細山 隆夫
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:13478117)
no.193, pp.11-39, 2011-01

八木 隆徳 坂上 清一 渡辺 也恭 高橋 俊 小路 敦
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 = Research bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region (ISSN:13478117)
no.199, pp.13-23, 2013-03

六笠 裕治
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:13478117)
no.195, pp.57-114, 2011-08

普通ソバとダッタンソバのソバ属栽培2種について,それぞれの生殖様式に応じた育種法の開発と様々な育種素材を用いた育種や遺伝解析を実施した。普通ソバでは,近縁野生種F. homotropicumの自家和合性を利用した近交系統の養成と,長柱花の自家不和合性を利用した近交系統間の単交雑による一代雑種育種法の確立を中心に検討した。ダッタンソバでは,温湯除雄法の開発による交配の簡便化を通じて交雑育種体系を構築し, 様々な育種素材の遺伝解析を行いながら,純系育成を目指した系統育種を進めた。研究成果を要約すると以下の通りである。1 近縁野生種F. homotropicum と普通ソバとの種間交雑による自家和合性の導入に伴う,野生種由来の子実脱落性の問題を解決するため,育種に利用可能な子実非脱落性個体の選抜を行った。選抜した個体は,後代検定においても子実脱落性個体を生じず, 普通ソバと共通して,子実脱落性の遺伝子座shtlを劣性ホモに有する自家和合個体と考えられた。(以下、略)
井上 聡 廣田 知良 濱嵜 孝弘 根本 学
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 = Research bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region (ISSN:13478117)
no.203, pp.15-21, 2014-10

鵜川 洋樹 細山 隆夫 藤田 直聡 安武 正史
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:13478117)
no.180, pp.45-161, 2004-03

The difference between regions of dairy pro-duction is becoming still clearer with develop-ment of dairy farming after the 1990s. Moreover, in order to advance systematization of agricultural production concretely, the state of the dairy farming development in an area must be grasped quantitatively. In addition, those prospective trend forecasting is also re-quired. Then, in this paper, trend forecasting of the dairy farming development in the main dairy producing district regions in Hokkaido is aimed at comprehensive and explaining quanti-tatively. Therefore, the management arable-land area and the head of dairy cattle, which specify the state of development of the Hokkaido dairy, which depends on a land use type dairy, are taken up. And the number of dairy farms according to each scale class is analyzed. Therefore, a dynamic table is cre-ated from agricultural census farm question-naire in 1995 and 2000. And the Markov analysis was applied to this dynamic table, and the number of dairy farms by 2020 was esti-mated by the unit for five years. Transition of the Hokkaido dairy in 1950-2000 is surveyed as they are sharp reduction of the number of dairy farms, and the steep in-crease in a head of dairy cattle. Moreover, in the reality of the number reduction of dairy farmers, sharp reduction of a small-scale class and the increase in a large-scale class were progressing simultaneously. Moreover, there was almost no change in a dairy farm's man-agement arable-land area in spite of such a big change involving head of dairy cattle. Consequently, a head of dairy cattle and man-agement arable-land area were steep increased per farm. However, management arable-land area per animal decreased, and land use type livestock raising was obliged to retreat. However, such a tendency begins to become slow after 1990s, and it can be considered that the trend of the Hokkaido dairy went into the stable aspect of affairs. Scale expansion of Nemuro region is the most remarkable in both sides of increase-and-decrease forecasting of a turning point of the number of dairy farms to arable-land area, and a dairy cattle head. Subsequently, it con-tinues with Kushiro and Soya region, and Rumoi region. However, the turning point of a dairy cattle head is larger than that of ar-able-land area in this except Rumoi region, and the scale expansion speed of a dairy cattle head has exceeded arable_land area. And this difference of Tokachi region is the largest. Such a tendency is seen also at Abashiri re-gion, Hidaka region, and Oshima region. Nemuro region becomes the class composi-tion whose arable-land area and dairy cattle head inclined toward the large-scale class from forecasting of a mode class. And both Soya and Rumoi region become the class composi-tion concentrated on a middle scale. On the other hand, the arable-land area of Kushiro and Tokachi region is concentrated on a middle scale. The dairy cattle head of Kushiro region inclines on a large scale, and is forecasted to distribute the dairy cattle head of Tokachi re-gion on a middle scale from large-scale. Although the trend of cities, towns and vil-lages is in correspond with the trend of each region in general, the dairy cattle head of Tokachi region has a large difference by cities, towns and villages. That is, Shihoro-cho, Kamishihoro-cho, Shikaoi-cho, etc. concentrate arable-land area on a middle scale. However, a dairy cattle head inclines on a large scale, and is forecasted that both Honbetsu-cho, Otofuke-cho, etc. become the class composition concentrated on a middle scale. Comparison of the average of the rate of re-duction of the numbers of dairy farms from 1995 to 2000 and the rates of the number re-duction of before five-year dairies from 2000 to 2020 forecasting falling in almost all areas. Therefore, it is tended to converge reduction of the number of dairy farms. The trend forecasting result of the area where transition according to scale class of "small-scale reduction and a large-scale in-crease" is forecasted for arable_land area and a dairy cattle head is classified into a "small-scale decline, middle-scale survival, and large-scale increase" type in many cases. Nemuro re-gion, Bekkai-cho, Kushiro region, Shibecha-cho, Teshikaga-cho,Toyotomi-cho,Bifuka-cho,Kamishihoro-cho, Urahoro-cho, Taiki-cho, and Monbetsu-shi correspond. Moreover, although the same transition according to scale class is forecasted, there are Nakashibetsu-cho, Akkeshi-cho, Esashi-cho, and Churui-mura as an area where the types of a trend forecasting result differ. All are classified into a "minor scale decline and large_scale increase" type, and espe-cially in a dairy cattle head, these areas have the remarkable increase in a large-scale class, and are forecasted to become scale expansion by which it inclined toward the dairy cattle head. Shiranuka-cho, Nemuro-shi, Teshio-cho,Wakkanai-shi, and Hiroo-cho are as transition according to scale class by in arable-land area by being forecasted as small-scale reduction and a large-scale increase, a small-scale de-crease and a large-scale not increase by dairy cattle heads. The type of the trend forecasting result of these areas is common in respect of "middle-scale survival." A "small-scale decline, middle-scale survival, and large-scale increase" type, Shiranuka-cho, Wakkanai_shi, and Hiroo-cho are classified into a "middle-scale survival and change smallness" type for Teshio-cho,Nemuro-shi and Shikaoi-cho. Similarly, al-though transitions according to scale class are forecasted to be small-scale reduction and a large-scale increase in arable-land area, Nakagawa-cho, Honbetsu-cho, Sarufutsu-mura, and Otofuke-cho decrease in number as an area without change in a whole class in dairy cattle heads. The class composition form of these areas is forecasted that arable-land area and a dairy cattle head become a single peak type in general. The type of a trend forecasting result is also common in respect of "middle_scale survival." Tsurui-mura, Hamatonbetsu-cho, Abashiri region, Yubetsu-cho, and Chitose-shi are as a large_scale increase is not seen but a small scale reduction is forecasted in arable-land area, small-scale reduction and a large-scale increase is forecasted in dairy cattle heads. The type of the trend forecasting result of these areas is common by "middle-scale sur-vival", except Abashiri region. Similarly, in arable-land area, it is forecasted as small-scale reduction, and the dairy cattle head of transi-tion according to scale class is also small-scale decreases, a large-scale increase is not seen in Soya region, Rumoi region, Kamikawa region, Tokachi region, Ishikari region, Hidaka region, Oshima region, etc. In these areas, in order that only a small-scale class may decrease, the forecasting it is supposed that the form of class composition becomes the single peak type or flat which the number of farms had from the first, and which is concentrated on a mid-dle scale has a large number. The trend forecasting result of the area forecasted that class composition form becomes a single peak type is common by "middle-scale survival." Hamanaka-cho, Obihiro-shi,Makubetsu-cho,Shimizu-cho, Ashoro-cho, Omu-cho, Saroma-cho, and Yakumo-cho correspond. There are Shibetsu-cho, Horonobe-cho and Monbetsu-cho as an area where transition ac-cording to scale class of arable-land area is forecasted to have no change. Although tran-sition according to scale class of a dairy cattle head is divided into small-scale reduction and a large-scale increase as having no change, it is forecasted that each form of class composition becomes a single peak type. The trend fore-casting result is common by "middle-scale sur-vival." Especially, in Shibetsu-cho and Shihoro-cho, the large-scale class of a dairy cattle head increases, and it is forecasted that an ar-able-land area becoming middle-scale survival and a dairy cattle head becomes a large-scale increase, and becomes scale expansion which in-clined toward the dairy cattle head.
篠田 浩一 村田 奈芳
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:13478117)
no.195, pp.13-21, 2011-08

1.北海道農業研究センターで育成したアリウム「札幌1号(ブルーパフューム)」,「札幌2号(スカイパフューム)」 の開花調節法の検討を行った。2. 促成開花には「札幌1号」は定植前に5℃で10~12週(2.5~3か月), 「札幌2号」は5℃で2か月程度の低温処理が必要である。3. 促成栽培で得られた鱗茎(切り下球)を用いて6月から低温処理を行うことにより10月からの開花が可能である。低温処理開始時期や低温処理期間を変えることにより,10月~1月までの連続した出荷が可能となる。4.-2℃で貯蔵した鱗茎を1~9月に定植したところ,いずれの定植日でも開花する個体が認められた。しかし,高温期に定植した場合,開花率や品質の低下がみられた。5. 長日処理には,開花率の向上や開花の促進,花茎の伸長促進等の効果が認められた。
安東 郁男 荒木 均 清水 博之
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 (ISSN:13478117)
no.186, pp.31-46, 2007-03

「おぼろづき」は、「空育150号」(後のあきほ)/「北海287号」の交雑後代から育成された品種であり、2003年に水稲農林398号として命名登録され、併せて2006年に種苗法に基づく品種登録がなされた。また2005年に北海道の奨励品種に採用された。「おぼろづき」の特性は、主要品種の「ほしのゆめ」と比較して以下の通りである。1. 出穂期・成熟期はほぼ同程度の中生の早に属する。2. 稈長はやや短く、穂長はやや長く、穂数は少なく、穂数型の草型である。耐倒伏性はやや強で、やや優る。3. 収量性はやや低い。千粒重は同等で、粒厚も同等である。4. 障害型耐冷性は同ランクの強である。いもち病抵抗性は、葉いもちはやや弱、穂いもちは中で、ともやや優る。5. 玄米品質は同等の中上であり、検査等級は同等かやや優る。6. 白米のアミロース含有率は5%程度低く14%程度であり、「あやひめ」より4%程度高い。含有率の年次変動はやや大きいが、「あやひめ」より小さい。7. タンパク質含有率はやや高い。8. 食味は粘り、柔らかさ、つやが優り、食味総合値は優る。「あやひめ」と比べると、粘り、柔らかさは小さい。以上の特性から、極良食味米品種として、上川(士別以南)、留萌(中南部)、空知、石狩、後志、日高、胆振および檜山各支庁管内の稲作地帯に適応する。
杉山 慶太 森下 昌三 野口 裕司 伊藤 喜三男 室 崇人 渡邉 春彦 早坂 良晴 浜田 佳子 嘉見 大助
北海道農業研究センター研究報告 = Research bulletin of the National Agricultural Research Center for Hokkaido Region (ISSN:13478117)
no.190, pp.1-19, 2009-03 (Released:2011-03-05)

「TC2A」は、渡辺採種場育成の「BHA」と北農研育成系統の「北海1号」を交配して得られたF1品種であり、2006年に北海道の優良品種に採用され、2007年に品種登録出願(第19817号)された。「TC2A」の特性は、主要品種の「えびす」と比較して以下の通りである。1. 主枝は13節前後までは節間が詰まり、短節間性の草型を示す。しかし、それ以降は徐々に伸長して普通草型となる。また、側枝の発生は少ない。低節位の節間長は高温度条件下で伸長しやすくなる。2. 雌花と雄花の開花は早く、果実は株もと近くに着果する。3. 果実の大きさは1.8~2.0kgであり、果形は果実の先端が凸となる偏円から心臓形である。果実表面には極浅い溝があり、果皮の地色は濃緑で、灰緑のすじ模様がある。また、花落ち痕は小さく、果皮の硬さは同程度である。果肉色は濃黄~橙黄色で、果肉は厚い。果肉の質は粉質であり、粉質度の指標となる乾物率は20~30%である。また、Brixは高い。4. 密植栽培で総収量は同等以上であり、規格内収量も多い。5. 主枝の摘心は不要であり、定植後に整枝・誘引を行わない放任栽培ができる。また、株もと近くの着果により収穫作業が容易であり、短い時間で収穫できる。6. うどんこ病に対する抵抗性は、幼苗での接種検定では「えびす」よりやや強い。圃場での発病時期は同じであるが、株もとの茎葉の枯れ上がりが早い傾向がある。