熊沢 由美
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.22, pp.35-49, 2001-11

The usage of the term "social welfare" started after the World War II in Japan, in article 25 of the Constitution enacted in 1946. The term appeared while the Diet was debating on the bill of the Constitution based on GHQ's draft. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the implication of the term in the Constitution by analysis on the process the Diet and others debated on the bill. As the result of this study, it is clear that the term of "social welfare" in the Constitution doesn't mean concrete policies but an aim of policies. It is a new concept of an aim to make policies under the control of the Welfare Ministry.
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.60, pp.101-116, 2015-03

Since 1990, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has achieved the highest economic growth in the whole China. From 2003 to 2009, for seven successive years, its real GDP growth rate was ranked at the first place among the 31 Chinese provinces and, except 1991 and 1999 it was with consecutive two digits growth for 19 years until 2011 (figure 1, table 1). The economic gross weight (the GDP total amount) drastically rose too, from the 23rd place to 15th place in a mere four years from 2004 through 2008 (table 2). The real economic growth rate that exceeded the average growth rate of the whole China, continued for 16years until 2011 (figure 1, table 1). This economic (GDP) growth is also called "Inner Mongolia phenomenon". However, in 2005, the growth rate dropped (as the nominal growth rate from its peak of 2008), and it was ranked at the six place with 15% in 2010, and in sixth place with 14.3%, in 2011. In addition, nominal growth rate of 5.28% in 2013 was the worst rate since 1978 (figure 1, table 1). In this paper, from the awareness of contributing factors for Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region economic high-speed growth, we will analyze empirically the factors that influenced to this economic high growth after 1990 and particularly after 2000. As a conclusion of this paper, we can summarize that the main factor that contributed to the high economic growth of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region it was the investment-led growth method in underground mineral resources development-related industry.
大宮 誠
現代社会文化研究 = 現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.52, pp.33-50, 2011-12

This paper is a research on the plan, system and actual conditions of the sea route navigation during the Asian Pacific War (1941-1945). Owing to Japan's need for import resources and food from overseas, the Japanese government made the materal mobilization plan. As a result the Ship Steering Committee was created to control the ship operation. But becasuse of the intensification of the war, the sea areas surrounding Japan were blockaded one after another. Thus, the sea route between the Sea of Japan and northeast Korea became much more important to carry supplies.
関谷 勝
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.21, pp.55-71, 2001-08

The establishment of Medicaid (Title XIX of the Social Security Act) in 1965 is a jointly-funded, state-administered federal program that provides health care to the indigent. Medicaid is a Federal-State matching entitlement program providing medical assistance to low-income persons who are aged, blind, disabled, members of families with dependent children, and certain other pregnant women and children. The federal government then provides a grant of between 50% and 83% of the program's cost. The Medicaid legislation became effective on January 1, 1966. Today, all fifty states have Medicaid programs. The federal government established broad guidelines under which states are allowed to structure Medicaid programs specific to the needs of their citizens. Recipients numbered an estimated 35.2 million in 1995, and the cost has increased to $184.7 billion in 1998. The increasing cost of Medicaid has hit the states even harder than the federal government. On average, states pay 45% of Medicaid's cost. Medicaid dominates most states' health budgets, and is the second largest budget item in many states. Nevertheless, because of an inability to meet certain eligibility criteria, many of the targeted residents are not eligible for Medicaid assistance. Now, more than 40 million of Americans have no health insurance or other coverage and lack the income and resources needed to abtaion health care.
中村 公義
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.29, pp.37-54, 2004-03

Recently, pupils can't enough express their selves, thinks and hopes at class and it is very difficult to shape their autonomy. Therefore, this study looks at pupil's self-esteem and thinks that difficult conditions to shape pupil's autonomy are due to decline of pupil's self-esteem, and considers the background and clears some tasks of class management to improve it. And as way to brew them , this study considers some tasks of recent class management to propose proper posture of class not as complicated place where human relations are difficult , but as place to shape pupil's self-esteem by making good relationship of between a class teachers and pupils.
Fukushima Masayoshi
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.60, pp.161-168, 2015-03

本研究は、何故新興企業がライバル企業より利益率を早くそして高くあげることができるのかについて実証するため仮説と検証方法を提案することを目的とする。二つの対立的な概念を用いる。一つ目はレッドクイーン効果(RQE -攻めの競争行動)、二つ目はメールストローム効果(MSE-守りの戦略)である。RQE下でのDCと、MSE下でのDCでは、企業が得られる成果が全く異なることを論じる。DCは、急激な環境変化に対処するために内部と外部のコンピタスを統合、構築、再構成することができる企業の能力(Teece, 2009)をいう。ハイパー・コンペティション下の市場では積極的に攻めることがますます重要になってきている。しかしRQE下での行動は競争圧力を向上させ、競争者の数を増やし、行動のスピードも増すことになり、次第に企業業績に悪影響を及ぼす。利益率を上げるには攻めと守りの両立が解であることを分析し実証を次回の論文で明らかにする。
広田 秀樹 Hirota Hideki
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.60, pp.49-65, 2015-03

A serious missile crisis occurred in Europe during the late 1970s and 1980s after the Soviet Union deployed very powerful SS-20 intermediate-range nuclear force (INF) missile in 1977. Such bold military behavior on the part of Soviet Union represented the superiority of the leading socialist nation, pitted against the leading capitalist nation of the United States. Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as U.S. president in 1981. In response to this military action of the Soviet Union, his administration adopted a strategy known as "peace through strength". This was a fairly new approach that aimed to solve international political issues and establish world peace by utilizing national strengths, such as military power and technology in addition to economic prosperity. This paper explores the beginning of the missile crisis in Europe, as well as the beginning of the Reagan administration's strategy of "peace through strength".
呉 斌
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.35, pp.151-168, 2006-03

曽 穎 Zeng Ying
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.43, pp.107-124, 2008-12

小林 佳乃子 Kobayashi Kanoko
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.55, pp.149-163, 2012-12

Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005) provides ground rules for an adult who lacks mental capacity and persons who act or decide for them in England and Wales. The act is a revision of the previous system that was regarded as complicated, inflexible, and piecemeal. Major characteristics of the MCA 2005 are that it defines mental capacity more specifically and it includes various people's involvement in supporting the operation of the MCA 2005. Above all, the MCA 2005 adds emphasis on respecting the best interests of the relevant person whom lacks of mental capacity. However, it is obscure to find out what the courts interpret the best interest for the individual to be, particularly that of cases relating to serious medical treatment or sexual acts, since the MCA 2005 was implemented. The paper therefore picks up cases which have dealt with interpretations of the best interest. The court avoided a definitive conclusion about the best interest concerning cases of sexual acts which can be delicate issues. The best interest will defer according to the person's situation/circumstance at times who lacks mental capacity.
渡辺 英雄
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.23, pp.89-99, 2002-03

In this article, I consider how the Supreme Court of the United States has applied the standard adopted by Tinker, whether teachers can constitutionally restrict the student's freedom of speech, to later cases. Especially, I refer to three cases in which the Supreme Court applied that standard in the 1980's. It the Pico case at 1982, plurality opinion of the judges decided that removal of certain books from school libraries by the board of education was unconstitutional because the special characteristics of the school library made it's environment especially appropriate for the students to recognize their First Amendment rights. As to matters of curriculum, instead, discretion was recognized broadly to accomplish the duty of inculcating community values upon students. In Fraser at 1986, the regulation by school officials concerning obscene speech of student at the assembly as a curriculum was judged constitutional because the school mission of education could be violated if it was permitted. The Hazelwood judgment in 1988 was a crucial shift. Opinion of the court distinguished the speech, which is the personal expression of the student in the Tinker case, and 'the school sponsored speech'. And a passive jurisdiction rule was applied to the latter one so as to allow the school officials to exercise extended authority. Through the consideration of these judgments, then, I present the conclusion that the purpose of the public education which the Supreme Court of the United States has set up, is consistently based on "Civil Education".
劉 成竜 Liu Chenlong
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.63, pp.1-11, 2016-12

A long time ago, people began to grow fearful of the netherworld, and wanted to understand it. Soon, as a result, the rebirth story (SAISEI SETUWA) came into being. In it, characters who had experienced death told of their experiences in the netherworld, and through this story we can catch a glimpse of ancient people's understanding of the netherworld. In the Chinese classical rebirth story, the distance between the real world and the netherworld is clearly written, while in the Japanese-Chinese story, a boundary exists between life and death. The characters can go through the boundary into the netherworld, and return to the real world. In the Chinese story, the characters enter the netherworld by a horizontal move, and come back to the real world by a perpendicular move. In the Japanese version, the characters go into the netherworld by falling perpendicularly into a hole. In this thesis, I will define the differences in the distance and boundary between the real world and the netherworld in the Japanese and Chinese versions of the rebirth story.
荒木 陽子 Araki Yoko
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.44, pp.201-217, 2009-03

Charles G. D. Roberts, a leading poet of the "confederation group" in the late 19th century Canada, reworked the images of "Canada" created by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's Evangeline (1847) to represent his Maritime homeland. Focusing on two of Roberts's early sonnets, "Blomidon" (1885) and "Tides" (1890), this article explores the images particularly chosen from the "American epic" to construct the representation of the Maritimes. The examination of Evangeline-driven images in his verses initially published in Century (New York) shows how Roberts wanted his readers to imagine his own "home". Readers will find that Roberts put emphasis on the sublime, rather harsh seascape which directs his readers' attention to the "Acadia destroyed" after the Acadian expulsion (1755), instead of the picturesque idyll emphasized in Longfellow's work. Such images of the Maritimes, however, may not be consistent with the tourism-oriented images of the area that Roberts as a "local authority" involved in its construction.
河内 秀樹
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.22, pp.221-236, 2001-11

Three kinds of accent systems exist in the Tochigi prefectural area. One is the "No-pattern accent system", which can be seen in general all over the prefecture. The second is the "Tokyo accent system" which is most noticeable in the prefecture's Ashikaga city. The third, which is the "Ambiguous accent system", has characteristics of both the above mentioned accent systems and is mostly found in Sano city. This study investigates the characteristics of the present accent of the Tochigi prefecture which possesses all these three kinds of accent system. It also considers the influence which "the phenomenon of doing the common becoming the word" exerts.
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.49, pp.137-161, 2010-12

河村 直幸
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
no.27, pp.107-124, 2003-07

This research paper is empirical research of the interest group's ability to gather votes. This research is attempted through the use of newspaper articles and empirical documents. In recent years, many media instantiate that the ability to gather votes of the many interest groups have been breaking the momentum. Compared to the old days, all kinds of case example in national and local election show that ability to gather votes of interest group have been waning. The powers of interest group's organization have been waning alike. But then, there is some case that cannot say with certainty "the ending of the ability to gather votes".
鳥力 吉図
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.24, pp.215-232, 2002-07

浦崎 貞子
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.34, pp.107-122, 2005-12

After the official announcement of Niigata Minamata disease, Niigata Prefecture established a task force immediately, and gave women instructions on "pregnancy regulations" and "prohibition of breast-feeding." As a result of these instructions, only one case of fetal Minamata disease was reported in Niigata. The judicial trial concerning the Niigata Minamata disease has been reconciled politically and it appears that this problem has been settled. However, when we take a closer look at the problem from the point of view of gender, it is obvious that "Reproductive Health and Rights" was not taken into consideration. Consequently there are many issues which remain unresolved. Therefore, we examined the process by which these "regulations" were established from the viewpoint of "gender" and "Reproductive Health and Rights" in relation to current environmental issues.
蔡 宜静
現代社会文化研究 (ISSN:13458485)
vol.29, pp.18-34, 2004-03
