田積 徹 溝口 大和 阿孫 さや香 大足 彩月 工藤 裕輝 星野 菜々子 渡邉 みなみ
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Hman Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.44, pp.103-114, 2023-03-01

Planarians have the basic brain structure of an animal and, like mammals, their brain produces a variety of neurotransmitters, suggesting that they have a learning and memory function. Based on a previous study (Chicas-Mossier & Abramson, 2015), six students in seminar of the 3rd year examined the effects of shaping in the acquisition of operant conditioning by planarians. Results indicated that planarians trained by shaping acquired operant conditioning earlier than planarians not trained by shaping and that training led them to display stable operant behavior. In contrast, planarians that were not trained by shaping were slow to acquire operant behavior and they did not display stable operant behavior. The current work compared the results of this experiment to those of previous studies and it discussed the possibility that the behavioral measures used to gauge operant behavior may differ depending on the protocol and the species of planaria used. Moreover, this work discussed the feasibility of introducing operant conditioning experiments with planarians in lessons such as seminars and laboratory classes.
岡田 斉
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.22, pp.139-147, 2000

The purpose of the present study is to survey the frequency of visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, cutaneous, organic, gustatory, and olfactory experience in dream recall. A total of 1267 undergraduate students completed a dream recall frequency questionnaire, which contained a question about dream recall frequency and about recall frequency of seven sensory modalities. Results showed that seven sensory modalities were divided into two groups; normally perceived sensory modalities in dreaming, which involve visual, auditory, kinaesthetic sense and rarely perceived sensory modalities in dreaming, which involve cutaneous, organic, gustatory, and olfactory sense.
宮島 三香子
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
vol.4, pp.89-94, 1982
星野 晴彦
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.35, pp.27-34, 2013

This paper attempts to introduce the concept of hospitality into social welfare services. First, the essential meaning of hospitality must be understood. This paper describes Derrida's thinking, which includes "the aporia of the impossible" that originated from Derrida's deconstructionism. This paper also describes the results of research into the hospitality mindset of individuals involved in the provision of social welfare services.Aporia means "impassable" or an "insoluble contradiction," which is why the term has come to represent "the impossible."There are practical limits to the extent that we can devote ourselves to social services. The needs of clients of social services exceed our limits, and we must consider the extent to which we will register this fact. The statements of Derrida may facilitate the introduction of the concept of hospitality into social welfare services. Rather than being limited to a superficial understanding, the statements of Derrida may help to provide a deeper understanding of hospitality in welfare services. 本稿では福祉サービスにおいてホスピタリティ概念を導入することを試みた。そこには、ホスピタリティを単なる「思いやり」だけではなく、本質的理解をしていくことが求められる。 そこで本稿では、本質的理解につながるものとして、デリダの脱構築的思想から導き出された「不可能性のアポリア」を紹介し、また筆者が行った調査の結果も示し、ホスピタリティの本質的構造に迫っていきたいと考えるものである。アポリアとは、「道がない」「通行できない」という意味で、ここには「不可能なもの」が見られる。しかも、進むことのできない道を横断しなければならないという「アポリアの経験」をデリダは主張する。筆者は本稿で、デリダの言説に着目し、福祉サービスは、自分たちが想定している以上の人々が求めており、それに対して対応できることには現実的に限界があるが、それにどのような責任を認識していくのかを考える必要があるのではないか、ということを述べる。ホスピタリティを福祉サービスに導入することが、皮相的な理解にとどまらないようにするため、デリダの言説はホスピタリティの本質的理解に一助となるのではないか。
浅野 正
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.33, pp.137-144, 2012-03-01

Education from the victim's veiwpoint is a corecctional measure used in Japanese prisons and juvenile training schools. What is discussed in this paper is how the educational program can effectively prevent re-offending and successfully encourage the psychological recovery of crime victims. The educational program could be improved in three ways. First, the intervention should equally focus on both the individual and his peers. Second, an understanding of individual victims shoud be emphasized rather than that of victims in general. Third, offenders should think about how they wish to specifically apologize to their victims, assuming taht they might meet those victims face-to-face in the future. Knowing what efforts offenders are making can help to improve the mental health of their victims.
長屋 美穂子
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.6, pp.58-69, 1984-12-01

The purpose of this study is to research the condition of children's living at home.The report is based on the questionnaire to the children's parents of an elementary school in Saitama prefecture.The contents are as follows, 1. Diet life2. Time budget 3. TV Watching4. Private school5. Play6. Pocket money7. Habit of life 8. Health conditionIn this study it is found that it is necessary to improve living of children's parents so as to bring up children sound.
菊池 幸子
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.8, pp.91-97, 1986-12-01

Lifelong education have payed interesting attention since Paul Lengrand had reported to Commitee of adult education in UNESCO in 1965.As the national educational policy, there have been twice reported on lifelong education by the Central Educational Council in Japan, too.The third report on lifelong integrated learning have been proposed by the National Council on Educational Reform April 23 in 1986.This report says that basic direction of educational system for the 21centry is to reform to lifelong learning system to solve many educational problems. It is the reason of written this report and its main contents are as follows;1. Lifelong education as the national educational policy in Japan.2. Move to lifelong integrated learning society to solve many educational problems.3. The adquate curriculum on each life stage.4. Cooperation with home, school and Community.
太田 和敬
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.27, pp.65-75, 2005-12-20

The Netherlands was regarded as a country that had succeeded in accepting immigrants because of the Dutch attitude of tolerance, while other European countries were suffering from the problem of minorities. However, in the 21st century, some political assassinations caused a conflict between the immigrants and the native Dutch. The National Security Service and the Ministry of Education investigated the political actions and influences of Islam on Dutch society and schools and published reports in 2002. According to these reports, there exist a few trivial problems, for example, remittances from foreign Islamic organizations to the domestic ones for the construction of mosques and Islamic schools and religious education in the Arabic language. These practices instigated a negative feeling toward Islam. There are two difficulties to resolve immigration questions, restraints of marriage of Islam and confrontation about human rights including problems of abortion and divorce. The Dutch Government has made efforts to integrate newcomers but is considered to have failed because of the high unemployment and crime rates and the low average literacy level of the immigrants. Dutch society requires the restoration of tolerance. This could imply the revival of new polarization although this was denied by the Dutch Government.
角田 巖 綾 牧子
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.27, pp.123-134, 2005-01-01

The place of children in the society is historical, social, and cultural. Historically, children have grown up in surroundings such as their homes and schools; however, at thesame time, they have also been isolated from the community.The love of parents for their children gradually deepens; however, parents also begin to control their chil-dren.At present, children are protected because they are considered immature and weak; however, they are alsorespected as independent beings.This duality is integrated into the social framework since children are recognized as growing individuals.In the case of a child who commits a crime, the Juvenile Law attaches importance to his/her welfare and education because a child is a human being who has a future. On the other hand, there is a movement toward making punishments more severe and applying them to juvenile offenders at a younger age.Children are assigned a variety of dualities, but the significance of their place in society increases as aresult of the relative and symbiotic historical development between children and adults.
今野 義孝 吉川 延代 会沢 信彦
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.36, pp.123-131, 2015-03-01

This study examined how self-esteem and assumed competence relate to bullying. Participants were 434 undergraduates (204 males, 230 females) . Participants recalled their experiences during junior high school as they completed a self-esteem scale and an assumed competence scale. Results revealed a significant positive correlation between the extent of bullying perpetrated and assumed competence for male participants and participants as a whole. In other words, bullies had a higher assumed competence score. Cluster analysis was performed using the standardized scores from the self-esteem scale and the assumed competence scale. Based on the results, participants were classified into five types: “Atrophy type” “Assumption type” “Self esteem type” “Omnipotent type.” and “Average type.” Bullies were often “Assumption type” and victim-bullies were often “Omnipotence type.” In contrast, “Self esteem type” participants experienced less bullying. These results were discussed in terms of self-esteem and assumed competence.本研究では、仮想的有能感と自尊感情が、いじめにどのように関係しているのかを検討した。調査協力者は、学生434名(男子204名、女子230)である。回答に当たっては、中学時代を思い出して、その当時のいじめについてと、その当時の自尊感情と仮想的有能感について答えた。いじめ被害の程度、いじめ加害の程度、仮想的有能感、および自尊感情の相関関係を検討した結果、いじめ被害の程度といじめ加害の程度との間には、全体と男子において有意な正の相関がみられた。仮想的有能感といじめ加害の程度との間には、全体と男子において有意な相関がみられた。仮想的有能感尺度得点と自尊感情尺度得点を用いて大規模クラスター分析を行った結果、調査協力者は「萎縮型」「仮想型」「自尊型」「全能型」「平均型」に分類された。「仮想型」には加害経験者が多いこと、「全能型」には加害・被害経験者が多いこと、「自尊型」にはいじめ経験者が少ないこと、「平均型」には傍観者が多いことなどが見られた。これらの結果は、仮想的有能感と自尊感情との関連において考察された。
樋口 真弓
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.35, pp.169-186, 2014-03-01

This set of studies examined the association between mother-child relationships in early childhood and object relations in adolescence. Cognitive assessment of that association was done using a questionnaire, and projective assessment was done using mother-and-child drawings. In Study 1, quantitative data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis (stepwise procedure). Results revealed that an ambivalent mother-child relationship in early childhood was associated with object relations in adolescence involving internal working models that mainly characterized one's relationship to others. In Study 2, interview data were analyzed using a modified grounded theory approach. Results revealed that a mother-child relationship characterized by ambivalent feelings towards one's mother was linked to avoidance or a lack of attachment. A strong mother-child relationship must be formed to satisfy a child's desire to be doted on and feel the warmth of physical touch. In addition, later attitudes towards personal relationships may be altered depending on one's current mother-child relationship or friendships. In addition, mother-and-child drawings were quantitatively and qualitatively assessed in accordance with the methods of Baba (2005). Results indicated that new interpretations provided deeper insight into a subject's inner world.
浅野 正
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.35, pp.141-148, 2014-03-01

Previous research has indicated that emotionally abusive parenting, which includes neglect, rejection, hostility, anger, and psychological control, is associated with juvenile delinquency. Prevention programs are known to effectively reduce child abuse by enhancing the emotional relationship between parents and children and improving parents' ability to control their children. Since the Juvenile Training School Act was revised, new educational activities involving both juvenile delinquents and their parents have been conducted in juvenile training schools. This article explores how educational activities should be conducted to effectively reduce emotional abuse and prevent future reoffending. Programs to prevent child abuse are effective at reducing child abuse, so the skills they teach should be actively utilized in educational activities conducted by training school staff when dealing with abusive parents and abused juveniles.
星野 晴彦
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.31, pp.115-122, 2010-03-01

When we look at the history of earlier social workers and the zeal of people who apply to the social work section of Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, we can feel the power with which they have improved themselves through devotion to people in difficult situations who need support. I believe this power derives from the following process centered on mission awareness. "Social workers devote themselves to their practice. When they have mission-awareness (i.e., when they consider not what they want to do, but what society needs them to do, and give it their own significance) they transcend thinking about themselves and reintegrate with the meaning of their own lives."In this paper, I examine the above process by surveying the literature. In particular, I discuss the significance of this mission-awareness and how it is formed in a social work practice. I put special emphasis on the significance of transcendence and reintegration.社会福祉の先人たちの足跡や、青年海外協力隊のソーシャルワーク部門に志願する人々の熱意を見ていると、苦難の状況にあって、支援を必要とする人々のために献身し、自分たちを高めていくパワーを感じさせられる。このパワーはソーシャルワークの地道な実践の継続を支えてきたと言えよう。筆者はこのパワーは、ミッション意識を中核とする次のようなプロセスにあるのではないかと考えている。「ソーシャルワーク実践に専心し、ソーシャルワーカー自身の中に、ミッション意識(自分たちがやりたいことでなく、社会から何を求められているのかを考え、自ら意味付けする)を抱くことで、自分へのこだわりを超越し、そして自分自身の生きる意味へと再統合していくプロセスである。」本稿は上記のプロセスに関して、文献研究により検討した。特に、このミッション意識の意義について、そして実践現場においてこのミッション意識がいかに形成されるのかについて論じていく。筆者はあえてこの「超越」と「再統合」の重要性を強調したい。
城 佳子
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.34, pp.63-72, 2012

The effects of self-disclosure and perceived social support from friends on perceived acceptance were investigated among undergraduates. In addition, the effects of promoting self -disclosure skills on those processes were also examined. Participants were 144 undergraduates who completed a questionnaire that measured their self-disclosure to friends they spent time with at university , perceived social support, perceived acceptance , and self-disclosure skills. Results showed that social aspects of self-disclosure affected perceived social support and that perceived social support affected perceived acceptance. Moreover, self-disclosure skills affected all elements of those processes, and theoretical model was validated. 大学生を対象として、友人への自己開示、知覚されたソーシャルサポートが被受容感に及ぼす影響を検討した。加えて被開示スキルがこの課程に及ぼす影響も検討した。大学生144名に対して、学内で時間を共有する程度の友人に対する自己開示と、知覚されたソーシャルサポート、被受容感、被開示スキルについての質問紙に回答を求めた。その結果、社会的自己の開示がソーシャルサポートの知覚に影響を及ぼし、ソーシャルサポートの知覚が被受容感に影響を与えていることが明らかにされた。さらに、被開示スキルは自己開示、ソーシャルサポート、被受容感のいずれにも影響をおよぼすという結果が得られ、仮説モデルは検証された。
土屋 久 堀口 久五郎
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.32, pp.217-227, 2010

This paper reports on aspects of the healing deity Kanayamasama based on investigations on the islands of Hachijojima and Aogashima.Results are as follows:1) Kanayamasama is a deity that possesses an ambivalent nature with the power to curse and lift curses.2) Fujou caused by a curse is thought to cause illness on both islands. Because Kanayamasama possesses power to lift Fujou, she is revered as a healing deity.3) On both islands, shrine maidens play a large role in determining the character of Kanayamasama.In light of these findings, this study noted to need to understand health in terms of folk customs on both islands when discussing actual issues in the areas of medicine and welfare.カナヤマサマは、鍛冶屋のカミ、火のカミとして知られる民俗神であるが、本稿では、その治癒神としての側面を八丈島・青ヶ島での調査に基づいて報告し、両島における健康観の一端を考察した。その結果明らかになったのは、以下の点である。一、カナヤマサマは、呪詛の力を発揮するカミであるとともに、呪詛を祓うカミでもあるという両義的な性格を有すること。二、呪詛によって生じるフジョウが、病いの一因と両島では考えられており、それを祓う力をカナヤマサマが有するが故に、治癒神として祀られること。三、両島におけるカナヤマサマの性格形成には、ミコの果たす力が大きいこと。以上の点を報告した上で、両島の医療や福祉の分野に置ける現実的な課題を考えていくにあたり、両島が育んできた民俗レヴェルでの健康観に対する理解の必要性を指摘した。
岡田 斉
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.23, pp.45-54, 2001

The purpose of the present study is to survey the frequency of emotional experience in dream recall. A total of 1267 undergraduate students completed a dream recall frequency questionnaire, which contained a question about dream recall frequency and about recall frequency of thirteen emotions. Results the of the factor analysis showed that those emotions were divided into two groups; positive emotions in dreaming, which involved happiness, hope, joy, and relief and negative emotions, which involved anxiety, disgust, fear, sadness, impatience, and strain. And in contrast to the sleep laboratory study, participants feel their dreams as rather positive - joyful experiences.
宮田 浩二 包國 友幸 小林 正幸
人間科学研究 (ISSN:03882152)
no.30, pp.79-86, 2008

This is an implementation report on how a new type of exercise program changes State-Anxiety and body sense.Results are as follows.1) There was State-Anxiety before the exercise in a range of 23 and 57; State-Anxiety after the exercise changed to a low of 21 to a high of 51. The mean level of State-Anxiety decreased significantly from 39.80 before the program to 32.70 after (p <.001).2) Flexibility and mobility improved on the spot according to a questionnaire survey. In addition, mood improvement and facial expression and color tended to the positive; a change in psychological factors was noted.Based on the current results, psychological factors were involved in the improvement of shoulder aches and stiffness of the shoulders; the current program decreased anxiety and was effective at improving physical and mental health.本研究は、新しいタイプの本運動プログラムにより、状態不安及び身体感覚がどのよう変化したかの実施報告である。結果は、以下のとおりである。1)状態不安の変動は、運動前は最低23から最高57の範囲にあり、運動後は最低21から最高57までに変動した。状態不安の平均値は、運動前の39.80から運動後の32.70と変動し、有意な低下を示した。(p<.001)2)アンケート調査より、その場で柔軟性や可動性が改善された。また、気分の改善や顔つきや顔色がプラス志向に変化し、心理的要因に変化が認められた。今回の結果より、肩痛、肩こりの改善に心理的要因が関与しており、本運動プログラムを行うことによって、不安が低減し、身体的・精神的健康に有効であることが示唆された。
高尾 浩幸
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
no.38, pp.79-92, 2017-03-01

This study deals with the rules of the world, which externally influence people, as a part of Japanese collective consciousness.Several aspects of these rules that this work will focus on are (1) the hierarchy of the old and the young, (2) the principle of mutual benefit, (3) honor as viewed by the world, (4) the elimination of impurity, (5) the character of authoritarianism, (6) duty and kindness, and (7) harmony and competition. This work will also study the psychological mechanisms of Japanese consciousness through the features of these rules.Each group that a person can join has its peculiar rules of how the world is. Knowing the rules of how the world is crucial. Once a person becomes aware of these rules, that person can decide which attitude to adopt, either to obey the rules or to change the rules themselves.
土屋 久 堀口 久五郎
人間科学研究 = Bulletin of Human Science (ISSN:03882152)
vol.32, pp.217-227, 2011-03-01

This paper reports on aspects of the healing deity Kanayamasama based on investigations on the islands of Hachijojima and Aogashima.Results are as follows:1) Kanayamasama is a deity that possesses an ambivalent nature with the power to curse and lift curses.2) Fujou caused by a curse is thought to cause illness on both islands. Because Kanayamasama possesses power to lift Fujou, she is revered as a healing deity.3) On both islands, shrine maidens play a large role in determining the character of Kanayamasama.In light of these findings, this study noted to need to understand health in terms of folk customs on both islands when discussing actual issues in the areas of medicine and welfare.カナヤマサマは、鍛冶屋のカミ、火のカミとして知られる民俗神であるが、本稿では、その治癒神としての側面を八丈島・青ヶ島での調査に基づいて報告し、両島における健康観の一端を考察した。その結果明らかになったのは、以下の点である。一、カナヤマサマは、呪詛の力を発揮するカミであるとともに、呪詛を祓うカミでもあるという両義的な性格を有すること。二、呪詛によって生じるフジョウが、病いの一因と両島では考えられており、それを祓う力をカナヤマサマが有するが故に、治癒神として祀られること。三、両島におけるカナヤマサマの性格形成には、ミコの果たす力が大きいこと。以上の点を報告した上で、両島の医療や福祉の分野に置ける現実的な課題を考えていくにあたり、両島が育んできた民俗レヴェルでの健康観に対する理解の必要性を指摘した。