上原 忠夫 齋藤 研一 山本 嘉則
社団法人 有機合成化学協会
有機合成化学協会誌 (ISSN:00379980)
vol.47, no.4, pp.321-329, 1989-04-01 (Released:2010-01-22)
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High-pressure technique is a practical method for laboratory organic synthesis since simple equipment has become available in this decade. Pressure accelerates reactions if their values of 'the volume of activation' are negative, such as cycloaddition reactions and reactions through dipolar transition states. Especially, this technique is useful to drive reactions with steric hindrance. In this article are reviewed recent developments of substitution reactions, addition reactions to a carbonyl group, conjugated addition reactions, Deils-Alder reactions, 1, 4-cycloaddition reactions, other pericyclic reactions, and organometallic reactions since 1985.
長沼 宏 小河原 忠彦 後藤 振一郎 松本 由朗 須田 耕一 茂垣 雅俊 鈴木 範美
胆道 (ISSN:09140077)
vol.4, no.4, pp.509-514, 1990

イレウスの原因となった胆石が,きわめてまれな性状であった症例について,胆石の形成過程を考察し報告する. 症例は78歳女性. 突然の悪心, 嘔吐に続いてイレウス状態となり緊急に開腹したところ,4.5×3×3cmの胆石塊による回腸の閉塞で,胆嚢十二指腸瘻から消化管に逸脱したものであった. この胆石塊は直径1~1.5cm の混合石10個が胆石構成成分と同様の成分物質で接合され,gallstones in a giant gallstoneの状態となったものであった,成分分析の結果,小結石は多量のコレステロールと少量のビリルビンカルシウムから構成されている混合石であり,接合物質は,混合石よりは色素成分が多いがほぼ同じ構成成分からなるものであった.この胆石の形成機序は患者の生活史と密接に関係しているものと考えられ,興味ある症例と思われた.
徳本 晋 上原 忠弘 宗像 一樹 菊地 英幸 江口 亨 石田 晴幸 馬場 匡史
vol.2011, pp.23-1-23-8, 2011-10-12

KLEE は LLVM 中間コードを対象としてシンボリック実行をすることができるツールである.C/C++ で書かれたプログラムは llvm-gcc や clang などのコンパイラで LLVM ビットコードにコンパイルできるため,C/C++ プログラムの検証ツールとして KLEE は期待されている.今回,2 つのプログラムについて KLEE を適用し,それにより検出したバグとその特徴を紹介するとともに,KLEE のバグ検出能力について考察する.また,他の商用 C/C++ 検証ツールで対象プログラムを解析したときの結果と,KLEE を使った場合との比較について報告する.さらに KLEE 適用時の課題を解決すべく,KLEE で生成したテストケースを CPPUNIT のテストコードへ変換するツールについても報告する.
小倉 悠紀 小山 純一 福原 忠雄
公益社団法人 日本分析化学会
分析化学 (ISSN:05251931)
vol.61, no.5, pp.397-401, 2012-05-05 (Released:2012-06-07)
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肌状態と過酸化脂質との関連を調べるため,Diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine(DPPP)を蛍光試薬としフローインジェクション分析(FIA)システムを用いた高感度で迅速なヒト皮脂中の過酸化脂質分析法を開発した.リノール酸メチルにブラックライトを照射してリノール酸メチルヒドロペルオキシド(MLHP)を得て,固相抽出法を用いて精製した後,NMRを用いてMLHPの純度を確認し過酸化脂質標準品とした.FIA分析条件の最適化を行い,確立したシステムの検出限界は0.51 pmol,定量限界は1.1 pmolであり,分析時間は10分であった.さらに,確立した前処理法により作成したろ紙を用いてヒトの微小部分から皮脂を採取し,そのろ紙から皮脂中の過酸化脂質を抽出する方法を開発した.ろ紙を用いたときの定量限界は3.8 pmolであった.開発した方法を用いて24名のヒト皮膚上の皮脂中過酸化脂質を分析し,実際ヒトを用いた試験への適用が可能であることが確認され,個人間の差が大きいことが明らかとなった.
中村 健一 近江 明 鈴木 誠一 小沼 正哉 栗原 忠雄 田寺 守 柴田 茂男
社団法人 日本産業衛生学会
産業医学 (ISSN:00471879)
vol.26, no.4, pp.303-314, 1984 (Released:2009-03-26)
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Mortality among employees of selected enterprises in which excellent health care programmes are carried on, was observed to evaluate employees' health levels and to establish objectives for future health care programmes. Also, these data were compared with those for all Japanese and for Japanese employees belonging to the corresponding occupational groups.Seventy-three enterprises which continuously participated in the mortality survey implemented by the Japan Research Organization of Industrial Health Care for the period between 1976 and 1980, were subjected to this study. The observed employees amounted to 3, 502, 580 person-years. Sex and age distributions of the employees were available for 47 enterprises and the observed employees totalled 2, 598, 672 person-years.The main results are as follows:1) Mortality rate (per 100, 000) is stable between 140 and 150 throughout the observed period and the average value is 145.0. The average mortality rate for males, aged 40 to 54, is 272.6.2) Malignant neoplasms were the main cause of death and account for 37-38%. In second place and below are heart diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, accidents, suicide and liver cirrhosis. Malignant neoplasms, especially of the stomach, lung and pancreas, show a trend to increase, and cerebrovascular diseases and liver cirrhosis show a trend to decrease. Among heart diseases, isch-emic heart disease accounts for about 40% and shows no marked fluctuation. Among cerebrovascular diseases, the relative frequency of subarachnoid hemorrhage is increasing.3) Comparing the mortality rates for males aged 40 to 54 by industry, “Iron, steel & nonferrous metal manufacturing” and “Electricity and gas supply” show significantly higher values, and “Finance & insurance” and “Communications” show significantly lower values than the total.4) The distribution of main causes of death for males, aged 40 to 54, was compared by major occupational groups using Proportional Mortality Ratio (PMR). A significantly high frequency of malignant neoplasms (especially of the stomach) is observed for “Professional & technical workers, managers and officials” and that of suicide for “ Craftmen, production process workers and labourers” and that of cerebrovascular diseases (especially cerebral hemorrhage) for “Protective service workers.”5) Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) for males, aged 20 to 54, from all causes of death, calculated on the basis of all Japanese males in 1978 is 0.57. SMR for this population from malignant neoplasms is 0.89. SMR for the same population from all causes of death, calculated on the basis of Japanese male employees in occupational groups corresponding to the studied population in 1975, is 0.75, and that from malignant neoplasms exceeds 1.00.Consistent with previous reports, mortality rates in this occupational population are significantly lower than those for the total population and the so-called “healthy workers effect” is demonstrated. Moreover, very low mortality rates from tuberculosis and cerebrovascular diseases suggest the effectiveness of disease control programmes which are implemented continuously and throughly in these enterprises. Efficient control programmes against malignant neoplasms remain to be established even in these well-cared populations.
金井 理紗 山里 將仁 玉城 昭彦 大城 健誠 上原 忠司 真栄城 兼誉
特定非営利活動法人 日本小児外科学会
日本小児外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0288609X)
vol.53, no.4, pp.889-894, 2017-06-20 (Released:2017-06-20)

【目的】原発性自然気胸は思春期以降の長身の痩せた男性に好発する疾患であり,15歳以下の小児では比較的稀である.今回は当科の経験症例を基に,小児症例での臨床像を後方視的に検討した.【方法】2006年4月から2011年12月までに,小児外科が関係した15歳以下の小児自然気胸症例7例11側(異時性両側4例)を対象とした.検討項目は臨床像,身体的特徴,既往歴,CT所見,手術所見,術後経過とした.また対側発症については同時期に治療した成人症例と比較検討した.【結果】症例の内訳は男児6例,女児1例で,7例中6例が15歳であり平均14歳7か月であった.同時両側発症症例はなく初発時は右側3例,左側4例であった.肺虚脱度は軽度2例,中等度4例,高度1例で,中等度以上の4例に胸腔ドレーンを挿入し,2例で手術まで空気漏れが持続した.患児の身体的特徴はBMIやRohrer指数から痩せ型であることが分かった.特に既往歴や家族歴は認めなかった.全例がCT所見で明らかな責任囊胞のある手術適応症例と判断し,video-assisted thoracic surgery(以下VATS)を行った.手術では病変部の肺部分切除を行い,胸膜補強を追加した.患側部位の術後再発例はなかったが,術後早期の対側発症を4例に認めた.小児症例での対側発症は成人症例より有意に高かった(p=0.0002).【結論】自験例では男女比や体型は成人症例と同様の傾向が見られた.術後同側の再発は認めず,VATSによる肺部分切除と胸膜補強は小児症例でも有用であった.しかし術後早期の対側発症は成人症例より有意に多く,十分留意すべきだと考えられた.
原 忠嗣
日本鑑識科学技術学会誌 (ISSN:13428713)
vol.9, no.1, pp.59-63, 2004 (Released:2007-12-05)

At present, the footprint identification is conducted by the number of distinguishing characteristics point in the footprint. Life size footprints photos were usually used and magnified footprints photos were seldom used.   If these characteristics parts were magnified and showed minute distinguishing marks more evidential values could be added to them.   The method developed in this paper was to take pictures of magnified characteristic parts of both footprints retrieved at a crime scene and ones taken from shoes themselves in the same magnifying power, followed by enlarging photos from the negatives and comparing the minute distinguishing marks by superimposition.   This method enables us to make magnified footprints photos of about 5 to 30 magnifications easily in a short time.   By inspecting the magnified footprint photos, it was proved that one part which was simply evaluated as one characteristic in the present method actually had many distinguishing marks.
清水 千秋 福原 忠信
長崎大学水産学部研究報告 (ISSN:05471427)
vol.10, pp.25-37, 1961-01-31

The quantitative compositions of fatty scids in the blubber oils and head oils of Tursiops sp. (Hando Iruka), Pseudorca sp. (Okigondo Kuzira) and Grampus sp. (Hanagondo Kuzira) were determined (Table 7a, 7b and 7c). In this analysis, fatty acids were previously fractionated to the liquid and solid acids by the Urea adduct-MeOH method1) before fractional distillations (Table 2a, 2b and 2c). After the fractional distillations, the number of double bond of the methyl ester of unsaturated fatty acids were estimated by the paper chromatography of their mercuric compounds²). On the fatty acids of their blubber oils, the saturated and unsaturated acids were about 20% and 80% respectively, and about 80% of them are C₁₆, C₁₈ and C₂₀ acids. On the Pseudorca sp. and Grampus sp,, the fatty acids of C₁₆ dominate (about 40%), and on Tursiops sp. the fatty acids of C₁₈ are main part (about 34%). The saturated fatty acids of their head oils are about 75% of Tursiops sp. and Pseudorca sp., but are 52% of Grampus sp., and the unsaturated fatty acids of one double bond are about 20% of the former and about 50% of the latter. The saturated fatty alcohols are about 92% of the unsaponifiable matter and 85% of them is hexadecanol in the head oil of Pseudorca sp. (Table 9).
牧 正志 古原 忠 辻 伸泰 森戸 茂一 宮本 吾郎 柴田 曉伸
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.100, no.9, pp.1062-1075, 2014 (Released:2014-08-31)
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After ausforming appeared as the first thermomechanical processing of steels in the first half of the 1960 s, various thermomechanical processings have been developed for the improvement of mechanical properties over the last fifty years. Their application was mainly to martensitic steels in the 1960 s such as ausforming and TRIP, and moved to ferrite (+ pearlite) structures by the development of controlled rolling and accelerated cooling of HSLA steels in the 1970~1980 s. However, recently, interest has returned to martensite (and also bainite) because of the demand for higher strength, and the ausforming and TRIP have been revived and successfully applied to commercial practice. Very recently, severe plastic deformation (SPD) is the focus of attention as a new method of producing a very fine-grained structure with grain size of less than 1 μm. By the application of SPD, dynamic phenomena such as dynamic recrystallization and dynamic ferrite transformation occur in the process. We need more systematic studies on such phenomena for the development of new type of thermomechanical processing in steels.
中原 忠男 前田 一誠 山口 武志 岡崎 正和 影山 和也
環太平洋大学研究紀要 = Bulletin of International Pacific University (ISSN:1882479X)
vol.12, pp.237-249, 2018-03-21

While division is one of the crucial concepts in elementary mathematics, it is hard to understand it. Thus, various research tasks have been tackled so far. We as a research team have investigated the following three tasks: 1) developing the survey which consists of a set of problems that enable to clarify the actual conditions of children’s construction of division concepts comprehensively and systematically, 2) revealing the actual conditions of children’s construction of division concepts based on the survey, and raising the research tasks on the teaching and learning of division, and 3) through examining those research tasks, proposing our alternatives for improving the teaching and learning of division concepts based on multi-world paradigm. In this paper we propose our final research findings by reflecting on our whole studies until now in a comprehensive way according to the following three steps. First, we give a general description of the perspective of multi-world paradigm as our theoretical background. Next, we overview our research results on the above 1) and 2) which have already been published. Finally we examine our alternatives for improving the teaching and learning based on the multi-world paradigm, which will become our final research findings, where we will emphasize the importance of meaningconstruction and tool-construction on division concepts.
石原 忠 紀成 尚志 保田 正人
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.40, no.3, pp.309-316, 1974-03-25 (Released:2008-02-29)
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The presence of high thiaminase activity in anchovy was reported in the previous paper. It was suggested from the report that continuous feeding of animals with the anchovy may possibly result in vitamin B1 deficiency.In the present experiments, male chickens were fed with a diet containing water extract of anchovy and the effects on growth were studied. For the control, this water extract was boiled for 10 min before feeding.As a result of feeding with the non-boiled extract of anchovy, the amount of B1 in liver and muscle gradually decreased but the amount of pyruvic acid in blood increased. Anorexia and retardation of growth were also observed, and heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature gradually decreased, resulting finally in typical vitamin B1 deficiency.When 0.5 or 1.0 mg of vitamin B1 was injected daily into the leg muscle of B1 deficient male chickens, they regained their stamina in one or two days.The control group given boiled extract showed favorable growth without any abnormal symptoms.
谷田 英生 Guodong Li Indradeep Ghosh 上原 忠弘
vol.2014, pp.158-163, 2014-08-25

JavaScript コードは,対話性の高い Web アプリケーションやモバイルアプリの実現のために,今後さらに多用される傾向にあり,そのテストが重要となる.一方,JavaScript に対するテスト効率化技術は十分に整備されていない.そこで本稿では,JavaScript プログラムに対して網羅性の高い単体テストデータを自動生成する手法を提案する.手法は,JavaScript 記号実行エンジンと,記号実行エンジンの解析対象外とする記述を自動でスタブ化するスタブ・ドライバ生成エンジンにより構成される.手法は,実ブラウザ上での対象プログラム実行に使用可能な,単体テストデータを生成可能である.手法を現場の資産へ適用することにより,高カバレッジを実現する単体テストデータを自動生成可能なことが確認された.
原 忠義 トピチ ゴラン 宮尾 祐介 相澤 彰子
vol.2014-NL-217, no.3, pp.1-9, 2014-06-26

自然言語処理 (NLP) ツールの多くが入力として平文テキストを前提とする一方で,実文書中のテキストは多様なレイアウト,文構造,埋め込みのオブジェクトなどによって,より表現豊かに表示されている.このようなテキストを NLP ツールで解析する際には,ツールの利用者が対象テキストをツールに合った入力形式に変換しなければならない.また,利用者の不慣れな変換作業によって得られた入力を用いたところで,そのツールが本来持つとされる性能を発揮することは困難となるであろう.本研究の目的は,平文テキストでは表し切れないテキスト構成がタグを用いて表現されるような XML 文書の解析を題材として,この問題への意識喚起を促すことにある.我々は,XML でタグ付けされたテキストと,NLP ツールの入出力となる平文テキストとの間の一般的な変換枠組を提案し,本枠組を用いて獲得されるテキスト列が,単純にタグを除去して得られるテキストよりも構文解析器で高被覆かつ高効率に処理できることを示し,実文書を NLP 技術と適切に繋ぐ技術を開発することの重要性を浮き彫りにする.