Hasegawa Kenji de Laar Tom
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:18810632)
no.20, pp.69-92, 2012

本稿はドイツと日本の赤軍が台頭した歴史的背景、及び映画における表象について考察する。1960年代後半以降の学生運動等の過激化、ドイツ及び日本政府のベトナム戦争への関与、高度消費社会の蔓延等、ドイツと日本の赤軍の出現には同時代的要素が多数あった。両国の赤軍派は大規模なテロ事件を引き起こす等、活動スタイルの類似点もあったが、日本の場合は浅間山荘事件と言う一つの事件が圧倒的な意義をもつようになった。赤軍派を取り上げる映画はドイツの方が多数存在するが、特に近年のAndres Veielによる一連の映画は以前の表彰ではなされなかった形で、「テロ」現象を冷静に、真っ向から再考している。日本の若松孝二も、これまでになかった真摯なアプローチで、連合赤軍をとらえ直している。Veielと若松の映画を比較考察する際、一つの顕著な違いは後者の「怒り」である。これは、両者の個人的な要素のみならず、日本とドイツにおける左翼テロリズムと戦後史の性格及び認識の違いによるものでもある。
丸山 千歌 小澤 伊久美
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:18810632)
no.18, pp.33-52, 2011

Japanese language textbooks include information about Japanese society and Japanese culture as Japanese learners tend to be interested in such topics (Kondoh and Maruyama, 2001:101) and one of the most important purposes for Japanese learners is to get knowledge of Japanese habitual customs and culture (Byram, 1997:45; Kumagaya, 2008:213). On the other hand, Japanese language education has been criticized from other fields of research, as in the case of a sociologist who saw Japanese teachers as reproducing Nihonjinron (Theories of Japanese uniqueness) enthusiastically discussed between the 1970's and the beginning of the 1980's (Yoshino, 1997), and a comment from a intercultural education scholar who criticized Japanese teachers for their inadequate sensitivity towards cultural stereotypes (Kurachi, 2003). An important point of our research is the analysis of the influence of stereotypical information in Japanese textbooks to Japanese learners. In addition because of the indication that the Japanese teachers who lie between the textbook and Japanese learners reinforces the cultural stereotypes on the textbooks, we are going to investigate how the Japanese teachers recognize the stereotypical information in Japanese textbooks. This paper reports the result of the pilot investigation towards 11 Japanese teachers with full teaching experience. It points out the existence of the Japanese teachers who have awareness of the stereotypes on the Japanese text, the inclination of the points they point out as stereotypical information differing from Kurachi(2003), and the individual differences of judgment based on their individual experiences.
丸山 千歌
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:18810632)
no.14, pp.145-158, 2007

Recently, Foreign language education such as English education and Japanese education, are focusing more on practical communication skills. Taking into account the strong relationships between language and culture, we need to discuss how and to what extent of the element of culture should be included into the language classroom. This discussion should be approached from various aspects such as texts, class activities, teachers, and learners. This paper reports qualitative analysis on the relationship between Japanese learners and the Japanese reading materials through the Personal Attitude Construct Analysis, developed by Naito (1993). It reports what kind of effect the Japanese learner receives from the Japanese texts, and inspects the usefulness of the Personal Attitude Construct Analysis.
北村 尚子
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:18810632)
no.18, pp.53-74, 2011

The understanding of the learning subjects that is considered students should learn in an early stage has a basic consistency between teachers and teaching materials however no specific command of that has been given. In order to discover the command of learning subjects necessary for the early learners, this writing takes up the request expression of "~te kudasai" (please do~) and analyzes from two sides; the human relationship of the communicators such as hierarchy and the strength of the friendship, and the cost that the person who received the request needs to take, using the conversation written in elementary level Japanese textbook as the investigation object. As a result of the investigation, we found that it is important for the students in first half of the elementary level to be able to understand that "~te kudasai" has the "request" function and is used in situations when people ask requests. For the students in the second half of the elementary level, they need to be able to understand the "request" function in the word and be able to use it when they ask a small cost request. They also need to understand that the word is also often used as "order" and be able to differentiate this word from other requests words in different situation to not to be excuse to people, considering the hierarchical relationship and the size of cost.
長谷川 健治
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:18810632)
no.16, pp.117-134, 2009
