片山 忠久 石井 昭夫 西田 勝 堤 純一郎 森川 明夫 橋田 光明
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.372, pp.p21-29, 1987-02

Simultaneous observations of the profiles of wind velocity and air temperature are conducted at three points in an urban area with a large pond by the kytoons. From the results of observations, convective heat flux from the ground surface to air is calculated by the traverse-method. Heat flux from the pond is negative, that is, cooling. The relation between convective heat transfer coefficient and wind velocity is obtained in extensive built-up areas. Thermal environment is observed, formed at the height of 1 meter from the ground surface in the built-up area and the large pond. New standard effective temperature of the ASHRAE, SET, is calculated as the over all thermal index at the both sites. The effects of a shade tree and wisteria trellis on thermal environment are discussed.
伊藤 重剛
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.363, pp.146-157, 1986-05-30

ドクシアデスは,彼の「古代ギリシャの建築空間」(邦題「古代ギリシャのサイトプランニング」長嶋訳)の中で,古代ギリシャの神域の配置を分析している。それによると,ギリシャ人の空間認識の仕方は,人間の視点を中心にして,そこから各方向に何フィートのところに何があるといった,いわば極座標的な理解の仕方であるとしている。彼はこの考えに基づいて,神城内の建物の配置について,神域の入口に視点をおき,それを極座標の原点とし,そこから神域内の建物の特定の点(例えば建物の隅角部)までの距離,それらの距離の比,およびそれらの視線のなす角度を測り,これらの距離,角度の関係を検討した。その結果,神域の配置は,視点から建物の各点までの距離が幾何学的比例関係をなし,そられ視線の角度の関係が, 360°をそれぞれ10等分または12等分した角度体系「10分割法」および「12分割法」の,2つの体系によって計画されたとしている。しかしながら彼の分析は,むしろ残存している遺跡の現況,つまり計画の結果を説明するが,建築家が実際に神域の寸法をどのような手順で決定したか,その過程を説明しない。本文では,アテネのアクロポリスについての彼の分析を例にとり,これを批判した。また建物が互いに直角または平行に配置された神域では,彼の述べるような極座標によって,その配置を考えるのは,もともと不自然と思われるし,また施工者にとっては却って不便であり実践的ではないと思われる。むしろ最初から直交座標で考えた方が,合理的かつ現実的だろう。古代の建物の寸法決定の二大要因は,寸法それ自体の値と,寸法間の比例であると思われる。建物の寸法が最終的に決定されるまでには,最初の基本原則から最後の微調整に至るまでの,いくつかの段階を経ると思われるが,最初の段階ではなるべく端数のない完数による寸法,あるいはなるべく簡潔な比例を選ぶだろうということが,当然推測される。この2つの要因を判断の規準として,現在一般的に考えられている古代尺の値をもとにしながら,コス島の2つの神域の分析結果を次に述べる。紀元前2世紀に建設されたアスクレピオス神域の上部テラスは,コの字型ストアとそれに囲まれた神殿が,左右対称に配置されている。分析の結果,前時代の神城壁の基礎を利用して建てられている,このストアのスタイロベート長さは,最初南側が270 ft, 東・西側がその3/5の162 ft と計画された。柱間は最初基本的に8ftとして計画されたが,次の段階で,入隅部の柱間が15/8ft拡張,北端の柱間が7/16ft縮少され,標準柱間が南側で81/6ft,東・西側で81/16ftと調整された。スタイロベート長さは,最終的にはこれらの調整を経て,南側2723/4ft,東・西側1621/3ftとなった。神殿の大きさは,その正面スタイロベート幅が東西ストア間の距離に対し,1:5という単純な比例で決定されている。アフロディテの神域は,紀元前2世紀に建てられたものであるが,ドリス式のペリスタイルの中庭に,前柱式の神殿が2つ左右対称に配置されている。プロピロンも神殿に対応して,正面に2つ左右対称に配置されているが,これらの建物の大きさが周囲の付け柱の柱間に対応していることから,最初の段階では,9ftのこの柱間をモジュールとしたグリッドプランで計画されたものと思われる。中庭の大きさは,この段階では15×13グリッドだったものが,外周の柱より中庭の柱が少さいため,モジュールの値,つまり柱間を7.5 ft に縮少し,大きさを17×15グリッドとした。さらに,中庭の幅,奥行きを寸法比をより単純な7:6とするための微調整を行い,最終的には幅を128ft, 奥行きを110 ft とし,対応する柱間をそれぞれ,717/32ft,71/3ftとした。以上の検討結果から,ドクシアデスの分析は理論的ではあるが,実際の設計手順としては,実践的ではないということが判った。彼のいう空間認識の仕方は,一般の観察者にとっては正しいかも知れないが,計画家にとっては不充分である。むしろ計画家には,平面を鳥瞰できる抽象的な空間把握の能力が要求され,これなしにおそらく設計はできないであろう。そしてこの平面に対して寸法を与えるたためには,当然必要な計算がなされたのである。コスの2つの神域も,もちろんこの例にもれず,直交座標上で,寸法とその比例を規準に計画された。
李 建河 内藤 昌
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.450, pp.161-167, 1993-08-30

The purpose of this study is to clarify the system of stone wall planning of Castles in Korea. This study is based on the methods of analysis from the Hwasung-Sungyuk-Eukwe (HSE). The HSE is the document of the construction of the Hwa castle (Suwon Castle), which was built in 1796, the second half of the chosun Dynasty (1392-1910) in Korea. The HSE offers many facts about the building system of the Chosun Dynasty, stone wall construction system; the supply system of the building materials, the building expenses and the organization of the workers. This is the first step for studying the system of Oriental Castle planning.
白井 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.412, pp.143-152, 1990-06-30

One often confounds two Blondel, that is to say, Nicolas-Francois Blondel in the 17th century and Jacques-Francois Blondel in the 18th century. Particularly in Japan, it seems that this confusion is conspicuous, and by mistake one talks about their relatives in blood and law. This report aims at elucidating all of the life of the latter Blondel, who was one of the most prominent architectural theorists in the 18th century. I publish it as the introduction to the profound analysis of his architectural theory. Here, I describe in detail the contents concerning the Ecole des Arts of Blondel, his contribution to the Encyclopedic, his role as professor in the Academic royale d'Architecture, his projects, his executions, etc.
岡崎 甚幸 伊藤 達彦
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.436, pp.127-137, 1992

Architectural Space Montage Method was thought up by authors. Subject's mental image is expected to be represented by miniatures 1 to 50 scale such as units of walls, furnitures, people and trees on a white plate 60cm×90cm. Schizophrenic patients try to make a model of the ideal ward in mental hospital. This method would not deteriorate psychopathology because of forming only dairy living space unlike sandplay therapy. Framing, disturbed association of ideas and preference of protected space were represented on their own works. This method might be a useful therapy in near future because of interests by patients, endurance and impetus to patients.
藤谷 陽悦
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.444, pp.157-167, 1993-02-28

In 1921, the Ofuna Denentoshi Co. Ltd. was established to construct the garden city in Japan. But it is not known the detail of its motivation and purpose that they established it, and the project of the residential quarter because it bunkrupped halfway. The Watanabe family the business proprietor had managed the plan of Watanabe-cho that was taken notice of the ideal garden suburbs in Tokyo Nippori. The Watanabe family was not satisfied with the Watanabe-cho project and they established the company the Ofuna Denentoshi Co. Ltd. to construct the garden city. This article report presents the business contents which had been taken out by the Ofuna Denentoshi Co. Ltd. from the news and the project reports of company and considers the contents of the residential quarter "Shin Kamakura" which had been constructed in front of Ofuna station.
伊藤 毅
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.371, pp.p119-125, 1987-01

The purpose of this study is to clarify the physical, socio-economic and political nature of Tenma Honganji Jinaimachi (Temple Town), which existed for a short time (1585-1591) in the Tenma district of Osaka. The study is divided into 3 phases and constitutes an investigation of the importance of this town in its geographical and historical setting. This article (the first part of the study) concentrates on a discussion of physical aspects of Tenma Jinaimachi its location, scale and the formation of the urban blocks.
伊藤 毅
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.376, pp.p130-136, 1987-06

In 1586, an incident occurred in Tenma Jinaimachi (Temple Town) and as a result more than 60 people in Tenma were punished by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the kanpaku (the chief adviser to the Emperor). Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hideyoshi began to intervene in the internal affairs of Tenma Honganji, step by step limiting its independence and subjecting it to civic control. In this article, I consider these events and try to show that the original incident was no accident and that Hideyoshi's policies were coherently conceived from the outset in order to dismantle Honganji Jinaimachi and develop Osaka Jokamachi (Castle Town).
木村 翔 井上 勝夫 中澤 真司
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.398, pp.1-8, 1989-04-30

In this paper, We examined the impulsive force characteristics of the heavy impact source stipulated by JIS A 1418, and measured the impulsive force characteristics of the jumping down of the adults and children. It is said that the impulsive force of the heavy impact source stipulated by JIS A 1418 is too large for the measurement of the wooden floor construction. When the falling height of the heavy impact source becomes lower, the impulsive force decreases and the impact time increases gradually. As the results of the theoretical and the experimental examination, it can be said that the falling height of the heavy impact source should be kept more than about 20 cm, for getting the linearity of the impulsive force characterisics to JIS A 1418. In the field measurement, the relation between the impulsive force for the various falling height of the heavy impact source and the vibration velocity of the several kind of floor construction was studied.
佐藤 滋 戸沼 幸市
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.402, pp.53-63, 1989-08-30

Dojunkai-Foundation was established in 1923 in order to supply public housings and to accomplish various social policies for the sufferers from the Kanto Earthquake. The first project practically done by this Foundation is to build 11 housing estates which was made up with 3,270 wooden terraced houses named Ordinary-style Housing Estates. These Policies and Methods are analyzed in this paper. In this survey, three critical findings have been established. The first is that the Ordinary-style Housing Estates were the first practice to design residential estates comprehensively in this century in Japan. The second is that the methods and policies in these projects to design residential neighborhoods, special structure, public open-space and all other residential space, was critically important as the origin of urban design of housing estates. The third is that these design policies had been affected by European ones especially R. Uwin's ideas.
宮元 健次
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.423, pp.121-126, 1991-05-30

In 16 th century in Japan, when the missionaries of the Society of Jesus build the church and the other related building, there was a rule that they should use the Japanese ways of construction and that the works had to done by Japanese carpenters.
片岡 正喜 有田 幸生 中園 真人 佐藤 誠治
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.380, pp.32-45, 1987-10-30

Housing stock in our country consists of many small houses which are already built. In recent years residential alterations and additions show a tendency to increase remarkably. The purpose of this study is to clarify how the dwelling levels are improved by making additions to small houses for sale. The results are as follows : (1) Additions are effective for improving the dwelling levels. (2) Improvements by adding rooms are more effective in the SDK houses-type than in the 3LDK. Most of the 3LDK are improved to 4LDK〜5LDK, and most of the SDK to 5DK. (3) Additions are begun soon after moving in new houses, and sooner in the 3DK than in the 3LDK. (4) The rates of houses provided with all of the necessary rooms (bedroom, dinning room, living room and guest room) are limited to 20 percents before additions, but come up to 80 percents after. (5) The rates of houses with bedroom for children and master's bedroom are lower in the SDK than in the 3LDK before additions, but almost the same in both houses-type after additions. (6) The rooms added in the 3DK (with living room) are different from those in the 3DK (with guest room) at the beginning. So the rates of houses provided with guest room in the 3LDK and with bedroom in the 3DK are shown much higher after additions.
イサク アグス ブディ プルノモ 樋口 忠彦 玉川 英則
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.425, pp.73-85, 1991-07-30

服部 寄生 鈴木 雅之 荒川 俊介 阿部 一尋 山岸 義廣
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.442, pp.37-45, 1992-12-25

We studied multifamily housing type with common inner court among recently developed residential Blocks (1976〜1990) in Urban Districts of Western Countries, mainly Germany. Research materials were picked up and arranged in the articles about residential blocks published mostly in architectural periodicals of Europe. Valid samples are 18 cases locating in Germany, France and so on. Main points are as follows ; 1) Main function of the housing is to give the comfortable living environment in urban districts. 2) The common court is designed to be private as well as public space. The court as private garden is safe for children's play and noiseless for family life. 3) The housing block is mostly mixed developed with urban facilities.
呉谷 充利
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.367, pp.72-79, 1986-09-30

L'oeuvre architecturale etait un "etre poetique". Nous cherchons cet "etre" dans la "Stimmung". C'est-a-dire, c'est de la Stimmung que l'oeuvre vraie constitue un "etre poetique". De sorte que la difference entre les deux pierres, celle des Grecs et celle des Gothiques, comme W. Worringer l'a indique dans son ecrit "Formprobleme der Gotik", explique meme leur representations physionomiques des Statues. A savoir, les Statues Grecques represented un "corps superbe", par centre, celles de Gothique y expriment plutot une "expression du sentiment". Dans cet article, d'une part, etant fonde sur la pensee philosophique par M. Heidegger, Interpretation de l'"etre" se cherche cette Stimmung a la base. D'autre part, l'Anschaulicher Charakter" de H. Sedlmayr n'est pas autre chose que la physionomie de l'oeuvre d'Art. Enfin, nous trouvons, dans la physionomie, les donnees de la "Stimmung". Ainsi, une physionomie se charge en soi-meme du "pan-etre" de l'espace architectural. C'est la qu'on puisse s'assurer de l'oeuvre architecturale destinee a l'etre humain comme l'etre originel. Nous voyons cette preuve dans les interpretations des oeuvres litteraires, "The Castle of Otranto" de H. Walpole et "Notre-Dame de Paris" de V. Hugo. A savoir, le roman de "The Castle of Otranto" se trouve un "etre" de l'esprit Gothique, dormant au fond de la psychologie profonde de H. Walpole. Le "Notre-Dame de Paris" etait un grand roman. Car, V. Hugo y interprete l'esprit de l'oeuvre Gothique meme en l'etre humain en soi. Voici done une question a la physionomie de "Le Modulor" chez Le Corbusier.
宇杉 和夫
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 = Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering (ISSN:09108017)
vol.444, pp.87-96, 1993-02-28

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relations of spatial recognition and the composition in landscaping, and to find the meaning of traditional landscaping in Japan. The natural and geographical features in the Oki islands corresponds to a spatial pattern "Alternative Circles" of land and sea. There are many old shrines that were located in important places in the spatial patterns and the compositions of the landscape in the Oki islands.
野崎 淳夫 吉澤 晋 小峯 裕己
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.416, pp.9-16, 1990-10-30

The indoor NO_2 concentration in Japanese dwellings were measured with various parameters using badge-type passive monitors. The comparison of the method by badge-type passive samplers developed by Dr. Yanagisawa and the conventional chemi-luminescence method was made in the measurement of indoor NO_2 concentration. The measured values with badge-type samplers agree with the ones from the chemi-luminescence monitors. Indoor NO_2 concentration is mainly influensed not by the outdoor concentration but the usage of combustion appliances, especially the type and the usage time of appliances. The life pattern in the room also influenced the indoor NO_2 levels.
野崎 淳夫 吉澤 晋
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.429, pp.17-23, 1991-11-30

To estimate the indoor concentration of NOX by the usage of flue-less type combustion appliances, experimental study was carried out in a laboratory where the ventilation rate, consequently oxygen concentration was controlled. The NO generation rate decreased proportionally with the depression of oxygen concentration to a certain point, K_c, beyond which the decrease rate was much less. N0_2 showed the almost constant generation to K_c, beyond which decreased proportional to oxygen concentration. Though we could not determine K_c with radiant type heaters, the decrease of NO_x emission rate was proportional to oxygen and moderate compared to "fan heater"s.
白井 秀和
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.414, pp.p109-116, 1990-08

The object of this paper is to make clear the notion of Beauty in Architecture, through the analytic manifestation of the article "Beau" in "Encyclopedie methodique. Architecture" of A.-C. Quatremere de Quincy, who was one of the most important French architectural theorists in the late 18th century. Firstly, I treat of the problem of the disapperance of the article "Beau" in the second edition of "Encyclopedie", that is to say, "Dictionnaire historique d'architecture". Secondly, I discuss Quatremere de Quincy's manner to research the notion of Beauty. Thirdly, I explain the reason why Quatremere de Quincy emphasizes the particular character that Architecture has among the imitative Arts. In conclusion, I elucidate Quatremere de Quincy's assertion that, in order to analyze the notion of Beauty in Architecture, one must examine the qualities which constitute this Beauty and the faculties of the human soul concerning them.
村川 三郎 西名 大作
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.366, pp.42-52, 1986-08-30

The purpose of this study is to investigate the techniques for evaluating river environment. Therefore, this paper is presented a technique based on people's opinions and sense as the first installment of this study. The questionnaires on living and river environment were executed to the dwellers at the 21 districts in Hiroshima City, the lower reach in the Ota. On these results, the structures of evaluation on living and river environment are clarified by using the factor analysis, and the 21 districts and river spaces are classified on the properties of evaluation of environment. Analysing the relation between the comprehensive and the conservative evaluation on living and river environment, the importance of the existence of river environment, especially as scenic and natural resources, is pointed out for the amenity of living environment in urban areas. As to the relation between evaluation and indexes composing the environment, the multiple regression models are described, and we find that the properties of evaluation are affected by the surrounding environment indexes.