阿部 治
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.2, pp.2_21-30, 2009-12-15 (Released:2011-02-22)
18 9

This paper examines “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),” clarifying the current situation of research, activities, and future perspectives on ESD. It must first be noted that ESD is closely related to the concept of “Sustainable Development”, and that the idea of ESD first clearly appeared in the Thessaloniki Declaration of 1997. In 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, the Japanese government and NGO committee members advocated introduction of ESD into every effort for achieving a sustainable society and sustainable education systems by developing a United Nations international project. Therefore in 2005, the United Nations launched the “UN-Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). Since then, the number of research results and practical reports on ESD has increased. In Japan, the national government has been promoting ESD, for example, by arranging several laws and systems concerned with ESD. Furthermore, many educators and practitioners have also endeavored to implement ESD in many fields, such as school education, social education, and in local communities where networks and communities hold consultations for improved environments and amenities. Research outcomes such as ESD theory, ESD in school education, and ESD in community-building education are also taken up in this paper in order to explain current research contents, methodologies and findings. Regarding the volume and quality of research outcomes in the field of ESD, there is still a need for further consideration. In respect to the works mentioned above, there are ten points on problems, prospects, and themes that need to be henceforth addressed and are briefly mentioned.
飯沼 慶一
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.29, no.3, pp.3_12-20, 2020 (Released:2020-04-15)

Although it is widely suggested that the beginning of environmental education in Japan is education conducted to teach about conservation and pollution, there are only a few historical details from the viewpoint school education. This focuses on Seijo Elementary School during the "Taisho New Education Movement" period, and seeks to examine the transition of the relationship between "nature studies", "lower-grade science" and "play time" utilizing the magazine "Studies On Educational Problems", published by Seijo Elementary School. Since its establishment, Seijo Elementary School has been conducting educational experiments incorporating "nature studies" to establish science as a subject for lower grades. However, after about ten years, the research on science for lower grades decreased, and "nature studies" continued as a research issue for "play time" together with integrated education. The research of "nature studies" at Seijo Elementary School has created not only the foundation of learning about nature in lower-grade science, which led to the introduction of environmental education, but has also shifted to the study of "play time" and the establishment of "Living Environment Studies", which is the main subject in current environmental education for lower grades in elementary school.
Kantaro Tabiraki Young Sook Nam
The Japanese Society for Environmental Education
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.28, no.4, pp.4_4-12, 2019 (Released:2019-07-31)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the significance and roles of environmental education by reintroducing the oriental white stork, hereinafter referred to as stork education. First, the study focused on how stork education corresponds with the curriculum in school education and needs of learning in the area where the reintroduction of storks is addressed. Second, the focus was on significance and content of stork education in a local government basic educational promotion plan. Furthermore, attempts were made to identify the future in which stork education is taught in Japan and the Republic of Korea. The results revealed the true state of stork education, the role of teacher training courses that employ storks and textbooks, and the development of educational programs in Japan and Korea that have stork education as their theme. The analysis of the application of this educational program and its effects thereof were beyond the range of this study. In conclusion, the results of this study may also beneficial to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) programs. Consequently, the researchers recommend conducting a further study on ESD programs to assess how they are contributing toward the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in not only elementary schools but also middle and high schools.
今村 光章 石川 聡子 井上 有一 塩川 哲雄 原田 智代
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.13, no.1, pp.22-30, 2003-09-30
松本 京子 岳野 公人 浦田 慎 松原 道男 加藤 隆弘 鈴木 信雄 早川 和一
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.27, no.1, pp.1_16-22, 2017 (Released:2018-06-28)

This study clarifies the factors that influence children’s settlement intention in rural areas through community-based education. Derived from a questionnaire that surveyed elementary and junior high school students, we found that offering an education focusing on marine studies made a significant contribution to a child’s motivation to learn marine education, to participate in community festivals, participate in community events other than community festivals and to take pride in local products. This confirms that contact with nature and developing pride in the natural surroundings of the community heighten involvement in the community and children’s settlement intention.
原子 栄一郎
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 = Environmental education (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.3, pp.88-101, 2010-03-31
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&nbsp;&nbsp;On the special occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Japanese Society of Environmental Education, systematic reviews of environmental education research were conducted. In this paper I as an editor in charge reflect on these reviews as a whole with an aim to developing an academic field on the basis of the ideas of environmental education. The following questions lead my argument: 1) What is an overall framework of the systematic reviews of environmental education research? 2) What is the ultimate goal of the reviews? 3) What mentality underlies the framework? 4) What would another mentality look like? 5) What reviews could be conducted on the premise of another mentality? and, 6) What possibilities would there be of environmental education research in the future? </br>&nbsp;&nbsp;I compare the systematic reviews of environmental education research in Japan with those conducted in the international environmental education community using English as a common language and consider the former to be underpinned by &lsquo;instrumental mentality&rsquo; and the latter by &lsquo;reflexive mentality.&rsquo; I also argue that there are contrastive differences between these two environmental education communities in terms of orientations in the overall framework of research reviews and the ultimate goals of the reviews. </br>&nbsp;&nbsp;I conclude the paper by suggesting that an attempt to &lsquo;re-story&rsquo; action in the interwoven spheres of culture, environment and education, which is work across various fields of green in the environmental education and related communities, should be one of the possibilities of environmental education research in the future.
稲守 将基 荻原 彰 INAMORI Masaki OGIHARA Akira
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.2, pp.47-57, 2009-12-15

For this study, a questionnaire survey of cooperation between elementary schools and civic groups in environmental education was conducted. Civic groups and teachers of elementary schools in Aichi Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture, and Mie Prefecture were surveyed. The main results of this research are as follows. 1. Teachers rely on informal information, and are not using coordinators enough. 2. Programs are often done during the period for integrated study, but much of the program content concerns science. 3. Meetings are often done before cooperation, but preliminary inspection of fields is not done very much. 4. Learning outcomes are not shared enough. 5. Teachers and civic groups are having difficulty in adjusting time, and civic groups feel difficulty in communication with the teachers. 6. Civic groups keenly hope for communication with the teachers. 7. Teachers and the civic groups often hope for cooperation in the region. 8. Teachers hope for systematic education. The following proposals are given based on the situation described above: 1. It is necessary to promote coordination. 2. It is necessary to expand cooperation to the subjects. It is necessary to increase jointly developed programs. 3. It is necessary to secure time for preparing and evaluating cooperation.
Shinichi Furihata Sachi Ninomiya-Lim
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.26, no.4, pp.4_1-6, 2017 (Released:2017-07-19)

This special issue is the result of a 2-year collaborative project involving environmental education (EE) societies/associations from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, North America, and Australia. The aim of the project was to create a platform to share ideas, practices, and theories of EE in the Asian region, with English as the common language. The discussion was organized around five core themes: 1) Development, current situation, and challenges of EE in formal education; 2) Development, current situation, and challenges of EE in non-formal education; 3) Research trends in EE; 4) Insights for EE in Asia from outside of Asia; 5) Review, comparison, and synthesis of findings to go beyond a presentation of EE in various countries and instead highlight the recurring transversal issues. We hope this special issue will contribute to furthering dialogue among EE scholars and practitioners in Asia, and to building bridges between EE in Asia and other regions.
西村 仁志
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.23, no.3, pp.3_17-28, 2014 (Released:2016-03-25)

A movement for basing educational facilities on nature, i.e. the "nature school", has been established in Japan since the 1980s, and has extended to various regions. Three factors are central to the background of this movement. These are the presentation of an proposed alternative to the conventional educational system, a sense of crisis regarding the sustainability of human society, and depopulation in rural areas. Outdoor education has become established as a profession over the last 20 years, and its social cognition has advanced. The "nature school" concept is expected to play a role as a "creative basis for a sustainable society".
野村 卓
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1_113-124, 2009 (Released:2011-01-25)
2 1

In Environmental Education, as for this study, Suzuki and Matsubaguchi organized the research direction until 2005. The content was provided in arrangement with the specialties Home Economics Education, Agricultural Education, Consumer Education, and Teacher Education concerning school education research. However, the problem of food-agriculture in Environmental Education is as diverse as the problems of different regions and societies. In the future, the role of Environmental Education in the problem of Food-Agriculture should cover not only School Education research but also the research direction of Adult and Community Education. Here, the focus is to integrate the accumulated research in the area of Food and Agriculture in a cohesive relationship. We think that these become problems of Environmental Education research in the future, especially where consumer administration is undertaken.
野田 恵
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.24, no.2, pp.2_17-27, 2014 (Released:2016-11-25)

The purpose of this study is to logically clarify radical elements in Nature Schools to further clarify the significance of Nature Schools in building a sustainable society. Nature Schools solve regional social problems using experiencing nature as a tool. However, so far experiencing nature has been thought of as difficult to change social structure.  This paper investigates the relationship between people and nature in Nature Schools, taking a cue from Vandana Shiva's criticism of modern science. As a result, this study showed that the relationship between people and nature constructed by Nature Schools is fundamentally different from the relationship between people and nature in modern times.  That is to say, by experiencing nature, people can build a friendly relationship with nature and experience nature comprehensively. Nature is never decisively destroyed through nature experiencing activities. This kind of alternative relationship between people and nature that is created through experiencing nature is a radical element of Nature Schools. Moreover, the Nature School movement contains the element "sharing and diversity," and this can be valued as a radical element as well.
鈴木 敏正
環境教育 = Environmental education (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.3, pp.29-40, 2010-03-31

Adult and Community Education is the practice to support and organize the activities of self-directed education for widening and deepening cultural reasons based on real life. It is composed of enjoying human culture and learning of living/environment, act/cooperation, production/distribution, and self-governing/policy. Environmental Education is to promote living/environment learning as learning to be, and to form Environmental Reason, through realizing the mutual relationship between human individuals and their environment.   Environmental Education has to be based on the theory of 'Conscientization' proposed by Paulo Freire, and 'Learning Network' proposed by Ivan Illich. It is real as Community Development Education that needs Illich's ideas of Conviviality, Subsistence and Commons, and Freire's Ideas for 'Pedagogy of Hope' However, if we are to regenerate those theories and ideas in Environmental Education, we must critically analyze them and clarify their meanings and limits.   The article will discuss, firstly, Illich's criticism against modern technique and institution, and Freire's understandings of human praxis, secondly, Freire's pedagogy towards environmental education, thirdly, Illich's idea of Learning Network towards Education for Sustainable Community Development Education (ESCD). Lastly, it will propose Community Environmental Education (CEE) to structurize the learnings (1) to conscientize nature, (2) to self-conscientize one's own life, (3) to realize the relationship between nature and human being, and (4) to empower the people by themselves for regenerating the environment.
樋口 利彦 菊池 滉 朝岡 幸彦
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.23, no.3, pp.3_93-104, 2014 (Released:2016-03-25)

This study analyzed a five-year adult learning course focusing on conservation of the natural environment in suburban area. The course included field trip activities involving visits to certain communities to observe their environmental conservation efforts, as well as observations of the natural environment and landscape of participants’ community. Our analysis sought to determine whether field trips lead to acquisition of knowledge of action strategies for conservation of the natural environment. Data obtained from 124 descriptions of impressions written by members were divided into individual words through text mining. Cluster analysis using 63 words with high appearance frequency revealed nine themes. Two themes, “Activities/Programs of Conservation” and “Citizen Participation,” suggested that the trips facilitated opportunities for the participants to witness citizen volunteers and government officials together creating conservation plans and managing the parks and conservation areas to conserve the natural environment. It is suggested that the community regime on citizen’s participation contributing to the successful policy and action, as collaborative planning for conservation, is important for the acquisition of action strategies for environmental conservation. These findings implied that acquiring information about citizen participation influencing the process of successful environmental policy and action is important in education focusing on environmental behavior. Statistical analysis revealed that the occurrence ratios of both themes, “Activities/Program of Conservation” and “Citizen Participation”, were relatively higher in educational programs for visits to other communities than in other programs such as lectures and environmental surveys of their community. Additionally, both themes were closely related to the “Action/Attitude” word group. Thus, field trips enabled participants to understand the importance of community participation and learn of environmental action strategies through observing effective policies and citizen participation.
中村 和彦 斎藤 馨
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.23, no.3, pp.3_81-92, 2014 (Released:2016-03-25)

Existing learning tools involving images have a risk of creating false perceptions due to inappropriate editing. This problem can be resolved by using unprocessed and unedited image archives openly available on the Internet. However, there is still no proven approach for providing learning tools using such image archives. The objective of this study was to examine the development of phenology observation learning tools using unprocessed and unedited image archives. For this study, learning tools using unprocessed and unedited image archives collected since 1995 in the University Forest in Chichibu (the University of Tokyo) were used on a trial basis for phenology observation studies at three elementary schools. The reactions of the pupils were videotaped, and the resulting responses of the teachers and pupils were analyzed. We also performed textual analysis of the pupils’ post-lesson statements about their impressions. As a result, the following three development courses were revealed. First, over a time scale of one year, learning tools that asked pupils to observe more detailed changes based on their previous experience were recommended. Second, in expanding the time scale from one to two years, it was found desirable to include learning that supported the expansion of a time scale including immediate experience. Finally, for multi-year phenology observation, we found it necessary to clearly convey to teachers and pupils that inter-annual variations of phenology were observable, and that long-term trends were not evident.
荻原 彰
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1_129-138, 2009 (Released:2011-01-25)

In this research, I surveyed the United States' educational reform and its effect on environmental education and also the response of environmental education to reform. I tried to obtain suggestions for Japan. The score of achievement tests is valued highly in the No Child Left Behind Act. Therefore, environmental education is disregarded.   Environmental education deals with this crisis by two means: first, making of standards, and second, insitence that environmental education is useful as a tool of educational reform.   Through several research projects, it has been clarified that environmental education is useful for improving scholastic attainments and reducing discipline problems. This is because environmental education gives meaning to the study of subjects and develops a sense of belonging and self-efficacy for students. Schools that succeed in the improvement of scholastic attainments and the reduction of discipline problems through environmental education have common features. Such a feature is, for instance, development of an interdisciplinary curriculum by an interdisciplinary team.   Finally, proposals are given for improvement of environmental education in Japan.