伊藤 真実子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.117, no.11, pp.1981-1989, 2008

遅塚 忠躬
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.91, no.6, pp.963-1008,1098-, 1982-06-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

Dans son article sur "La place de la Revolution francaise dans l'histoire du monde", G.Lefebvre a bien affirme qu'elle avait ete, pour la premiere fois dans le monde, la revolution de l'egalite et, comme telle, avait marque le point de depart du mouvement democratique. Il avait raison quand il a constate que c'etait grace a la participation des classes populaires que la Revolution francaise avait pu etre la revolution de l'egalite. Sans aucun doute, l'originalite de la Revolution francaise, en comparaison avec les autres revolutions bourgeoises, consiste en ce fait qu'elle a ete accompagnee des revoltes des masses populaires, surtout de la "revolution paysanne". Mais, cette originalite de la Revolution francaise, d'ou vient-elle? Pourquoi devait-elle etre une revolution bourgeoise accompagnee de la revolution paysanne? Je voudrais proposer une solution a ce probleme en considerant la position internationale de la France au XVIII^e siecle et, en fin de compte, ajouter un autre point de vue a la place de la Revolution francaise dans l'histoire. On sait bien que, par sa grave crise economique du XVII^e siecle, la France avait pris un net retard sur l'Angleterre et, malgre sa croissance economique du XVIII^e siecle, elle n'a pas pu le rattraper. Ainsi, a la veille de la Revolution, elle a ete un pays relativement en retard dans le systeme mondial du capitalisme en cours de formation. A cause de cette position internationale, la societe francaise d'Ancien Reginie a ete marquee de trois traits caracteristiques : 1)une puissante bureaucratie ou "etatisme", indispensable, dans la rivalite commerciale du monde, pour diriger une economie nationale en retard ; 2)faiblesse de la bourgeoisie qui a ete, non seulement tardive dans sa croissance, mais aussi etroitement liee au regime existant par l'etatisme ou le dirigisme du gouvernement et par la voie d'anoblissement ; 3)survivance persistante d'une grande masse de petite paysannerie que la faible croissance industrielle de la France, en contraste avec le cas de l'Angleterre, n'a pas pu faire disparaitre au cours de l'industrialisation. Ainsi, la Revolution francaise devait etre accomplie, a cause de la faiblesse de la classe bourgeoise, par la participation de la masse paysanne. On peut dire que la Revolution francaise devait etre une revolution bourgeoise accompagnee de la revolution paysanne puisque la France avait ete situee au rang des pays relativement en retard dans le systeme mondial de cette epoque. Or, il existe une autre revolution accompagnee de la revolution paysanne. C'est la revolution russe. Certes, elle a bien depasse le cadre de la revolution bourgeoise. Mais, il y a une condition commune entre ces deux revolutions ; c'est que la France de la fin du XVIII^e siecle et la Russie du debut du XX^e, toutes les deux, ont ete situees au rang des pays relativement en fetard dans le systeme mondial de chaque epoque. A cause de cette position internationale, deux revolutions devaient etre accompagnees de la revolution paysanne. La difference entre ces deux revolutions, l'une a ete bourgeoise et l'autre proletarienne, pourrait etre expliquee par la difference des epoques : apres la Revolution francaise, la bourgeoisie a refuse le concours de la paysannerie (donc il n'y avait que des "reformes d'en haut" au XIX^e siecle), et, a partir du XX^e siecle, la revolte paysanne pouvait se reunir avec la revolte proletarienne pour donner le jour a la revolution socialiste. Ainsi, la Revolution francaise a ete la derniere des revolutions bourgeoises et la premiere des revolutions en pays relativement sous-developpes. En d'autres termes, elle se situe entre la revolution anglaise et la revolution russe.
齋藤 貴弘
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.106, no.12, pp.2101-2125, 1997

The cult of the healing god Asklepios was a very popular one in the Greco-Roman world. The so-called Telemachos monument (SEG. XXV. 226) tells a story about the introduction of this god in Athens in 420 B.C. We already have many studies about Asklepios, but very few of these studies present an appropriate view concerning the significance which the introduction of Asklepios had on politics and religious activities in Athens in the last half of the fifth century. In conclusion, the author argues that the introduction of Asklepios in Athens was a religious policy to reconstruct the Athenian religious piety which had been squashed by the great plague. The new festival for Asklepios involved the following major themes. The Epidauria, the new festival for Asklepios, was an attempt to link the god Asklepios with the Eleusinian goddesses. Such an association would strengthen the Eleusinian cults by providing the Greek people, especially the Delian League, a concept they could easily identify with. In turn, this plan was supposed to provide Athens with a revival from the plague, and to encourage her allies to dispatch offerings of "first fruits" to Eleusis. The introduction of the festival and the construction of a shrine were carried out in cooperation with the Epidaurian priests, Eleusinian priests and Telemachos, all according to a detailed plan. But conflict arose between the Kerykes and Telemachos. The problem involved the enlargement of the Asklepieion, the sanctuary of Asklepios in the city. Telemachos' motive for an enlargement of this site would have concerned the establishment of the healing cult. Finally, this incident clearly identifies the religious changes that were occurring at this time. Furthermore, the multiplicity of values held by the people of Athens during this period can also be identified.
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.2, pp.1-39, 2017

朴澤 直秀
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.104, no.6, pp.1115-1142,1208-, 1995

The clarification of the actual relationships between authorized Buddhist sect temples and their patrons (danka 壇家) is necessary if we are to 1)better our understanding of religious policy and registration of community members under the Tokugawa regime, 2)discover the actual patterns of everyday life in rural and urban Japanese society during that time, and 3)expand the study of ideas existing among the various social strata of the time. In the research on the subject to date, scholars have come to understand the relationship (jidan 寺壇 relationship) in the literal sence and have proceeded to investigate the relationship from the viewpoint of the relationship between political power and Buddhism or the common people. However, at the same time, we should also try to understand this relationship between temples and their patrons in terms of the organization of the congregations themselves, referred to in the source materials as danchu 壇中, thus focussing on the relationships between patrons. This viewpoint also demands that we look at the relationships between patrons and non-patrons of a temple living in the same area: that is, the relationship between those who were members of speciflc danchu and those who were not, resulting in an important insight on the local society around a given temple. In reality, temple-patron relationships were much more complicated in many areas depending on regional characteristics, and each member of a local community was entangled in patron relationship to different temples in the area. It is this intricate pattern of jidan relationships that is the focus of the present paper: that is, the author is attempting to examine the relationship between temples and their patrons in terms of the patron organization and the entanglement of belief systems in any one village or local area. For this purpose, he presents the case of the area around the village of Yoita 与板, Santo-Gun 三島郡, in the region of Shimo-Echigo 下越後. Shin 真 Buddhism has been predominant around the area. After clarifying the local patron organizations, he attempts to place the resulting temple-patron relationships in terms of beliefs by going beyond the temple-patron relationships and viewing, the total relationship between the religious institutions and the local community as a whole through an analysis of local kami 神 beliefs, centering around village guardian deities, in addition to a description of how the Yoita branch of the Nishi-Honganji 西本願寺 Shin sect was established. From these examples, he concludes that 1)a village-level patron organization existed with the function of not only local beliefs but the relationship between the patron organization and its patron temple (danna-dera 檀那寺), or religious sect, and 2)a relationship that transcended relationships between individual temples and their patrons also existed, which tied local religious institutions (shrines and temples alike) to all local groups and individuals.