大澤 朋子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
no.58, pp.1-10, 2021-03-19

本論文は、先進的な取り組みを行う児童家庭支援センターへのインタビュー調査を通して、地域子育て支援の意図や実践を分析し、児童家庭支援センターが担うべき地域子育て支援のあり方を検討することを目的とした調査研究である。分析の結果、大カテゴリー10、中カテゴリー29、小カテゴリー70 を抽出した。社会的養護機関の機能と専門性を活用しながら、複数の事業を一体的に運用するなかで職員のスキルが向上し、地域へのまなざしも醸成されることがわかった。小さな実践を積み重ねながら、目の前の困っている人を助けに行くフットワークの軽さが民間の利点であった。社会的養護の機能が子どもの養育からソーシャルワークへと抜本的に変わる可能性が示唆されたが、子どもの権利擁護と利用者の自己決定の尊重が支援の原則であると認識されていた。
須賀 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
no.57, pp.79-89, 2020-03-09

少子高齢化・人口減少社会の到来の中で、我が国が目指すべき社会モデルとして「地域共生社会」が掲げられ、どのように地域の施策を進めていけばよいのかが問われている。この問題に対して、地域福祉から得られる知見は何かを問いとして、「ケアリングコミュニティ」に関しての検討を行った。その結果、福祉教育および地域の居場所の必要性、「社会包摂」の概念の必要性、相互実現的自立観の必要性が視点として得られた。総合考察として、ケアリングコミュニティを作っていくには、これら3 つの必要性を実現していくことが不可欠で、中でも、「地域の居場所」を数多く地域の中で作りだし有機的に結ぶことが、ケアリングコミュニティの現実化に希求されること、そして、多様な「地域の居場所」との関わりは、個人の自立生活を高める上でも必要であり、これからの自立した地域社会づくりともなることを示した。
秋田 修 大城 衣賀 伏木 愛香 境野 佑 阿部 真紀
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.37-44, 2017-03-10

Aspergillus luchuensis and A.luchuensis mut. kawachii (=A.kawachii) are used for koji-making in Japanese distilled liquor “awamori” and “shochu” production. The origin of these domesticated strains is thought to be a contaminant of wild black-Aspergillus from natural environment. We isolated black-Aspergillus from a fields. Isolated strains were identified as A.tubingensis (=A.saitoi) by the genomic structure analysis. Thai rice koji was prepared using two isolates and four commercial strains. The characteristics such as acidity, citric acid content, amount of myceliums of koji made by isolates were not remarkable different compared with that of A.luchuensis and A.kawachii. The activities of enzymes (α-amylase, acid tolerant α-amylase, glucoamylase, neutral protease, acid protease and acid carboxypeptidase) in koji of isolates were slightly lower than that of commercial strains. From these results, it is estimated that the present commercial A.luchuensis strains originated from black-Aspergillus living in the natural environment.
高橋 B. 徹
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
no.58, pp.31-40, 2021-03-19

大学生は研究活動を通じて問題解決能力や批判的思考力を身につけることができる。研究活動には専門知識や研究プロセスのスキルが必要になる.しかし,研究初心者は研究プロセスを理解していないことが多い.特に研究プロセスにおける問題発見の重要さを理解していない.本稿では,研究プロセスと問題発見の重要さを理解させるためのPBL を提案する.これは,学習者の研究プロセスの進行を支援しながら進めることで,学習者が研究プロセススキルを身につけることを目的としている。学習者は目標と現状を考えるためにカードソート法を用いる.問題発見にはなぜなぜ分析シートを使用する。解決策の策定には、問題解決マトリックスシートを使用する.評価の設定にはカードソート法を用いる.その結果、実験参加者の86%が研究活動を理解することができた。また、目標と現状の設定や解決策の策定に失敗することを抑えることができた.また、実験参加者は問題発見の意義についても理解した.一方で、問題発見すること自体や評価方法の設定には失敗している.
加藤 チイ 吉田 侑加 佐藤 幸子 奈良 一寛
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
vol.57, pp.1-7, 2020-03-09

実習で提供した食事の栄養評価を行った。2 種類の献立の栄養量(エネルギー、たんぱく質、脂質、炭水化物)について化学分析値、近赤外分光法測定値、食品成分表計算値の3 つを評価した。化学分析値に対する近赤外分光法測定値の割合(%)、化学分析値に対する食品成分表計算値の割合(%)は、両者ともに80 ~ 120%の範囲内の傾向にあった。汁物、黒色の食品を含む「ひじきご飯献立」では炭水化物を過大評価していた。次に、26 種類の料理の栄養量について、近赤外分光法測定値、食品成分表計算値の2 つについて、回帰直線を評価した結果、エネルギーはR2 = 0.955 と高い相関性を示し、たんぱく質、脂質、炭水化物についても同様の傾向であった。近赤外分光法について献立の料理を混和した場合と料理別に測定し合計した場合の2 つの方法を比較した結果では、「鮭の味噌バター焼き献立」、「アジフライ献立」、「おから入りハンバーグ献立」は近似であったが、「大豆ご飯、豚肉と大根の煮物献立」は混和食のエネルギーを過大に評価していた。近赤外分光法測定は化学分析、食品成分表計算の結果と関連し、給食の栄養量評価に有用である。近赤外分光法で誤差が大きかったものには、海藻など黒色の材料を含む料理、スープ・味噌汁など水分の多い料理があった。
牛腸 ヒロミ 恒川 弥子 上西 朋子 稲垣 サナエ
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.57-60, 2017-03-10

The efficiencies of the detergency of seven commercial detergents were measured by the standard method of detergency measurement. It was found that the efficiency was determined solely by the total concentration of the surfactants contained in respective detergents, e. g., LAS, AE, fatty acid salt and others.
佐藤 幸子 渡邉 菜月 浜守 杏奈 松岡 康浩
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
no.56, pp.9-22, 2019-03-09

The principle of cosmic dualism (yin and yang) and the Five Elements (Wu-Xing), based on the philosophy of "food as medicine," serve as the basis of Korean food culture. Korean cuisine features rice, soup, and kimchi along with various side dishes. As soup is treated as one of its main dishes, Korean daily meals generally contain more water than Japanese cuisine. Earlier, traditional tea culture in Korea was enjoyed only by people of specific privileged classes, and consequently, the tea-drinking custom faded during the Joseon dynasty. Currently, "traditional tea, " made from ingredients including wild herbs, fruits, and grains used in Chinese medicine , is widely accepted in the everyday lives of Korean people. This traditional tea is made by blending and brewing ingredients such as fruits, flowers, grains, and leaves used in traditional medicine, and is based on the philosophy of "food as medicine." It is then mixed with, for example, honey to make it drinkable. Thus, many varieties of traditional tea are available. The results of a survey revealed that the reasons for drinking traditional tea vary from those related to health, such as cold prevention, fever suppression, and recovery from fatigue, to taking "coffee breaks." From this, it was inferred that traditional tea in Korea is used in everyday lives by people with hopes to advance their health based on the claimed functions of its ingredients.
上西 朋子 宮嶋 祐佳 牛腸 ヒロミ
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.52, pp.103-108, 2015-03-31

When clothes have been washed, they retain various fragrances. Recently, addition of fragrances to the softeners has been commercialized. Also, fragrance additive agents are being sold separately to meet the consumers’ tastes. In the present study, these two kinds of commercialized fragrances were examined in terms of their odor characteristics and time of retention. The measurements were performed with a Shimadzu odor characterization apparatus. The radar charts with 10 poles to characteristic fragrances showed characteristics among the soften fragrances and a similarity for fragrance additive agents. The odor index, which corresponds to the strength of mixed odor as sensed by human sensitivity, was retained over 24 hours at the 25~15 levels.
須賀 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.7-16, 2017-03-10

The aim of this paper was to assess how to make community places appropriate for the coming super-aged society. The author first examined the concept of a “third place” at which all generations in a local area can share in meaningful conversation. The author then focused on how to find motivation in life for elderly people in multi-generational community settings, particularly with younger people. There were three points in creating such viable community places; wisdom in daily life, activities that motivate elderly people to make a life worth living, and the reading of classics and classical art by several generations. The conclusion was that it was most important that such “third places” have qualified younger people involved in vivid activities with elderly people. Therefore, universities in local areas have the responsibility to educate their students in preparing to meet the challenges of a super-aged society.
猪瀬 武則 髙橋 桂子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
vol.55, pp.43-52, 2018-03-09

The study aimed to elucidate the understanding of concepts of economics and ethics through a survey conducted among senior high school students.Previous studies investigated economic literacy and financial morality; however, there have been limited surveys of economic literacy based on ethics. We surveyed senior high school students about their understanding of economic and ethical concepts. Simultaneously, we examined the scores of students who performed well on the survey in order to determine what moral foundations and ideological tendencies their scores implied. The moral foundations are based on Jonathan Haidt's Moral Foundations Theory.The research questions were as follows:Question 1: Is there a correlation between students' understanding of economic and ethical concepts and their moral foundations?Question 2: Do students who scored well in tests on economics and ethics indicate concerns with liberty and fairness? In other words, are they libertarians?The data was derived from a 2016 survey of students at high schools. The respondents included 313 males and 383 females. To answer the two research questions, we employed a one-way analysis of variance to predict scores for each category based on the moral foundation variables for Research Question 2.Test instruments containing 23 items were classified into eight dependent valuables: competitive labor market, market effectiveness, demand & supply, rational self-interest, welfare & preference, corporate social responsibility, fairness & justice, and reciprocal altruism. Independent valuables are Jonathan Haidt's five moral foundations: care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity.Three results emerged. First, there is a correlation between Haidt's five moral foundations and students' understanding of economic and ethical concepts. Second, higher-scoring students expressed concerns relevant to all five of Haidt's foundations. Thus, they are generally considered as conservatives. Third, the significant difference was found among men and women in regard to their comprehension and moral foundations.Further studies are needed to determine the precision of our survey.
山田 茂 田中 涼子 大橋 文 岩田 華苗
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.31-35, 2017-03-10

In this experiment, we investigated the effects of mechanical stimulation and caffeine on lipolysis in the adipocyte culture cell. Caffeine (0μg/mℓ, 50μg/mℓ, 100μg/mℓ) which promotes lipolysis, was added to the culture medium (10%FBS, DMEM) respectively. Adipocytes underwent repeated mechanical irritation by Flexer cell strain unit to observe the effect on the lipolysis of mechanical stimulation. We measured glycerol in a culture medium to confirm the lipolysis. Adipocyte were stained for lipolysis responses by Oil Red O. The effect of caffeine on lipolysis was slightly observed, but a significant effect statistically was not observed. On the other hand, mechanical stimulation increased lipolysis in the adipocyte culture cells. Influences of a combination of mechanical stimulation and caffeine on lipolysis were examined. The results of these experiments, the effect of mechanical stimulation on the lipolysis was outstanding, but was scarcely effected by caffeine. That is, direct mechanical stimulation was effective in increasing the burning of fat. Further research is required on the mechanisms of mechanical stimulation to promote lipolysis in adipose cells.