相田 勇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.56, no.4, pp.p713-730, 1981

南海道沖におこる巨大地震による津波の波源断層モデルを数値実験によって検討した.1946年南海地震を東西二つの断層によってあらわす.今回求められた断層モデルの特徴は,西側断層の西端が,足摺岬の東側約30kmにあること,東側の断層面の傾斜角が10°と低角であることである.また西側断層による海底変動継続時間を断定することはむずかしいが,3~10分程度と,普通の地震より長い方が,計算波形と実際記録の一致がよい.1854年安政南海地震津波の波源断層モデルは,南海地震の断層とくらべて,東側断層が北側に位置し,西側断層が30km長く求められた.また,ずれの量は約15%大きい.このモデルで大阪の津波の高さは2.4mとなるが,従来の推定値よりやや低い.しかし海岸においてこの程度の高さがあるならば,堀に津波が侵入する際,多くの船を上流に押し込み,地震をおそれて船上に避難していた人多数を犠牲にする可能性は十分あると考えられる.1707年宝永津波の場合は,足摺岬付近の津波の高さが,安政津波の約1.5倍もあり,また室戸岬,高知の地盤変動量が安政地震の際の約2倍といわれている.このため安政津波と相似形の波源断層モデルではよく近似できない.ここでは西側断層を更に二つに分割して三つの断層面をもうモデルによってこれを説明した.Source models of past tsunamis generated off the Pacific coast in the Nankaido district are examined by the trial and error method of numerical experiments on the basis of seismic fault models. The fault model for the 1946 Nankai earthquake consists of the eastern and the western fault planes. The peculiarity of this model is that the western margin of the fault is located 30 km eastward of Ashizuri-Misaki and the dip angle of the eastern fault plane is as low as 10 degrees. It may be difficult to define uniquely the duration time of the bottom deformation from the results of present numerical experiments. The prevailing speculation, though, seems to be that the duration time of the western part is 3 to 10 minutes, which is slower than that of the eastern part. The reliability factor, k, of the model, a logarithmic standard deviation of the ratios of observed and computed values for five reference stations, is 1.12. The fault model for the 1854 Ansei-Nankai tsunami is 30 km longer in the western fault and 15% larger in the slip displacement than that for the 1946 tsunami. The computed tsunami height at Osaka is 2.4 meters, which is smaller than the published estimated value, 2.5~3 meters. However, since Osaka is situated on the delta of the Yodo river and has many small canals, a tsunami 2.4 meters high at shore may invade canals as waves like bores and do tremendous damages to many boats and bridges, just as described in old documents. In the 1707 Hoei-Nankai tsunami, the tsunami heights at the southwestern region of Shikoku were about 1.5 times higher and the uplift at Muroto-saki about 2 times larger than those of the 1854 tsunami. Therefore, the fault model similar to the 1854 earthquake cannot explain the above characteristics. A model having three separate faults is proposed for this tsunami.
羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.50, no.4, pp.397-414, 1976-03-31
都司 嘉宣 佐竹 健治 石辺 岳男 楠本 聡 原田 智也 西山 昭仁 金 幸隆 上野 俊洋 室谷 智子 大木 聖子 杉本 めぐみ 泊 次郎 Heidarzadeh Mohammad 綿田 辰吾 今井 健太郎 Choi Byung Ho Yoon Sung Bum Bae Jae Seok Kim Kyeong Ok Kim Hyun Woo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.3/4, pp.29-279, 2012-03-16

We report the results of field surveys conducted by the Earthquake Research Institute, to measure tsunami heights from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan Earthquake (M 9.0), on March 11. Measurements were taken at 296 points on the Sanriku coasts of Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures, and the Pacific coasts of Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. The data are included in the results of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group. We did not cover the Sendai plain in the southern Miyagi Prefecture because other parties extensively measure there, nor Fukushima Prefecture because of the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The twelve surveys first sought traces indicating tsunami runup or inundation heights. Reliability was classified into A (most reliable based on clear physical evidence and eyewitness accounts), B (mostly based on natural traces), and C (least reliable based on equivocal evidence). Most physical evidence obtained after June was not significant; therefore, reliance was mostly placed on eyewitness accounts. Locations and relative heights above sea level were measured using handheld GPS receivers, auto-level, or total station. The measured heights were corrected for differences in tide level between measurement time and tsunami arrival time. The results are shown on table and four regional maps; however, the details of each measurement, including locations shown on 1:25,000 maps and photographs of evidence are shown in the Appendix. Along the northern Sanriku coast (Aomori and Iwate), most of the 141 heights range between 10m and 30m. Runup heights exceeding 30m were measured at one location in Noda Village and nine locations in Miyako City. On the southern Sanriku coast in Miyagi, most of the 76 measurements range between 4 and 20 m. On the Ibaraki coast, 36 measurements range from 2.8 to 8.1 m, and the heights generally decease toward the south. On the Chiba coast, 43 measurements range from 0.7 to 7.9 m, with the maximum height near Iioka, Asahi City.
松田 時彦 有山 智雄
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.2, pp.p281-316, 1985
4 1

相田 勇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.52, no.1, pp.71-101, 1977-11-30
井田 喜明 山岡 耕春 渡辺 秀文
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.63, no.2, pp.183-200, 1988-11-11

中村 一明
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.58, no.3, pp.711-722, 1984-01-14

井村 隆介
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.69, no.4, pp.189-209, 1995-03-31

羽鳥 徳太郎
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.60, no.3, pp.p429-438, 1985

相田 勇
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.56, no.2, pp.p367-390, 1981

地震断層モデルを波源とする津波数値実験が,東海道沖においても有用であることは,1944年東南海津波の例によって認められた.ここでは数値実験によって,1854年安政東海津波,1707年宝永津波,1605年慶長津波,1498年明応津波の波源断層モデルのパラメータを求めた.いずれも東海道に問題を限って議論される.この中,安政,宝永津波については,かなり信頼度の高いモデルが確定された.しかし慶長,明応津波については,史料の乏しいことなどもあって,信頼度が低いことは否めない.これらの津波の特徴を比較すると,地域によっては明応津波が最も高く,災害予測の面から見落すことのできない津波であると考えられる.また局地モデルによる清水港の陸上遡上計算の結果,防波堤,埋立地などの港湾工事が,津波の高さを軽減するのにかなり効果を持っていることがわかった.また津波危険度の局地性についても,計算上の結果が得られた.Several tsunamis accompanying large earthquakes occurred in the coastal vicinity of the Tokaido district, Central Japan. All these tsunamis differed greatly in behavior. The numerical experiments are curried out for these tsunamis to prepare for tsunami hazards and to clarify some of the characteristics of earthquakes in this region. Linear shallow water equations are solved by a space staggered finite difference scheme which is telescoped at selected coastal regions. Many historical documents describing the 1854 Ansei-Tokai tsunami still remain and some investigators have used these documents to estimated the inundation heights at about 50 sites. The numerical experiment of the tsunami based on the published parameters of this earthquake explains satisfactorily the distribution of the real tsunami heights along the coast. Documents describing the 1605 Keicho and the 1498 Meio tsunamis are so scarce that estimates of the real inundation heights may be somewhat inaccurate. The source models for these tsunamis are also determined from among several hypothetical models. They are located south of the generating area of the 1854 tsunami. Descriptions of the inundations caused by the 1498 and the 1605 tsunamis in the district's typical harbors of Shimizu and Shimoda are not found in historical documents. The tsunami heights in these two harbors estimated by simulations of these tsunamis are considerably higher than those of recent tsunamis. Local model experiments including the effects of inundated water on land and quadratic bottom friction are made for the Shimizu harbor. It is clearly seen that the difference of the inundation pattern was caused by changes in the coastal geometry such as harbor construction. Attempts are made to zone tsunami hazards by estimating the hydraulic pressure caused by inundated water.
宇津 徳治
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.54, no.2, pp.253-308, 1979-12-25

Only one catalog has been available for moderate to large earthquakes occurring in the region of Japan in the years 1885 to 1925. However, this catalog, published by the Central Meteorological Observatory in 1952, has often been criticized as misleading, because no con- sideration is given to the depth of focus and magnitude values are unreasonably large for many earthquakes. A new catalog of earthquakes of M≧6 is prepared in this study to meet the demand in earthquake prediction and earthquake risk studies in Japan. Both instrumental and macroseismic data are used in the determination of focal parameters. Most of the data are taken from either published reports of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee, or written station reports collected and stored by the Japan Meteorological Agency and the University of Tokyo. The hypocenter location is mainly based on the S-P time intervals and the magnitude determination is mostly due to the maximum amplitude recorded by old-fashioned seismographs. For older events, the determination is more dependent on the seismic intensity distributions. The catalog (Table 7) lists 555 earthquakes of M≧5.9 and 53 destructive earthquakes of M ≧5.8. The procedure for the focal parameter determination is explained in detail using six sample earthquakes. Referring to the epicenter maps constructed from this catalog, characteristics of the seismicity of Japan in the period 1885-1925 are described. More detailed studies using this catalog will be given elsewhere. A special description of 79 selected earthquakes of particular interests is given in the last half of the paper.
Kanamori Hiroo Miyamura Setumi
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.48, no.2, pp.115-125, 1970-06-10

Old seismological data were used to re-evaluate the Great Kanto Earthquake of September 1, 1923. On the basis of reported P times at about one hundred stations the hypocenter parameters were determined as: origin time, 2h58m32s; latitude 35.4°N; longitude, 139.2°E; depth, 0 to 10km. The above epicenter may be uncertain by ±15 km. The surface-wave magnitude was re-evaluated using seismograms from 17 stations. The average value of 8.16 was obtained.|1923年9月1日の関東大地震の震源とマグニチュードを再決定した.震源決定に用いた資料はInternational Seismological Summaryや日本の文献に発表されているP波の発震時で約100の観測点の値を用いた.再決定された震源要素は次の通りである.震源時:02時58分32秒,震央緯度:35.4°N,震央経度:139.2°E,深さ:O~10km.この震央の誤差は±15km位である.マグニチュードの決定は,17ケ所の観測所で記録された周期20秒程度の表面波の振幅を用いて行なつた.平均値として8.16が得られた.
Kanamori Hiroo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.49, no.1/3, pp.13-18, 1971-09-30

The fault parameters of the Great Kanto earthquake of September 1, 1923, are determined on the basis of the first-motion data, aftershock area, and the amplitude of surface waves at teleseismic stations. It is found that the faulting of this earthquake is a reverse right-lateral fault on a plane which dips 34° towards N20°E. The auxiliary plane has a dip of 80° towards S55°E. This means that the foot-wall side moves approximately north-west with respect to the hanging wall side. The strike of the fault plane is almost parallel to that of the Sagami trough, and the slip direction is more or less perpendicular to the trend of the Japan trench. This earthquake is therefore considered to represent a slippage between two crustal blocks bounded by the Sagami trough. A seismic moment of 7.6×1027 dyne-cm is obtained. If the fault dimension is taken to be 130×70 km2, the average slip on the fault plane and the stress drop are estimated to be 2.1m and 18 bars respectively. This slip is about 1/3 of that estimated from geodetic data. This discrepancy may indicate an existence of a pre-seismic deformation which did not contribute to the seismic wave radiation, but the evidence from other observations is not very firm.|関東地震の断層パラメターをP波の初動分布と長周期表面波の振幅からきめた.その結果,この地震はN20°Eの方向に34°傾いた面上での右ずれ・逆断層であらわされることがわかつた.断層面の大きさを130×70km2とすると,断層面上でのすべりは約2m, stress dropは18バールである.断層上でのすべりのむきが相模troughの走向に平行で,日本海溝に垂直であり,また震源が浅く(地殻内)かつ日本海溝から遠くはなれていることを考ると,関東地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用の直接の結果とは考えにくい.むしろ,この地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用によつて2次的に起つた,相模troughを境とする二つの地塊のずれによるものであると解釈できる.地殻変動の大きさから推定されているすべりの大きさは7mであるが,これは表面波の振幅から推定された値2mよりはるかに大きい.この違いは種々の誤差を考慮にいれてもなお有意義と思われる.このくいちがいは,全体の地殻変動量のうち2分以内の時定数をもつもののみが地震波の発生に関与したと考えれば説明できる.
金森 博雄
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.49, no.1, pp.13-18, 1971-09

The fault parameters of the Great Kanto earthquake of September 1, 1923, are determined on the basis of the first-motion data, aftershock area, and the amplitude of surface waves at teleseismic stations. It is found that the faulting of this earthquake is a reverse right-lateral fault on a plane which dips 34° towards N20°E. The auxiliary plane has a dip of 80° towards S55°E. This means that the foot-wall side moves approximately north-west with respect to the hanging wall side. The strike of the fault plane is almost parallel to that of the Sagami trough, and the slip direction is more or less perpendicular to the trend of the Japan trench. This earthquake is therefore considered to represent a slippage between two crustal blocks bounded by the Sagami trough. A seismic moment of 7.6×1027 dyne-cm is obtained. If the fault dimension is taken to be 130×70 km2, the average slip on the fault plane and the stress drop are estimated to be 2.1m and 18 bars respectively. This slip is about 1/3 of that estimated from geodetic data. This discrepancy may indicate an existence of a pre-seismic deformation which did not contribute to the seismic wave radiation, but the evidence from other observations is not very firm.|関東地震の断層パラメターをP波の初動分布と長周期表面波の振幅からきめた.その結果,この地震はN20°Eの方向に34°傾いた面上での右ずれ・逆断層であらわされることがわかつた.断層面の大きさを130×70km2とすると,断層面上でのすべりは約2m, stress dropは18バールである.断層上でのすべりのむきが相模troughの走向に平行で,日本海溝に垂直であり,また震源が浅く(地殻内)かつ日本海溝から遠くはなれていることを考ると,関東地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用の直接の結果とは考えにくい.むしろ,この地震は海と陸のリゾスフィアの相互作用によつて2次的に起つた,相模troughを境とする二つの地塊のずれによるものであると解釈できる.地殻変動の大きさから推定されているすべりの大きさは7mであるが,これは表面波の振幅から推定された値2mよりはるかに大きい.この違いは種々の誤差を考慮にいれてもなお有意義と思われる.このくいちがいは,全体の地殻変動量のうち2分以内の時定数をもつもののみが地震波の発生に関与したと考えれば説明できる.