谷川 亘 浦本 豪一郎 内山 庄一郎 折中 新 山品 匡史 岡本 桂典 原 忠

高知県内各地では、歴史南海地震の被害の様子が文字として刻まれた石碑が建てられている。宝永地震(1707年)から昭和南海地震(1946年)までの南海地震に関連した石碑が多く残されており、現在文献で確認できるだけで約25体ある。特に高知県内の地震津波碑は安政東海地震・安政南海地震(1854年)に関連した石碑が多い。地震津浪碑は供養・慰霊碑としての位置付けだけでなく、歴史資料としての価値も高い。しかし、雨風と植生による風化が進行し、石碑が傷み、解読不能な文字も見受けられる。また、高知県内の石碑は個人や寺社などが所有者であることが多いため、その保全は所有者に委ねられている。そのため、将来発生する南海地震をはじめとした自然災害により地震津浪碑喪失の危惧も否めない。そこで、本プロジェクトでは地震津浪碑から得られる歴史南海地震の情報を後世へと継承し、防災教育の教材として活用を促進するために、三次元デジタルイメージ化による地震碑の保存、および地震津浪碑と地図情報をリンクさせたウェブブラウザ上での情報提供を行う。石碑の研究といえば、これまで主に刻まれている碑文内容の解読に重点が置かれてきた。しかし、石碑の価値はそれだけでなく、石碑の岩石物理化学的な特徴(鉱物組成・色・帯磁率など)と形状も石碑が製作された当時の文化とその背景を示唆する情報を含んでいる可能性が高い。そのため本プロジェクトでは、石碑の三次元デジタル画像の構築および、石碑の岩石物理化学的なデータの測定を行い、これらの情報をウェブ上に掲載することを計画する。三次元デジタル画像の構築は、既存のソフトAgisoft社製Photoscanを使用して行っている。また画像構築に必要な写真撮影はRICOH社製のGRを用いた。3D画像を閲覧する方法として①ウェブでの閲覧、および②ウェブサイトから各々のPCへの転送、を検討している。石碑の三次元デジタル画像は、彫られた文字を明瞭に表示させるためにはメッシュ化した面の数を多くする必要がある。しかし、面数が多くなるとデータ容量が大きくなるためブラウザ表示に負担がかかる。そこで①の方法として、WebGL描写の3Dモデルをブラウザ上で表示・シェアできるプラットフォーム[Sketchfab (https://sketchfab.com/)]を採用している。また②の方法として、転送データ形式は3D-PDFとし、3D-PDF対応のソフトウェアで閲覧する方法を採用している。石碑の色測定は分光測色計(KONICA MINOLTA社製 CM-700d)を用いて、帯磁率測定はTerraplus社製のKT-10 S/Cを用いている。本発表では現在までのプロジェクトの進行状況およびこれまで得られた結果を報告する。
三島 賢二 角野 浩史 山田 崇人 家城 斉 長倉 直樹 音野 瑛俊

3He/4He ratios in terrestrial samples vary more than three orders of magnitude, because primordial helium with 3He/4He of (1.4–4.6) x 10–4 has been diluted by addition of radiogenic 4He produced by decay of U- and Th-series elements in different degrees depending on 3He/(U+Th) ratio of each reservoir. This feature makes 3He/4He ratio a powerful tracer in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Though atmospheric helium with 3He/4He ratio of 1.4 x 10–6 is used to calibrate 3He/4He measurement with a noble gas mass spectrometer, relatively low concentration and 3He/4He ratio of the atmospheric helium cause many difficulties to use it as a working standard for daily measurements. Thus noble gas laboratories often use their own working standards prepared from a natural gas sample with high 3He/4He ratio or by mixing of isotopically pure 3He and 4He. "He Standard of Japan" (HESJ) is one of the latter originally prepared by four noble gas laboratories in Japan [1] and now distributed worldwide as an interlaboratory standard [1,2]. However, 3He/4He ratio of HESJ was determined by comparison with that of atmospheric helium, i.e., absolute 3He/4He ratio has not been determined yet and the accuracy of the value still rely on the early determinations of absolute 3He/4He ratio of atmospheric helium [3].As long as 3He/4He ratio is used to compare relative contributions of primordial and radiogenic in each geochemical reservoir, absolute 3He/4He value of atmospheric helium or HESJ is less important. However, it is a critical issue in some applications of helium isotopes, such as tritium-3He dating and an experimental project to measure the neutron lifetime with total uncertainty of 1 sec (0.1%) using pulsed neutron source at J-PARC [4].A neutron decays into a proton, an electron, and an anti-neutrino with a lifetime of 880.3 ± 1.1 sec [5]. The lifetime is an important constant in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) that controls amounts of primordial elements in our universe. In this experiment, the incident neutron flux is measured by counting 3He(n,p)3H reaction in a time projection chamber detector filled with 3He, 4He and CO2. To determine neutron lifetime with uncertainty less than 0.1%, 3He number density in the detector must be accurately known with even smaller uncertainty. As a part of this experiment, we are developing a gas handling system to control 3He number density with uncertainty of 0.1%. The 3He gas is mixed with research grade He in a vessel with measuring pressures of these gases precisely using a calibrated piezoresistive transducer.We fabricated control samples of known 3He/4He ratio using the gas handling system and measured the ratio using a sector type single focusing noble gas mass spectrometer with double collector system [6] at Dept. of Basic Sci., the Univ. of Tokyo by referring to HESJ. The results will contribute to determine the absolute 3He/4He value of HESJ, and that of atmospheric helium also [6].[1] J. Matsuda et al., Geochem. J. 36, 191 (2002).[2] Y. Sano, T. Tokutake, and N. Takahata, Anal. Sci. 24, 521 (2008).[3] Y. Sano, B. Marty and P. Burnard, “The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers”, Chapter 2. “Noble gases in the atmosphere”, Springer (2013).[4] Y. Arimoto, et al, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A 799, 187–196, (2015).[5] K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 38, 090001 (2014) and 2015 update.[6] H. Sumino et al., J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn. 49, 61 (2001).
大村 潤平 Han Peng 吉野 千恵 服部 克巳 下 道國 小西 敏春

河本 大地

Relationships between ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) and Geoparks are examined in this paper. Geoparks have a marked affinity for ESD because education and sustainable development are highlighted in the concepts of geoparks, and both have strong associations with UNESCO. However, small number of papers have been written about the relationships between ESD and geoparks, and few schools in geoparks are the members of the ASPnet (UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network).Therefore, the author tries two methods to examine possibilities of our society led by multiplying ESD and geoparks. Firstly, the description contents of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD were considered about cases of geoparks. GAP is intended to make a substantial contribution to the post-2015 agenda, and the follow up to the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). From the “Priority Action Areas” of the GAP, many points related with organizational operations were found as areas which should be improved. Increasing member schools of the ASPnet in geoparks as hubs for practicing ESD, and setting out policies and agendas to integrate ESD into the various processes and structures of stakeholders in geoparks are the examples.Regarding learning contents, placing great emphasis on efforts to build a sustainable society mentioned in course of study in Japan is important in geoparks, as well as having viewpoints of international cooperation, giving participatory skills to youth, and so on.Secondly, learning contents for geoparks are examined from the viewpoints of Earth Sciences and community development. From the former, nature of familiar territory as the first stage, and understanding of the mechanism of Earth activity as the second stage have been found. From the latter, relationships between our life and nature as the first stage, and development of social skills for reaching an understanding with other stakeholders as the second stage have been found. Additionally, international understanding and cooperation through geopark would be the third stage.From the above, geoparks could be places for inspiring learners to act for realizing sustainable society if we transform organizational operations and maximize learning contents given by Earth Sciences and community development.
尾方 隆幸

Geoparks require attractive story based on geoscience. Geostory enhances educational effects for geoconservation and geotourism, whereas the story depends primarily on scientific evidences. Geostory involves many geoscientific disciplines characterized by multi-scale historical, vertical and horizontal phenomena. Field observation in geotour might confuse visitors, because understanding of multi-scale phenomena relies on academic experiences. Geotour for public tourists should produce well-selected and arranged story targeting historical, vertical and/or horizontal phenomena. Educational geotour should produce programs on comprehensive geoscientific system to understand interrelationship among many geoscientific disciplines. Seamless geostory dramatically promotes educational effects in geotour, and improves multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary geoscience. Geoparks should prepare and propose various geostory collaborated with geoscientists.
波田 重煕

2015年に開催されたユネスコ総会における決定に基づいて、ユネスコが支援してきた既存の地質科学国際研究計画(IGCP)とジオパークは緊密な連携のもとに、国際地質科学ジオパーク計画(IGGP)として新たにスタートすることとなった。これは、ある意味では、関係者の間では長年の懸案事項を解決する変革であったとみなすこともできる。 地質科学国際研究計画は、当初は国際対比計画(International Geological Correlation Programme)の名称のもとに、1972年に正式にスタートし、ユネスコと国際地質科学連合(IUGS)とが実施する傑出して特徴的な国際共同事業と見なされてきた。2012年には、創立40周年記念をパリのユネスコ本部で祝った。 演者は、1991年以来21年にわたって、日本IGCP国内委員会委員、3つのIGCPプロジェクトのリーダーあるいはコ・リーダーとしてIGCP活動に関わってきた。 「IGGPの将来」と題するセッションの講演では、その経験のもとにIGCPの歴史の概略、発展および発展の中に見る光と影について論じる。