, 40 and 60% of the maximum single lift, 3 repetitive lifts within 25 sec with 80% and finally the maximum single lift (100%·1 RM) . Each of“Snatch”and“Jerk”experiments was done on separate days. Blood pressures (BP) in sitting position were measured in sphygmomanometry at rest and 30 sec before and 12 sec after exercise. Heart rate (HR) was measured in a 30 sec pooling method throughout the experimental period. The following results and suggestions were obtained.(1) Resting HR and BP that were measured before the exercise were not different between“Snatch”and“Jerk” experiments.(2) At each exercise intensity, HR during exercise (exercise HR) was slightly greater in“Snatch”than in “Jerk”, the difference being not significant. Exercise HR at 100%·1 RM was 114±9 (SD) beats/min in “Snatch”and 111±7 beats/min in“Jerk”.(3) Anticipative tachypnea occurring prior to exercise became stronger as the weight to be lifted became heavier.(4) At each exercise intensity, the inter-subject difference in exercise HR was due to the difference in the absolute weight lifted for subjects weighing lighter, and for those weighing heavier it was due to the differences in the resting HR as well as in the absolute weight lifted.(5) Thus, exercise HR in weight lifting that requires nearly maximal dynamic contraction for 10-30 sec seems to be determined not only by the exercise intensity but also by resting HR, anticipative tachypnea and experience.(6) At lower exercise intensities, post-exercise BP was significantly higher in“Snatch”than in“Jerk”, while the difference between the two weight-lifting forms disappeared at higher intensities. At 100%·1 RM, post-exercise BP was around 145 mmHg for the systolic pressure and 77 mmHg for the diastolic pressure in both lift forms.(7) At each exercise intensity, the inter-subject difference in post-exercise BP was accounted for by that in the resting BP but not in the absolute weight lifted. Accordingly, the rise in BP with exercise, calculated as post-exercise BP minus resting BP, was invariable with the subjects. At 100%·1 RM, the rise in BP was 25 mmHg for the systolic pressure and 10 mmHg for the diastolic pressure.(8) Difference in cardiovascular responses between the two weight-lifting forms and interpretation of post-exercise values of BP and HR are discussed.
高野 成子
日本生気象学会雑誌 (ISSN:03891313)
vol.19, no.1, pp.16-26, 1982

本研究は, 若年者を対象とした主観的耐寒性 (Subjective tolerance to cold) と生理的対寒反応性 (Physiological response to cold) の簡易測定法を考案する目的でなされた。主観的耐寒性 (寒がりかどうか) は寒冷感感受性と防寒行動の面からの調査に基づいて評価された。調査項目は, 寒冷時の (1) 日中着衣量, (2) 就寝中の着衣・暖房量及びその選択理由, (3) 被験児の主観的耐寒性に対する保護者の判断からなり, それぞれの結果を3点法で評点化した。主観的耐寒性最大は9点最小は3点とした。<BR>生理的対寒反応性のうち代謝性対寒能 (Metabolic response to cold) は寒冷時の安静エネルギー代謝量 (RM) をもって, 断熱性対寒能 (Insu1ative response to cold) は寒冷血管反応テスト (5℃冷水中中指10分間浸漬) において, 寒冷血管拡張反応発現後の弛緩期血圧上昇度 (△DP) をもって表わした。生理的対寒反応性測定法が目的に適合しているかの判定は, RM及び△DPのそれぞれが主観的耐寒性 (これは大約寒冷暴露度を表わしている) との間で正の相関関係をなしていたかを検することによって行われた。この様な検討は8才の学童28名を対象にして行われた。<BR>各被験児について, 冬季における主観的耐寒性, RM, △DPを調べた。主観的耐寒性とRMの間にはr (相関係数) =0.45 (p<0.05) の, 又, 前者と△DPの間にはr=0.37 (P=0.05) の正の相関がみられた。本実験群のRMと△DPの平均値±SDはそれぞれ0.0742±0.0106 Cal・min<SUP>-1</SUP>・kg<SUP>-0.75</SUP>と2.1±3.2mmHgであった。この結果を基にして, RMと△DPの結果をそれぞれ代謝性及び断熱性対寒能の面から3段階に区分し, 評点化した。両対寒能の得点の総合点をもって, 生理的対寒反応性の指標とした。その最大は6点, 最小は2点である。主観的耐寒性と生理的対寒反応性の間には, r=0.58 (p<0.01) という他の2つのパラメーターとの間のそれらより高い正の相関がみられた。これらの結果から, 比較的簡単に測定されるRMと△DPをそれぞれ代謝性及び断熱性対寒能の指標となし, 寒冷適応実験に使用しうると判断された。又, 若年者に対する主観的耐寒性の調査法及びその結果の解釈について考察された。<BR>本研究に御協力下さいました金沢市立長町小学校の塩梅俊夫先生, 山本サヨ先生, 西田節子先生及び28人の児童の皆さん, 又, 測定に御助力下さいました北野久美さん, 木村いずみさん, 角順子さんに深謝の意を表します。本研究の一部は昭和55年度金沢大学教育学部特定研究「北陸における自然環境の総合研究」の経費によって行われた。
西田 功 田中 孝三 上原 輝久 矢場田 武 高野 成
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.71, no.2, pp.189-196, 1985-02-01 (Released:2009-06-19)

No. 2 blast furnace in Kobe Works was blown in on February 4, 1981 and because of the economic conditions it was blown out on April 22, 1983. Since its working period was very short (about 2.2 years), it was banked with the expectation of blowing in after several years.The methods employed were :(1) to lower the stock line down to just above the level of the SiC brick lining (lower shaft) with the burden being replaced by coke, (2) to cool the furnace by N2 gas, (3) to preserve the furnace brick under N2 atmosphere.Two samples of SiC brick at lower shaft part were collected just after and at 8 months after blowing out, and then they were investigated. It was found that there was no impairment in the SiC brick during this 8-month period.Hot stoves were cooled by the natural cooling method with keeping airtight and their cooling periods were about 3 months. After cooling them, the observations inside them were done and it was confirmed that the damage of the brick was very little, so the reoperation of them would be of no trouble.
高野 成也 杉森 一興 赤対 秀明 柳本 治
研究紀要 (ISSN:09101160)
vol.39, pp.13-17, 2001-03

A power cylinder is usually used on the industrial design as metal forming, die casting and injection molding process. Generally, power cylinder mechanism has a ball screw or hydraulic cylinder type. This is obtained a high power. That is obtained Point to Point control. Therefore, in this present study, the design of a power cylinder, which combines a ball screw mechanism as position control having fast-forward mechanism and hydraulic pressure mechanism as pressurization, was carried out. Then a prototype was produced, and it was done a performance test.
中井 渉 岡田 直紀 大橋 伸太 高野 成美
vol.124, 2013
