小野田 泰明 松本 啓俊 菅野 實
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.443, pp.59-69, 1993-01-25

The aim of this paper is (to clarify the definition and the actual situation of "Culture Halls". Especially this paper gives weight to the relation between thier condition in utilization and the classification of the municipalities where they are. We classified the municipalities with the population and the centrality of them. The results of this study are summarized as follow : 1. The total number of facilities that have "Culture Halls" is 1545 on March 1988 in Japan. 2. Those halls were used for 176.8 days, a year on a avarage in the fiscal year 1987. 3. The number of used days were depend on the population and the centrality of the municipalities.
村川 三郎 飯尾 昭彦 西田 勝 日野 利夫
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.355, pp.20-31, 1985-09-30

In this study, the river environment was chosen as the subject to consider comfortable water enviornment in region. And we have the aim to clarify the relation between the properties of river environment and people's opinions. This paper which is analysed the evaluation of living environment on the basis of questionnaire executed to the regional dwellers is the first installment of this study. The contents are as follows : 1) The Nagara, the Chikugo and the Shimanto basins were chosen as the subject to the study. We showed the properties of the three rivers and regional indexs of 9 municipalities in the upper, the middle and the lower reaches. 2) We showed the people's opinions in each region with 45 items for each evaluation of components of living environment. 3) Selecting 6 factors by the factor analysis with 45 items, we clarified the trends of evaluation with the average factor scores in each region. 4) Using 5 items for comprehensive evaluation of living environment, we showed the results of the people's opinions in each region. And we analysed the relation between comprehensive and each evaluation, using the Quantity theory cluster II and III. 5) We analysed the relation between comprehensive evaluation of living environment and properties of answerers of questionnaire, using the Quantity theory cluster III. 6) Using the average factor scores and the average scores of comprehensive evaluation in each region, we showed the correlation matrix on the 6 factors and 5 items above mentioned. Furthermore, we showed the relation between the average factor scores and the selected regional indexes.
鎌田 元弘 土肥 博至
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.407, pp.119-128, 1990-01-30

In this paper, we intend to make clear the social character of rurban villages as a part of a series of our studies of community planning. We call this character as 'Muragara' and hypothize that Muragara can be discribed by 2 factors. One is the factor of ristriction which can be measured by the situation of community union and social customs in the community. The other is the factor of development which can be measured by the variation of events or functions in the community. These 2 factors are related to the spirit of harmony. This spirit appear clearly, when new inhabitant come to live in the village. It can be measured by the correspondence of the existing residents to the new comers. We proved the relation between 2 factors and this spirit through the analysis of concrete actions in rurban villages. And furthermore, we indicated Muragara by the simple indexes. From the above, it is confirmed that Muragara works availably as the index to evaluate the acceptability of new inhabitants in rurban villages.
岡田 哲史
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.421, pp.141-150, 1991-03-30

This research deals with Giovanni Battista Piranesi's attitude as an architect for Santa Maria del Priorato. The church contains twelve round-shaped medallions, out of which the apse has two beneath the cornice. This paper, in particular, categorizes them as a type of "suspended medallion," and pursues its precursor, examining the architect's traces of medallions in his drawings of architectural fantasies and capricci produced between the 1740s and the 50s. As a result, it is assumed that the medallion is ascribed to Filippo Juvarra's festival design on the motif of la Piazza del Campidoglio in 1713.
稲垣 卓造
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.451, pp.29-39, 1993-09-30

This study is an attempt to propose both fundamental data for color guidance of townscape ordinance and guidelines for color design of architecture. Psychological experiments were carried out for gathering data on evaluations of exterior colors of buildings and those of billboard towers ; a scale-model of street view being utilized, the above townscape elements were judged as the mode of surface color. The ranges on acceptable chroma of the townscape elements were shown by using these data as a basis. As the ranges are considerably influenced by hue and chroma, careful steps should be taken.
村川 三郎 飯尾 昭彦 西田 勝 西名 大作
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.363, pp.9-19, 1986-05-30

We considered the structure of the evaluation of river environment by the people's opinions and sense based on the questionnaires executed in 9 municipalities on the basins of the Nagara, the Chikugo and the Shimanto, and mainly analysed the conservation of river environment and the accessibility to river. Now, the Part 1 on this study analysed the evaluation of living environment in the same regions. The contents of this paper are as follows. 1) We showed the properties of river environment in the 9 regions of the upper reaches, the middle reaches and the lower reaches. 2) We analysed the people's behaviours of recreation in and around the rivers. 3) As to the conservation of river environment and the accessibility to river, we analysed the people's evaluation concerning the nature of river, landscape, artificiality and playing area with water. 4) Using the factor analysis, we selected 3 and 2 common factors from the results of the people's evaluation on the conservation and the accessibility. And we evaluated the regions with the average factor scores in each factor. 5) Using 3 items for comprehensive evaluation of river enviornment, we showed the results of the people's opinions in each region. And we analysed the relation between the comprehensive, conservative evaluation and the people's properties, using the Quantity Theory Cluster III. 6) We clarified the river images by the Semantic Differential Technique using the 30 pairs of adjectives. Using the factor analysis, we selected 4 common factors from these results, and evaluated the regions with the average factor scores in each factor. 7) As to the above mentioned contents on each evaluation, we showed the correlation matrix, and showed the relation between the scores of evaluation and the selected indexes of river environment.
田中 祥夫
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.450, pp.103-112, 1993-08-30

"Kasaku Tatekata Jomoku" is important as germination of the .modern building codes system in Japan. This paper investigates the enacting conditions of this code, and reports the following points. (1) Kanagawa Prefecture was aiming at the promotion of urban sanitation, mainly owing to a proposal of D.B. Simmons (1872). (2) Kanagawa Prefecture put an urban renewal project into practice in 1873 as a part of (1), and enacted "Kasaku Tatekata Jomoku" as the building rules of the new urban area. (3) I am convinced that the governor, Oe chiefly promoted enacting this building code.
山岸 良一 内田 茂 久我 新一
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.384, pp.27-35, 1988-02-28

We examined 1) relations between complexity-order and subjects' evaluation of visual environments, and 2) physical causes of complexity and order by different 3 stages of experiment. In 1st experiment, we employed semantic differential method using 30 color-slide pictures of residential environment in order to examine the 1st purpose. In 2nd experiment, we used 30 pieces of abstract pictures. In 3rd experiment we used 27 series of VTR pictures of abstract models of street environments. Both 2nd and 3rd experiments aimed to obtain the physical causes of complexity and order. As the result of these experiments we found; 1) An orderly and complex environment obtained higher evaluation in a residential environment; 2) The measurement of complexity and order is relative to the measurement of information theory.
中村 泰人 平岡 久司 西村 浩一
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.364, pp.48-56, 1986-06-30

Air temperature distribution in an urban cavity of the rectangular type was investigated based on field measurement all daylong in hot summer. The cavity is enclosed with a street and both walls of buildings ; the center line of the street is oriented almost exactly east-west; the width of the street is 16 m ; the heigth of both buildings on the north side and the south side is 17 m. Air temperatures of 63 points in a section rectangular to the street and building's wall of the cavity were measured. A special method measuring air temperature outdoors was devised; which used fine thermocouple without shield, calibrated temperature error to solar radiation in advance, and corrected measured data in the sunny points on the calibration according to the direct solar radiation in the same time. The standard deviation of the air temperature distribution in the cavity was higher in the daytime than in the night time, was in the linear correlation to solar radiation, and held 0.5 K of maximum in the daytime. Mean of the air temperature in the cavity was occasionally changed, as the wind direction on the street was turned from west to east. The air temperature in the cavity was almost near to the outside air temperature. Temperature boundary layer on the surface was not over 50cm. Air vortex on the section in the cavity was observed from the air temperature distribution, when the wind direction was rectangular to the building's wall.