明田 佳奈 河村 章人
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
vol.27, pp.85-103, 2001-10

海産哺乳類の中で唯一の草食動物である海牛類は、ジュゴン科のジュゴンとマナティ科のアメリカマナティ、アマゾンマナティ、アフリカマナティの2科から成る。海牛類の消化機構は他の肉食性海産哺乳類と比べて異なっていることから、注目を集めていた。本稿では海牛類の消化機構について、(1)消化管の解剖学的特性、(2)餌料植物の栄養学的特性、(3)消化機能に関連した栄養生態学的研究の3点を中心として、消化機構に関する既知の知見を概説し、今後の研究方向について展望する。 (1)海牛類は非反芻動物である。胃は単胃であり、「噴門腺」と呼ばれる海牛類に特有の腺塊がある。噴門腺は消化酵素を分泌する細胞と酸を分泌する細胞の2種の細胞から成っている。ジュゴンの噴門腺は球状に近いが、マナティ科のそれは指のような形をしている。ジュゴン科とマナティ科で形が違う理由は分かっていない。成体では腸は体長の9~16倍になる。ジュゴンの成獣では大腸は小腸の約2倍の長さになるのに対して、マナティでは大腸と小腸は同じ長さである。ジュゴンの盲腸は単一であるが、マナティの盲腸は先端が2つの角状に分岐している。解剖や形態の面から、海牛類は奇蹄目、長鼻目、ハイラックス目、げっ歯目やカメ目のアオウミガメが属する後腸動物に属する。 (2)ジュゴンは4科18種の海産顕花植物を摂餌する。淡水種であるアマゾンマナティを除いて、マナティは海域から淡水域までに生息する多種多様な水生植物を摂餌する。アメリカマナティは60種以上の水生植物を摂餌することが報告されている。ジュゴンが好んで食べる海草は陸生の草食動物が主に食べる植物と比べて、粗タンパク質含有量が少なく、粗繊維含有量が多く、カロリーが低い。一方、マナティ科が食べる水生植物を同じ陸上植物と比べると、粗タンパク質含有量が同等で、粗繊維含有量が少なく、カロリーが低い。陸生植物では水分が75~80%であるのに比べて、水生植物では85~95%が水分であるので、海牛類は自身の体を維持するために、大量の植物を食べなければならない。 (3)それぞれの研究で餌料植物は異なるが、海牛類の消化率は80~90%であり、陸上の非反芻動物はおろか、反芻動物よりも高いことが知られている。海牛類の消化機能は他の草食動物と比べてかなり優れている。消化管内容物の揮発性脂肪酸濃度の研究から、盲腸と大腸は餌料植物の繊維の分解と分解生成物の消化が行われる主な場所であることが考えられた。さらに、海牛類における餌料植物の体内滞留時間(120~216時間)は、後腸動物であるウマ(23~45時間)やゾウ(17~26時間)、オジロジカ(20~40時間)といった他の後腸動物やウシ(48~65時間)のような反芻動物と比べてとても長い。 海牛類は消化管や消化機能を草食性という自身の摂餌特性に適応させ、十分な栄養を体内に吸収するために少なくとも消化機能を2つの面で特化させた。1つは餌料植物が長い大腸内をよりゆっくり通過させて、餌料植物の体内滞留時間を長くしたことである。2つ目は繊維の分解とエネルギー吸収能力を高めるために、消化管内、特に盲腸や大腸に豊富な微生物を有するようになったことである。しかし、消化管内微生物に関する研究はいまだ行われていない。さらに、海牛類の消化生理や消化機能に関する知見はわずかである。今後、飼育環境下にある生存個体や、死亡個体を用いて、海牛類の消化機能に関する知見をさらに増やしていく必要がある。
木村 清志 岩槻 幸雄
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
no.13, pp.p21-24, 1994-12

今井 直 太原 英生 河村 章人
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
no.23, pp.1-12, 1999-12

森田 脩
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
no.4, pp.p1-72, 1990-03

Sod- and over-seeding methods have been considerabty employed on grassland development, especially in mountainous area of Japan. On the surface of untilled land, however , seed germination and seedling establishment seem variable depending on the ecosystematically combined conditions of vegetation, soil, and weather. In the present study the germinating process and behavior of surface-sown seeds of temperate grass species was, on a laboratory scale, investigated in relationship to thefunction of coleorhiza hairs in seedling establishment under several different conditions of soil and temperature.I. Characteristics of Germination and Establishment of Surface-sown Grass seeds1) Germination process and behavior In the germination process of tall fescue seed placed embryo downward on the soil of the seedbed, the coleorhiza appeared at the basal portion of the lemma and developed numerous hairs around the tip of that organ first. The coleorhiza hairs adhered to the soil surface, entered the soil and thenbound soil particles. This anchoring action of the coleorhiza and its hairs was followed by the appearance and penetration of the seminal root. The germination process of the coleorhiza phase was identical for different conditions of soil and environment, while the process of seminal root penetration was variable depending on the adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs equivalent to the maximum tensile load to pull seed out of the soil surface. To measure these values, an apparatus was devised in the present study. Germinating behavior was classified as three different types as follows:TYPE I (Lying type); Coleorhiza hairs of the seed adhered to, and were anchored in the soil, and theseed germinated in the same lying posture as it was placed.TYPE II (Rising type); Coleorhiza hairs grasped the soil well, and seed germinated in rising posture.TYPE Ⅲ (Exposed-root type); Colerohiza hairs failed to grasp the soil particles, and the seminal root could not directly penetrate into the soil adequatly. Seminal roots in most of the seeds were heldup and exposed over the soil surface.\n2) The variations in germinating behavior and adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs of six temperate grass species Orchardgrass, tall fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass had a relatively higher percentage of rising typein germinating behavior and of penetration of seminal root than did meadow fescue, perennial ryegrass and Italian ryegrass. The adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs was higher at the level of 2 gr per seedfor orchardgrass, tall fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass than at that of 1 gr per seed for the other grass species tested. Within each of grass species, the adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs was found to beclosely related to the percentage of rising type in germinating behavior (r=0.96, p<0.01). Overall six grass species examined, however, there was not relationship between those two measurements, probably reflecting in their differences in the shape and weight of seeds. Coleorhiza hairs, and especially their adhering strength, are a very important factor associated with seedling establishment of surface-sown seeds. From this perspective, there were some advantages insod- and over-seeding were for tall fescue, orchardgrass and Kentucky bluegass. Ⅱ. Effects of Environmental Conditions of Temperature and Soil on Germinating Behavior and Adhering Strength of Coleorhiza hairs1) Temperature The germinating behavior and the adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs of the surface-sown tall fescue were investigated under different temperature conditions. The best germination process wasobserved at the temperatures of 15- 25℃ which have been known as the favorable range of growthtemperatures for temperate grass species. Within that temperature range the coleorhiza hairsappeared,grew vigorously and adhered strongly to the soil surface,and the percentage of the rising type in germinating behavior was considerably higher as compared with other temperatures, such as5℃ and 35℃. At the unfavorable temperatures, the exposed root type was observed more frequently, reflecting the weak adherence of coleorhiza hairs which was associated with lower number andlength of the hairs. The lying type was infrequent throughout all temperature conditions tested. Theadhering strength of coleorhiza hairs was closely correlated with number and length of those hairs and with the percentage of rising type (r =0.89, p<0.01 and r=0.92, p<0.01).\n2) Soil type, moisture and hardness The germinating behavior and the adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs of surface-sown tall fescueseed in a yellow paddy field soil and in three different types (sampled from Takanoo, Kawatabi, and Nishinasuno areas) of Kuroboku soil treated with 7 or 6 moisture levels (40- 90%) were observed.With all soil types and moisture levels, the lying type was rernarkably dominant below the hardness value of 3 gr which was determined on the soil surface by the silk needle method. The percentages of the rising type and the exposed-root type were increased with increasing soil hardness related to the decreasing moisture content. The highest percentage of the rising type was obtained at 40% and 85%moisture contents for paddy field soil and for the Kuroboku soils respectivety,indicating that the adhering of coleorhiza hairs was very variable in different physical structures of soil.\n3) Forms of organic litter on the soil surface As for with the germination rate and percentage of tall fescue sown on the soil surface, thosevalues of that grass were not influenced by three different forms of organic litter placed on the soil surface (the leaf litter layer, the decomposed layer, and the ash layer), except for a lower germination ratewith the leaf litter layer. The rising type tended to be higher for the decomposed matter than the leaflitter form, although all percentages were considerably higher in the exposed-root type. The adheringstrength of the coleorhiza was, as the result of combining adhering potentiality of the hairs and physicalstructure of soil or organic matter, lower with the decomposed matter and ash layers as compared withthe yellow paddy field soils.\nIII. Effects of Soil Amendment matter and Seed Pressing on the Seed Germination and Seedling Establishrnent1) Application of soil amendment matter The germination behavior of surface-sown tall fescue was investigated at the different pH conditions of each of the yellow paddy field soils and the Takanoo Kuroboku soils treated with applications ofsoil amendment matter. The rising type in germinating behavior was dominant at the pH values of 5to 8 in the paddy field soils and at the values of 5 to 6 in the Kuroboku soils. An application of fused magnesium phosphate was more effective in improving the p.H value of the acid Kuroboku soils and the germinating behavior in that soil than was that of superphosphate.\n2) Seed pressing Cattle trampled surface-sown seeds into the soil induced more favorable germination, such as higher percentage and higher initial growth of plant. Without trampling, most of seeds were lost during unsettled conditions. The adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs of surface-sown seeds was increased by seed pressing to about 1.4-2.4 times as much as no pressing, showing a higher percentage of the rising type which was superior in the initial growth to the exposed-root type. By inserting the embryo part of the seed intothe soil to about 2 mm depth, or by pressing seeds at the force of about 1 gr, good penetration of the seminal root and good seedling establishment were highly achieved even for the Kuroboku soils in which the exposed-root type was normally dominant.\n In the present study adhesion of coleorhiza hairs to the soil surface was found to aid favorablepenetration of the seminal root and thereby to induce favorable seed germination and seedling establish-ment because such anchoring action could protect seeds from being held by the penetration of the semi-nal root, The strength of coleorhiza hairs was found to be positively related to the percentage of therising type in germinating behavior observed during such initially critical stage of germination. The rising type in germinating behavior resulted in good seedling establishment, while the exposed-root typedid not survive. With the sod- and over-seeding establishment tested here, the percenhge of the rising type was variable depending on grass species, soil type and moisture level, hardness of soil surface,form of organic litter, application of soil amendment matter, and seed pressing. Frorn the viewpoint ofthe adhering function of coleorhiza hairs, application of soil amendment matter and seed pressing werefound to be effective methods to improve seed germination and seedling establishment, especially foracid Kuroboku soils which weakened the adhering strength of coleorhiza hairs.
関根 義彦
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
no.31, pp.1-23, 2004-03

宮崎 照雄 太田 早紀 ミヤザキ テルオ オオタ サキ MlYAZAKI Teruo OOTA Saki
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
vol.29, pp.21-30, 2002-11

養殖ヒラメに発生したリンホシスチス細胞(LCC)の微細構造を観察した。若いLCCは既に厚い硝子状被膜を持って肥大しており,細胞質にはウイルス合成の場(AS),粗面小胞体,リボゾーム,ミトコンドリアがよく発達し,細胞質の樹状の突起が被膜内に伸張していた。 ASは顆粒状のinclusion zoneと基質部から構成され,inclusion zone表面でウイルス粒子が合成されていた。大きく肥大したLCCの核周囲の細胞質内ではASが崩壊し,ウイルス粒子(250-300nm)は結晶配列を示していた。細胞辺縁部では,多数のウイルス粒子を含むASは明瞭であるが,微小器官の多くは変性していた。
宮崎 照雄 太田 早紀
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
no.29, pp.21-30, 2002-11

養殖ヒラメに発生したリンホシスチス細胞(LCC)の微細構造を観察した。若いLCCは既に厚い硝子状被膜を持って肥大しており、細胞質にはウイルス合成の場(AS)、粗面小胞体、リボゾーム、ミトコンドリアがよく発達し、細胞質の樹状の突起が被膜内に伸張していた。ASは顆粒状のinclusion zoneと基質部から構成され、inclusion zone表面でウイルス粒子が合成されていた。大きく肥大したLCCの核周囲の細胞質内ではASが崩壊し、ウイルス粒子(250-300nm)は結晶配列を示していた。細胞辺縁部では、多数のウイルス粒子を含むASは明瞭であるが、微小器官の多くは変性していた。
小川 幸持
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
no.9, pp.p89-95, 1993-01

エンバク属,Avena abyssinica(4x,AsB), A. sativa cv. Victory (6x,ACD),およびA. fatua (6x,ACD)の収穫後4か月の種子(えい果)の各種温度における発芽を比較した。A. abyssinicaは,15℃から30℃の温度でよく発芽した。A. sativaの発芽は,15℃と20℃でよく発芽したが,25℃と30℃では減少した。また,A. fatuaは25℃と30℃で発芽しなかった。この実験結果は,A. abyssinicaの種子は休眠性がなく,A. sativaは中程度の休眠性を,A. fatuaは深い休眠性を示している。この3種の種子を横半分に切断して胚のある側と胚のない側に分けて,外生ジベレリン<special>A3(GA3)</special>の有る無しのそれぞれの場合のα-アミラーゼ生成を,後熟期間との関連で調べた。A. abyssinicaの胚のある側は,<special>GA3</special>がなくともα-アミラーゼを生成した。胚のある側も胚のない側も<special>GA3</special>誘導α-アミラーゼ生成は,後熱期間に関係なく多かった。これに反して,A. sativaとA. fatuaの胚のある側の<special>GA3</special>誘導α-アミラーゼ生成は,胚のない側に比べ少なかった,それぞれの側の<special>GA3</special>誘導α-アミラーゼ生成は,後熟期間に伴い増加した。この3種の間で,A. abyssinicaのアミラーゼ生成が最も多く,A. fatuaが最も少なく,A. sativaは両者の中間程度であった。上記の実験結果は,A. abyssinicaの胚は,胚乳の<special>GA3</special>誘導α-アミラーゼ生成に影響しないことを示している。これに対して,A. sativaの胚は,A. fatuaの場合と同様に.胚乳の<special>GA3</special>誘導α-アミラーゼ生成を抑制することを示している。上の各種エンバク属の種子の発芽休眠性の違いは,胚乳におけるα-アミラーゼ生成の多少,あるいは後熟に伴うα-アミラーゼ生成の変化と関係があることを示唆している。
高山 進
三重大学生物資源学部紀要 (ISSN:09150471)
vol.31, pp.73-96, 2004-03-15

In this work, I define "environment-civilization history" as the history of culture or civilization systems focusing on the relation between nature and mankind. History must describe how each cultural or civilization area has developed their own patterns of population supporting, resources gaining, pollution discharging, technology, economy, ruling, views of nature amid the special climatic conditions and natural backgrounds (for example woods and wetlands etc.). I introduce some typical discussions about Japanese "environment-civilization history" from the historical demography and the history of agriculture. Furthermore I compare European (England and Continental countries) cases with Japanese ones, paying particular attention to the way of overcoming stagnation periods, which necessarily come at the end of a civilization cycle, the so-called Malthusian trap. I deliberately use the method of "anti-progressivism" and the analogically applied the rules gained from the experiments on a "microcosm (infinite ecosystem)", which was carried out by a biologist named Yasushi Kurihara, and I confirm the conclusion that Japan had overcome the Malthusian trap in the beginning of 18^<th> century in the preventive way. To the contrary, continental Europe had fallen miserably into in the compulsory way at the beginning of 17^<th> century. The case of England was more complicated. It looks like the same situation as Japan experienced, but if they hadn't had such an incidental resource as coal, they would not have experienced such a successful outcome.