西山 昭仁
東京大學地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.85, no.1, pp.33-47, 2010-12-24

A large earthquake, called the"Bunsei Kyoto earthquake,"occurred at about 3 : 00 P.M.-5 : 00 P.M. 2nd day of 7th month, Bunsei 13th (Gregorian calendar: 19 August, 1830) in Kyoto, Kinki district, Japan, causing enormous damage, especially in the central part of Kyoto city. Large structures of representative architecture in Kyoto city at the time such as the Nijo Castle, Imperial Palace, and major temples, as well as the walls (e.g., stone walls or tamped earthen walls) surrounding them were heavily damaged. Further, there were collapses of a number of Machiya, traditional Japanese residential architectural style incorporating workplaces of merchants and craftsmen, which caused many casualties. About 60% of the area of Kyoto city was occupied by such buildings housing merchants and craftsmen in those days. One major contributing factor of the collapses of Machiya is thought to be the rapid diffusion of pantile roofs in the 19th century.
石辺 岳男 西山 昭仁 佐竹 健治 島崎 邦彦
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.84, no.2, pp.149-182, 2009

The Earthquake Research Committee of the Headquarters of Earthquake Research and Promotion estimated the probability of an earthquake of magnitude around 7.0 occurring during the next 30 years as 70%. This is based on five earthquakes that occurred in the southern Kanto region (i.e., the 1894 Meiji-Tokyo earthquake, the 1921 and 1922 Ibaraki-ken Nanbu earthquakes, the 1922 Uraga-channel earthquake and the 1987 Chiba-ken Toho-Oki earthquake). However, it has been revealed that the Kanto region is situated on complicated tectonic conditions due to subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Pacific Plate beneath the continental plate, and that various types of earthquake occur. Therefore, it is necessary to classify these earthquakes into interplate and slab earthquakes, and to estimate their recurrence intervals. In this paper, at the outset of such studies, we review previous studies on two earthquakes (the 1894 Meiji-Tokyo and 1895 Ibaraki-ken Nanbu earthquakes) that occurred in the Meiji era and collect the data.
村岸 純 西山 昭仁 矢田 俊文 榎原 雅治 石辺 岳男 中村 亮一 佐竹 健治

都司 嘉宣 佐竹 健治 石辺 岳男 楠本 聡 原田 智也 西山 昭仁 金 幸隆 上野 俊洋 室谷 智子 大木 聖子 杉本 めぐみ 泊 次郎 Heidarzadeh Mohammad 綿田 辰吾 今井 健太郎 Choi Byung Ho Yoon Sung Bum Bae Jae Seok Kim Kyeong Ok Kim Hyun Woo
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.3/4, pp.29-279, 2012-03-16

We report the results of field surveys conducted by the Earthquake Research Institute, to measure tsunami heights from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan Earthquake (M 9.0), on March 11. Measurements were taken at 296 points on the Sanriku coasts of Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures, and the Pacific coasts of Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. The data are included in the results of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group. We did not cover the Sendai plain in the southern Miyagi Prefecture because other parties extensively measure there, nor Fukushima Prefecture because of the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The twelve surveys first sought traces indicating tsunami runup or inundation heights. Reliability was classified into A (most reliable based on clear physical evidence and eyewitness accounts), B (mostly based on natural traces), and C (least reliable based on equivocal evidence). Most physical evidence obtained after June was not significant; therefore, reliance was mostly placed on eyewitness accounts. Locations and relative heights above sea level were measured using handheld GPS receivers, auto-level, or total station. The measured heights were corrected for differences in tide level between measurement time and tsunami arrival time. The results are shown on table and four regional maps; however, the details of each measurement, including locations shown on 1:25,000 maps and photographs of evidence are shown in the Appendix. Along the northern Sanriku coast (Aomori and Iwate), most of the 141 heights range between 10m and 30m. Runup heights exceeding 30m were measured at one location in Noda Village and nine locations in Miyako City. On the southern Sanriku coast in Miyagi, most of the 76 measurements range between 4 and 20 m. On the Ibaraki coast, 36 measurements range from 2.8 to 8.1 m, and the heights generally decease toward the south. On the Chiba coast, 43 measurements range from 0.7 to 7.9 m, with the maximum height near Iioka, Asahi City.
都司 嘉宣 中西 一郎 佐藤 孝之 草野 顕之 纐纈 一起 西山 昭仁 行谷 佑一

原田 智也 西山 昭仁 佐竹 健治 古村 孝志

慶長十六年十月二十八日(1611年12月2日)の三陸地震(以下,「慶長三陸地震」)は,地震動による被害の記録は未発見だが,東北地方・北海道の太平洋岸で津波による犠牲者が多数出たと記録されている.この特徴が,1896年明治三陸地震(M8.1)や1933年昭和三陸地震(M8.1)の特徴と似ていることから,慶長地震は,これらと同タイプの地震であったと考えられてきた(羽鳥,1975;相田,1977;渡辺,1998).ところが,2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震(M9.0;以下,「東北地震」)の発生後,慶長三陸地震による津波が,東北地震による津波と同様に広域的に高かったと判断し(例えば,蝦名,2014;岩本,2013),この津波を再現するためには,東北地震と同規模の断層面を持つプレート間地震(Mw8.4〜8.7)(今井・他,2015),あるいは,Mw9.0の津波地震(福原・谷岡,2017)を考える必要があることを,津波シミュレーションに基づき議論している.この判断は,三陸地方や仙台平野に伝わる津波の伝説や伝承を含む歴史記録に基づく津波高や浸水範囲(例えば,羽鳥,1975;都司・他,2011;蝦名・今井,2014)の推定が,東北地震と同等以上であることを主な根拠としている.しかし,津波高や浸水域の推定方法,推定に使われた歴史記録の信頼性について十分な検討が行われたとは言い難く,歴史研究者からも疑問が呈されている(例えば,菅野,2014;佐々木,2014;斎野,2017). そこで本研究では,同時代史料による慶長地震の特徴と東北地震を比較することにより,慶長三陸地震の震源像を考察した. 東北地震の発生時,東京は震度5弱〜5強の強い揺れに長時間見舞われ,本震後24時間以内の有感地震は200回を越えた(気象庁震度データベースによる).さらに,長野県北部でMw6.7,静岡県東部でMw6.4の誘発地震が発生し,被害も出た.よって,慶長三陸地震が東北地震と同規模のプレート間地震であれば,江戸では長時間の強い揺れとそれに伴う大被害,さらに,数日以上にわたる余震・誘発地震による揺れが記録されている可能性がある.実際に,寛政五年一月七日(1793年2月17日)の宮城県沖の地震(M8.0〜8.4)では,江戸で小被害と地震後2日間で約50回の有感地震が記録されている(宇佐美・他,2013). 慶長三陸地震発生時の江戸には,京都の公家の山科言緒と舟橋秀賢が滞在しており,それぞれ,『言緒卿記』に「(廿八日)辰刻大地振,(廿九日)至夜地動」,『慶長日件録』に「(廿八日)午刻地震,(廿九日)丑刻地動」と記している.本震の震度は3程度と推定され,長時間揺れたという記述はない.また,余震によると思われる揺れは,本震翌日の“地動”が1回記録されているのみである.さらに,両日記には,地震翌日に武蔵野見物に行った様子が記されており,有感地震が続発した状況はみられない.『駿府記』によれば,徳川家康は十月廿六日以降に現埼玉県内で何事もなく鷹狩りを挙行している.また,東北地震後のような誘発被害地震の記録もない.したがって,関東において,本震の揺れが弱く,活発な余震活動や誘発地震の記録がない慶長三陸地震が,東北地震と同規模の断層面を持つプレート間地震であったとは考え難い. 斎野(2017)によれば,仙台平野の考古遺跡からは,岩沼市の高大瀬遺跡を除いてこの地震によると考えられる津波堆積物は確認されていない.また,岩手県宮古市の沼の浜,福島県南相馬市の井田川低地においても確認されておらず(Goto et al. 2019; Kusumoto et al. 2018),慶長三陸地震の津波の規模は東北地震より小さかった可能性が高い. 以上より,この地震は,三陸海岸で10m以上の高い津波を発生させたが,東京において本震の揺れが弱く,余震もほぼ感じられなかった明治三陸地震か昭和三陸地震と同タイプの地震であった可能性が高い. なお,後世に成立した史料や成立年不明の史料の中には,慶長三陸地震の5年後の元和二年(1616年)十月廿八日に地震と津波があったことを示す史料が含まれる.例えば,『大槌古館由来記』では「元和二年丙辰年大津波,其日十月廿八日八日市日ニて,朝よりゆり出度々地震仕候,」の記述がある. 元和二年には,七月廿八日に仙台城の石垣・櫓に大被害を与えた大地震が記録されており,(『伊達治家記録』),時刻は異なるが江戸における長時間の地震の揺れの記述もある(『イギリス商館長日記』).商館長日記には,翌日にも江戸で2,3回の地震があったと記述されている.したがって,『大槌古館由来記』のような史料では,慶長三陸地震と元和二年の大地震とが混同されている可能性がある.今後,慶長三陸地震の地震像を考えるに当たり,元和二年の大地震を含めた検討が必要である.
原田 智也 西山 昭仁 佐竹 健治 古村 孝志

西山 昭仁
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.85, no.1-2, pp.33-47, 2010

A large earthquake, called the"Bunsei Kyoto earthquake,"occurred at about 3 : 00 P.M.-5 : 00 P.M. 2nd day of 7th month, Bunsei 13th (Gregorian calendar: 19 August, 1830) in Kyoto, Kinki district, Japan, causing enormous damage, especially in the central part of Kyoto city. Large structures of representative architecture in Kyoto city at the time such as the Nijo Castle, Imperial Palace, and major temples, as well as the walls (e.g., stone walls or tamped earthen walls) surrounding them were heavily damaged. Further, there were collapses of a number of Machiya, traditional Japanese residential architectural style incorporating workplaces of merchants and craftsmen, which caused many casualties. About 60% of the area of Kyoto city was occupied by such buildings housing merchants and craftsmen in those days. One major contributing factor of the collapses of Machiya is thought to be the rapid diffusion of pantile roofs in the 19th century.
都司 嘉宣 佐竹 健治 石辺 岳男 楠本 聡 原田 智也 西山 昭仁 金 幸隆 上野 俊洋 室谷 智子 大木 聖子 杉本 めぐみ 泊 次郎 Heidarzadeh Mohammad 綿田 辰吾 今井 健太郎 Choi Byung Ho Yoon Sung Bum Bae Jae Seok Kim Kyeong Ok Kim Hyun Woo
東京大學地震研究所彙報 = Bulletin of the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo (ISSN:00408972)
vol.86, no.3-4, pp.29-279, 2012-03-16

We report the results of field surveys conducted by the Earthquake Research Institute, to measure tsunami heights from the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku, Japan Earthquake (M 9.0), on March 11. Measurements were taken at 296 points on the Sanriku coasts of Aomori, Iwate, and Miyagi Prefectures, and the Pacific coasts of Ibaraki and Chiba Prefectures. The data are included in the results of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group. We did not cover the Sendai plain in the southern Miyagi Prefecture because other parties extensively measure there, nor Fukushima Prefecture because of the accident of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The twelve surveys first sought traces indicating tsunami runup or inundation heights. Reliability was classified into A (most reliable based on clear physical evidence and eyewitness accounts), B (mostly based on natural traces), and C (least reliable based on equivocal evidence). Most physical evidence obtained after June was not significant; therefore, reliance was mostly placed on eyewitness accounts. Locations and relative heights above sea level were measured using handheld GPS receivers, auto-level, or total station. The measured heights were corrected for differences in tide level between measurement time and tsunami arrival time. The results are shown on table and four regional maps; however, the details of each measurement, including locations shown on 1:25,000 maps and photographs of evidence are shown in the Appendix. Along the northern Sanriku coast (Aomori and Iwate), most of the 141 heights range between 10m and 30m. Runup heights exceeding 30m were measured at one location in Noda Village and nine locations in Miyako City. On the southern Sanriku coast in Miyagi, most of the 76 measurements range between 4 and 20 m. On the Ibaraki coast, 36 measurements range from 2.8 to 8.1 m, and the heights generally decease toward the south. On the Chiba coast, 43 measurements range from 0.7 to 7.9 m, with the maximum height near Iioka, Asahi City.
西山 昭仁
地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.85, no.1/2, pp.33-47, 2010

A large earthquake, called the"Bunsei Kyoto earthquake,"occurred at about 3 : 00 P.M.-5 : 00 P.M. 2nd day of 7th month, Bunsei 13th (Gregorian calendar: 19 August, 1830) in Kyoto, Kinki district, Japan, causing enormous damage, especially in the central part of Kyoto city. Large structures of representative architecture in Kyoto city at the time such as the Nijo Castle, Imperial Palace, and major temples, as well as the walls (e.g., stone walls or tamped earthen walls) surrounding them were heavily damaged. Further, there were collapses of a number of Machiya, traditional Japanese residential architectural style incorporating workplaces of merchants and craftsmen, which caused many casualties. About 60% of the area of Kyoto city was occupied by such buildings housing merchants and craftsmen in those days. One major contributing factor of the collapses of Machiya is thought to be the rapid diffusion of pantile roofs in the 19th century.