本杉 省三
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.92-107, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

Dieser Aufsatz zeigt als Fortsetzung des letzten Berichtes die grundsatzliche Denkweise der Verfasser liber die Btlhnenplanung fUr reibungslose Opernauffuhrungen. Im letzten Aufsatz wurden zunachst die MaBe der Haupt-blihnenflache im Zusammenhang mit den MaBen der Portalsffnung, die bei der Bilhnenplanung als ein wichtiges Element betrachtet wird, und der Dekorationsflache der Bllhnendekoration behandelt und die grtlndsatzlichen MaBe der Hauptbtihnenflache dargestellt. Damals habe ich die Btlhnendekoration als statische Konstruktion analysiert, aber jetzt habe ich versucht, den inszenierten Raum als kontinuierliche Konstruktion, die sich mit der Entwicklung der Szene Sndert, zu verstehen. In diesem Aufsatz habe ich mit der Berlicksichtigung der tatsachlichen Anwendungen der Bilhnenwagen, Versenkungen und Drehscheiben bei der Konstruktion oder des Wechsels der einzelhen Szenen liber (1) Konstruktion und Blihnenwechsel der Blihnendekoration (2) Art und Weise des Blihnenwechsels eine Analyse durchgeftihrt und dazu Betrachtungen angestellt. Und daraus habe ich zu den folgenden Punkten ftir die Nebenblihnen, die die Hauptblihne unterstlitzt, und dem Blihnenwechselsystem mein Gedanke dargestellt I (1) Blihnenwagen als Blihnenwechselsystem (2) MaBe der Offnung zwischen der Hauptblihne und Seitenbtihne (3) Mb'glichkeiten nach der VergroBerung des Seitenbtihnenwagens (4) Teilung und Antrieb des Blihnenwagens
横仙 勝樹 高橋 鷹志
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.395, pp.19-30, 1989
4 3

In order to clarify man-environment interaction, the paper focuses on the mental system in which we recognize the spatial relationship of the environment. This system, which is based on our usual experience, is named 'spatial schemata' here and considered as consist of the recognized 'places' and some rules which combine these 'places'. The word 'places' was defined first, after careful consideration given to the relationships between human behavior and physical settings. A model of 'spatial schemata' was hypothesized with reference to Minsky's Frame Theory. Four frames were chosen to represent 'spatial schemata' here '. 'KOKO (here)' frame, 'ASOKO (over there)' frame, which represent mentally near and far places respectively, 'connected' frame and 'separated' frame, which represent the spatial relationship between two 'places'. Finally, an analysis on subjects' sketch-maps were made to examine validity of this model. In conclusion, the differences between each types of sketch-maps were clearly described using the four frames. As a result: of this experimental investigation the proposed model of 'spatial schemata' was proved to be an effectual system to describe man-environment interaction.
福川 裕一 西村 幸夫
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.349, pp.56-68, 1985-03-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

In Japanese historic towns, samurai as well as merchant districts play an important role in urban conservation. The current problems of the two districts, however, are so different from each other that we cannot discuss them in the same phrase. Up to the present day, generally we have not engaged in conservation studies of samurai districts. The absence of the samurai class and the resemblance between samurai houses and the detached houses in modern suburbs, are the main reasons we have not made adequate analysis' of samurai districts in the context of urban conservation. From the case study of the samurai district of MATSUSHIRO castle town, NAGANO Prefecture, this paper will clarify the prototype of the plan of samurai houses, their zonl allocation and the system of aggregating samurai districts. As well, through the discussion of historical transformation, this paper will provide a direction towards the conservation of samurai districts. Contents of the paper are as follows : 1. Historic context of the samurai district of MATSUSHIRO. 2. Spacial constitution of samurai districts : * Prototype plan of a samurai house * Water system of a samurai district * Aggregation system of a samurai district 3. Historic transformation of the samurai district in MATSUSHIRO. 4. Conclusion.
山本 輝雄
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.389, pp.143-149, 1988-07-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

There are two methods of the lay-out of the main buildings of Obakushu Buddhist temples in Kyushu district. The one is the lay-out in Kara-dera (Buddhist temples for the Chinese in Nagasaki). In this lay-out the main buildings face to the small courtyard paved by stone. The other is the lay-out in Buddhist temples which have a building for the priests to sit in meditation and were founded after A. D. 1661, when Manpuku-ji was established as one of branches of Buddhism schools in Japan. This lay-out takes triangular position with Daiyuhoden (the building for the priests to worship Buddha), Senbut-sujo (the building for the priests to sit in meditation) and Zen'etsudo (the building for the priests to eat together).
永田 久雄
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 = Transactions of AIJ. Journal of architecture, planning and environmental engineering (ISSN:09108017)
vol.431, pp.39-46, 1992-01-30

In order to obtain fundamental data to set up safety countermeasures against stair accidents, fatal falls on stairs during a 40 years period from 1950 to 1989 were analyzed from mortality statistics. Raw coding data of 1278 deaths originating from death certificates over a 2 years period from 1979 to 1980 in Japan were also analyzed. From obtained results in this study, most victims received injuries on their heads. Ageing was considered to be one of the major factors causing fatal falls, and especially for males drinking habits also were influencing factors to cause fatal falls. Exponential relations between fatality rates and ages could be found in female trends.
丸山 純
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.350, pp.86-94, 1985

J. V. Andreae is known as a priest whose thought played an important role for the construction of the modern educational and the social systems. He described his thought clearly in his utopia "Christianopolis". The relation between the shapes of the ideal city, Christianopolis, and his thought is pointed out in this essay. The essay consists of the following parts : Preface 1. Andreae's life and thought. 2. The relation to the ideal cities in the Italian Renaissance. 3. The relation to the new conception of astronomy. 4. The relation to the images of the "Heavenly Jerusalem". 5. The relation to Andreae's Rosicrucian ideas. Conclusion
藤岡 洋保 深谷 康生
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.419, pp.99-106, 1991-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The Japanese government built twenty-two pavilions for seventeen international expositions before World War II. All the pavilions but one had Japanese-style elevations : motifs of traditional architecture were applied. Such designs were based on either specific building types in specific eras or famous old edifices, but such models were not accurately traced on the elevations of the pavilions, but modified applying motifs in different eras freely. This suggests what the architects thought: they tried to make a "modern Japanese-style," although their way belonged to eclecticism of the 19th century.
木下 勇
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.431, pp.107-118, 1992-01-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The purpose of these studies is to analyze the role of natural spaces in rural areas for children's environmental study through their own play activities. For that, this study tried to compare the children's activities contacting to nature in two rural areas of flat- and mountainous- types and two urban areas of residential- and downtown- types. As a conclusion, these following points are revealed : 1) Children's physical touching activities to living elements of nature are useful as indicators to analyze children's contacts to nature. 2) The mountainous area shows the highest level about children's contact to nature of all. But the flat area is not so different from urban residential area. There can be found the transformation like "Urbanization", using man-made elements in natural spaces, and also in children's life too, such as being controlled their hours for sports clubs, and losing different aged free-play groups, etc.
小野 恭平
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.436, pp.115-125, 1992-06-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

The aim of this paper is to clarify the images and valuations of the Buddhist huts described in Buddhist tales in the Early Middle Ages of Japan. So, it was clarified that the Buddhist huts were very tiny and humble dwellings, but were imaged and valued as very innocent and religious ones as regards the location, nature and structure.
矢野 隆 小林 朝人
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.354, pp.1-10, 1985-08-30 (Released:2017-12-25)

A laboratory study was carried out to investigate disturbance and noisiness of periodically non-steady noises in four task conditions. Totally 326 subjects participated in experiments. There were two main variables : the range of level fluctuation was from 0 to 40 dB and the repetition rate varied from 0. 25 to 4 Hz. The noises were exposed at two levels, 60 and 70dB L_<eq>. Task conditions were articulation test, intelligibility test, calculation, and reading, and their exposure durations were respectively about 6, 8, 3, 2.5 minutes. The task performance was investigated and the relation between disturbance or noisiness and performance was also discussed. The conclusions are summarized as follows. 1) In task conditions in which task performance is significantly affected by noises, disturbance and noisiness are influenced considerably by performance and have high correlation with it. 2) In task conditions in which task performance is not significantly affected by noises, disturbance and noisiness increase with range of level fluctuation. 3) In the same conditions as 2), the effect of repetition rate was not reasonably found, but consistently disturbance or noisiness tends to rise at 1 Hz in the case of triangular noises and drop at 1 Hz in rectangular noises. 4) It is considered that the complex effect of repetition rate as mentioned above is contributed by the interference of concentration on task and the rhythm of task exept for the effect of fluctuation factors.
黒田 竜二
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.353, pp.p122-128, 1985-07

The main shrine (Honden) of Yasaka-Jinja is similar to the main hall (Hondo) found in most medieval Buddhist temples. The thought which connects Shinto and Buddhism is considered to contribute to its form. Yasaka-Jinja once belonged to Tendai-Shu (a sect of Buddhism in Japan), so it is considered to be related to Hie-Taisha and Kitano-Tenmangu. To clarify the mutual influence In the styles of these main shrines, I compared each "Gedo" (a building or room used for Buddhists' summer training) in style and function, and I compared Yasaka-Jinja's "Mikotsuyajo" with Hie-Tarsha's "Geden". These Investigations and comparisons led me to the conclusion that Yasaka-Jinja is the most advanced both in terms of historical progression and in terms of illustrating the mutual thought of Shinto and Buddhism.
竹下 輝和 青木 正夫
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.358, pp.44-53, 1985-12-30

In Japanese nursery school, there is no standard of group formation of one-year-old children's class which can be seen in many foreign countries. In the existing circumstances, many classes respectively have large group formation, that is, each class consists of children whose range of growth is wide. In this study, in relation to the group formation of classes which is most important when a nursery room is planned, they is divided into the three conditions, that is, the group formation of the minimum age of 1 year and 6 months - the maximum age of 2 years and 7 months, that of the min. 1 year and 2 months - the max. 2 years, and that of the min. 1 year and 1 month-the max. 2 years and 7 months, and in each condition the experimental care is taken. After this, the influence on the one-year-old children and the nurse staffs is investigated and the suitable group formation is considered. As the result, this point is confirmed. In group formation of one-year-old children, conversions of nursery activities and nurse staffs' fatigue are relatively lightened in the nursery room planned so that each class may consist of children whose range of growth is narrow.
加藤 仁美
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.433, pp.129-136, 1992-03-30

There are dispersed settlements in Iki island all around. Their beginning and actual conditions are yet unknown in detail. In this study, the natural and the geographical features of this island and the allotment system of land in the Edo period are investigated in relation to the settlement pattern. And it is made clear that "the land use pattern of Iki" is a set of the land use consisting of a wind break at the back, a dwelling lot, a vegetable garden in the front and the scattered farmland. In conclusion their problems in planning are considered.
坂戸 省三
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.402, pp.107-118, 1989-08-30

In Part 2, the differences of spatial representations between men and women are pointed out clearly in the investigations of 'sand-play constructions' by about 300 persons ranging from kindergarten to university. General tendencies of men : locomotive, outside, pluralistic ; of women : residential, inside, inclusive, spatially monistic, etc. We begin this paper with the statistical analysis of these spatial elements from a developmental point of view. There are great differences between the two sexes at low age. But these differences gradually become small as they grow older. The later half of this paper, on the basis of the knowledge we have obtained, the series of the sand-play constructions of individuals, are investigated again. We already analyzed the examples of children to students. Now two series of young adults are added. The first one is of a young architect. In his series, typical spatialities of 'the age of travels and trainings' and finally, a spatial symbol of the Identity as an adult appear. The second example shows the internal process of the marriage and its spatial images. We can see the process of the unification of masculine principles and feminine principles. Through this ritual, a man becomes adult. From Part 1 to Part 3, we have taken an extensive view of the organizations of images of space in the life cycle.
五島 利兵衞
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.365, pp.113-126, 1986-07-30

Since the Pantheon is very important as a prototype of western masonry and a source of design, it has been studied frequently during the Renaissance. The lively interest in antiquity during this period produced directly and indirectly a spate of sketches and studies of the building. However, the fundamental ratio for the building is still obscure. It is true that the geometrical figure on which the rotunda was based is spherical and very simple-as the Renaissance architects realized-. Thus one expects that the key to an understanding will be easily found. But the problem is not as easy as that. Francois Blondel (1617-1686) was among the very first to publish studies of the Pantheon's composition and shape. But Blondel's conceptions are not tenable. The incorrect results are due among other things to the fact that the drawing materials available to Blondel contained certain faults and were imperfect in various ways. In recent years, several additional works have been published. One of these is George Lesser's Gothic Cathedrals and Sacred Geometry (1957), which gives an interesting analysis of the proportioning of the Pantheon (pp.23-26 and pl.19). However, because of the deficiencies in Lesser's drawings, his results are incorrect. Kjeld de Fine Licht analysed the composition of the rotunda in his The Rotunda in Rome, 1966. (pp.194-198 with two figures). In his analysis, he produces two 16-sided figures inscribed within the basic circle following the inner face of the dome. The points of the teeth where the sides of two 16 side-figures intersect mark the outer periphery of the rotunda. This analysis is very complicated. He himself said, "It seemes impossible to demonstrate any simple and exact geometrical connection between the basic circle and the thickness of the wall". In this paper I am glad to state that I have discovered the geometrical rule which determines the wall thickness of the Pantheon. This can be done with the following procedure : first, I draw the square incribed in the basic circle, then I draw the smaller circle inscribed in this square. Consequently, a doughnut-like discrepancy results between the smaller circle and the basic circle. This discrepancy is 2-√<2>/4 S (S=span). If the span is 43.251 m, 2-√<2>/4 S is 6.33 m, which equal to a little bit more than the wall thickness of the rotunda. Furthermore, I have devised a method for deciding the dome shell thickness, the angle of inclination of the outer place of the haunch, and the inner diameter of the oculus by using a similar geometrical figure. I believe that this geometrical rule may have been used by the builder of the Pantheon.
三島 雅博
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
vol.434, pp.107-116, 1992

The Japanese pavilion named Ho-o-Den was set up in the exposition in Chicago, 1893 and modeled on the holy edifice, Ho-o-Do (Phoenix Hall) erected about 1052 at Uji near Kyoto. It consisted of three buildings showing each different artistic periods to represent the history of Japanese art. Though it didn't represent the essence of Japanese architecture and art ideally because of political intention and restriction on program, it showed Japanese beauty of her historial architecture and art in the limitation as a pavilion in the exposition. This paper reports on thp factorys surrournding the form of the Ho-o-Den.
三浦 正幸
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.362, pp.142-149, 1986-04-30

Katoh-jingu is one of important shrines in the history of Japanese architecture. It had been being worshiped by the Fujiwaras throughout the Heian era and the Kamakura era, and had been a very influential shrine. I showed in my monograph that the main shrine in the Kamakura might have had a plan similar to 'Shimen-bisashi' which was articulated into the core and the surrounding envelope. I guess that the rear envelope was used keeping ritual goods and that the frontal envelope was the place where the Shinto priests performed rites.
石塚 義高
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.356, pp.63-67, 1985-10-30

The maintenance cost of buildings is came into question, it is accepted centering around a running cost and rarely the lite cycle cost combining a running cost with an initial cost. Accordingly, the development of the method to analyze and judge the life cycle cost and an effort of building must be needed, considering with a using term. In this report, I consider conditions, look for the system to calculate the life cycle cost, calculate and analize the life cycle cost in medium scale office building. I find that the use-management cost of building is very large, and that it influences the total cost how to decveace it.
岡本 真理子 渡辺 勝彦 内藤 昌
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.369, pp.103-113, 1986-11-30

The architectural reference book "Gusikenki" is considered as the first encyclopedia for the architecture in Edo era. We examined the contents and bibliography of this book, and clarified the fact that the editor, Masataka Imaoku, then the Nakai's "Touryou" carpenter, wrote and compiled "Gusikenki" in the following four stages. 1st stage ; 1671 : Began the writings concerning the knowledges related to the nearby architecture as a Horyuuji carpenter. 2nd stage ; 1677 : Performed the writings about the architecture in the area controlled by the Nakai Family and about the buildings of temples and shrines. 3rd stage ; 1680/1684 : Wrote articles on the Kyoto Imperial Palace and accounts on matters such as divinity, mathimatics, weight and measures, and completed the whole volumes. 4th stage ; 1685/1686 : Added few items related mainly to time measurement.
尹 孝鎮 三村 浩史 リム ボン
日本建築学会計画系論文報告集 (ISSN:09108017)
no.453, pp.105-111, 1993-11-30

It is necessary to make the system for the preservation and succession of KYO-MACHIYA in the historical centre of KYOTO. The purpose of this study is to know why MACHIYA inhabitants go to succeed to MACHIYA against the extra economical pressure and how MACHIYA will be. Therefore we found those who are proud of MACHIYA and asked them about their requirement of MACHIYA succession by questionnaire, and it made sure that they hope to succeed to MACHIYA and to live in there, while we could understand that the bigger pressure.to demolish MACHIYA in near future (probably half within 10 years).