新村 太郎 三好 雅也 角野 浩史 上田 恭裕 森 康 長谷中 利昭 荒川 洋二 長尾 敬介
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.67, no.2, pp.135-147, 2022-06-30 (Released:2022-07-28)

To clarify the age of the volcanic activity of Nekodake volcano, the authors conducted K-Ar dating on ten samples of volcanic materials, using the sensitivity method. Four samples yielded ages approximately 50 to 82 ka. These newly obtained K-Ar age data indicate that Nekodake volcano was active during the post-caldera stage of Aso volcano. Based on the obtained ages, petrological characteristics, and lithofacies, the volcanism of Nekodake can be summarized as follows. 1) Effusive eruption of basaltic andesite magma produced thick lava flows at about 82 ka, and also formed agglutinates over a wide area at about 66 ka. The main volcanic body was formed by these eruptions. 2) Andesitic magma intruded the central part of the volcano at about 64 ka (late stage or just after the formation of the main part) forming dykes in an ENE-SSW direction. 3) Basaltic andesite magma intruded the central part of the volcano at about 50 ka and formed dykes in a NW-SE direction.
角野 浩史 ウォリス サイモン 纐纈 佑衣 遠藤 俊祐 水上 知行 吉田 健太 小林 真大 平島 崇男 バージェス レイ バレンティン クリス
vol.64, 2017

石原 知洋 四本 裕子 角野 浩史 玉造 潤史 中村 遼 小川 剛史 相田 仁 工藤 知宏
vol.2020, pp.85-92, 2020-11-26

2020 年初頭から発生した COVID-19 により,多くの大学で 4 月からオンラインによる講義の配信を行っている.オンライン講義のメリットが明らかになる一方で,様々な要因から対面での講義の実施も求められている.そこで東京大学では,COVID-19 対応のためオンラインと,感染症対策を実施した上での対面講義の双方を実施するハイブリッド方式の講義を検討している.このハイブリッット方式では,対面講義のためキャンパスに来た学生が,対面講義の他にもその日のオンライン講義をキャンパスのネットワークを用いて受講することになる.このように多数の学生がキャンパスネットワークを用いてオンライン講義を受講するにあたって,どの程度のネットワーク設備があればそのような講義形態が可能であるかは自明ではない.そこで我々は,最もボトルネックになると想定されるユーザ端末の無線接続について,実際の教室を用いて多人数での同時オンライン講義の受講が可能であるかの評価実験をおこなった.本実験では,いくつかのオンラインの講義シナリオを設定し,ネットワーク状況やオンライン講義の音声・映像の品質を計測,確認した.本論文ではその実験結果および得られた知見について述べる.
桜庭 真依子 角野 浩史 松崎 浩之 楠野 葉瑠香 川本 万里奈 徳山 裕憲 小豆川 勝見 堀 まゆみ 丸岡 照幸 藪崎 志穂
日本地球化学会年会要旨集 2017年度日本地球化学会第64回年会講演要旨集
pp.63, 2017 (Released:2017-11-09)

角野 浩史
Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan (ISSN:13408097)
vol.63, no.1, pp.1-30, 2015-02-01 (Released:2015-02-15)

Because noble gases are chemically inert, scarce in the earth and meteorite (except 40Ar in the earth’s atmosphere), and highly volatile, their isotope ratios have provided important insights in research fields of earth, planetary, and environmental sciences. The progress of noble gas geochemistry and cosmochemistry has been paced by the rate of developments in mass spectrometry. In this contribution, the history and basic principles of noble gas mass spectrometry and general techniques used in most modern laboratories are overviewed. The noble gas mass spectrometry has developed with inventions of various techniques—Nier type electron ionization (EI) source, static mode operation under ultrahigh-vacuum, adequately high resolution to distinguish very minor noble gas isotopes from interferences, and numerous small tips accumulated in laboratories—to attain increasingly greater precision to distinguish the often subtle variations in isotopic compositions, higher sensitivity to measure the low abundances found in many materials, and lower blanks to remove interference from atmospheric gases. New technologies recently exploited, such as simultaneous detection of noble gas isotopes with multicollector detection system, high-transmission EI source, resonance ionization, compression EI source, post-ionization of sputtered noble gases by focused ion beam, which enable us to detect quite small amount of noble gases down to several thousands of atoms, are opening new era of noble gas mass spectrometry. The highly-sensitive noble gas mass spectrometry can be applied to continuous monitoring of activity of volcanoes or active faults and to detect trace amount of noble-gas producing elements upon neutron irradiation, such as halogens, potassium, calcium, uranium, etc.
三島 賢二 角野 浩史 山田 崇人 家城 斉 長倉 直樹 音野 瑛俊

3He/4He ratios in terrestrial samples vary more than three orders of magnitude, because primordial helium with 3He/4He of (1.4–4.6) x 10–4 has been diluted by addition of radiogenic 4He produced by decay of U- and Th-series elements in different degrees depending on 3He/(U+Th) ratio of each reservoir. This feature makes 3He/4He ratio a powerful tracer in geochemistry and cosmochemistry. Though atmospheric helium with 3He/4He ratio of 1.4 x 10–6 is used to calibrate 3He/4He measurement with a noble gas mass spectrometer, relatively low concentration and 3He/4He ratio of the atmospheric helium cause many difficulties to use it as a working standard for daily measurements. Thus noble gas laboratories often use their own working standards prepared from a natural gas sample with high 3He/4He ratio or by mixing of isotopically pure 3He and 4He. "He Standard of Japan" (HESJ) is one of the latter originally prepared by four noble gas laboratories in Japan [1] and now distributed worldwide as an interlaboratory standard [1,2]. However, 3He/4He ratio of HESJ was determined by comparison with that of atmospheric helium, i.e., absolute 3He/4He ratio has not been determined yet and the accuracy of the value still rely on the early determinations of absolute 3He/4He ratio of atmospheric helium [3].As long as 3He/4He ratio is used to compare relative contributions of primordial and radiogenic in each geochemical reservoir, absolute 3He/4He value of atmospheric helium or HESJ is less important. However, it is a critical issue in some applications of helium isotopes, such as tritium-3He dating and an experimental project to measure the neutron lifetime with total uncertainty of 1 sec (0.1%) using pulsed neutron source at J-PARC [4].A neutron decays into a proton, an electron, and an anti-neutrino with a lifetime of 880.3 ± 1.1 sec [5]. The lifetime is an important constant in the Big Bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) that controls amounts of primordial elements in our universe. In this experiment, the incident neutron flux is measured by counting 3He(n,p)3H reaction in a time projection chamber detector filled with 3He, 4He and CO2. To determine neutron lifetime with uncertainty less than 0.1%, 3He number density in the detector must be accurately known with even smaller uncertainty. As a part of this experiment, we are developing a gas handling system to control 3He number density with uncertainty of 0.1%. The 3He gas is mixed with research grade He in a vessel with measuring pressures of these gases precisely using a calibrated piezoresistive transducer.We fabricated control samples of known 3He/4He ratio using the gas handling system and measured the ratio using a sector type single focusing noble gas mass spectrometer with double collector system [6] at Dept. of Basic Sci., the Univ. of Tokyo by referring to HESJ. The results will contribute to determine the absolute 3He/4He value of HESJ, and that of atmospheric helium also [6].[1] J. Matsuda et al., Geochem. J. 36, 191 (2002).[2] Y. Sano, T. Tokutake, and N. Takahata, Anal. Sci. 24, 521 (2008).[3] Y. Sano, B. Marty and P. Burnard, “The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers”, Chapter 2. “Noble gases in the atmosphere”, Springer (2013).[4] Y. Arimoto, et al, Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A 799, 187–196, (2015).[5] K.A. Olive et al. (Particle Data Group), Chin. Phys. C, 38, 090001 (2014) and 2015 update.[6] H. Sumino et al., J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn. 49, 61 (2001).
角野 浩史 水上 知行 ウオリス リチヤード サイモン 鍵 裕之
