笹谷 努 Yoshii Toshikatsu Ikami Akira Tanada Toshikazu Nishiki Tsukasa Kato Susumu
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.65, no.1, pp.p33-48, 1990-06

In October 1982, a seismic refraction experiment was conducted by the Research Group for Explosion Seismology in the Miyota-Shikishima Profile in Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures, central Japan. Five shots were fired on the 60 km-long profile. The upper crustal structure derived from travel-time data is simple and has a high velocity gradient; 4.0km/s at the surface to 6.0km/s at about 2.5km depth. Based on the amplitude-distance pattern of the refraction phases, we confirmed the existence of the velocity gradient. A few explosive sources generated clear S waves with amplitudes large enough to be read. We obtained an average POISSON'S ratio of around 0.246 in the uppermost crust from S to P travel time ratios. The other later arrivals were interpreted as reflected phases from a deep interface, the Conrad discontinuity. We modeled the interface shape by the ray-tracing technique. The interface inclines teward the north by about 20°.地震予知計画による4度目の爆破地震の実験が, 1982年10月,日本中部の長野県から山梨県にかけての御代田-敷島測線上で行われた. 60kmの測線上の5個所で爆破が行われ,約60点の臨時観測点で観測された.この実験の概要と,得られた記録や走時データなどの基礎的な資料については,すでに報告されている(爆破地震動研究グループ, 1986).ここでは,これらのデータの解析結果について報告する.
Mogi Kiyoo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.46, no.1, pp.53-74, 1968-03-19

Local migration of the seismic activity before and after the great Sanriku earthquake of March 3, 1933 in northern Japan is described. This remarkable migration pattern in the most active seismic zone in the world is compared with that of the Anatolia earthquakes accompanied by successive development of a great faulting system. The global migration of the epicentral regions of the greatest earthquakes during the last 30 years is summarized. The two northward migration branches in the western part of the circum-Pacific belt and in the Sumatra-Burma-Kansu-Baikal seismic zone and the one southward branch in the south-eastern part of the circum-Pacific belt, which are confirmed by certain evidence, suggest a clockwise rotational migration pattern in the circum-Pacific belt and the surrounding area or a worldwide migration pattern from the equatorial region to the pole regions. These migration patterns may provide an important suggestion on the mechaism of earthquake generation.|地震の震源域が時間と共に系統的に移動する場合があるかどうかという問題は,地震の発生を予測する問題にも関連して,古くから多くの人によって論じられてきた.余震域の拡大の様な,比較的短期間の局地的な移動については,2,3のかなり明瞭な移動の例が報告されているが,最も興味ある所の大きい地震の大規模な移動に関しては,これまでいくつかの報告例があるにも拘らず,その資料は,移動を結論するには不十分な場合が多く,移動が確実に結論され得る例は非常に少ない.従って,この問題については,確実に震源域の移動を結論出来る例を出来るだけ多く見出して,その移動特性を明らかにすることが重要である.本論文では,次に述べる,1933年3月3日の三陸沖大地震前後約6年間の移動及び過去30年間の巨大地震の震源域の世界的規模における移動について論ずる.
Mogi Kiyoo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.46, no.6, pp.1225-1236, 1969-03-17

To study the process of occurrence of shallow earthquakes in and near Japan, the space and the time distributions of focal regions of large earthquakes and the earthquake energy density during the period (1885-1968, May) have been investigated. The results are summarized as follows: (1) During the last eighty years, earthquakes occurred with the space distribution showing a close relation to tectonic structures of this region. (2) Great earthquakes in this region occurred to fill gaps of seismic activity of thirty years and over, as pointed out in other circum-Pacific regions. It is particularly remarked that any large earthquakes of magnitude 7 and over did not occur in the focal regions of great earthquakes during the preceding period. (3) The seismic activity in the Kwanto and the southern Tohoku districts, including the part of the outer seismic zone, is abnormally low in the last thirty years. If the high activity in the preceding fifty years in this region is considered, this result suggests a possibility that great events may occur in the region in the near future.|日本及びその周辺の地震活動の空間的分布並びにその時間的変化を,マグニチュード7以上の大きい地震の震源域の分布及び小さい地震を含めた地震エネルギー密度の分布から論じた.できるだけ長期間についてしらべることがのぞましいが,この目的のための地震資料は,1885年以降に限られる.この最近約80年間についての調査の結果を次に要約する
地震研究所地震観測班地震計測部 the Seismometrical Section
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.45, no.3, pp.887-917, 1967-11

The Matsushiro earthquake swarm commenced in August 1965 and continues even at present when more than a year and a half has passed since the outbreak. For the sake of convenience, we divided the activity of this earthquake swarm into four stages. The first stage of activity: This was the period from the outbreak of the earthquake swarm to February 1966, the highest peak of the activity occcurring in November 1965. The main shocks took place around Mt. Minakami, especially on its southwestern side, during this period. Shocks were not felt so frequently as later at Hoshina at that time. The second stage of activity: This began in March 1966 and continued to the beginning of June 1966. The activity at this time was most violent throughout the whole period, the area of seismic activity extending to a broader area of Matsushiro and Wakaho. In April 1966, the frequency of earthquakes reached the maximum throughout the whole period and large shocks with intensity of IV or V on the JMA scale took place frequently, inflicting some damage on dwelling houses and other constructions in this area. The third period of activity: This continued from August to October 1966. The seismic active area in this period was mainly at Matsushiro and Wakaho as was in the second period but it extended gradually to the eastern part of Koshoku and to the northern part of Sanada. Large shocks with intensity of IV or V on the JMA scale also occurred during this period. In November 1966, the frequency of earthqakes decreased greatly compared with the previous month and large shocks also did not take place. The fourth stage of activity: We call the period from January to the present the fourth stage of activity. The special feature of this stage was that the earthquakes that had clustered in the area of Matsushiro in the earlier stages of activity decreased in number remarkably, while the seismic area extended widely northeastward and southwestward, many shocks taking place in a part of Wakaho and in the southern part of Mt. Kamuriki. This paper will compile the result of our seismographic observation carried out during the period from December 1966 to February 1967 as the fourth report continuing from our previous ones. The seismographs used at each station were the HES 1-0.2 electromagnetic seismograph and the Ishimoto acceleration seismograph, of which the constants were indicated in Table 1 in our second report. The members of the Institute who participated in the field observation were: T. Hagiwara S. Saito, I. Karakama, M. Watanabe, T. Takahashi and Y. Ishikawa and the members of the Institute engaged in interpretation and analysis of seismograms being: T. Hagiwara, T. Iwata, K. Makino, N. Kamata, M. Kino, Y. Miura and R. Kawashima.1965年8月3日に始まる長野県松代町地域の群発地震は, 1967年2月28日に至る19カ月を,4つの地震活動期に分けて考えることができよう.第1期の地震活動 発生より1965年11月に至る期間で,このときの主な有感地震の発生地域は皆神山の周辺,特にその南西部で,大きな地震はすべてこの地域に発生した.なお,第1期では若穂町保科週辺に極めて少数の有感地震が認められている.
Fukao Yoshio Abe Katsuyuki
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.49, no.1/3, pp.1-12, 1971-09-30

By a concept of normal mode theory, the realistic seismograms of Love waves are synthesized for the CIT11A spherical earth model. The synthetic seismograms, which include the effects of instrumental response and attenuation, are computed for fundamental and higher modes up to the third order. The source is assumed to be a double couple of body forces varying stepwise in time applied to a point. Calculations are made for various focal depths ranging from 30 to 530km. It is demonstrated that a strike-slip source excites Love waves by an order of magnitude larger in amplitude than a dip-slip source, and that the higher mode contribution relative to that of the fundamental mode is significantly large for a dip-slip source at any depth. The synthesized seismograms thus obtained facilitate the determination of various source parameters. The results are applied to an intermediate-depth earthquake in Eastern New Guinea on February 26, 1963 (d=182km). The seismic moment is estimated as 2.5×1027 dyne・cm.|現実的な地球モデルと震源モデルをもちいてラブ波の合成地震記象を作り,excitationに関する基本的な性質を調べ,実際の地震に応用してその有用性を確かめた.球状地球モデルとしては,CIT11Aを採用した.断層モデルと等価な震源モデルとして,点震源に時間関数がステップ状に変化する力より構成される復双力源を考えた.合成地震記象は基本および1次から3次までの高次の基準振動のモード解を周期約7秒から600秒の範囲で加えあわせることにより作られた.伝播媒質の減衰および地震計の特性を考慮することにより記象を現実的なものとした.震源の深さとしては30kmより530kmまでの範囲にわたつて選んだ.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.59, no.1, pp.p115-125, 1984

新史料を加え,1741年渡島沖津波の波高を再検討した.また,北海道渡島沿岸を現地調査し,熊石にある津波地蔵・過去帳を紹介した.津波の高さは渡島沿岸で10m,局地的には15mに達し,津軽で5~6m,佐渡では4~5mと推定される.津波マグニチュードは,Δ-Hグラフからm=3.5と見積もれる.波高分布のピークは1983年日本海中部津波のものより北側に片寄り,波源域は渡島半島沖の水深3,000mの海域を中心に,長さ150kmの範囲にあったと考える.Adding new data on the Oshima tsunami of Aug. 29, 1741, the inundation heights along the coast of the Japan Sea are reexamined. About 2,000 persons drowned at 22 villages within the 90 km stretch (Matsumae to Kumaishi) along the west coast of Oshima Peninsula, West Hokkaido. A religious monument and an old document were newly found at a temple in Kumaishi. Considering ground level, inundation heights (above sea level) of the tsunami along the Oshima coast were estimated to be 10m with local run-ups as much as 15m. The estimated inundation heights are 5-6m at Tsugaru (Aomori Pre.), 3-4m at Noto-Shitsura (Ishikawa Pre.), 1m at Obama (Fukui Pre.) and 1-2m at Gotsu (Shimane Pre.). The distribution pattern of the heights on Sado Island is highly similar to that of the 1983 NihonkaiChubu tsunami. However, the wave-period of the 1741 Oshima tsunami is longer than that of the 1983 tsunami, because the wave-heights are large in the big bays at Aburakawa and Ryotsu. Judging from the attenuation of tsunami height (semi-amplitude) with distance, the tsunami magnitude (Imamura-Iida scale) is m=3.5. The tsunami energy is five time larger than that of the 1983 tsunami (m=2.5). Compared to the magnitude and the distribution pattern of heights for the 1983 tsunami, this suggests that the source area of the 1741 tsunami extends about 150km along the bathymetric line 3,000m off the Oshima Peninsula.
工藤 一嘉 坂上 実
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.59, no.2, pp.361-382, 1984-10-20

1983年日本海中部地震の発生に伴ない,震央から270kmも離れた新潟県下の大型石油タンクから石油が溢流した.地震により石油が溢流することは,石油コンビナートの耐震安全性を考える上で極めて重要な問題であり,盗流の原因となったスロッシングの発生状況,地震動の特徴について検討した.新潟における本震の地震観測記録類には,それぞれ欠陥があり,正確な地震動を把握できなかったが,以下のような特徴が見い出された.1.溢流の生じたタンクのスロッシング周期,8~11秒における速度応答は少なくとも100cm/sec以上で200cm/secは超えない.2.最大地動変位は10cmから20cmの間である.3.長周期で大振幅の地動変位は,表面波としての特徴を有し,新潟における厚い堆積層による増幅を受けた結果である.スロッシングに対する基本的理解は,新潟のデータを大勢としては説明するが,スロッシングが異常に大きい例もあり,基木的理解に検討を加える余地が残されている.溢流を発生させないために設定されている入力地震動レベル(速度応答=100cm/sec)は,全国平均で見れば相当安全側に考慮されていると言える.しかし新潟の事例から,地域性を含めたより詳細な規準値の設定が要請される.Oil sloshed from the huge oil tanks at Niigata due to the Nihonkai-Chubu earthquake of 1983, eventhough the epicenter was as far as 270km away. The oil sloshed out generally for periods of 8 to 11 seconds. The earthquake motions at Niigata were estimated by analyzing the displacement records and the accelerogram (SMAC) from the mainshock (M=7.7) and the accelerogram (digital recordings) from the June 21 aftershock (M=7.1). Because the horizontal components of displacement-meter were overloaded and the recorded amplitudes by the SMACB type accelerograph were too small to be analyzed exactly, the results obtained should have errors somewhat greater than we expected. However, it can be said with a certain degree of reliabilty that; 1) velocity responses of one mass system caused by the mainshock at Niigata in the periods from 8 to 11 sec. were over 100cm/sec but less than 200cm/sec, 2) the maximum ground displacement at Niigata was between 10cm and 20cm, 3) the long-period and large ground-displacements at Niigata were mostly composed of surface waves excited by the thick sedimentary layers at the site. The limit value prescribed by the regulation for the safety of oil sloshing from the tanks is defined as a velocity response of 100cm/sec. It can be said that the limit value of 100cm/sec is reasonable as an average in Japan, but it should be increased for some sites due to local seismic-wave amplifications. The data on sloshing obtained at Niigata roughly match the model for the sloshing of liquid in the cylndrical shell as it is generally understood, but the data that do not confirm to the model are included. So, clarification is needed on the scattering of the maximum sloshing wave heights as revealed in the data at Niigata.
Hatori Tokutaro
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.4, pp.687-699, 1986-03-31

Based on tide-gauge records of Japan and other far-field data, the magnitudes of the Kurile-Kamchatka tsunamis during the past 77 years (1904-1980) are investigated. The features of a few tsunamis differ greatly. For example, the Kamchatka tsunami of Apr. 13, 1923 and the Kurile tsunami of Oct. 20,1963 which accompanied earthquakes with magnitudes of M=7.2-7.3 inundated the coastal areas near the tsunami source 10-20 meters. According to the author's method based on the attenuation of wave-height with distance, the magnitudes (Imamura-Iida scale, m) of these tsunamis are estimated to be m=2.5 and 2 respectively. The magnitudes of several tsunamis judged from the near-field and far-field data were a little different. At the Hokkaido and Sanriku coasts, North Japan, the waveheights (above ordinary tides) for the Kurile tsunamis with m=2.5-3 were 1.0-1.5 meters and 0.5 meters respectively. However, the distribution of the wave-heights for the Kamchatka tsunami was different. The wave-heights on the Sanriku coast were greater than those on Hokkaido. The great 1952 Kamchatka tsunami (m=4) inundated the Sanriku coast 2-3 meters. The wave-heights increased especially in the bays with the seiche of 43 min and 20 min. In the map of the source distribution, a tsunami (seismic) gap of 400-500 km exists along the trench in the North Kurile and West Aleutian Islands regions. In order to predict the travel times of tsunami along the Kurile and Japanese coasts, the refraction diagrams of two imaginary sources are drawn.1900年以降の80数年の間に,千島・カムチャツカ沖でおきた津波は,日本沿岸各地でしばしば観測され,ときには北海道・三陸や小笠原請島に被害をもたらした.ことに1952年11月のカムチャツカ津波では,三陸沿岸で2~3mの波高(平均海水面上)に達し,沿岸水産施設の災害のほか家屋の浸水被害もあって,遠地津波の挙動に注目を集めた最初の津波である.これらの津波規模を日本の検潮記録をはじめ,遠隔地で得られた波高データから,筆者の方法で検討を加えた.1975年6月の色丹島沖地震(M=7.0)で予想をこえる大きい津波を記録したが,そのほかに異常な津波が2~3ある.例えば,1923年4月のカムチャッカ,1963年10月20日のウルップ津波は局地的に10~15mの波高に達したが,広域の波高データから津波のマグニチュード(今村・飯田スケール)は,m=2.0~2.5と推定される.それにしても地震の規模(M=7.2~7.3)に対して,津波は異常に大きい.Fedotov,Soloviev,羽鳥の解析データから,千島・カムチャッカ地域における波源域の分布を示した.多くの地震学者が指摘しているように,千島北部とアリューシャン列島西部に400~500kmにわたる広域に,地震空白域が認められる.両地域に長さ400kmの津波の波源を想定して,伝播図を作図してみた.それによると,三陸沿岸の伝播時間は千島北部からのものが1.5時間,アリューシャン西部からでは3.0時間になる.そして三陸沿岸には,波面はいずれも同じような向きになった.津波の指向性を考えれば,アリューシャン西部からの津波は,波源の短軸方向から伝播することから,三陸沿岸では千島北部のものより波高は大きくなるであろう1952年カムチャッカ津波の挙動からみて,津波エネルギーは北海道よりむしろ三陸沿岸に集まる.また,波源の長さが400kmにもなれば,港湾のセイシュ周期40~45分の大型湾に顕著な波高の増幅がおこされよう.
下鶴 大輔 行田 紀也 鍵山 恒臣 小山 悦郎 萩原 道徳 辻 浩
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.57, no.3, pp.p537-559, 1982

The Asama Volcano in central Honshu, Japan, suddenly erupted from the summit crater on 26 April, 1982. Since the last eruptive activity in 1973, the volcano had been apparently inactive in its surface manifestation. The first outbreak took place at 0225 hours followed by four minor eruptions, the last of which occurred at 0548 hours the same day. The staff members on night duty at the volcano museum at the northern foot of Asama were awakened by the rattling of a window facing the volcano. Immediately upon opening the window they heard the detonation and witnessed an incandescent eruption column and a pyroclastic flow gushing from the summit. The sound of the first detonation was not strong and only heard by a limited number of local residents.
宇佐美 龍夫
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.50, no.2, pp.153-169, 1976-01-30 (Released:2008-05-30)
Mogi Kiyoo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.40, no.4, pp.815-829, 1963-03-10

Solov'ev S.L.
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.43, no.1, pp.103-109, 1965-07

力武 常次 Yukutake Takesi Yamazaki Yoshio Sawada Munehisa Sasai Yoichi Hagiwara Yukio Kawada Kaoru Yoshino Toshio Shimomura Takafumi
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.44, no.3, pp.1335-1370, 1967-01

Geomagnetic observations have been continued over the Matsushiro area since the middle of October, 1965. The results of observations during the period from February to April are reported. Five-day means of the total intensity observed at the centre of the seismic area revealed small fluctuations amounting to approximately ±2γ. As a result of magnetic dip surveys repeated with an interval of two months, it has turned out that there are localities where magnetic inclination changed more than 1'. Magnetic dip surveys were extended over the Toyono-Nakano-Susaka area in association with an unusual upheaval of land observed. Changes of the same amount as those in the Matsushiro area are indicated there. No clear relation between the geomagnetic changes and the seismic activities has been obtained.松代における全磁力の測定はその後も続けられ, 2月9日以来B測点では午前1時より2分間隔で6回自動的に測定するような装置に切りかえた.これは夜間の測定が昼間の測定よりよいデータを供するからである.この測定値と鹿野山の同時刻の値との差の5日平均の変動は±2γ程度のものであるが,これと地震活動との直接的な関係は明らかでない.
Fujioka Kantaro Kinoshita Masataka Choi Jai-Ho Fuse Keisuke Gamo Toshitaka Hasumoto Kouji Ishibashi Jun-ichiro Koga Kazuhide Miyata Hiroki Nishiyama Ei-ichiro Sayanagi Keizo Shimamura Kiyoshi Shitashima Kiminori Suzu
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.62, no.2, pp.61-132, 1987-10-23

The Mikura Basin and Hachijo Basin lie just beyond the volcanic front of the Izu-Ogasawara arc-trench system and the existence of submarine hydrothermal activity is expected. This area was surveyed during the cruise of KT 86-10 by the R/V Tansei-Maru, Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo from the 12th to the 21st of July, 1986. A small topographic high west of the Inanbajima which occupies the central part of the basin was found by a 12 kHz echo sounder as well as a seismic profiler. The small topographic high consists mostly of the boulder of volcanic rocks which were recognized later as two pyroxene andesites by the submersible "Shinkai 2000" of JAMSTEC. The other parts of the basins are covered by thick volcanogenic and biogenic materials having bioturbation structures on the surface by the bottom dwelling organisms. The geologic developments of the basins viewed from the present observations are as follows: Basement of the region was cut by the normal faults relating to the initiation of rifting the northern Izu-Ogasawara backarc area and followed to subside. Thick volcanic materials covered the basement. Compressional stress field after the end of the rifting may take place to form folding and fissure eruption of andesitic lava to make small knoll. CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) measurements across the knoll were carried out and temperature anomalies were found near the knoll. The temperature and salinity relationship observed along the knoll gives negative possibility to support the existence of presentday hydrothermal activity. Multichannel seismic profiler data show the existence of a low velocity part, which may possibly be a magma chamber, about 1.5 km beneath the Mikura Basin. All the other data support the existence of hydrothermal activity in the basins. However, it will be necessary to have more elaborate surveys of this area in future studies.御蔵海盆と八丈海盆は伊豆.小笠原島弧-海溝系の火山フロントのすぐ背後に位置している.これらの海盆には海底熱水活動の存在が期待されている.東京大学海洋研究所の淡青丸によるKT86-10次航海が1986年7月12日から21日の間行われ,この地域の地質学,地球物理学,及び地球化学的な調査がなされた.御蔵海盆の中央にある藺灘波島の西部からPDRと音波探査によって小さな地形的高まりが発見された.この高まりは北北西-南南東の伸長方向を持ちその幅数100メートル,高さ数10メートルで2マイル程度連続する.これは,火山岩の巨礫の積み重なった小丘で,その深部には断層が発達している.この火山岩の大部分は両輝石安山岩であることが後の「しんかい2000」の潜水調査で確かめられた.周辺の海盆底は厚い火山源及び生物源物質によって埋立てられており,堆積物が底生生物によって著しく乱されている.これらの海盆の発達史は音波探査の記録から以下の通りまとめられる.まず伊豆・小笠原背弧のリフティングに関連した正断層群によって,この地域の基盤が切られ沈降した.ひきつづきこの基盤を厚い火山物質が覆った.次に,北北西-南南東方向のσhmaxに平行な安山岩質溶岩の広域割れ目噴火を起こし,活断層と伴に小丘が形成され,この小丘を横切ってCTDの観測が行われ小丘の近くで0.05℃程の温度異常が見つかった.小丘に沿って観測された温度と塩分濃度の関係は現在の熱水活動の存在に否定的である.しかし,マルチチャソネル音波探査の結果は御蔵海盆の深さ約1.5kmのところにマグマ溜りの存在を示している.島弧を横切る方向の地殻熱流量の値の分布が火山フロントで高く,背にでもやや高いこと,断層による陥没及び活断層の存在,深海カメラや潜水艇で熱水性堆積物らしいものが撮影されていること,潜水艇のマニピュレータで得られた安山岩にFe-Mnに富む堆積物が付着していたことなどは海盆に熱水活動の存在することを支持しているが,この海域のもっと丹精なる調査が将来必要である.
相田 勇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.47, no.4, pp.673-700, 1969-09

The present work is an attempt to approach the problem of tsunami propagation by means of a numerical experiment. A preliminary experiment to examine the computing accuracy has been carried out for the square origin in a uniform water depth with a sufficient performance. The Niigata tsunami was treated, because the submarine crustal movement in the tsunami origin had been surveyed in detail. The experimental results were satisfactory in the comparison of the wave forms with two tide gage records and also in the comparison of profile of the maximum water elevation with the actual inundation height. The energy radiation pattern of the wave origin itself shows the directivity of such a shape as an Arabic numeral, 8, however, the actual tsunami radiates the strong energy toward the coast but the weak energy seaward. It is understood that this is caused by a refraction of wave on the sloping shelf. As for the Tokachi-oki tsunami, several models of wave origin were assumed for experiments. By comparing the computed result with tide gage records, the most probable model was selected.|日本近海の津波波源から海岸までの津波伝播の問題は,種々興味あるところであるが,今まで実験的に取扱つた例はなかつた.ここでは,数値実験の方法でこの問題を取扱つた.方法は,基礎微分方程式を差分方程式に変換し,計算格子上の各点の水位分布,流量分布を交互に計算する通常の方法である.予備実験として,正方形波源が,一定水深の海にある場合について行ない,格子間隔の疎い場合,細かい場合の比較を行なつた.続いて新潟津波について,水路部で測られた波源附近の海底の変動が瞬間的に起つたものとして,日本海岸の各地に到達する津波を求めた.検潮記録との比較で,実験波形はかなりよく一致し,また全体の波高分布も実測とよく一致する.波源自身のエネルギー放射の指向性についても調べたが,波源は8字形の指向性を持つている.実際には陸側にのみ強い指向性を示し,沖には非常に弱くなる.これは陸棚傾斜によるものと解される.十勝沖津波について数個の波源モデルが仮定され,それぞれについて実験が行なわれた.各地の検潮記録と比較した結果,最も適当と思われるモデルが求められた.それによると,波源域の北西隅に沈降地域があつて,沈降と上昇地域の境界は,ほぼ143°Eの線の上にある,隆起量の最大は約5m位である,などが推定される.
宮村 摂三 堀 実 安芸 敬一 松本 英照 安藤 誠一
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.39, no.4, 1962-03

1961年8月19日岐阜,福井,石川3県境界付近に発生した北美浜地震にともなう余震群を,本震震央南南西30kmの岐阜県郡上郡八幡町において8月27日より約1ケ月間磁気テープ記録による多成分観測装置によつて観測した.辺長1kmにちかい3点観測によつて初詣の到来方向,みかけの速度をもとめ余震群の分布を現地でただちに推定することができたが,それによると余震域は本震震央の西方にひろがるごくせまい面積をしめ,深度はO~25kmの地殼内にかぎられることがわかつた.余震域の面積A(km2)は本震の規模(M=7.2)から宇津・関の公式logA=M-4で推定されるものにくらべいちぢるしくせまい.なお余震群以外の局地的小地震が観測されたことも注目にあたいする結果である.|After the Kita Mino (North Mino) Earthquake of August 19th, 1961, we hurried to Hachiman, Gujo County, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan, about 30 kms south-east of the epicenter to observe its aftershock activity for several weeks. Tripartite stations were occupied, as shown in the map of Fig. 1, near the temporary observation room at Gujo High School and from Aug. 27th to Sept. 20th the observation were executed almost continuously.
浜田 和郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.46, no.2, pp.271-318, 1968-06

東畑 郁生 Ghalandarzadeh Abbas Shahnazari Habib Masoud Mohajeri Ali Shafiee
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.79, no.3, pp.69-80, 2004

Following the devastating earthquake disaster in Bam city, Iran, a reconnaissance team was sent to the site. The authors participated in its activities with special emphasis on geotechnical issues. A soil investigation in the city revealed that local soils have su$ciently good properties and cannot be the main source of heavy damage to houses. Because bridges and structures other than buildings experienced minor damage during the same earthquake, it seems that the structural weakness of houses made of masonry and adobe is a major problem. A possible mitigating measure may be to use light materials such as ESP, although consideration has to be given to the local climate and the landscape.
井田 喜明 長田 昇 沢田 宗久 小山 悦郎 鍵山 恒臣
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.64, no.2, pp.p325-345, 1989-09

火山噴火予知計画の一環として,地震研究所では,草津白根山の湯釜,涸釜,水釜火口の周囲に,6観測点からなる常設的な火山観測網を展開した.観測の中心は地震動であるが,地中温度,噴気温度,電気伝導度についても,連続観測を試行している.観測データは,無線テレメータにより,東京の地震研究所まで常時伝送される.地震研究所で受信したデータは,富士山や伊豆大島のデータと一緒に,ミニコンピュータにより,リアル・タイムで処理される.地震動のデータは,先ず振巾のレベルにより,次にノイズレベルや着震時刻も考慮して,地震かどうかの判定がなされる.更に,周辺の広域徴小地震観測網のデータと比較して,火山内部の地震かどうかが判断される.震源はオフラインで計算され,データに最もフィットするP波速度として2.5km/sが得られた.草津白根山では,1988年9月末から10月にかけて,火山性地震がやや群発的に発生した.その震源は,水釜火口南東部に集中した.その後,地震の震源は浅くなり,ほぼ同じ地点で間欠的な火山性微動が活発化した.1989年1月6日になると,連続的な微動が湯釜火口付近で起こり,24時間近くも継続した.それに伴って,湯釜火口の北西火口壁の付近の湖面下で,熱水か水蒸気(又は水蒸気を主体とする火山ガス)の急激な噴出があり,若干の火山灰が火口湖面およびその近傍に散布された.この小噴火の後には,震源が水釜火口南東部に集中する傾向は弱まった.水釜火口の南東部における火山性地震と火山性微動の活動は,マグマや水蒸気の移動と対応し,1月6日の小噴火の準備過程であったと推定される.A permanent network system for observations of volcanic activities have been installed in the vicinity of the Yugama, Karegama and Mizugama craters of Kusatsu-Shirane volcano. The system provides seismological data as well as preliminary results of continuous observations of underground temperatures, fumarolic temperatures and underground electric conductivities. All the data are continuously transmitted to the Earthquake Research Institute by a radio-wave telemetering system. The data are subject to real time processing in a mini-computer along with data of Fuji and Izu-Oshima volcanoes. Seismic events are first picked up, based on the amplitude level of the ground motions, and then examined in more detail, taking into account the noise levels, the arrival times and whether it occurred inside or outside the volcanic area. In the calculation of hypocenters, a P-wave seismic velocity of 2.5 km/s, which is best fit to the arrival times of the seismic waves, is assumed. Swarm-like seismic activity was observed from the end of September through October, 1988 at Kusatsu-Shirane volcano. Most of the determined hypocenters during this activity were concentrated below a specific point southeast of the Mizugama crater. In the following period, hypocenters were shifted to the shallower part of the same area, and the episodic volcanic tremors were more frequent. On January 6, 1989, a continuous volcanic tremor suddenly occurred and lasted for almost 24 hours. This tremor was accompanied by a silent extrusion of hot steam or water at the northwest part of Yugama crater with a small amount of volcanic ash distributed over the Yugama crater lake. After this small eruptive event, the hypocenters of volcanic earthquakes became more scattered. It is inferred that the volcanic earthquakes and tremors centered southeast of the Mizugama crater reflect the underground migration of magma or hot steam, and were precursors of the eruptive event on January 6.
津屋 弘達 Morimoto Ryohei Ossaka Joyo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.32, no.3, pp.289-312, 1954-09
