吉川 延代 今野 義孝 会沢 信彦
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.34, pp.169-182, 2012

It has been argued that there is a close relationship between bullying and self-esteem. This study sought to determine the relationship between having been bullied or bullying others and present levels of self-esteem. Participants were 349 students (194 male and 155 females) attending two private colleges in the Tokyo area. Participants completed a questionnaire measuring the frequency, degree, age, and types of bullying behavior experienced or committed. The Japanese version of the Rosenberg Self-esteem Survey was also used to measure the levels of self-esteem. This Survey consisted of 10 items that revealed student self-worth, attitudes, and satisfaction with oneself. Results were as follows. In term of the frequency of bullying, approximately 30% of the participants reported having been bullied, 30% had bullied others, and 14% had neither been bullied or bullied others in school. The peak frequency of bullying was during elementary school and it decreased as students progressed from middle to high school. Participants who reported having been bullied or bullying others had lower self-esteem than the participants who had neither been bullied or bullied others. Participants who had been severely bullied verbally and physically had lower self–esteem than the participants who were not bullied. These findings indicate that being bullied in school has a long-term impact on one's self-esteem. Lower self-esteem may lead to psychological health problems that carry into adulthood. Therefore, measures to prevent bullying and restore the self-esteem of bullied students must be taken.本研究では、大学生349名(男子194名、女子155名)を対象にいじめの被害―加害経験と自尊感情との関係について質問紙調査を行なった。いじめ質問紙調査では、「いじめ被害と加害の有無」「いじめの時期」「いじめの様態」「いじめの程度」「いじめの原因」「いじめについての考え」を質問した。自尊感情の測定には、Rosenberg (1965)の日本語版自尊感情尺度を用いた。いじめの経験に関して、被害経験者は29.8%、加害経験者は30.9%、被害と加害の両方の経験者は14.3%、どちらかの経験者は32.1%という結果が得られた。いじめの経験者数は、被害に関しても加害に関しても小学校が最も多く、年齢が高くなるにつれて減少する傾向が見られた。いじめと自尊感情の関係については、被害経験者は、被害の経験がない者と比較して、自尊感情が有意に低かった。いじめの様態との関係については、言語的な暴力被害や身体的な暴力被害を経験した者の自尊感情は、これらの被害経験のない者よりも有意に低かった。また、これらのいじめ被害の程度が激しかったと答えた者は、いじめ被害経験のない者と比較して有意に自尊感情が低かった。いじめ被害の時期との関係では、小学校中高学年から高校にかけていじめ被害を経験した者は、経験しなかった者よりも自尊感情が有意に低かった。この点については、今後の検討が必要である。本研究では、いじめ被害経験といじめ加害経験と自尊感情の間には一定の関係のあることが見いだされた。今後、ポジティブな学校や学級風土づくりを通して自尊感情の強化・育成を図り、いじめの予防・改善に努めていく必要が指摘された。
進藤 眸
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.21, pp.47-56, 1999-12-20

In the 1st report of successive studies, bibliographies on monistic understanding of the delinquency or the delinquency proneness, are reviewed by focusing on both the approach to basic character traits of delinquents and the approach to their degree of readiness to delinquent behaviors. As for the former approach, Aichhorn's latent delinquency, Friedlander's antisocial character, Glaser's differential identification, and Mizushima's lack of tie with socialized persons, are discussed. As for the later approach, the dimension of deviant personality which is related to the occurrence of delinquent behaviors, and the dimension of the delinquency proneness, by utilizing the MMPI, one of so-called structured personality tests, are also discussed. Through these discussions, I conclude that we should attract attention to following two problems, especially, if we intend to develop differentiating the delinquency or the delinquency proneness.(1)Because of limitations in constructing the measure of the delinquency, it is essential not only to measure the generalized delinquency, but also to make a clinical diagnosis concretely and dynamically concerning the nature of the delinquency.(2)It is necessary to analyze the psychological mechanism under which delinquent behaviors occur, by adding an analytical function to the concept of the delinquency proneness.In solving these two problems, we, at first, need to examine the delinquency proneness from a viewpoint of its developing process, in order to analyze the abovementioned psychological mechanism. Secondarily, We must hold the frame of reference in common for differentiating the delinquency, and follow the same judging process, if we take the correctional treatment into account, and understand the delinquency proneness in connection with it.
鎌田 晶子 臼井 信男 吉野 大輔
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.31, pp.153-160, 2010-03-01

商品に対する単純接触効果について、二肢強制選択法を用いて実験的に検討した(N = 88)。商品ごとに印象評定を行い(N = 67)、商品の特徴と単純接触効果の関係について検討した。その結果、はさみ、シャープペンシル、トイレットペーパーのような実用品については単純接触効果が認められ、花束のような美的印象や感情が喚起されやすい装飾品には単純接触効果が認められなかった。感情的評価と単純接触効果の生起の関係について考察した。
太田 和敬
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.34, pp.11-36, 2013-03-01

Through re-consideration of disciplinary education and punishment at school is urgently needed in order to resolve the serious problems that Japanese schools are facing such as suicides due to bullying. Although school principals and teachers are granted the right to discipline and punish students in Japan, few schools have clear guidelines on punishment, and principals tend to be hesitant to punish students.Teachers, however, often penalize students for their misbehavior instead of properly instructing them from an educational viewpoint . Such discipline is ineffective at improving their behavior in many cases. In order to provide order in the classroom, punishment for infringing on other pupils' right to learn must be differentiated from out-of-school discipline to guide behavior. In addition, a teacher's right to penalize students should be banned; punishment should be inflicted only with adequate discipline and with the principal's approval in the case of violence and infringement on learning. Even then, it should be carried out according to proper procedures. To help students better understand, they should given the opportunity to learn about laws regarding the right to learn, discipline, and punishment.
岡田 斉
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.28, pp.25-34, 2006-12-20

This study aims to develop an abridged version of the Auditory Hallucination and Mishearing Questionnaire (SORAMIMI Questionnaire). The abridged version is designed to be used as a quick tool for the assessment of auditory hallucination, mishearing, and subjective hearing loss. Data from 469 university students were used to analyze the item statistics and psychometric properties. Twenty-four items with an optimal combination of high item-total correlations and reliability in assessing changes were selected for the SORAMIMI Questionnaire.
相良 守次
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.4, pp.19-27, 1983-03

資料はじめに――――われわれ人間科学部心理学研究室のスタッフは、研究室の相良守次教授を囲んで、先生と心理学をめぐるさまざまなお話を伺う会をもっている。この回は不定期ではあるが現在も継続中である。相良教授は日本心理学会の会長を務められたこともある心理学界の重鎮であり、先生のお話の中には、日本の心理学会の動向についての貴重な資料になりうる部分が多く含まれているように思われる。話していただくテーマはさまざまであるが、われわれはすでに約10時間に及ぶお話のテープを保管している。本稿は、1972年8月に東京で開催された第20回国際心理学会議(XXth International Congress of Psychology)について伺ったお話の一部をまとめたものである。当時相良教授は日本心理学会会長であり、その国際会議のための組織委員長を務められていた。本資料を得るための会合は1982年7月18日神奈川県葉山相洋閣で行われ、出席者は相良教授のほか人間科学部心理学研究室のスタッフ全員(高柳信子、 岡堂哲雄、 秋山胖、 上杉喬、 丹治哲雄、 大熊保彦)と総合研究室の森井利夫教授の計8名であった。なお本資料の収集と整理にあたり1982年度学部共同研究費の援助を受けたことを付記しておく (人間科学部心理学研究室一同)
小林 孝雄
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.26, pp.67-75, 2004-12-20

The purpose of this article is to examine the definitions of empathic understanding made by Rogers(Rogers, 1957. 1959. 1975). He defined empathic understanding (or being empathic) as a "state" at first, and later as a "process". Some qualities of descriptions as follows were pointed out. The definition as a process includes descriptions about `to do', but some descriptions express the actions that can not be directly realized. The definition as a state describes the quality of subjective experiences that can be directly realized in nature, but have problem how to realize `as if' quality. The definition as a state is useful yet to consider realizing the therapists' conditions. And the definition as a process is useful rather in clinical practices.
谷口 清
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.33, pp.55-63, 2012-03-01

G.Gottliebの発達理論、発達的心理生物学的システム論を概説した。 1)生体は遺伝子から環境まで多層の水準が双方向で作用するシステムである(双方向性)。 2)細胞は等能で、遺伝子は環境との相互作用によって発現し蛋白質を合成する(非決定性)。 3)発達は遺伝子から環境まで二つ以上の要因の相互作用(協働)である経験を通して遺伝子が発現し、機能・構造が形成される(確率論的後生説)。 発達科学構築にあたっての上記の主張の意義を考察し、今後の課題として人の発達環境の分析とそれを踏まえた世代の継承を担保する社会システム、養育システムのあり方を検証する必要性を指摘した。
松嶋 淑恵
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.34, pp.185-208, 2013-03 (Released:2013-04-02)

The concept of Gender Identity Disorder has taken hold in Japan, allowing medical care and legal change of sex for people with Gender Dysphoria. However, there is a negative understanding that assumes having a gender identity that differs from one’s sex is a disorder. Individuals whose gender identity does not fit into a set category are also ignored. A solution based on medical model has little impact on gender dualism and gender norms and compels people who have a unique gender identity to adopt it. We investigated the impact of financial status, human relationships, and psychological problems based on quantitative approach that included various subjects with a unique gender identity. Results indicated that there were economic disparities similar to the male-female disparity for Mt and Ft and the male–male disparity for Mt and Mt. Subjects with a gender identity that was not generally recognized tended to be isolated in comparison to individuals with a typical GID. Anxiety about one’s transition led to inability to play the social role one wished more so than discontent with one’s physical transformation. Sustained efforts to tackle the problem posed by gender dualism, gender norms, and gender discrimination for the transgendered as well as the cisgendered must be made to create a society that includes people with Gender Dysphoria.性同一性障害概念ができたことにより性別違和をもつ人々に対する性別変更のための医療や制度が成されたが、性同一性障害は身体と異なる性自認をもつ事を疾患としてとらえる消極的な理解であるとともに、典型的な当事者にあてはまらない多様な当事者を不可視化している問題がある。また医学モデルに基づいた解決は、当事者を苦しめる男女二元論やジェンダー規範を揺るがさないまま当事者側だけが変化すべき対象であることを強いている。そこで、多様な当事者を対象に含め、量的調査法による実態調査を行い、特に経済状態の影響、他者との関係性、精神的問題について調査した。その結果、MtとFt間で男女間および男性間の経済格差が見られ、治療の機会不均等に影響していた。典型的性同一性障害像に比して認知度の低い性自認をもつ人は孤独に陥りやすかった。また、性別移行に関する不安は、身体変容が満たされないことよりも社会関係上で望む役割が果たせないことから生じることが明らかになった。性別違和をもつ人々が社会から排除されずに生きるためには、男女二元論やジェンダー規範、性差別といった非当事者にもかかわる問題に取り組み、社会が変化していくことが必要であると言える。
宮島 三香子
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.6, pp.48-57, 1984